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New Prince of Tennis Mafia: Season 1


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Despite being vanilla, I have stamina and all that. I can think of a couple of reasons regarding why I'm allowed to do such things, one being scorri, and another being highly theoretical and not that helpful to scumhunting.

I will NOT end the phase early, because town can use the time to talk and plan other actions (hopefully away from the thread). Turbo-ending phases is scummy, IMO, because it deprives the town of talking time.

Still iffy on Paperblade's claim, but eh. We have bigger fish to fry ATM, and after Life's latest post I think I'll look elsewhere for now. Like Helios, for his implication that extending the phase is scummy.

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The thing is though eclipse we wouldn't really be stifling discussion time due to the nature of cycle phases, we would just be giving scum more time to plan out their c2 kill

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The thing is though eclipse we wouldn't really be stifling discussion time due to the nature of cycle phases, we would just be giving scum more time to plan out their c2 kill

This. I highly doubt that people are going to change their mind about lynching Life, and there really hasn't been any discussion going on otherwise. Based on Life's flip we'll go from there. The only thing that extending the phase is doing at this point is giving scum more time to discuss things between themselves.

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Then let that be the case instead of town wasting time for little reason. We'll know a lot more after Life's flip and the theoretical scum NK so I kinda want to see what happens so I can develop my reads better.

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  • You made the mistake of spending too much time going on about how you thought I was some sort of anti-town role but not mafia. Remember when Prims got on Paperblade for 'hunting ITPs instead of scum?'
  • This is why I think you investigated me: IF you are scum, you want to find any and all ITPs that may exist to see if you may be able to cooperate with them, and if not, whether or not you'll have to dispose of them quickly.
  • Furthermore, you outed my role. Normally town-aligned rolecops don't out the roles of their clears, to be safe.

1. I felt that on C0 before I had investigated anyone. It would be completely false had I claimed you were scum on C0.

2. I investigated you for the same reasons I suspected you on C0. And I'm pretty glad you flipped town.

3. Couple problems with that. First of all, I don't play NOC so pardon me if "normally town-aligned rolecops don't out clears" because I do what I believe is right. Next point, I'm on the chopping block and I would like someone to prove that I'm telling the truth. And lastly, it really doesn't matter if I outed YOUR role because it's more of a throwaway role if you ask me. 4 stamina use just to refill someone's stamina once after like 4 cycles? It's throwaway but it's town.

My point is that unlike RD, I actually have provided a correct investigation. He provided one with half-truths just to frame me.

Universal Backup and stuff like PGO/BP/etc. mix nicely. What is a universal backup going to do, copy my lack of ability?

I do not buy a zero-cost investigative town role, nor do I care for seeing Bizz's role out in the open. If there is a ITP, it might explain why Paper's been acting weird (but that doesn't excuse it).

Look at Bal's role. 0 Stamina BG (OK has a hook on it), 1 Stamina BG and 2 Stamina SG. In comparison, I'm 0 Stamina Investigation and 1 Stamina Self-SG. I have no other roles at all. Does it make more sense that the majority would have a one shot investigation that doesn't even determine allegiance or a proper investigator?

Seriously think about that. Let's say that me and RD both claimed to pull guilties on each other. Who would you believe by straight virtue of the role? The guy who pulls allegiances (something that the mafia DOESN'T need unless a Wolf exists) or the guy who claims that he only gets roles but not sure of the person's faction?

Helios voted for Life, but he didn't unvote that I saw, so it doesn't count. Life has enough to be hammered, but I'm guessing actions aren't all in, or something. Also, I have a question. What use is a self-safeguard? Can you use it with other abilities? Cause otherwise it looks like a really nice way to be able to use a kill and not get blocked. *shrug* I dunno. That role just seems odd.

I can use it in tandom with my investigation to avoid being hooked or redirected? I dunno, that sounds rather useful if a BG or even a Reverse-Martyr exists.

Look at Balcerzak's Role PM. Yes, he had a zero cost protect ability, but it came at the cost of preventing his target from acting that night. I don't buy a Town Cop having a zero cost Inspect with no drawbacks, especially one that gets Role and Alliance (although he may just be assuming she's Town due to her ability).

A Mafia Cop on the other hand is not such a powerful role, due to the fact that the Mafia already know who's Town and are only trying to find the Doctor, Town Cop etc. Because of that, it could be balanced as a zero cost action.

I just think that a mafia cop with a zero-cost action is there to help give the mafia a better advantage, since obviously they're smaller, along with your point, RD (they already know who is town, they're just trying to weed the valuable roles out, etc.)

A mafia cop with an action that costs stamina, or at least costs a lot of stamina, would be unfair to them/unrealistic really (I can imagine roles like a janitor or something having an action cost, not saying I think we have one but just using it as an example)

This is the worst logic ever. If anything, YOU are mafia because you claim to only be able to investigate once and can't pull factions on it. That sounds more like a Mafia role than a regular inspect.

It's probably a 0 stamina role on the account that this is NOC and you can't strong-arm people in private into revealing information. Which in turn makes the Investigator role that much more important. Because how else will we find mafia? Scumhunting? Yeah, great success we had with that one, we lynched the BG.

The Mafia should have an investigation role with Stamina because it's between finding out information or performing an action on someone. Giving a 0 Stamina role like that to a mafia team is OP'd. Not to mention that the alliance doesn't even need to be revealed because even if a wolf exists, you'll everyone's town and the wolf will have like 50 different actions going for them.

The point I'm trying to hammer home here is that if any of you look at this logically, you'll see that I can't possibly be mafia and RD has to be. But it feels like you all have the opinion that if there's a chance that I'm mafia, I have to be mafia because I'm "Life".

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Wow that last paragraph is just a huge guilt appeal

We don't think you're mafia because you're Life, we think you're mafia because we feel you're the worst of the counterclaims

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Never mind that was RD lol I'm dumb and about to be in another concert so I rushed through the post. My bad

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Self-SG that can be used simultaneously WITH a cop? Sorry if I don't buy it.

The other reason why I want to delay the phase end is because a certain someone who was on the plate until RD posted his results isn't here, and might pop in later (Kay). Now, tell me why you guys don't want her to comment on things?

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Don't really think it was a guilt appeal as much as just frustration at being lynched without being able to do anything about it since it's not like he played horribly or anything. Regardless Life it really doesn't matter too much because if RD is lying we'll lynch him and avenge you, so in reality it would be pretty bad for the first person to claim cop in this case instead of the safer cc. Not to mention his role sounds more town than yours. However, I will say that Life outing Bizz was still a good thing to do because in terms of PoE the last scumspect (assuming everyone's claims are legit, Life flips as scum, and I'm town) is narrowed down to eclipse, prims, and kay. If RD can cop one of them (can't remember if he has the stamina for that though) it can be narrowed down to two at worst and then yay town wins.

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RD is lying we'll lynch him and avenge you

But he is lying so we're just wasting a cycle.

That simple. It's a game of what's logical and he's clearly the logical lynch but people see my name and immediately plaster on false reasons for agreeing with the lynch (didn't Prims and Kay say shit along the lines of "We don't like his content"? That only showed up AFTER RD claimed that I was mafia).

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Yeah, you... uh...

5. Do not edit your posts.

6. If you break any of the above rules, you are subject for a mod kill. The only exception is post edits in which case you will receive a warning the first time only.

6.1. If someone is mod killed their Role PM will not be revealed and all votes against them that were made up to that point are automatically changed to ##Vote: No Lynch.

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Don't victimize yourself man that's just poor play. You're better than that.

It's also not a waste of a cycle because worst-case scenario if this was all a convenient way to get you out of the game, we look at people who started to try and justify their votes with convenient cases after RD made the claim and put that into factor (it's funny that you say Prims and Kay since PoE says they're some of the most probable scum in the game). But really speaking of being convenient your role claim just sounds super convenient lol.

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I don't buy Life's counterclaim since it hinges on scum-RD sacrificing himself to lynch the cop instead of just, you know, NKing Life that night with no risks now that the doc is dead.

This is the strongest point against RD being scum and naturally it's the one Life skipped over.

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Non detailed votals for a change:

Life (7): eclipse, Helios, Kay, Levity, Paperblade, Prims, Radiant Dragon

Radiant Dragon (1): Life

Not voting: scorri

Phase ends in 21 hours and 33 minutes. The cycle may end earlier than that if I get all actions in.

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This is the strongest point against RD being scum and naturally it's the one Life skipped over.

Poor play on RD's end? I'm not psychic and this isn't NOC. I don't know what's going through his head and can't find out through a private conversation.

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