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Is anbody else here a brony?


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Naturally it would be.

The purpose of the thread is to ask if people are fans of the series (aka "bronies"). When a question of that sort is asked, the most common thing is for there to be both answers of yes and no to show different opinions/preferences.

Not everyone is going to like the same thing, and the people who don't like it have just as much right to input their opinion as the people who like it do.

Um... I don't entirely think that was the aim of the question, though... RD says that he was wanting to discuss the show with anybody else who watched it. The point wasn't meant to be "do you like the show or not"

In a topic made for that, all that could really be said is "I don't like the show" and that's it... it doesn't really contribute to what the creator wanted at all x3

It wouldn't really have made much difference if people who didn't like the show just didn't say anything because then everybody may as well guess that those people don't care for the show. Not that everybody who likes the show would post in here but still, the main aim was to discuss the show with those who liked it.

It's just that there are way too many people all the time who want to contribute negativity when all that anybody really wants is to discuss the show. So people that just come in and say "I hate this show" are more of an annoyance and contribute just about nothing useful ;/ Especially if somebody that does so is trying to be rude and insulting about it

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Naturally it would be.

The purpose of the thread is to ask if people are fans of the series (aka "bronies"). When a question of that sort is asked, the most common thing is for there to be both answers of yes and no to show different opinions/preferences.

Not everyone is going to like the same thing, and the people who don't like it have just as much right to input their opinion as the people who like it do.

Especially if somebody that does so is trying to be rude and insulting about it

Precisely. It's pretty obvious you only came in here to get people riled up. Not liking it is fine, but posting such opinions is actually not the point of the thread and it would be much appreciated if you wouldn't come in here just to start a fight.

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Um... I don't entirely think that was the aim of the question, though... RD says that he was wanting to discuss the show with anybody else who watched it. The point wasn't meant to be "do you like the show or not"

In a topic made for that, all that could really be said is "I don't like the show" and that's it... it doesn't really contribute to what the creator wanted at all x3

It wouldn't really have made much difference if people who didn't like the show just didn't say anything because then everybody may as well guess that those people don't care for the show. Not that everybody who likes the show would post in here but still, the main aim was to discuss the show with those who liked it.

It's just that there are way too many people all the time who want to contribute negativity when all that anybody really wants is to discuss the show. So people that just come in and say "I hate this show" are more of an annoyance and contribute just about nothing useful ;/ Especially if somebody that does so is trying to be rude and insulting about it

The thread title asked if anyone here is a brony, I answered I'm not with my honest opinion.

If that wasn't the main purpose of the thread then it would have been wiser to make a more fitting title, like perhaps "The My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Thread" instead of a question.

Also, people who dislike the show could contribute meaningful replies as well, like pointing out what they disliked about it when they tried it calmly. The problem with that is the instant someone sees that someone isn't agreeing/liking what the majority does they try to drive them out instead of have a mature conversation of opinions.

Precisely. It's pretty obvious you only came in here to get people riled up. Not liking it is fine, but posting such opinions is actually not the point of the thread and it would be much appreciated if you wouldn't come in here just to start a fight.

I actually didn't come in here to start a fight, I came in here to state my opinion.

If people are going to get riled up over my opinion, then it's honestly on them.

Edited by Sumia
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Also, people who dislike the show could contribute meaningful replies as well, like pointing out what they disliked about it when they tried it calmly. The problem with that is the instant someone sees that someone isn't agreeing/liking what the majority does they try to drive them out instead of have a mature conversation of opinions.

It's too bad you haven't done anything close to that, eh? Because if you had, I doubt you would have gotten the response you're seeing.

All you've done is say you hate the show and tried to justify your presence in this thread, unjustly antagonizing the rest of us, like the kid no one likes who forces the others to let you play with them "because mommy said so;" and also because you get a kick out of it.

Actually talk about the show (you know, like you just suggested but never did) or, having said your piece, leave the thread.

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The thread title asked if anyone here is a brony, I answered I'm not with my honest opinion.

If that wasn't the main purpose of the thread then it would have been wiser to make a more fitting title, like perhaps "The My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Thread" instead of a question.

Also, people who dislike the show could contribute meaningful replies as well, like pointing out what they disliked about it when they tried it calmly. The problem with that is the instant someone sees that someone isn't agreeing/liking what the majority does they try to drive them out instead of have a mature conversation of opinions.

And I already addressed that, but maybe you missed it. Or I wasn't clear enough. I am kinda bad with words... and explaining myself clearly...

In this case, it's very well known that very many people hate the show. In this forum, at least, there are very few that actually like it. The title was asking for people that liked it. I think it was being a bit more specific than you were thinking.

The biggest problem, though, is that many people don't contribute much meaningful besides "it's a show for little girls why does anybody like this you are all gay" so generally any responses that just say "I hate this show" are going to be annoyance. I'm not saying you're going to be like the rest but it is kind of a thing that any MLP fans are probably going to be used to seeing x3

Personally, though, I don't like those debates on "why the show is good" or "why it's bad" x3 They never go anywhere because not everybody has the same views and opinions. I don't quite understand why people even bother with those.

Why not just settle with "Okay you like the show, go ahead and keep watching it and whatnot. And you don't like the show. Sure, whatever, just don't watch it."

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It's too bad you haven't done anything close to that, eh? Because if you had, I doubt you would have gotten the response you're seeing.

All you've done is say you hate the show and tried to justify your presence in this thread, unjustly antagonizing the rest of us, like the kid no one likes who forces the others to let you play with them "because mommy said so;" and also because you get a kick out of it.

Actually talk about the show (you know, like you just suggested but never did) or, having said your piece, leave the thread.

I actually would have if someone asked me to explain and seemed mature enough to carry the conversation with, but instead nobody has given me the chance.

I'm not someone who will jump right into a proper conversation off the bat without seeing there is someone calm to have the conversation with, because I'm actually a nervous person.

I actually feel like I'm the one being antagonized, and most specifically by you.

I haven't actually done anything wrong, I simply contributed my opinion. I haven't said anything bad about the show, anything insulting towards the people who like it, or the like. And I never would have because I actually respect others opinions.

So I honestly don't deserve you putting words in my mouth, telling me what the purpose of my own actions are, and putting me down. Your personal attacks are rude and not really warranted.

Since I see that people here can't handle listening to my opinions on the subject, I am going to leave the thread now.

But before leaving, I wanted to apologize to anyone who actually got offended by the input of my opinion and also stick up for myself a little against treatment I don't feel I deserved.


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Leaving behind the matter of whether you deserved it or not (since that won't get us anywhere), if you're still willing, let's start over and ask the question you should have answered in the first place: Why do you hate the show?

Anything related to the fandom is not a legitimate answer.

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Leaving behind the matter of whether you deserved it or not (since that won't get us anywhere), if you're still willing, let's start over and ask the question you should have answered in the first place: Why do you hate the show?

Anything related to the fandom is not a legitimate answer.

How? Association with a group can be an annoyance for people trying to enjoy any form of entertainment. For example, one of the reasons I stopped playing Sonic games as I grew, aside from the fact that they sucked, is because I felt they began catering towards a rabid and creepy fanbase.

So I just got ignored? ;~;

Maybe Sumia is colorblind and can't see blue or something like that. :\

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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How? Association with a group can be an annoyance for people trying to enjoy any form of entertainment. For example, one of the reasons I stopped playing Sonic games as I grew, aside from the fact that they sucked, is because I felt they began catering towards a rabid and creepy fanbase.

Maybe I should be more specific: anything based solely on the fandom is not a legitimate answer. Basically the "I hate the fandom" complaints. It says nothing about the work in question, only what people think of it. A situation like you've described is, at least, based on the games themselves becoming bad, regardless of how or why.

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