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Schoolteacher Mafia


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I'm around. I'd love to have some time to have a debate with Kay, but she's also not around. Which makes it kinda hard. I'd like to see some thoughts from her. Especially since none of her actions are really accounted for.

I dunno how much there really is to debate. You're totally grasping for reasons I'm scum here, but I can't say I blame you.

Just for the record, if for some bizarre reason someone else (Eli/Bal/Manix) is scum, I would guess Eli. Bal has pretty obvious town motives, Manix is acting way too obvtown, and Eli is just uncc'ed cop.

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*shrug* I dunno what else you want me to do. You guys are lynching me because I've had some not great interactions due at least partially to my lack of activity I think and because my bulletproof claim is apparently not believable. Kay's been inactive and her JoAT claim seems more like the mafia roles we've seen than my role does, but *shrug* It's kinda hard to give an argument when people are inactive like this.

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i'm not lynching you for your inactivity, i'm lynching you more over a less believable claim and if you turn town then we will probably lynch Kay tomorrow anyway because lol town autowin

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let's put this another way scorri; you jumped on Bal today when it was already well established that he was psuedoclear D5 (and particularly with Helios' flip)

trying for a mislynch much?

anyway Helios' D5 push on you actually came off to me more as a possible bussing attempt then trying to mislynch a townie imo

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also with that last point; like how Baldrick cc'ed Helios for Helios to get towncred (which didn't work), this feels the same

like it feels kinda too convenient, you know?

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Ok. Here we go. Final attempt to get the lynch where it should be. Aka on Kay, not me. (Some of these days might not be quite right due to ISO, but the general idea should be right)


Kay's basically afk, when she does finally appear she talks about a few things and then drops a vote on Neko while saying "she's done nothing to appear town." Well, that could've been said about you too, why not give us examples? She basically just jumps on a safe wagon with no reasoning behind it and then disappears again. Next post is basically her saying that she doesn't want to play with the way people are acting, which I agree with, but still could be an excuse for why she's not contributing anything. She then unvotes and doesn't put another vote down.


Her next vote is on Helios because "Paper is making good points and Helios doesn't look town." Early bus attempt? Once again, jumps on a wagon, even if it was scum that means nothing because of how SF does bussing, without providing any real reasoning behind it. Role discussion, then a vote on Elie because all he's saying is fluff? Well a) that wasn't true and b) at least he was saying things. Says Manix lynch is dumb but doesn't provide reasoning (could be a reason to be like "See, I was right, town cred yay~)


Claims to have targeted Helios (could be lying, could be a useful scum thing like 1-shot safeguard or something like that), I then vote her for not being around and she comes out with the excuse "Kaoz is around and just being unhelpful I'm trying even though I'm unmotivated." Seems like an excuse to be able to do short non-content posts while still being town for trying. Yells at Baldrick for making a list post that's also role fishing. She then completely switches on her Kaoz point going from he's being unhelpful and should be more of a target than her to saying that laziness isn't a scum tell. More covering of herself? Then claims that neither Kaoz or Helios seem scummy, trying to give Helios town cred points if Kaoz flips town?


Votes Baldrick, but he was a pretty popular lynch target at that point, so could quite probably be bussing, then her claim. Lets look at this. Full cop on Neko? Why Neko? It'd be pretty clear depending on the deaths if Neko was lying or not. Why not someone else? Why waste it on someone who could easily prove their role? Votes Baldrick (again), attempts to smear me based on role spec,


claims she won't vote for Helios and then says I look worse than Bal because... well, she doesn't really explain.


Finishes out her claim, and then instead of presenting an argument for why I'm scum just claims I'm grasping.

So basically, Kay has never really presented an argument for why someone is scum, has been lurking all game, has a couple of actions that are odd (why target Neko? her action on Helios could've been useful for scum to target scum with), is claiming a role that fits with the other mafia roles seen, buddying with Helios (thinks he's town the whole game, wouldn't vote him unless she was the other option), could've been bussing Baldrick.

So there. That's why I'm voting Kay, plus she makes the most sense as scum FMPOV.

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Manix: I heard Elie's action on me failed. My first thought was safeguard trying to make me look bad. I'd forgotten that he was pseudoclear and figured I'd go with my gut. Things were then explained to me and I realized my mistake.

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hmmm okay.

you know, Kay was been giving me weird vibes, claim be damned

she was insistent that it was possible that your two claims could coexist which also weirds me out

okay it's benefit of the doubt time:


Bal, I see you there. Got any thoughts on this situation?

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My first thoughts are that I need to go back to when Kay and Baldrick first started arguing based on his rolespec and PR spec about me.

I honestly don't recall if there was any other suspicion on him at the time, aside from him being a member of the listpost 5 or so, that Shinori had drafted as the only possibilities for the N1 mafia kill.

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I'm reading your case, and it's impressive. Makes sense, and fits the bill.

Kay hasn't said/hunted too much. My main case on you (Scorri) has been Bald's interactions "towards you" not "with you".

I'm thinking, and plan on exploring more scum reactions towards Kay. But srsly, her most recent read was a "what if" spec rather than actual reads on the more likely cases.

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she was insistent that it was possible that your two claims could coexist which also weirds me out

Not at this point. Way too many protection roles.

I'm thinking, and plan on exploring more scum reactions towards Kay. But srsly, her most recent read was a "what if" spec rather than actual reads on the more likely cases.

Because I agreed with what the rest of you said, and yeah, everyone but me/scorri is close enough to clear unless something is insane. Obviously from my point of view I gotta have a scumread on scorri, saying so seems like just throwing stuff in my posts. I'm just saying Eli is my second highest scumread, basically.

##Annihilate: Scorri

Didn't wanna hammer and waste discussion, but it's not like there's any use in not voting her now.

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Manix, on 18 December 2012 - 10:30 PM, said:

she was insistent that it was possible that your two claims could coexist which also weirds me out

Not at this point. Way too many protection roles.

snapback.pngElieson, on 18 December 2012 - 10:59 PM, said:

I'm thinking, and plan on exploring more scum reactions towards Kay. But srsly, her most recent read was a "what if" spec rather than actual reads on the more likely cases.

Because I agreed with what the rest of you said, and yeah, everyone but me/scorri is close enough to clear unless something is insane. Obviously from my point of view I gotta have a scumread on scorri, saying so seems like just throwing stuff in my posts. I'm just saying Eli is my second highest scumread, basically.

##Annihilate: Scorri

Didn't wanna hammer and waste discussion, but it's not like there's any use in not voting her now.

Right, so actually things about this.

-Way to many protection roles.

There are actually less than we were thinking when you first were saying stuff about this because the two bodyguard claims were fake. So... yeah, that's an interesting switch.

-Got to have a scumread on scorri

That doesn't mean that you shouldn't try and explain why you think I'm scum. You continue to just be like "Oh, person is scum" and that's it.

So yeah. Annihilate me all you want, you still look scummy to me.

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