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Mystery Mafia - Game Over


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...Aaaaand Eclipse is offline and Mancer will probably come back online before she can unvote, so who even gives a fuck. ##Vote: Eclipse

Either Mancer is scum and he gets to do whatever the fuck he wants or Eclipse is scum and I don't even know what the fuck she's trying to do. Whatever, I give up.


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I am town so...

##Vote: Eclipse

Because I think BBM is just genuinely town from his reactions.

Also, this is hammer, so no talking!

Why did you think BBM was town when obviously he wasn't a 1 shot vig because of the multiple kills that happened the previous night?

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After both Kay and I died, town became kingmaker in deciding scum or SK victory. Town wasn't gonna win.

Also, I sub in at LYLO/MYLO and die. Like in Theatre. Methinks I should not sub in when the game's that close?

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Well, it really could have been possible for the mafia to have an extra kill every other night. Poisoners exist. Or Interceptors, or a bunch of other killing roles that mafia might have.

Eclipse really honestly made me believe that she was town with her kingmaker post, and tbh I didn't even really keep up the facade of being town afterwards, it was kinda lucky that I didn't explicitly state that I was the SK in any of my posts- I very nearly did.

Also lol Boron I thought of that when I killed you.

And whyyyyyy didn't Scorri get docced N1 or Prims get docced N2?

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Why did you think BBM was town when obviously he wasn't a 1 shot vig because of the multiple kills that happened the previous night?

I based it off of what BBM and Eclipse had said on the last Day. Town would not win either way, so I just helped the one that appears more pro-town.

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In the only post I made after subbing in (really should've got my thoughts out more, but at that point I thought town was screwed either way -- and I was right), I kind of implied that I thought you were the SK, BBM. I wasn't so ... well, DIRECT with my thoughts because if there was the slightest chance I'd live through the night I wanted to play all my cards then. Of course, I suppose it made no real difference in the end. :P:

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You will all drool at my/Eclipse' amazing role!

Also, Wow, I didn't see that coming. Mancer, I'm surprised you were so willing to consider BBM town what with 2 extra night kills in a row.

Also, GoodGame all

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Well Scorri spoiled it for me so really it's only Mancer who doesn't know.

Seriously, it was pretty lucky that Marth actually managed to inspect scum N0 after all, or the mafia would have won.

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It was time. Aeria and Travis converged on Laura, figuring she was the final one. Laura denied all accusations of unauthorized killing. All she had was her high standing as one of Celestia's Idols. Travis searched, and found the blade that she used to kill Glenn with. Travis licked the blade clean, relishing the taste of blood once more. He tackled Laura down to the ground roughly, and quickly got to work slicing her completely open. Her blood trailed everywhere as the blade was continually brought down on her body.

Her reign of terror was over. She had manipulated a fair portion of Celestia's population to reach her own ends, and finally it was over.

eclipse has been lynched! She was:

Dear Elieson eclipse,

You are Laura, the Idol.

You’ve always had a likeable personality since you’ve been young. You’ve also almost always been in the spotlight for various reasons. You quickly became a prominent figure in Celestia. However, most of the personality is just an elaborate act. Secretly, you plotted to find a way to take over Celestia as a revenge for denying her family proper necessities in life. She took their plight into her own hands and formed The Manipulators.

Being the head of The Manipulators, you planned every single little detail of the Runic War with help from your loyal subjects. You merely went about your “normal” life as the events slowly transpired around you. When the fires broke out, people were immediately concerned with getting you to safety. A few of your loyal fans and retainers sacrificed their lives so that you could be safe. You led the charge to round up the remaining survivors and get to a better situation.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – I think USER would look better as <alignment> <role>! You will get your faithful assistant to get USER clothes that will make them show as <alignment> <role> to all inspections that night.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Everyone should be like <alignment> <role>! Every player will listen to your announcement and will find a way to look like <alignment> <role> for that night to all inspections. However people will only listen to your announcement once because it’s a huge effort to look like someone that they aren’t.

<alignment> and <role> may be replaced with standard convention for roles and alignment instead of the non-standard used here.

You are aligned with The Manipulators. You win when all threats are eliminated or when nothing can prevent the same from happening.

Relieved that it was finally over, Aeria turned her back on Travis and began to walk away. Not too soon after, she found herself with the very same knife impaled directly in her back. Travis muttered to her the final words she would hear. "I can't let you get away. You know too much."

Aeria dropped to the ground, with the knife still stuck in her back. Blood poured everywhere as Aeria lost all of her strength, and she eventually passed on.

MancerNecro has been endgamed by BBM! He was:

Dear MancerNecro,

You are Aeria, the Persistent.

You are incredibly quiet, pretty much only talking when you’re required to. At a young age you were exposed to a brutal mental training where you were bombarded with awful mental imagery which scarred you for life. You persist through this life because you don’t want the scarring images to come true.

You were there when the fires started. You were in one of Celestia’s many libraries, and you couldn’t react quick enough to get out of the fires. The flames seared your skin and the pain struck through you for a long duration. There was no one else around to help you, and you could barely feel your body anymore. You stubbornly managed to walk through the fire and get out of there with massive burns all over your body. You collapsed on the ground outside of the library. When you came to, you found yourself being carried by a fairly broad man who was part of the survivors.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – I will not let USER be harmed! You will stand guard over USER all night, preventing all actions from affecting them. However, as you are physically weak, you cannot stop killers as they would just cut through you easily.

You are aligned with The Clueless. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

Leaving BBM has the sole survivor and the winner of Mystery Mafia! He was:

Dear BigBangMeteor,

You are Travis, the Knowledgeable.

You have always had a thirst for knowledge all throughout your life. You would spend all your time trying to absorb as much information as possible from as many sources as possible. You have done dubious things in order to collect this information, which has included killing people that did not cooperate with you. You kept all this knowledge to yourself and tried to stamp out all other sources in order to deny knowledge to the common folk. Knowledge is power, after all.

You learnt of the oncoming danger that would be henceforth known as the Runic War. You used your knowledge to sneak away into the back alleys of Celestia and hid away in a well-placed hidden trapdoor leading into a basement like area. You knew that the libraries would burn and the knowledge contained within them would be lost. You cackled in glee knowing this. Time passed and you figured that the war would have probably ended by then and so, you left the basement and wandered around the burning city, eventually finding the survivors.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X – Whisper USER their darkest secrets. This will make USER fly into an unstoppable rage, which will eventually kill them. However, if USER does not die from this, they will become a mere shell of the person they once were. They will defect from their faction and serve you instead. They will also lose all their special abilities.

This kill cannot be roleblocked.

You are aligned with The Secretive. You win when all threats are eliminated or nothing can stop the same from happening.

Congrats to BBM for winning Mystery Mafia!

complaints about the setup, etc. can follow.

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Why did nobody Doc the people they should have. x_x My role was pretty OP and should have won easily if Prims hadn't tried to outguess the mafia and protect Marth. I mean, he was right that they'd try to, but still, it was pretty risky leaving the Cop alone. And honestly Prims was pretty obvtown and someone even asked for Marth to Doc him N2, but he didn't.

@Mancer- yeah. If town hadn't lucked out and actually had one of their inspectors hit scum with their ability, mafia would have won it hands down. Or alternatively, Rapier should have claimed that he got a Rolecop inspect too.

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