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that thread where nobody cares about my opinion of you


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Yeah but I dont even really interact with people. I cant think of an instance where you would get that impression of me. Oh well...

Hawk King, I know I'm not Cam but in my personal opinion the reason you bug me is that you come off as elitist a lot in the draft threads. I mean, you seem to "overly" police a lot of the drafters even if you're not the mod or know them personally. People Jedi knows and is friends with telling him to stop drafting you have a backlog is one thing. People telling Harpoon to stop drafting you have a backlog is one thing when said people have known him and interacted with him for a while. You literally barely interact with drafters in a friendly basis and the way you tell people to stop drafting is rather rude. It comes off as being elitist and really annoying and makes people dislike you.

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@ Boron

I have never told Jedi to stop drafting. Way back when he joined here I simply pointed out to him that he was joining and making too many drafts. That was the only time.

And for Sharpy, Im never the 1st person to get on his case, nor am I the biggest harper on him. He has hated me well before any of that anyway.

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@ Boron

I have never told Jedi to stop drafting. Way back when he joined here I simply pointed out to him that he was joining and making too many drafts. That was the only time.

And for Sharpy, Im never the 1st person to get on his case, nor am I the biggest harper on him. He has hated me well before any of that anyway.

Hawk King, it is your tone and the way you say it that bothers people. I really don't know how to be any clearer about this without pulling up quotes you have said to Jedi and why it bothers people but really, I don't have time to do that right now. :/

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@ Boron

Im sorry. It wasn't my intention to come off that way. Im not sure why you single me out from everyone else, but apparently the way I say things bugs you. I will do my best to be "softer" and less "blunt and to the point" in the future. I really am being sincere, sorry.

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@ Boron

Im sorry. It wasn't my intention to come off that way. Im not sure why you single me out from everyone else, but apparently the way I say things bugs you. I will do my best to be "softer" and less "blunt and to the point" in the future. I really am being sincere, sorry.

Thanks, and I didn't mean to single you out or make you feel that way. I think it's because everyone else who composes the drafting community knows each other pretty well, and it sounds less harsh when coming to people you know better.

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