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If you could meet any member(s) from serenesforest face to face who would it be?

Gold Vanguard

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ALL TEXANS. Then Nightmare, Free, and Darros.

Not ALL Texans.

What's with all these people from Indiana or Illinois or w/e
I thought people from Indiana was a rare thing x3

There's also David Letterman.

I'd also like to meet CPP and Snowy, but mostly so I can hit them in the face.


I know right?

I bet afterward you'd give him a verbal thrashing and he'd come to see that you were right all along, then you'd fuck his girlfriend.

What I hate about being able to remember more than the post I'm reading, is those horrible distortions implied by irregular grammar.

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You had my brother as a friend on Facebook before you had me as a friend, so I'm not surprised you forgot me.

btw that's still one of the damned wierdest things I've ever witnessed.

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It's a coincidence to say the least.

I mean I was just browsing through my brother's friend list one day and then I saw this user with teddy bear profile pic, the exact same one Soul was using as an avatar here at the time.

The name next to the picture?


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I can't remember why or even if I was purposely checking it. If I remember rightly, it shows a random selection of friends on the left side. Or it used to, at least.

And hell if I know how they became friends.

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I'm from fucking


So yeah I got Vincent and NTG a few hours away by train in Manchester which would be pretty cool imo, and uh

Who else?

Moi, in Coventry, not too far from Wales (depends on which part of Wales though)

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everyone here that plays mafia but especially Manix and Helios (◕‿◕✿)

(Helios and Shinori will both visit me reasonably soon probably)

Also Nightmare and Freohr (although they both also used to play mafia so uh)

all of you should visit me, we can all have a lovely group hug !!!

Tangerine you said you had MSN, right? we should talk more

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Tangerine you said you had MSN, right? we should talk more

Send me a PM with your MSN and I'll add you whenever I get on. I know it's in your profile, but I'll forget unless you PM me :P.

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If you do get the chance, you should totally dress up as Ninian or Olivia. Most likely Ninian.

Yeah, two things I'd like to do, visit Las Vegas and cosplay as a character from one of my favorite video game series.

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everyone here that plays mafia but especially Manix and Helios (◕‿◕✿)

(Helios and Shinori will both visit me reasonably soon probably)

Also Nightmare and Freohr (although they both also used to play mafia so uh)

all of you should visit me, we can all have a lovely group hug !!!

Tangerine you said you had MSN, right? we should talk more

fucking thanks ya know

yeah you can go ahead and get together and get really high and have good artsy ideas and shit

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Guillermo I consider you a mafia player even though you hate mafia why are you in Argentina you should be at my house and party with me

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