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Mystery Mafia - Game Over


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I think Shinori's claim for scorri was kind of an easy cop out considering she already outted her target.

If we're just concerned with him, have him out tomorrow really early.

I don't really know what's going on right now so what are we talking about

Do you think that Shinori knows that Scorri was redirected (as in Shinori is scum) but still claims that Scorri had targeted Blitz so that upon Blitz's flip, Scorri as the town cop would lose town credit?

Speculations incoming, ignore it if you don't like speculations.

I'm not saying scum knew that Scorri was the cop when they redirected her. I think that scum was blind redirecting and coincidentally redirected the cop, then decided that it would be beneficial for Shinori to claim Tracker and ascertain that Scorri had still targeted Blitz to make her lose town credit.

What I think right now is that one of Scorri and Shinori is scum, and since Scorri has claimed Alignment Cop, while Shinori is a supposed Role Cop, I believe that Shinori is scum while Scorri is town.

Thoughts on this situation anyone?

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Are you hard of reading?

Marth scanned him as Informant (RoleCop).

Informant is the flavor name, just like how Blitz is Lookout (Watcher).

Therefore, RoleCop is the actual role of the scan.

At least 3 people hbe mentioned as such already...

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So do you think that Shinori is town or scum?

Since you basically said "he could be town" then went "he could be scum".

This seems like you're finding him both scummy and not scummy at the same time.

If he flips town, I believe you can say that "I thought he was town". If he flips scum, you're just going to say "I told you so". It gives you town credit no matter what.

Decide now what you think of Shinori.

As I said before...

derp, screw this part.

Shinori could be a Scum Rolecop anyway.

I'm sure Shinori is scum. Sorry if I didn't make it clear before.

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Rapier: Do you still think I'm scum? *is curious*

Since Shinori is most definitely scum and Scum Alliance Cops are stupid, I believe you are Town. But those two things aren't confirmed, so I'd rather wait for D2 and take my conclusions there.

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I want to add on that whoever the Doctor or some kind of Bodyguard is, you should probably get onto Scorri and protect her tonight. I know Paperblade has already stated this, but I just wanted to remind you of this.

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Okay I have all actions now

Give me a bit to update

UNLESS someone has an objection in which case I'll give you half an hour to decide (read: until 4AM GMT)

Edited by Manix
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Music over here

The night stayed relatively silent. People went about their business as per usual. The silence was a welcome pace from the flying accusations from the day. Although the tension still hung in the air, a threatening menace hiding among you all.

The relative silence was broken by a loud scream. Everyone rushed outside and started searching for the source. More screaming was heard as people started to panic.

"I found it! Come here!" Someone called out. Everyone converged on the tent. The screams were louder than ever. One of you noted that this was scorri's tent, and people feared the worst. Everyone looked around, making sure everyone else was present.

Inside the tent was Parla, who was writhing on the ground, shouting out in pain. Two of you tried to restrain her, but she struggled and managed to continually push you away as she kept shouting. Emotions were mixed among you. Fear, anger, sadness, pain... all of these were felt by people. Some people had to avert their eyes. The people still looking on started to see blood seep from Parla's mouth. Some of you screwed your faces up on seeing the blood.

Parla eventually started to stop writhing. Blood kept dripping from her open mouth as she eventually lay still on the floor. Everyone looked at her, some even trying to ask questions to her. There was no response at all.

Someone checked her body for a pulse, for breathing. There was neither of those. Parla... had died. No one could figure out the exact reason why. No one had the time to figure it out anyway.

Between people crying in sadness and rage, and the people who took the blow silently, another wave of despair had washed over the survivors. You vowed to find the culprit who was responsible for her death.

scorri has died! She was:

Dear scorri,

You are Parla, the Judger.

Having grown up in a country town, you’re more attuned to nature and have excellent scouting abilities. When you came to Celestia those talents started wasting away as you could never make it into the Celestia army to provide for the city. As time went on, you started becoming slightly cynical. You started judging people as you talked to them. You found a knack for assuming intent behind people’s actions.

You are quick to talk yourself though, and sometimes you just don’t think through what you are saying before you actually say it, which has led to some sticky situations in the past.

One day, while prowling the streets of Celestia, you saw the fires ignite that were the start of the Runic War. Using what little scouting knowledge you remembered, you weaved your way through the crowds and found a little alcove around the back side of the Crystal Palace to hide until the danger passed. You heard a faint screech while you waited. You saw people exiting the palace, so you started combing the streets for other survivors.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Judging USER’s intentions. You will judge USER, ascertaining their intentions from a quick discussion with them during the night. However, you cannot figure out what their role is from a mere conversation.

You are aligned with The Clueless. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

It is now Day Two! Day ends in 48 hours from now, at 4:20AM GMT 11/25.

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to hammer and 4 to lynch at the end of the day.

Night results going out.

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>_> Either town doesn't have a Doctor, the mafia have a Hitman, or the Redirector can direct people away?

Also, we apparently don't have a Vig, so I'll start off with this:

##Vote: Shinori

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##Vote: Shinori

Can't say I disagree to this lynch. I actually felt that Shinori was scum and Scorri was town from earlier.

...What? Your main scumread that you've been pushing on is Marth. If Marth is scum, it's very unlikely that Shinori is scum as well.

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Do you think that Shinori knows that Scorri was redirected (as in Shinori is scum) but still claims that Scorri had targeted Blitz so that upon Blitz's flip, Scorri as the town cop would lose town credit?

Speculations incoming, ignore it if you don't like speculations.

I'm not saying scum knew that Scorri was the cop when they redirected her. I think that scum was blind redirecting and coincidentally redirected the cop, then decided that it would be beneficial for Shinori to claim Tracker and ascertain that Scorri had still targeted Blitz to make her lose town credit.

What I think right now is that one of Scorri and Shinori is scum, and since Scorri has claimed Alignment Cop, while Shinori is a supposed Role Cop, I believe that Shinori is scum while Scorri is town.

Thoughts on this situation anyone?

This post, BBM.

And I did not call Bluedoom scummy. I just said I won't give him a free town pass just cause he said I looked townie. Why don't people understand that?

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