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Mystery Mafia - Game Over


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Hammer isn't required for lynch >_>

I think I've said that before as well

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to hammer, and 2 to lynch at the end of phase.

also this

Edited by Manix
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The discussions were getting shorter. All the losses were starting to take a mental toll on the survivors. However, someone cracked under the pressure and admitted his guilt. Psych's fate hung in the balance.

Glenn pleaded with the group, trying desperately to divert everyone's attention away from him and to strongarm the group into killing someone else instead of him. No one listened to him. It was far too late for him.

Since a full majority wasn't reached, the accepted convention of having the final person for majority take the kill didn't apply. So BBM, eclipse and Mancer took matters into their own hands. They dragged Glenn over towards Belir's impaled body and threw him down to the ground in front of the dead body.

"Did you do this?! Did you?!" Mancer shouted at him. Glenn did not respond. The three asked more questions of him, but he remained silent through all of it. Feeling that they weren't achieving anything my keeping him alive, BBM took action. He delivered a swift kick to Glenn's abdomen, making him wretch in pain. Another kick prompted Glenn to vomit a little. eclipse walked off, to find the knife that Diar had used to kill Marle earlier.

BBM delivered a hefty kick straight to Glenn's skull, knocking him unconscious. A small amount of blood seeped from Glenn's mouth, but he wasn't dead yet. You could still hear him breathing laboriously. eclipse returned with the knife, which still had a bloodstain from the previous time it was used. eclipse didn't hold back as she sent the blade straight through Glenn's throat. She left the blade in Glenn's throat, and eventually the lack of blood killed him.

Psych has been lynched! He was:

Dear Psych,

You are Glenn, the Stalwart.

You are very dedicated to your causes. You’ve always had a more one track mind, all through your life. Once you get an idea, you tend to hold onto it longer than you probably should. You joined The Manipulators because they convinced you that their goal was the right thing to do for the people.

You had discussed at end with the warlock that led The Corrupted about what actions to take during the Runic War in order to gain the trust of the people. You infiltrated the Celestia Army and fought alongside them during the war. The Corrupted knew that you were going to mole in the army, so they would know who to be less aggressive towards. The additional losses accrued from this plan were insignificant in the end. After the battle was over, you found the survivors and went with them.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – I urge you to consider USER1, USER2. USER2 will hear your plight, and will be convinced that they should target USER1 with their night action instead. Your story will become less convincing over time to the general populace as they will have heard it many times before, and people will stop trusting it after two uses.

You cannot convince killing roles to change their target. They are out for blood, after all.

You are aligned with The Manipulators. You win when all threats are eliminated or when nothing can prevent the same from happening.

Having finally found another one of them, you went off to deal with your nightly activities.

It is now Night Four! Phase ends in 24 hours. Get those actions in.

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Hi, I just subbed in. Since nobody is talking, I'll break the ice. First and foremost ...


Why would you do this Psych. You stretched the page to a ridiculous amount.

Now, onto game-related stuff. Yes, BBM, I've been following as much as I could for being a non-participant. And sonsidering the state of this game, I might as well get out all of my thoughts right now.

Five people left. State of the game right now is 3/1/1. N1 had 1 death. N2 had 2 deaths. N3 had 2 deaths. BBM claimed the kill on SB, no explanation for the second kill on N2. Presence of a serial killer pretty much confirmed not only by Psych but also is implied in scum win-con.

If BBM is truly vig, then it's possible that the SK was hooked on N1 or N3 or targeted the same person as scum. Or both. If he is lying about being vig, then he's scum or SK. Is it possible that the SK cannot shoot consecutively? If this is true, then that would explain why there was only 1 kill on N1 and that BBM's N3 kill was most likely vig shot. It was eclipse whom Kay hooked on N3, right?

More thoughts to come later.

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A SK who can't shoot consecutive nights would have to have something really fucking amazing to make up for being gimped that badly. Winning as SK is hard enough without a ridiculous kill condition like that. I think the most likely thing is that N1, either the mafia and SK both targeted Scorri, or one of the two decided to attack Marth while he was Commuting. Then on N2, both kills went through. On N3, they probably both targeted Marth, which makes sense because he was pseudo-clear and would be a high priority target.

These are were my suspicions currently are, in order of most likely to be scum to least.





I feel like there's a really good chance that one of our two claimed Vanillas is scum, and I'm banking on Eclipse right now. Vanilla is such an easy fakeclaim in a game with confirmed Vanillas that it seems stupid that one of the mafia wouldn't claim it. As for why I've suddenly switched my bet from Paper to Eclipse, it's mainly because Paper's frustration the last few phases has seemed really genuine to me- more than Eclipse's, who's said things like "We can't find the scum just on role spec" and then done nothing to find scum.

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As for why Kay is second up there, it's mostly from PoE. Mancer is likely town, IMO, and if Eclipse is scum, PaperBoron probably isn't, although I guess since the remaining scum aren't allied with each other, it's possible that both the SK and one of the mafia might have claimed Vanilla. Plus, like I said, his frustration has felt genuine.

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I think that we should only be making conclusions based on the character flips later on (as in when the kills are flipped and revealed).

Apparently, Kay and I are the only ones with a useable skill. I have my Safeguard and she has her Roleblock.

BBM has used his one-shot Vig, while both Boron and Eclipse are claimed Vanillas.

This really makes it hard for me to decide who to use our skills on.

Thoughts and comments anyone?

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I don't see why you'd use that safeguard on anyone other than Kay, unless you think she's lying about her role. I don't remember seeing stuff like silencers/kidnappers, so I don't think we have to worry about that.

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Lazynix strikes again with lack of votals

This is a note that phase ends in like 4 hours and I might not be around to call it so you can keep talking until I do

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The sound of tolling bells awoke you from your slumber. Paranoia set in as you realize that there are no bells around at all, and the source was unknown. Only three of you met at the communal point. You didn't have to look far for the dead today, as they were directly in front of you. Kay and Boron lay there, their blood soaking into the earth.

Zephyr spent his time before dying denying his killer the satisfaction. It was what he did best, after all. Although he still found himself with a huge cross shaped gash across his face and a massive hole through his abdomen.

Denul merely had his neck broken from behind. He choked on his own blood as he lay there and died. The remaining three looked at each other intently as they realized this was the final stand.

Kay has died! She was:

Dear Kay,

You are Zephyr, the Denier.

You are a very cynical person. You make it a habit to deny absolutely everything whenever possible, mostly out of spite for society. You will deny ideas that are accepted as common knowledge, you will deny anything about yourself, and you won’t open up to anyone. Your disillusionment with the world came from seeing horrible atrocities as you grew up.

You were hiding out on the outskirts of the city, as per the norm for you, when the fires burst out around you. You looked on as the fires burned. You just dismissed it as an act of pure chance and the city was just unprepared. They deserved it anyway, you thought.

You just walked out of the city, completely unopposed. The band of survivors found you outside and took a lot of convincing to get you to come along. You thought you may as well use the ungrateful people to further your own ends and survive. The moment you could get away from them, you would.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – USER, I don’t know what you are talking about. You will deny anything that USER says that night, making them immensely frustrated and will prevent them from taking their night action that night. People will catch on to your outright denial of ideas eventually, and people will just stop paying attention to you after you deny twice.

You are aligned with The Clueless. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

Taewoo has died! She was:

Dear Taewoo,

You are Denul, Celestite Soldier.

You are kind and loyal to your friends and completely loyal to your city. You lost your parents at an early age and never knew what it was like to have a parental figure. You were taken in by an orphanage and spent most of your younger years there. Eventually you reached the point where you couldn’t stay there much longer, and so they suggested that you take up a position in the Celestia Army. You got into the army, and you made new friends who you cherished.

Then came that fateful day. It was awful. You fought against The Corrupted with your friends and many of them fell in battle. You felt so much grief that you fled from the battle. You hid away in the remains of a random house that had burnt to the ground. You shed a few tears as you curled up. Time passed and you heard people calling out. You got up, and searched for the source. You found a group of people, who told you that the fighting was over. You joined with them, resolved to keep fighting on for the memory of your friends who had died this day.

You have no special abilities aside from your word and your vote.

You are aligned with The Clueless. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

It is now the Final Day. 48 hours.

With 3 alive, it is 2 to hammer, 1 to lynch at the end of phase.

Edited by Manix
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Well then...

As I see it, there are two possible options here. One is that there is a SK, the numbers right now are 1/1/1, and both Eclipse and Mancer are scum, and I've already lost.

The second option is that they have an extra kill every other night, and Psych was making up stuff about wanting to joint with the SK to trick town into thinking that they've already lost, so that they'd just lynch whomever they wanted to right now and give mafia an easy win. This means it's 2/1, and town can still win.

I'm going to believe in the second option, because if it's the first, then it doesn't really matter to me what I do, whereas with the second, there's still a scenario where I win.

First off, nobody make any votes.

My bet for scum right now is Eclipse. Despite having said that numbers and role spec aren't going to help us, that's basically all she's done in the last two phases. Plus, I brought this up and she didn't even respond to it.

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Part of me really wants to throw the game, and self-vote because I want this game to be over. The other part says to do this.

##Vote: BBM

Because I feel Mancer deserves the win more than BBM.

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Eclipse, why the hell would you vote in a situation where a SK existing is not even certain? Please realize that YOU'RE TAKING PSYCH'S WORD ON THIS. THE WORD OF CONFIRMED SCUM. THE WORD OF SOMEBODY WHO FAKED A POSTING RESTRICTION JUST BECAUSE THEY COULD.

That is so very anti-town that I'd vote you for it but in the case that I'm wrong and Mancer is actually scum and not you, I don't want town to lose. I don't know if you think I'm mafia or SK, but remember how Kay was supposed to hook me N4? We can't get her to confirm that, but there's a pretty decent chance she did it, and how do you explain there being 2 kills in that situation?

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