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[NOC] [Anon] [Open Set-Up] Strip Mafia - lol


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Man I don't think scum could possibly be that stupid.

I'm about ready to jump to Stormageddon instead since both of his votes so far in this game have been ridiculously bad and without much reasoning.

His original vote on me at least had some reason, but by the end of D1 he came back and hadn't updated his case at all.

Today his vote is worse, it's jumping "because the obvtown said so"

Bogeto is also terrible and worth it. Maybe Grapesoda but I liked his ED1 so I'm reluctant to vote him.

Scumhunter, why don't you come up with something convincing other then trying to use the setup to save your ass (hint: it isn't working)

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Let's be clear here. My wagon was an obvious scum push in a stupid attempt to save their buddy and I have reason to suspect anyone who doubted me (which is a bunch of you)

Weird meta and not very relevant, but Stormageddon reminds me of how Link played from .hack FORCE ERA Mafia. (also he was scum)

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Ok. I am actually here now and hopefully I will be able to get a good post up here. Thoughts so far

.-I was tunneling on Dwarf yesterday, largely I believe because the tone of his posts was irritating me. I apologize for that and admit that it looks like I was likely wrong.

-Scumhunter's recent role shenanigans are actually making me believe that he is more likely to be town than mafia simply because of how confused he was.

-Looking back at Grape Soda, he seemed really keen on calling Magus out on being not quite townie, but never committed to that. See the following:

Magus is impossible to read right now.
Magus, you seem to be under the impression that demanding answers to your questions is the only way to hunt scum, and all it does is make you look like a pushy bully. It does nothing to make you look any better, because all it does is form mixed opinions of you. I can say with confidence that you are either the most politely aggressive town player in the history of mafia, or a scum player trying to divert attention to everywhere except yourself. It's distracting. You are really cluttering the game with your indistinguishable "reads" that scream so and so is this and so and so is that. [...] I see Dwarf leaning scum, but I'm also feeling that the intensity of Dwarf vs Magus is going to result in either one being town or both being town. It just seems too comfortable of an uncomfortable argument between the two (which isn't accomplishin much afaik) to be staged.
I also feel that a lynch on Magus (whom I see roughly equal to Dwarf in terms of scumminess) will not provide much for town to work with as far as associative reads, as he has been on more than 2 other players for cases of varying degrees and overall paranoia to generally every topic involving him.Ask yourselves this. Assuming both are equally likely to be scum (based on votals before people "settled"), out of Magus and Dwarf, who will we gain more from as far as associative reads?

Add on to those quotes where he seems to be pointing suspicion, then pulling it back, then pointing it, but never committing, with his quick vote on the Scumhunter wagon, and I'm quite ok with this lynch. I think PT might be on to something here.##Unvote##Vote: Grape Soda

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A few things. I'll get to my vote further down. This is just the train of thoughts I'm on right now, and pretty much in order.

Jay being killed. I don't know what to make of that. He was pretty unmemorable during the majority of the day, and subbed out to a slightly less unmemorable player. Considering there's no watchers or anything that can ultimately find a killer aside from the cop, my hunch is that they just randomshot thinking someone like Dwarf wouldn't be the cop with as vocal as he's being.

Moving on.

Fuck reading through D1 I'm reading the ISOs of the players I don't remember

Ikakas has little content and for the most part it's unmemorable. I don't like "this lynch is solely for information" because it implies he didn't think Magus was scum, or didn't want to take full blame for hopping on the wagon. "this is going to help town either way so who cares!!!" He also basically pulled the "oh the PT/Magus thing made me uncomfortable but I'm not so sure"

Under the radar.background player here, but I'm unsure where to place him.

Grape Soda also has little content. Stated he didn't see the case on me. Interpreted my vote/jab at him as RVS, thinks it's too early to decide anything about anyone. Cautious? He questions Magus's reads but his vote is still on Red Mage. He rags on Storm for voting for Dwarf (because Dwarf voteparked on a 'safe vote'); he explains why voting is important to Storm, yeah okay that's a little filler. Note that he still isn't voting for anyone now.

He votes for Bogeto, he then gets pretty pissed at Magus and goes on at how annoying/bad his arguments has been but he still holds his vote on Bogeto. ...... Then he votes Dwarf instead, then disappears.

Wow, ok. First off, I had "little content" because while several players were flapping their yaps about everything since post fucking 5, others weren't saying anything at all. I'd totally love to get reads on all the players around during D1, but considering we almost had a few modkills for inactivity during the day, I felt that it was pretty presumptuous to just assume that out of all the people playing, only those talking were considerable as scum. I didn't see a case on you, and quite frankly, I don't even think you're scum. I assumed your vote on me was RVS, and here, let's take a look at your vote on me just to double check that.

##Vote: Grape Soda because grape soda is gross.

So...it was wrong of me to assume that you RVS'd me? In what was officially in the 5th post of the game? I didn't think that could possibly be considered a concerning assumption. Ok cool, I'm glad you are being defensive about that. I also didn't question Magus' read. I told him to reread, because he was obviously speedreading/skimming whatever you want to call it, and missed my question that was pretty obviously a question. Why didn't I vote for him? Because if I was throwing around a vote in every post within the first 50 posts I'd be utterly stupid and probably come off as paranoid, which muddles reads for everyone. You seem to be under the impression that every time I address a specific player's post, it's because I believe them to be scum. Try thinking otherwise. Try thinking "Wow, maybe Grape Soda wants to help people post more clearly or vote with a better understanding of the situations around them, so that way their reads and votes are stronger and describe more evidently their intents and thoughts".

I also thought Bogeto was scum. Yes, that's why I kept my vote on him. Think of it like this.

Scum Read #1 - Bogeto Bogeto 85/15%

Scum Read #2 - Urist McDwarf 55/45%

Scum Read #3 - Illusiomagus 50/50%

No shit I'm going to vote for my primary scum read. Apparently not enough people feel that Bogeto is scum, and you saw it yourself, the wagon diminished pretty quickly. It was D1 and there's hardly any conclusive evidence to use against Bogeto, so I "settled for something other than a potential universal loss" and went for my next scum read. Notice how they're pretty closely rated my by high tech chart? If that doesn't show you (plus my previous post explaining my vote on Dwarf), as to why I didn't instantly hop onto another wagon, then I dunno what to tell you. I was under the impression that we vote for who we believe is to be scum, and not just settle on someone down the line of uncertainty.

And here's to clarify. IllusioMagus came off to me as super-paranoid "Hey whatchya doin" over your shoulder kid, which is extremely annoying to have in your ear, but doesn't indicate scumminess. He was generating hordes of discussion and ended RVS so fucking early that I didn't know how to interpret it. I couldn't fathom what kind of scum would put themselves in the spotlight like that. That, countered by his D1 play of "All offense and no defense" confused me, because the results he created were town based, but the content he was spewing was pretty weak granted his activity. I was confused and had a difficult time interpretting it. My D1 read was off. I'm sorry that I was uncertain, but deal with it I'm still hunting scum whether you like it or not.

Also, I don't throw my votes around at everyone who I talk to, whether they do things I like or not, because it's weak to take everything that people do that you disagree with and consider it scummy, I don't know how to make it more clear without saying that I flat out disagree with some people's interpretations and votes, but still find them town. Does that clear up a few things?

Dwarf, you're not the only one who thought Magus was scum. Stop being an asshole.


On to a case on actual scum.


Did everyone notice the announce saying "Scumhunter X is town"? Very well, I AM THE ANNOUNCER. Since the Scum Announcer died, you guys can be sure that there is only one alive, and that one is ME. Therefore, I UNDOUBTELY PROVED MY ROLE AND THUS MY ALIGNMENT. Just check the openning post if you guys doubt the setting. I'M CLEARLY TOWN.

Now, let me direct my attention to Bogeto. Sure, he also believed Illusio and I could be acting like a hypocrite here, but he sided with Illusio indirectly. He said he found him scummy but Urist scummier. When we told him to prove why he thinks Illusio was being more logistical than Urist, he summarized the whole Urist x Illusio posts and said he agreed with Illusio. Thus...

##Vote: Bogeto

Scummier than directly buddying is indirectly buddying and trying to make sure you find both parties scummy, so that you have an excuse and look town on the other day.

Also, Urist is obviously town. And Parsel must be too, but I don't believe that too much.

Thoughts about why Jay died, anyone?

3 points.

Point 1: I see this as an attempt to mislead town. Disagree? Deal with it. The rules clearly stated (as several have pointed out) that the announcers aren't clear to any sides, and are randomly selected), so my interpretation is that if someone uses an argument that contradicts the very foundation of the game we're in, to prove his innocence, it's flawed beyond reverse. I don't see it as a town maneuver at all because one, it singles someone out as somehow "town", and two, it draws a player into the spotlight that is unproven, and potentially draws attention away from actual scumhunting. If scum!Scumhunter shouted "Scumhunter X is town" then town is going to be all up in a hubbub about whether he's town or not and try to find out who announced it, and ultimately lead the cop to potentially scan a townie (thereby not finding scum). And that's just a single scenario involving a night action, and not even including discussion. If town!scumhunter shoulted "Scumhunter X is town", then he draws a cop scan or a mislynch towards himself, and that's not beneficial to town for obvious reasons. That's not even getting at the blacksmith or stripper's night actions.

Point 2: You could bend my words to say that I said the same thing as Bogeto. Yes, I'm not proud of it, but based on the flip and the fact that there were 4 people not aboard the Magus wagon (plus Viking who was parked on Bogeto), you could easily argue it against me. Why didn't he? The fact that Scumhunter only mentioned Bogeto leads me to think that he's trying to lead a lynch against him (since he's likely to be scum), and earn cred for it. If Scumhunter tries to lead a lynch on me, all it would do is put him into the spotlight for leading a mislynch, but it's pretty easy to earn cred in a situation like this from what I can gather, since he's jumping so early in the day.

Point 3: Urist is obviously town. That's pretty established now based on the bout between the two. However, what's that part about Parsel being obvitown too but not? You don't even explain that (just like you so poorly explained why you are proven town). It seems too openly vague and convienent to waffle like that in a single sentence about a player who's been pretty involved in the entire game.

Not even going on your pretty much entire D1 votepark on Dwarf while constantly putting Magus down.

guys are you not seeing grape's really bad vote here

And you call my vote bad because I said I'd clarify it later. Would you rather me have just not even bothered to show up? Because I can just vote and not say anything about being able to provide reasoning at all. Gee thanks,


I saw Scumhunter's move as really eager town but shrug, whatever. This bandwagon is moving way too fast for me to be comfortable with it.

Although, it could have been scum jumping to 'prove' himself without thinking, I suppose... still need to read his earlier interactions because I haven't yet; I was too busy being an asshole over Gatsby to pay attention to anything else (sorry btw)

Waffle Waffle Waffle.

So you're allowed to be indecisive and flippy and equally considering a currently hot-topic player to be "town" and "scum" within uninterrupted minutes of thought, while I'm not allowed to have done the same with IllusioMagus (during a day with 0 information or flips)? That seems like a pretty horrible double standard, and if that's why you're voting for me, then I and anyone else has the exact same right to vote for you. I provided my honest opinions on the situation. I was wrong with my vote. Shit happens and I failed to read Magus properly. It's not like I was along in the matter, and in all honesty, I probably can't prove that to you. I'd really appreciate it if you laid down a serious case on me instead of "indirect buddying on Bogeto" that's pretty much interchangable with him anyway. And I dissappeared. Several people posted a few times and dissappeared, like Viking and Ikasas. If you feel like throwing a case on me, cool by all means do it. I just think you are getting to a point where you can't see that other people are doing what you're doing, and you're calling them out without acknowlegding it yourself.

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dude I realize I've been waffly or whatever because I'm taking everything into consideration and I can't actually make any assumptions about Scumhunter until I've read ALL of his content, which I haven't. I'm not going to blindly follow some other guy's suspicion without doing my research.

Several people disappeared, yeah, but you're not taking their content into accordance here. I think your content has been worse than Ikakas; Viking I can't be sure yet (I remember inconsistencies)--again it's another thing I need to read but I'm taking a break for the night.

Thanks for flipping your shit though, you have literally two votes on you

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No problem. I'll happily flip my shit any time that I see a vote on me that I see as either middling in ground or less than par, because I have nothing to hide as far as my concern for getting scum lynched instead of town. Whether I have one vote on me or I am one vote from biting the dust, I'd rather voice my opinions as soon as I can and as strongly as I am able to. I admit my D1 reads were off. I'm not proud of it but I'm not gonna sit here and be told that my vote right now is bad because I STRONGLY disagree with that and will defend my vote and any others to the best of my abilities.

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Point 1: I see this as an attempt to mislead town. Disagree? Deal with it. The rules clearly stated (as several have pointed out) that the announcers aren't clear to any sides, and are randomly selected), so my interpretation is that if someone uses an argument that contradicts the very foundation of the game we're in, to prove his innocence, it's flawed beyond reverse. I don't see it as a town maneuver at all because one, it singles someone out as somehow "town", and two, it draws a player into the spotlight that is unproven, and potentially draws attention away from actual scumhunting. If scum!Scumhunter shouted "Scumhunter X is town" then town is going to be all up in a hubbub about whether he's town or not and try to find out who announced it, and ultimately lead the cop to potentially scan a townie (thereby not finding scum). And that's just a single scenario involving a night action, and not even including discussion. If town!scumhunter shoulted "Scumhunter X is town", then he draws a cop scan or a mislynch towards himself, and that's not beneficial to town for obvious reasons. That's not even getting at the blacksmith or stripper's night actions.

Except I would be lynched anyway. So I'd be lynched if I didn't say/announce anything, and maybe I wouldn't be lynched if I could somehow prove I'm town announcer. Then I learned there could be two scum announcers because I tend to overlook stuff because I slip on the stupidest things like Eggman.

If scum!Scumhunter shouted "Scumhunter X is town" then town is going to be all up in a hubbub about whether he's town or not and try to find out who announced it, and ultimately lead the cop to potentially scan a townie (thereby not finding scum). And that's just a single scenario involving a night action, and not even including discussion. If town!scumhunter shoulted "Scumhunter X is town", then he draws a cop scan or a mislynch towards himself, and that's not beneficial to town for obvious reasons. That's not even getting at the blacksmith or stripper's night actions.

This happened earlier. Have you read the start of D2? Red Mage said that, then Urist said "announcer isn't cop so this means nothing". And that was before I revealed my role. Pay attention.

If town!scumhunter shoulted "Scumhunter X is town", then he draws a cop scan or a mislynch towards himself, and that's not beneficial to town for obvious reasons. That's not even getting at the blacksmith or stripper's night actions

And why is that bad? If Jay was alive, I'd let the cop investigate me and ultimately prove my alignment. Tell me why asking for the cop to clear someone who looks very scummy to everyone is bad.

Point 2: You could bend my words to say that I said the same thing as Bogeto. Yes, I'm not proud of it, but based on the flip and the fact that there were 4 people not aboard the Magus wagon (plus Viking who was parked on Bogeto), you could easily argue it against me. Why didn't he? The fact that Scumhunter only mentioned Bogeto leads me to think that he's trying to lead a lynch against him (since he's likely to be scum), and earn cred for it. If Scumhunter tries to lead a lynch on me, all it would do is put him into the spotlight for leading a mislynch, but it's pretty easy to earn cred in a situation like this from what I can gather, since he's jumping so early in the day.

Because I liked your content on early D1, and you say some nice stuff from time to time. Bogeto however helped with nothing on early D1, did a very unnecessary reaction test, disappeared, then appeared to vote on Urist during the Illusio x Urist Arc got ambiguous reasons, then later on he showed his reasoning saying he liked Illusio's content more than Urist, disregarded the rest, and said he found both scummy.

You are scummy for indirectly buddying with him, but your content makes me think twice before voting you. I liked your defense to Parsel. Bogeto however hasn't earned any points with me.

Point 3: Urist is obviously town. That's pretty established now based on the bout between the two. However, what's that part about Parsel being obvitown too but not? You don't even explain that (just like you so poorly explained why you are proven town). It seems too openly vague and convienent to waffle like that in a single sentence about a player who's been pretty involved in the entire game.

Not even going on your pretty much entire D1 votepark on Dwarf while constantly putting Magus down.

Because Illusio voted Parsel when the topic had only 3 pages and nothing was going on, and Parsel proceeded to vote him back. Something tells me this wasn't rehearsed by Illusio and Parsel before. Which makes me think Illusio did that to pick on Parsel, who, because of this reasoning, should be town. But I won't clear him. I won't be mistaken the same way I had been with Illusio.

Imo, the only difference between Parsel and Illusio is that the former made excuses while the later didn't care about defending himself at all. The majority of Parsel's posts on mid D1 is defending himself from others. I have to reread D1 to comment further on his behavior because my memory is shit and I tend to forget stuff and my english is kinda bad.

Also, why am I scum again? Because I believed Illusio was town, or what? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who buddied with him, indirectly or directly. Tell me what you think about it OVERALL and stop focusing only on me for a moment, would you?

It would also be great if we could discuss about other players too, because this is actual scumhunting. Focusing on one person is bad, however you see it. I'm glad Parsel has at least addressed Grape. It would be neat if we could discuss about reads and use all the time given to us before lollynching me on early D2 and ignoring everything else.

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I am still considering not advocating a Scumhunter lynch. I am going to reread the thread carefully today, but aside from Scumhunter's read, I do not expect my reads to heavily change.

As incredibly aggravating as Scumhunter is so far, this is an incredibly easy myslynch.

I hope Scumhunter learned something today about meta.

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Okay, I don't want to lynch Grapesoda today. I read his vote on me as a "let's not lose" vote instead of a last-second sheeple jump. I'd ask him questions about that but it would be pointless because :hindsight:

I also think that Scumhunter X is misguided town and his desperation has made that pretty clear. Scum at least would know better (they had all night to discuss the game, after all).

It could be a ploy on Scumhunter's part, but I doubt that pretty heavily.


##Vote: Stormageddon

I still stand by my case that Storm has only jumped on easy myslynches so far, and has provided very little reasons to do so. Overall he comes off as a scum!lurker.

There are late votes on the Magus wagon that come off as typical town sheep votes, which is normal for Mafia, so I won't do much analysis on them. Bogeto's vote looks a bit like desperate scumbussing to cut off information and get town pojnts, however. His whole D1 is on the fence while voting me, while using Magus's [stupid] arguments, which I could see scum pulling off pretty easily. He is easily just as lynchable as Storm and I would jump on his wagon in a heartbeat if I needed to today.

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I would like to point out that I was not talking about Grape's vote on you. I was in fact talking about his vote on Scumhunter this phase. I do not see anything wrong with his vote on you since it was likely a try and not lose the whole game thing. Although, that doesn't exactly help my feelings about him since my whole point was that he had been saying Magus didn't look good, but maybe he did, but maybe he did not, and then when push came to shove instead of voting for the person who had more votes, he voted for you. I am going to continue to enjoy this vote for now, but will try and reread at some point today though I cannot make any promises as I am busy.

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(2) Scumhunter X - Grape Soda, RedMage

(2) Grape Soda - Parseltongue, Stormageddon

(1) Bogeto Bogeto - Scumhunter X

(1) Stormageddon - Urist McDwarf

Not Voting (4): Bogeto Bogeto, Gonzou Azai, Ikakas, Viking

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to hammer. You have about 51.5 hours left in the day.

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I still stand by my case that Storm has only jumped on easy myslynches so far, and has provided very little reasons to do so. Overall he comes off as a scum!lurker.

-jump on easy mislynches: I was one of the first votes on you and stuck with it. I admit that I was tunneling and did not back that up as well as I could have, but I also am not sure how that was a jump on an easy mislynch. My reasons for that vote were originally half RVS and half to get a reaction from you and then I did not like the reaction I got which combined with your arguments with IM made me want to keep it on you. My next vote was on Scumhunter. Well, seeing as how I was not the only one who believed him to be scumbuddies with IM, I figured that combined with his yelling about how he was proven town was enough for a vote. And lets see... Oh yes. I was the second vote on that. Don't see how it's a bandwagon when it only has one vote. Now, you are saying that it's an easy mislynch and yet you yourself were voting him. I suppose I could also accuse you of having jumped on an easy mislynch there. I am not going to since I believe that you are town, but I am just saying it could be applied to you as well. And then, I voted Grape Soda. Once again I was the second vote there, but unlike my previous votes, I provided a nice little argument as to why I believed that he was scum and such. So, I am not sure how you can classify any of those votes as jumps on easy mislynches when none of the people I have voted for have had their alignment proven.

-scum!lurker: Well, I admit that I have not been posting very much. However, I will promise you that I have legitimate reasons as to why I have not been around very much. That being said, care to explain why I come of as a scum lurker more than the other people who have been lurking do? I at least have been trying to be better about it this phase. I am trying to put an effort into this game, it is just hard due to personal reasons that I would frankly prefer to not go into right now.


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Except I would be lynched anyway. So I'd be lynched if I didn't say/announce anything, and maybe I wouldn't be lynched if I could somehow prove I'm town announcer. Then I learned there could be two scum announcers because I tend to overlook stuff because I slip on the stupidest things like Eggman.

But here's the thing. You being the announcer MEANS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Sorry to burst your bubble. That's where the initial shock value came from, and that's a good chunk of the reason why I voted for you.

And why is that bad? If Jay was alive, I'd let the cop investigate me and ultimately prove my alignment. Tell me why asking for the cop to clear someone who looks very scummy to everyone is bad.

You didn't look scummy. Regardless of your alignment, up until your announcer claim, you were flying under the radar. Why all of a sudden did you have the urge to scream in an announcement on Day2? I think that considering you weren't scummy, you being town and calling that sort of attention to yourself is very antitown. It draws attention to yourself from a cop to clear you when there are/were more worthy people to be scanned.

But the more I type this out, the more I think, why would you as scum do that when the cop has already been killed. To try to get Vested? That has no benefit to scum...

Also, why am I scum again? Because I believed Illusio was town, or what? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who buddied with him, indirectly or directly. Tell me what you think about it OVERALL and stop focusing only on me for a moment, would you?

It would also be great if we could discuss about other players too, because this is actual scumhunting. Focusing on one person is bad, however you see it. I'm glad Parsel has at least addressed Grape. It would be neat if we could discuss about reads and use all the time given to us before lollynching me on early D2 and ignoring everything else.


Ok I was hasty with my vote. I didn't think about this as clearly as I should've. I was at work, saw something that I thought was a pretty obvious scumtell, came home with that on my mind and felt really damn sure that I was on to something, and now I'm pretty sure that I misinterpreted it. My suspicion for Bogeto hasn't died out, but I'm gonna catch up and read through things with a clear head now.

I still can't see the overall benefit of you claiming announcer when it has absolutely no benefit that I can think of for town, but after sleeping on it, I don't think you're scummy like I thought you were.

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I had good earlygame feelings on Storm so I'm not really sure his lack of activity in the latter half of D1 is enough for me to agree with the case made on him even if some of that later content was a little lacking. He did piggyback off of my reasoning for voting for Grape a little bit, but it doesn't feel as sheepy to me because he has his own thoughts backing his feelings up. I read Ikaka's ISO again and that plus his like single post made today is reading to me as very lazy town, which is getting on my nerves because I wish he would come in and do something. "You'll accuse me of jumping on a bandwagon" is a shitty excuse to not vote.

I'm looking over Viking now; I got Bad Vibes™ from him when I was fighting with Gatsby and also in regards to the Magus thing. Here is his last post to date:

(bold added by me)

I can see how you might have meant something else, but Gatsby's interpretation is reasonable.

These are the kind of sidestep comments that ping me, and he hasn't done anything since then. I don't remember if he's been modprodded or not, but his activity was spotty to begin with and some of his opinions felt really halfhearted.

Dude. Seriously. Cut this out. All you're doing is attacking absolutely everything, and not defending yourself because apparently no one's arguments are worth replying to. You remind me of a little kid shouting names at people with his fingers stuffed in his ears, and I honestly think this annoying attitude is getting you votes all on its own. If you think this is a viable town strategy, please explain what good it does.

(On a similar note, Dwarf, we get the point, stop posting that blasted image already)

Parsel is clearly not getting lynched today, and I don't think either Magus or Dwarf is a good lynch, much as their posts are making me want to punch them. Bogeto's posts were definitely not what I wanted from him, so this, I think, is the best option.


##Vote: Bogeto Bogeto

To me this doesn't read a lot like "I think Bogeto is scum," but more like "I don't think that what Bogeto is doing is good for the town and we would be better off without him." He doesn't really explain why he would rather not lynch Magus or Dwarf.

I'll get to Grape's post in full.

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Also I'm sorry I haven't really gotten to Scumhunter, either; I'm just not feeling his case very much and I think overall we've been a bit narrowminded with our lynch choices. This is probably me being paranoid, though.

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Another gem from Viking (a response to Illusio):

I was annoyed about losing the post I had written, and didn't feel like rewriting it at the time. I have a basis for my votes, and I thought voting had a higher priority than justifying said vote. Also, I wasn't voting because of you, I was voting because voting is useful.

It doesn't feel like he's looking for scum, it just feels like he's trying to 'be helpful' and it ends at that. I'm getting from his posts that he's saying things just to say them.

So...it was wrong of me to assume that you RVS'd me?

Hahahaha you completely misread my post. The purpose of the first notes on you was merely observation. It bothers me that you were quick to jump to the conclusion that every single detail was meant to be the case against you.

It makes me kind of mad that people (Gatsby, Magus, RedMage) keep misinterpreting my posts and instead of asking for me to clarify, they get really haughty about it and accuse me of a bunch of stupid things and it's painful to have to pick up all of the pieces afterwards. If I'm not saying something clearly enough, which apparently happens often, then just ask me about it, dude. I'm going to answer calmly, I promise.

Grape Soda also has little content. Stated he didn't see the case on me. Interpreted my vote/jab at him as RVS, thinks it's too early to decide anything about anyone. Cautious? He questions Magus's reads but his vote is still on Red Mage. He rags on Storm for voting for Dwarf (because Dwarf voteparked on a 'safe vote'); he explains why voting is important to Storm, yeah okay that's a little filler. Note that he still isn't voting for anyone now.

From my post. The 'cautious?' remark was meant towards the fact that you felt it was too early to accuse anyone, even after my little spat with Magus. But whatever.


##Vote: Viking

I should have done this a long time ago. Red Mage has considerable content but he feels like a background player.

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It makes me kind of mad that people (Gatsby, Magus, RedMage) keep misinterpreting my posts and instead of asking for me to clarify, they get really haughty about it and accuse me of a bunch of stupid things and it's painful to have to pick up all of the pieces afterwards. If I'm not saying something clearly enough, which apparently happens often, then just ask me about it, dude. I'm going to answer calmly, I promise.

Again, I ask you guys to take this into consideration because Jesus Christ

Sorry for the quadruple post

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