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Discovery of FE?


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Hello everyone, I'd just like to start a friendly discussion, I was beginning to wonder how everyone first discovered Fire Emblem. Did a friend introduce you to the series? Did you hear about it on an advertisement somewhere? Come across it online? Or in a gaming magazine perhaps?

Personally I discovered FE due to Fin's other games, Shining Force. I asked my local game store (around the time of FE2) what other games they had that were strategy based. Bought FE 1 & 2, and been hooked ever since.

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My first encounter with Fe as a whole was through a morning discussion in one of my classes during my sophmore year. There was an autistic kid in the front row who was absolutely obsessed with Sailor Moon and she brought up how she got Super Smash Bros. Brawl over that weekend and was playing as Peach cause she was feminine etc. And then she brought up the FE OVA and how she watched it with subs and blahblahblah. Weeaboo shit. i brushed it off and didn't see anything Fe related for another four years when I got into Super Smash Bros. again after so many years. I had a particular attachment to Marth, Roy and Ike and curiosity sucked me in. And, well, here i am today on site doing LPs and all thatjazz.

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SSBM, but learned more from a friend years later. Started with FE9, then went down the line (FE8, FE7, FE6, skipped FE5 and went to FE4, then went back up to FE5, skipped FE10 and FE11 and went onto FE12).

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Like many others, I was first introduced to the series via Smash Bros. I remember when I unlocked Marth, and the Fire Emblem theme began to play it was the most awesome moment theme in the game and I fell in love. I also loved the trophy descriptions for Marth and Roy, they just made my imagination race like no other. However, I kind of pushed Fire Emblem away because I only had an N64 and a GCN, so I kind of forgot about it.

A few years later, about half a year before the DS came out, I decided to buy a GBA because I was going on a long car trip. I was originally going to buy Mario & Luigi and Metroid Zero Mission, but then I saw Fire Emblem on the shelf and my memories of Melee came flying back. I stood there for about ten minutes deciding if I wanted Metroid or Fire Emblem more, and I obviously decided on Fire Emblem. Since then, Fire Emblem has become perhaps the staple of gaming life.

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SSBM, went and played Sealed Sword as my first FE. Ditched it because I couldn't read moonspeak back then then didn't return until I was on holiday in the US and saw a copy of FE7 and bought it thinking Eliwood was Roy lololololol

then I turned into a rabid fanboy

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Played Melee, was introduced to Marth and Roy but didn't get too interested in FE at this point.

Played Brawl, was introduced to Ike, was finally at that point when I was interested enough to pick up PoR.

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I was visiting a friend's house a long, long time ago, and he had a random game magazine laying around. I got bored, looked through the magazine, and found an article about Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones. I thought "This looks cool." So, I went and found a copy of the game at a nearby game store.

Ironically, I'd played Super Smash Bros. before, but I hadn't even been aware there was a "Melee" at the time, so I ended up finding out Melee existed through Fire Emblem, and not the other way around.

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I was visiting a friend's house a long, long time ago, and he had a random game magazine laying around. I got bored, looked through the magazine, and found an article about Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones. I thought "This looks cool." So, I went and found a copy of the game at a nearby game store.

Ironically, I'd played Super Smash Bros. before, but I hadn't even been aware there was a "Melee" at the time, so I ended up finding out Melee existed through Fire Emblem, and not the other way around.

We shall call this the Reverse Melee Effect

Edited by Jediwaki Kuno
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Although I played smash bros., I didn't really look into it initially, I thought Roy was cool (let's say my opinion has since changed), but never knew anything about it, I was really young at the time. A year or two later, we had someone stay over at our house for a week, (it was some sort of program in which they sent university students across the country, and they got to learn about different towns.) Anyway, he had Fire Emblem. Me and my brother watched him play it a lot, the characters that really got stuck in my mind were Canas, Luscious, Heath, Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, Ephidel, Guy, and Matthew. After he left, I vowed to find that game, but I lived in an almost rural city, so that didn't happen for a while. Eventually, while at the local super store, I noticed Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn in the electronics aisle. I begged my Mom to get it for me, and she did. I loved it, but I kept waiting for Eliwood to show up throughout the game. Then, about a year later, we visited to Calgary, and we came by a store that had a copy of FE7, for about $70. I didn't have the money then, but I could wait, I put the item on my wishlist for Christmas, and to my surprise, it was there on Christmas morning. YYEESSSSS!!!!! Then later I got Sacred Stones, then Shadow Dragon, then Path of Radiance.

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Well this discussion sure took off, in my original post I said how I became attached to the series. But first being introduced to it, my friend brought over FE1 (such young tikes at the time) we played it for a bit, I thought about the game for a bit, but I was sort of young and didn't really look into it. Then that's where my original post comes in...

Thanks for all the responses, love reading them!

edit: First discovered FE in 1994, after I'd been playing Shining Force: The Legacy of the Gods for close to 2 years. I was only 5. I've pretty much grown up playing these games. My parents knew what a new FE game being released meant, either another new system + the game, or just the game. And there was no gray area, it happened. They still hold it against me and still to this day wonder why I play FE.

Edited by TwinBlade
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