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What has Fire Emblem taught you?

Gold Vanguard

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The icon doesn't represent it like at all, but maybe it's supposed to be something akin to a mancatcher?

My thought was maybe it was some kind of really heavy lance or something. It's odd to describe some things as "lances" because a lance is not a spear. Soldiers/Halberdiers would not wield actual lances on foot; they'd use spears and pikes. Lances aren't even sharp, usually, they get power from the momentum of a horse and rider basically plowing into something with the lance as the point of contact.

So the idea that most "lances" are actually spears, and the Horseslayer is more of a true lance, kind of makes more sense. Except I think there's already a Heavy Lance in some games, so hell if I know. If you go by the footman conception, it could be a pike instead (pikes are a pretty good anti-horse infantry weapon due to length). Obviously some concession has to be made to gameplay to allow Soldiers and Cavaliers to use the same weapon type. But it still makes me wonder, since the icons for some weapons are more suggestive of their usefulness (like the Armorslayer/Armor Cutter's icon looking kinda like it's some sort of weaponized can opener).

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The only weapon I discovered from FE was the Zanbato, which isn't a real weapon anyway, only in fiction. I did learn different terms for weapons, such as poleax, ballista, onager, and the other term for book, tome.

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My thought was maybe it was some kind of really heavy lance or something. It's odd to describe some things as "lances" because a lance is not a spear. Soldiers/Halberdiers would not wield actual lances on foot; they'd use spears and pikes. Lances aren't even sharp, usually, they get power from the momentum of a horse and rider basically plowing into something with the lance as the point of contact.

So the idea that most "lances" are actually spears, and the Horseslayer is more of a true lance, kind of makes more sense. Except I think there's already a Heavy Lance in some games, so hell if I know. If you go by the footman conception, it could be a pike instead (pikes are a pretty good anti-horse infantry weapon due to length). Obviously some concession has to be made to gameplay to allow Soldiers and Cavaliers to use the same weapon type. But it still makes me wonder, since the icons for some weapons are more suggestive of their usefulness (like the Armorslayer/Armor Cutter's icon looking kinda like it's some sort of weaponized can opener).

I've always presumed by "lances" the game really just generically means "long-hafted stab weapons" for reasons like you mentioned.

Miniature as it is, the Horseslayer in FE11/12 looks to be a longer lance without the sharpened tip of the vanilla variety, which means you might actually be onto something with the "actual lance" bit.

ON THE OTHER HAND we could also be sperging about weapon technicalities waaaaaaaay beyond normal, reasonable limits and should stop. If you really want to discuss the details of FE weapons, take it to a new thread or to PMs (with me!)

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-Laws against incest exist for a reason.

Wait. What? I'm not going to dispute that laws against it exist for a reason, but how do you get that from Fire Emblem? The few instances I can think of where it happens it's treated as a neutral or slightly good thing (FE8 with the twins marrying, FE7 with the peggy sisters marrying Eliwood and Hector, then their kids getting wed, and FE7 with Prissy and Raven). Does something happen in the Japanese-only games where it gets showed as a big negative that I'm not aware of?

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Wait. What? I'm not going to dispute that laws against it exist for a reason, but how do you get that from Fire Emblem? The few instances I can think of where it happens it's treated as a neutral or slightly good thing (FE8 with the twins marrying, FE7 with the peggy sisters marrying Eliwood and Hector, then their kids getting wed, and FE7 with Prissy and Raven). Does something happen in the Japanese-only games where it gets showed as a big negative that I'm not aware of?

It's a joke from FE4, nothing more.

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Wait. What? I'm not going to dispute that laws against it exist for a reason, but how do you get that from Fire Emblem? The few instances I can think of where it happens it's treated as a neutral or slightly good thing (FE8 with the twins marrying, FE7 with the peggy sisters marrying Eliwood and Hector, then their kids getting wed, and FE7 with Prissy and Raven). Does something happen in the Japanese-only games where it gets showed as a big negative that I'm not aware of?

Incest was an intentional plot element in Fire Emblem 4, as well as you can potentially marry cousins in the game.

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My thought was maybe it was some kind of really heavy lance or something. It's odd to describe some things as "lances" because a lance is not a spear. Soldiers/Halberdiers would not wield actual lances on foot; they'd use spears and pikes. Lances aren't even sharp, usually, they get power from the momentum of a horse and rider basically plowing into something with the lance as the point of contact.

So the idea that most "lances" are actually spears, and the Horseslayer is more of a true lance, kind of makes more sense. Except I think there's already a Heavy Lance in some games, so hell if I know. If you go by the footman conception, it could be a pike instead (pikes are a pretty good anti-horse infantry weapon due to length). Obviously some concession has to be made to gameplay to allow Soldiers and Cavaliers to use the same weapon type. But it still makes me wonder, since the icons for some weapons are more suggestive of their usefulness (like the Armorslayer/Armor Cutter's icon looking kinda like it's some sort of weaponized can opener).

What's the difference between lance and spear ? I always assumed lance was a "fancier" name for spear.

And is the "Spear" Item an actual spear ?

Wikipedia is confusing me even more on the subjects...

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Wait. What? I'm not going to dispute that laws against it exist for a reason, but how do you get that from Fire Emblem? The few instances I can think of where it happens it's treated as a neutral or slightly good thing (FE8 with the twins marrying, FE7 with the peggy sisters marrying Eliwood and Hector, then their kids getting wed, and FE7 with Prissy and Raven). Does something happen in the Japanese-only games where it gets showed as a big negative that I'm not aware of?

To be specific, the bad guys plot in FE4 resolved around getting a child that can serve as a vessel for a dark god. This requires that the blood of two inheritors of it's priest's bloodline crosses.

This possibility is the reason that incest is forbidden in Jugdral as mentioned in chapter 4. Though considering Levin was also possessed, it seems like everyone inheriting Major Holy Blood can technically be possessed, making this rule kinda useless.

Edited by BrightBow
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What's the difference between lance and spear ? I always assumed lance was a "fancier" name for spear.

And is the "Spear" Item an actual spear ?

Wikipedia is confusing me even more on the subjects...

Spear is - generally - a generic term for a long-hafted, pointy stabby weapon. A lance is a rather more specific kind of spear. They're these things.

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Oh, the things I learned in FE. . .

- No matter how hot/cold it is, no one changes clothes

- Miniskirts are appropriate battle attire

- The odds of someone being an enemy is directly proportional to how ugly they are, unless you ride with Roy

- If there's an enemy that doesn't look like a horse ran over their face, they're either recruitable, important to the story, and/or they're a tragic villain

- Durandal can be flipped around regardless of the wielder's Strength

- Knives are swords, unless you're in Tellius

- You can be successful in war by making it up as you go

- Blood stays in the body

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Fire Emblem has taught me that lolies can destroy armies with ease if trained. And you can make fuck tons of money in the arena and train up your team.

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fire emblem taught me something doesn't necessarily need any redeeming qualities to be liked


Also it has taught me that Wi-Fi battles would not work on a Fire emblem game (Pre-FE13 ones) since everyone would just go and RNG abuse to cap stats, hackers will make many cry and it wont be fun.

It has taught me that if a Unit can take a hit and survive it can be in effect be trained with relative ease.

FE Fanbase may or maynot have taught me how to argue in an effective way.

FE Fanbase of gamefaqs have taught me how to feed trolls and that I must not do it.

Fire emblem has taught me that enemy reinforcements can be one of the most enjoying parts of maps.

and finally that games must not be a cakewalk so gamers can have a satisfying expirience at endgame.

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FE taught me that Ambush Spawning is just for trolling me near the end of a long-ass map.

FE taught me that women are usually the best and worst units I could possibly use.

FE taught me that if she's a tiny little thing that can barely survive one hit, she's gonna wreck shit in a few levels.

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