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[FE12]Draft Tier List


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[spoiler=Generic Ruleset]


1. This draft is for 5 players

2. Marth, Arran, Xane, Feena, and Rickard are free for all. My Unit is free for all, but is restricted to Female Mage, Cleric, Myrmidon, Archer, and their promoted counterparts.

3. The game will be played on Hard 1.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, and shop.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors and activating Supports.

3. All characters are free for Prologue chapters. However, all drafted characters who are recruitable in the Prologue must be recruited.

4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want.

5. All Gaiden chapters must be visited.

6. The game must be played out to the True Ending.


1. Forging, the Rainbow Potion, Lunatic Statboosters and use of Wi-fi features are strictly prohibited.

2. Male Class Set Combination is allowed.

3. Warp may not be used on Marth. Rescue may not be used on Marth by a unit who has been Warped or rescued earlier in the chapter. Hammerne may not be used on Rescue.

4. Use of the Base Arena is allowed.

5. Use of the Clock Bonus is strictly prohibited.


1. Undrafted units have a 4-turn penalty, per unit per chapter.


1. Palla is free for Chapter 3.

2. Yubello, Yumina, Ogma and Sirius are free for Chapter 4.

3. Navarre is free for Chapter 7.

4. Merric is free for Chapter 10.

5. Nyna, Maria, Lena and Elice are free for Final.

I set out to make tier lists for drafts for each game there ever was, to catch them is my goal or something like that. :p Without further ado, I present thine Tier List to thyself:

(Red= costs turns, Blue = might cost, Otherwise = doesn't cost turns)

Draft Me ASAP






Second Pick






Third Pick






Fourth Pick






Fifth Pick






Sixth Pick






Seventh Pick






Eigth Pick






Ninth Pick






Tenth Pick






Eleventh Pick






Twelth Pick






Why are you even drafting me!?







Inb4 Palla not first comments.

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what is it with FE12 tier lists and not having dolph

i know he's the most utterly forgettable and useless turd imaginable but rly

Also, why is Abel below Est? I get that Abel isn't going to blow anyone away coming so late and so weak, but Est seems to be even worse.

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what is it with FE12 tier lists and not having dolph

i know he's the most utterly forgettable and useless turd imaginable but rly

Also, why is Abel below Est? I get that Abel isn't going to blow anyone away coming so late and so weak, but Est seems to be even worse.

Wow, poor Dolph. How could I forget such a beastly unit? :P As for Abel vs Est. It really all comes down to Base Arena. Est can be made into a very powerful Falcoknight in H1 (provided you are willing to sacrifice a bunch of money and Lady Sword uses). While Abel tends to cost more in the arena and is overall, less salvageable.

Edited by PKL
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Wrys should probably be higher since he's an early joining staff user like Yumina and Malliesia and its really easy to get him to D staves in the prologue. Obviously Yumina and Malliesia have better stats and therefore better Gharnef killers but even Wrys can do the job.

I'd certainly pick him over shitstains like Horace and Athena.

Edited by Tyrant Sage
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Wrys should probably be higher since he's an early joining staff user like Yumina and Malliesia and its really easy to get him to D staves in the prologue. Obviously Yumina and Malliesia have better stats and therefore better Gharnef killers but even Wrys can do the job.

I'd certainly pick him over shitstains like Horace and Athena.

Yeah, Wrys should be higher. He can actually reach Again/Warp by Chapter 14.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it's possible to one-turn while recruiting Katarina. Whether or not you want to burn Again charges is a different matter.

EDIT: If a scrub like me can do it, it's possible

Perhaps make a different color showing stuff like who might cost turns, but staff shenanigans can mitigate/prevent it?

Edited by eclipse
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I think it's possible to one-turn while recruiting Katarina. Whether or not you want to burn Again charges is a different matter.

EDIT: If a scrub like me can do it, it's possible

Perhaps make a different color showing stuff like who might cost turns, but staff shenanigans can mitigate/prevent it?

But costing an Again use might as well be costing a turn :P.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm gonna start writing in-depth analysis, strats, class recommendations and all that every day for each of the characters.

We'll start with


Luke, the top of top tier. Let's look at why he's there in drafts, shall we?


Class	Lv	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Cavalier 1	20	7	0	5	7	4	7	0


HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
90	60	0	50	50	40	40	5

[spoiler=Absolute Base stats and Growths]

HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
2	2	0	3	1	4	0	0

HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
50	45	0	25	40	40	25	10

Luke is a solid unit. His bases are eh, but he has a lot of room to grow and a 8 chapters to get to a decent level. He sports a D in swords and an unimpressive E lances.

He's a unit that's available from Prologue 3 onwards and can get a few kills here and there even in LTC Prologue. Without costing any turns, Luke can get to approximately, Level 5-Level 6. Let's say he leaves the Prologue at Level 5. This makes him come out of Prologue with the following:

Class	Lv	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Cavalier 5	23.6	9.4	0	7	9	5.6	8.6	0.2

He misses doubling the Chapter 1 barbarians by exactly 1 point. So staying Cavalier isnt a very good idea. To double, Luke has a few choices:

Reclass to Pirate

This puts him at 11 AS, which is enough to double all the enemies in the map. While also boosting his growths to:

HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
120	75	0	40	70	40	25	0

Pirate class allows Luke to ORKO most enemies in Ch1 and gives him excellent offensive growths. The catch of course, is not being able to develop/utilize his sword rank. He must build his Axe rank all the way from E. But considering Pirate's overkill offense, this really shouldn't be much of an issue. He is very probable to get to D rank by Chapter 3x and should be ready/almost ready to promote by then in a draft setting. Let's say he's 18/1 by Chapter 5. This puts him at:

Class	Lv	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
DK	18/1	41.2	21	1	15.2	19	10.8	14.85	3.2	

Class	Lv	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Paladin 18/1	43.2	20	1	15.2	19	10.8	12.85	6.2

And also puts him at D Lances. This is more than capable of acting as the main combat unit in Chapter 5, able to take out the boss in less than 5 turns and possibly visit the Shop/Armory. He's also ready to take on anything Chapter 6 throws at him, possibly sporting a C in swords for Armorslayer to take out Lang and having enough durability to charge the throne room. He also will only get better from here. Being able to fly in Chapter 7 and OHKO/2HKO thieves and double them to get as much loot as possible. Also being able to take down the boss and being able to ORKO most enemies throughout the rest of the game while sporting decent durability. Of course, this isnt the only option Luke has.

Other recommended early classes would be:

Myrmidon, Mercenary

This allows him to keep building his sword rank and have good spd growth still. It also still allows him to ORKO enemies in Chapter 1 and has 1 more move than Pirate. With this route, he won't have overkill offense like Pirate route but being able to build his sword rank makes it worth considering.


Luke is a very versatile character that joins really early and has overkill offense in the form of Pirate into Dracoknight. Is able to ORKO most enemies throughout his entire existence and aids faster completion of chapters.


*He's a growth unit (like most Prologue units) and that makes him very prone to the RNG.

Not Recommended Partners:

None of the Prologue Baby Units (Rody, Ryan, Cecille)

[spoiler=Luke's Class Chart]

Dracoknight- yes

Cavalier- yes

Paladin- yes

Knight- no

General- no

Archer- no

Sniper- neutral

Mercenary- yes

Hero- yes

Myrmidon- yes

Swordmaster- yes

Fighter- neutral

Warrior- no

Hunter- no

Horseman- yes

Pirate- yes

Berserker- yes

Dark Mage- no

Sorcerer- no

Mage- no

Sage- no

Curate- no

Bishop- no

Last, did you like this analysis? Did you find it accurate? Or do you hate it?

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Oh yeah how did I not notice this before?

Katarina should probably go up a tier. I mean yeah, its fun to hate on her for using up a turn/Again staff use but she does provide something actually useful to the team and she has some flexibility to her. You can use her as a Gharnef killer, an extra staffbot (only 30 uses from Again as a Bishop), or a Nosferatu tank all at once. Its not even that difficult to get her trained up either because she's relatively cheap and easy to arena her stats up and you can sort of "cheat" to get her speedup by having her go Swordmaster and using a Levin Sword. Also there's her advantage of providing a support to MU and Cecil. The latter is pretty useless, but MU has Marth, a 7th Platoon member, and possibly Sheeda supporting him/her, so an extra support to stack is always nice.

I mean what the hell is, like, Horace doing above her? He doesn't cost a turn, but he's basically a worse version of Darros in nearly every way. He runs into attack problems, AS problems, and even durability problems on all his maps and he doesn't even support anyone of note, except for female MU but that only goes up to a B rank.

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Oh yeah how did I not notice this before?

Katarina should probably go up a tier. I mean yeah, its fun to hate on her for using up a turn/Again staff use but she does provide something actually useful to the team and she has some flexibility to her. You can use her as a Gharnef killer, an extra staffbot (only 30 uses from Again as a Bishop), or a Nosferatu tank all at once. Its not even that difficult to get her trained up either because she's relatively cheap and easy to arena her stats up and you can sort of "cheat" to get her speedup by having her go Swordmaster and using a Levin Sword. Also there's her advantage of providing a support to MU and Cecil. The latter is pretty useless, but MU has Marth, a 7th Platoon member, and possibly Sheeda supporting him/her, so an extra support to stack is always nice.

I mean what the hell is, like, Horace doing above her? He doesn't cost a turn, but he's basically a worse version of Darros in nearly every way. He runs into attack problems, AS problems, and even durability problems on all his maps and he doesn't even support anyone of note, except for female MU but that only goes up to a B rank.

You're right. Katarina makes up for her turn cost/Again use. I've used her in an H1 draft and she surprised me. It's very easy to Drill Ground her to a nice level and she can get Again very quickly. She's going up.

Also, analysis time


Rody, that guy who's inferior to Luke, but is still a solid first rounder


Class		Lv	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Cavalier	1	20	6	0	5	6	5	6	0


HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
80%	50%	0%	60%	65%	60%	40%	5%

[spoiler=Absolute Bases and Growths]

HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
2	1	0	3	0	5	-1	0

HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
40	35	0	35	55	60	25	10

Rody, much like Luke, is a solid unit. Much like Luke, he has a lot of room to grow.

He joins in Prologue 3 with worse bases than Luke at everything. His selling point comes

from having a better Lance rank and better spd growth. Much like Luke, Rody can hit

Level 5-7 in LTC Prologue. If he leaves at Level 5, it puts him at:

Class		Lv	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Cavalier	5	23.2	8	0	7.4	8.6	7.4	7.6	0.2

As you can see, he's pretty much still inferior to Luke except in unimportant areas.

So, what are the options for Rody?


Yep, another one that has to go Pirate. This is him in Chapter 1 as Pirate:

Class		Lv	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Pirate		5	23.2	10	0	6.4	10.6	7.4	4.6	0.2

As you can see, he barely doubles the Ch1 barbarians and does not double the Hunters by 1 point.

(This means that he has to get to Level 6 in Prologue if he wants to double Hunters, good news is,

it's very doable to get a Prologue unit to Level 7 without losing any turns whatsoever if you give

them a few of the boss kills)

Its not all bad though because this also puts his growths at:

HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
110%	65%	0%	50%	85%	60%	25%	0%

Those offensive growths are really good aren't they? He'll quickly grow into a speed demon that can

ORKO everything. Of course, don't expect much out of him, durability-wise. 4 Def with a 25 def growth

is not particularly amazing...note that Rody can actually get more levels out of Prologue if you

creatively find ways to feed him boss kills instead of My Unit. If you can get 2 more levels out of him,

he'll be much more solid out of the Prologue, coming out with 11 spd as a pirate, which is enough to double Hunters

too and he will also have 1 more def point. Since we assumed Luke was promoting by Chapter 5 at 18/1,

let's assume that too for this man.

An 18/1 Pirate->Dracoknight Rody in Chapter 5 has:

Class		Lv	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Dracoknight	18/1	39.5    19.45	1	15.9	19	15.2	13.85	3.2

Good offensive stats, maybe not as impressive as Luke's but they're still sufficient.

His durability isn't exactly anything to write home about, but it's still enough.

Other Choices:

Staying as Cavalier

If you are concerned about Pirate Rody's durability issues, this is the way to go.

Note that he won't double for a long time (even a Level 7 Cavalier Rody fails to double in C1),

unless Rainbow Potion is free in the draft. This path allows him to keep growing his def and build his Lance rank more.


Rody is a unit with a shaky start that will become a powerhouse very quickly. Sporting a good Lance rank,

nice offensive growths and a lot of availability to grow out of his rut. His -1 base def is of concern, but nothing

that can't be fixed. Rody is a character that really benefits from how much attention you put into him in the Prologue.


Shaky start.

Poor defense base.

He's a growth unit like Luke.

Doesn't really like Myrmidon/Mercenary as much as Luke because of no Steel Swords at base.


Feed him boss kills whenever possible and try to get him to Level 7 in Prologue.

It should be doable without losing any turns.

Not Recommended Partners:

Luke, Ryan, Cecille

[spoiler=Rody's Good and Bad Classes Chart]

















Dark Mage-no






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