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If you could meet any member(s) from serenesforest face to face who would it be?

Gold Vanguard

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Soul to beat some sense into him. :smug:

Emerald because he's a bro.

Zak because he's a bro.

GO and Dagron because they are bros.

Freohr too. It'd be fun conversing with her face to face.

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GO and Dagron because they are bros.

Same. And take them on in some fighting games and actually be able to laugh live at "WHY DID I DO THAT MOVE!" moments I have.

TheEnd. Because I want to know if OSSAN he's as mean as he is here in real life. :P

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Probably either... Balcerzak, because he's cool, or Levity, because she's cool and we used to talk on IRL, or Dondon, because he plays Dominion (and extremely well, I might add). Possibly Rein, because he's running Mafia at the moment and Mafia's cool.

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Ein - He's my bro

FD - She's a friend

Night - He's a friend

ZM - Zelda 2 battle go

GO and Dagron - Because

Everyone else in my friend list, because why not.

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Integrity and Specta, for they are Holy Blood.

Eclipse too, just to meet a real live Hawaiian.

And Shinori, to see what he does while intoxicated and not online.

And Horace too. I need to see for myself that he isn't Asian

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Fine, whatever, I'll bite.

Doku, Horace, Imp, Cam, and Elieson. They've all seen me at my worst and really helped me out when I needed someone to talk to.

The person I am most LIKELY to meet? Banzai, when we're actually in the same state.

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Furetchen, but he's far away.

Dio, he's way closer.

Ike-Mike, actually gonna do it in May (most baller).

FreohrDatia, this might even happen someday.

^ Not this guy 'cause he forgot me >:O.

Hm... Good question. Popo and Nightmare seem like they would fun to meet in person. Maybe even... nah. That's all.

^ Not this guy 'cause he didn't forget me but is trying to tease me over it >:O.




Mr. Sparkles



^ Oh and not this guy 'cause he'd bring Dio >:O.

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I understand why you all wouldn't want to meet me, so don't feel bad. It is much too dangerous.

I shouldn't say any names, either, or you could end up in danger.

It's rather redundant to list you since you'd come along with Tangerine just to make sure everyone's playing nice.

^ Oh and not this guy 'cause he'd bring Dio >:O.

This star travels solo missy.

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