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Fan made achievements list: RD Edition


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Teh Rulez: Copy and paste if needed:

Achievements have to make sence, and be feasable by some condition. Something about soloing the entire game with Meg isn't gonna make it to the list.

Please condense related achievements into one achievement, such as (weapon type, ex. Sword) User: Use mostly swords throughout the game. Or something like that. I will try to post most possibilities as their own achievements in the actual list.

Nothing random, such as equip leonardo with a steel sword. Also, specific unit-based conversations should not be added unless it is somewhat significant. An apprentice promoting and getting A/SS rank would work, or A main character gaining their main weapon.

Unless a game involves marriage or significant supporting, no matchmaking achievements.

Understand that I am not able to add every single achievement, for space reasons and some may not be good or follow the rules.

Other than that, the keyboard is the limit. Oh, and plot twist-related achievements should be in spoiler tags, if nessessary.

Achievements can be part of the story.. (Game clear: Complete part 4 on any difficulty)

Challenges.. (Hurry up next time: Clear part 2 endgame before the Crimean Royal Knights arrive)

Or just random accomplishments. (Lucky Shot: get a critical hit with a 1% activation chance)

-Overthrown!: Complete part 1 on any difficulty.

-I'll just stay Queen: Complete part 2 on any difficulty.

-The dark god awakens: Complete part 3 on any difficulty.

-Game clear: Complete part 4 on any difficulty.

-Hurry up next time: Clear part 2 endgame before the Crimean Royal Knights arrive.

-Lucky Shot: Score a critical hit with a 1% activation chance.

-Ready? Fire!!: Kill an enemy in one shot with a Ballista.

-Patience: Level a Heron to level 40.. without Bonus experience.

-Call of the wild: Include 13 laguz units for endgame.

-Main Character? Who?: Clear the game with Ike having only 2 kills.

-SNAP!: Have an enemy break his weapon.

-Die, already!: Have Mercy activate 5 times on a single unit.

-Why did I buy this again?: Use the unlock staff on a horse cage.

-The true Heir: See the secret Soren/Amedha Conversation.

-The Queen's Wrath: Defeat Ludveck with Elincia.

-Run!: Have all units on avoid for one chapter.

-Falcon Punch: Defeat a unit with an untransformed Beast Laguz.

-That could have gone better: defeat Ike in 3-13

-I hate Herbs!: Never use a healing item.

-CONSUMED: Defeat Septimus with a transformed Laguz.

-Fortunate Accident: Defeat the Black Knight with a unit other than Ike in 3-7

-You're Doing it wrong: Defeat Ashera with a unit other than Ike 10 times.

-Owned.: One hit kill a boss.

-Social Warfare: See at least 20 boss convos.

-Holy ****: Kill a unit..with a staff.

-Moving up in the world: Promote a unit.

-Mastery: Promote a unit from first tier to third tier.

-That's hardly fair: Kill the black knight with a hammer in part 4 endgame.

-3-13-37!: Have a yellow sniper kill 4+ Enemies and survive in 3-13.

-Tactican: Clear part 4 in hard mode.

-Back again: Give at least one character stat boosts from PoR save data.

-Shinies!: Have at least 20 coins in your convoy.

-Hard training: Promote at least 5 units to 3rd tier in one playthrough.

-Personalized: Forge a weapon.

-And this is my weapon: Forge a silver weapon with a coin.

-Retired in my youth: Have at least 50,000G at one time.

-Betrayal: Bring at least two enemy units to your team in part 3.

-Sup.: Recruit Stefan.

-Looted: Use a thief to open a chest.

-We will just let ourself in: Break open a door.

-This is Tellius: Smite a unit.

-My hero: Rescue a unit with 5HP or less.

-Seeing Triangles: Use a triangle attack.

-Overkill: Have 3 abilities activate in a single attack, killing a unit.

-Ultimate weapon: Equip an SS rank weapon.

-Better late than never: Recruit Lehran.

-No one left behind: Reach part 4 endgame with no casualties.

-Crushed to Oblivion: Clear a stage with no more enemy units, and no casualties.

-Can't afford it: Don't bring a Greil Mercenary (aside from Ike) To Part 4 endgame.

-Night Brigade: Don't bring a Dawn Brigade member (aside from Micaiah and Sothe) to Part 4 endgame.

-Addict: Clear the game 10 times.

-War Veteran: Have a unit get stat bonuses in every stat from PoR save data (aside from sothe)

Edited by Melonhead
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I only thought of three so far.

Present and Accounted: Recruit all characters on any difficulty.

TIMES 3!: Perform both triangle attacks.

I Cheated Death: Avoid enemy attacks while characters are 5 hp or low 50 times.

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Wendy is not in this game: Kill the Burger King in 3-7.

Soft-hearted: Kill less then 250 enemies during a playthrough.

Family-ties.: Get the "secret" ending which reveals Soren's and Almedha's connection.

Tresure Hunter: get 20 "hidden items" in a playthrough.

Not so innocent anymore are we now?: Get 10 kills on any of the herons in a single Playthrough.

Beyond Godlike: Kill Ashera in 1 turn.

Warm benches: Have 10 characters undeployed.

Saving the countrymen: Kill less then 20 enemies in chapter 3-2.

The best defense....: Kill Ludveck before the Crimean Royal Knights appear.

Swamp savior: Save all NpC's in 1-8.

Full Menagerie: Achieve all Laguz Mastery Skills in a single playthrough.

Colour me Impressed: Have all 3 Dragon Aura's on a single person.

Bridging the bullies: Trigger 5 or less trapholes on chapter 3-11.

Gods protect the queen: Allow Queen Elincia to not face any battle in 3-10.

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Social Warfare: Trigger all boss conversations.

Is there a Staff-User in the House?: Do not use healing staffs in a single playthrough.

CONSUMED: Deliver the killing blow to Septimus with a Laguz.

Mercs, move out!: Bring the Greil Mercenaries together to the Tower of Guidance.

Mastery at Hand: Activate all Mastery Skills at least once.

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Sword Saint: Deploy a Trueblade with Alondite in 4-E-5

Master of the Elements: Have an Archsage with S ranks in all non-staff magics

Killing Stroke: Have Volke use Lethality

Social Linker- Have 10 different support links in A rank

Memories of the Past- View the Ike's Memory Base Conversation

Aether Spammer- Have Ike use Aether 50 times in a single playthrough

White Clad Rival!- Pair up Mia and Lucia

Stone Wall- Have a unit take 0 damage from 50 attacks

I Hate Herbs!- Don't use healing items

Icon of Beauty- Recruit Oliver

Feel My Wrath!- Have Wrath activate 50 times

Ike/Soren OTP- Pair up Ike and Soren

Ike/Ranulf OTP- Pair up Ike and Ranulf

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The True Heir: Get Soren/Almedha convo in the epilogue.

Badass Brigade: Manage to get all DB members to 20/20/20

The Queen's Wrath: Defeat Ludveck with Elincia.

You Shall Not Pass: Defeat Ike in 3-13.

3-13 Archer Forever! Have 3-13 Archer kill more than 4 enemies and survive.

Who Needs Help, Not Me! Keep partner units on Halt for an entire chapter.

Run Away! Keep partner units on Avoid for entire chapter.

Heron Savior: Keep Leanne from getting captured at all in 2-P.

A Murder of Crows: Use all raven laguz in one chapter.

Fisticuffs: Manage to go an entire chapter with a laguz untransformed, but has engaged in combat.

Heron Soldier: Have a heron kill something.

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Skeleton Key: Use an Unlock staff in a part other than Part 1 or 4.

(There's only one location you can do this.)

Wouldn't that be...

either of doors for the horses in 3-3?

And to contribute to this...

Who says you two are bad?: Raise Meg and Fiona to 20/20/20.

Edited by Konnor97
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Let's You and Him Fight- Have Micaiah and Ike face off

We Don't Need Your Brokeness!- Don't use Haar

Heel Face Revolving Door- Recruit and Re-recruit Jill every single time

I Expect You to Die- Activate Pavise 100 times

Best Skill Setup- Put both Wrath and Resolve on one unit

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Here is every achievement I can think of

Grind a holic: Get character in the game to max level

Swordsman: Bring 11 Sword users in the endgame (Ike included) and have all of them bless swords

Axeman : Bring 11 Axe users in the endgame (Ike included) and have all of them bless axes

Lanceman: Have 10 Lance users in the endgame and have them all bless lances

Bowman: Have 9 Bows users (includes crossbow users) in the end game and have them all bless bows

Knifeman: Have 3 Knife Users (includes Sothe) in the endgame and have them all bless Knifes

Call of the Wild: Have 13 Laguz Units (includes Kurth, Ena, and your heron choice) picked for endgame

Beorc Pride: Have 13 Beorc Units (including Ike, Sanaki, and Micaiah) in endgame

Inner Beast: Have 10 Beast Laguz in your endgame

Bird Call: Have 7 Bird Laguz (includes your heron choice) in your endgame

Lets get Physical: Have all your endgame units be Physical Units (except Micaiah, Sanaki and your heron)

Burn baby Burn: Bring 6 Fire Magic users (includes Sanaki) to endgame and have them all bless Fire tomes

Thunder Strike: Bring 7 Thunder Magic users (includes Sanaki) to Endgame and have them all bless Thunder tomes

Gust of Wind: Bring 6 Wind Magic users (includes Sanaki) to endgame and have them all bless Wind Tomes

Blind by the Light: Bring 5 Light Magic Users (includes Sanaki and Micaiah) to endgame and have them all bless Light Tomes)

The tome of the man I used to trust: Bring Pellous to endgame and have him bless Balberith

Girl Power: Have all units you bring to endgame aside from Ike, Kurth and Sothe be female

Manly Men: Have all units you bring to endgame aside from Micaiah, Sanaki and Ena be male

Over Prepared: Bring 11 3rd tier staff user (Micaiah Included to endgame with Max Staff Ranks)

Magic Man: Have all your endgame units be Magical Unit (except Ike, Ena, Kurth)

Under Powered: Have all the units you bring to endgame be 2nd Tier beorc units or Laguz Unit under 30 (Naesala doesn't count, Micaiah, Ike and Sothe are ingored for this achievement)

Over Powered: Have all the units you bring to endgame be Max level

Trophy Collection: Have 1 copy of every obtainable item in the game at full uses

Never touched Mains: Have Micaiah, Ike and Sothe never have a single kill (Ike kill the BK and Ashera is exempt)

Add more I can think as

Edited by weso12
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Haar you serious?: Have Haar kill every enemy on a single map.

READY! FIRE!: 1 Hit an enemy with a ballista.

Ike brother Ike sister: Have Ike use ragnell and Mist use Alondite.

Dreams come true: Cap Fiona's Skill status.

Patience!: Get a Heron to level 40.

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Silver is overrated: Bless a Bronze Weapon.

Happy Ending: Have all characters survive.

Happier Ending: Hav all characters alive with at least 3 "paired endings"

Runed in.: Have one character unable to use any movement points because of a placed Light Rune.

Thirsty Army: Use 5 concotions in a single turn.

Grass Party: Smoke Grass on 5 different laguz units on the same turn.

Gettin' High!: Smoke over 50 uses of Grass during a playthrough.

Chain Smoker: Have a laguz unit smoke Grass 5 turns in a row.

Spread the love: Trade an item across at least 4 characters on the same turn.

Glued together: Have two characters end their turns next to each other for a whole chapter.

Dragon Slayer: Deal over 50 damage in 1 hit to Dheginsea.

Beat the trinity: Defeat an axe, sword and lance wielding enemies in asingle turn with ineffective weapons.

Eye of the Tiger: Get over 100 kills on either Mordecai, Kysha or Muarim

Broken Hearted: Break up a "Paired Support" A-rank support.

Edited by Silith
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- Chuck Nolan: Solo an entire map with Nolan.

- Kill Jill: Solo an entire map with Jill.

- This still feels too easy...: Bring Tibarn, Naesala, Jill and Haar into Endgame in Hard mode.

- Are you insane??!?!: Don't let the Black Knight kill anything whatsoever in a single playthrough.

- Dedication: Raise Meg, Fiona and Lyre to maximum level in a single playthrough.

- Theatrical: Kill over 50 enemies with Bastian in a single playthrough.

- Continuity error uncovered!: Promote Lucia to third tier in 2-2

- You know the prequel, now get on with the sequel!: Transfer every single support conversation from Path of Radiance into Radiant Dawn's archive.

- Buffing it up!: Transfer Path of Radiance data to give at least one character a stat boost in Radiant Dawn.

Edited by Dr. Silent
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-Overthrown!: Complete part 1 on any difficulty. Done

-I'll just stay Queen: Complete part 2 on any difficulty. Done

-The dark god awakens: Complete part 3 on any difficulty. Done

-Game clear: Complete part 4 on any difficulty. Done

-Hurry up next time: Clear part 2 endgame before the Crimean Royal Knights arrive. Done

-Lucky Shot: Score a critical hit with a 1% activation chance. Done and vice-versa

-Ready? Fire!!: Kill an enemy in one shot with a Ballista. Done

-Patience: Level a Heron to level 40.. without Bonus experience. Done

-Call of the wild: Include 13 laguz units for endgame. Done

-Main Character? Who?: Clear the game with Ike having only 2 kills. Never

-SNAP!: Have an enemy break his weapon. Done

-Die, already!: Have Mercy activate 5 times on a single unit. Never

-Why did I buy this again?: Use the unlock staff on a horse cage. lol, this looks cool, Never

-The true Heir: See the secret Soren/Amedha Conversation. :'(

-The Queen's Wrath: Defeat Ludveck with Elincia. Done

-Run!: Have all units on avoid for one chapter. Done

-Falcon Punch: Defeat a unit with an untransformed Beast Laguz. Done

-That could have gone better: defeat Ike in 3-13 Done

-I hate Herbs!: Never use a healing item. Done

-CONSUMED: Defeat Septimus with a transformed Laguz. Done

-Fortunate Accident: Defeat the Black Knight with a unit other than Ike in 3-7 Done

-You're Doing it wrong: Defeat Ashera with a unit other than Ike 10 times. Done

-Owned.: One hit kill a boss. Done

-Social Warfare: See at least 20 boss convos. Done

-Holy ****: Kill a unit..with a staff. Done

-Moving up in the world: Promote a unit. Done

-Mastery: Promote a unit from first tier to third tier. Done

-That's hardly fair: Kill the black knight with a hammer in part 4 endgame. Done

-3-13-37!: Have a yellow sniper kill 4+ Enemies and survive in 3-13. Done

-Tactican: Clear part 4 in hard mode. Never

20/20/20 Laura at P1 endgame

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Weapon Master: Reach SS-Rank on two weapons with five characters in a single run.

Looks Like It's Just You and Me: Beat the game with Ike and Micaiah being the only remaining characters alive (or not severely wounded)

So I Heard There Was This Guy from Lenster: In chapters 1-1 and 1-3, Micaiah must be the last one to escape.

All in The Family: Ike and Mist, Elincia and Renning, Geoffrey and Lucia, Micaiah and Sanaki, Makalov and Marcia, Soren and Kurthnaga, Lethe and Lyre, Brom and Meg, Caineghis and Skrimir, and any combination of Oscar/Boyd/Rolf must have A-Supports together by the end of the game. (Not 100% sure if this can actually be done, but if my math is right I think it can)

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