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Tier List for Awakening...?

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Sorry if this has been asked before, but... I just wanted to know which units are the best... You know, for when I get Awakening. (IN ENGLISH!!! XD)

Like, for example, I know that Sariya and Gaia seem to be good (and, of course, My Unit). Like I said before, I just want to know...

(I guess this question is for those of you that imported a Japanese copy of Kakusei... and the expensive 3DS that has to come along with it...)

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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well you got taste ill give you that my friend sariya is awesome

but my fave units so far are

sariya promoted as a sage

Vaike promoted as a beserker

Liz (lissa) as a sage also useful for healing

Tiki with plenty of dragon stones

your unit what ever class u choose

Krom (chrom)

Ronku promoted to assassin

Anna leave her as trickster as she has alot of usefull skills

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It doesn't have to be "professional." :)

I can be whatever. Like, you can say what you want to say... list the characters you think are good...

I just want to know a bit... (I can't really tell by the lists in the "Awakening" section... because it seems like everybody's growths are good. XD)

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People around here generally make tier lists based off of "Which unit allows the easiest time in the game under a relatively quick time frame". Since people outside of Japan don't have as much access to FE13 like with other FEs, I'm not expecting any tier lists to be made until sometime late February, late April, or afterwards.

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I'd say Velvet may be one of the best character in the game in terms of the usual tier lists here. If you get her to level 10 and re-class her to Dracoknight as soon as you get a change Seal(by the end of chapter 8)then she basically flies past everyone else stat-wise due to her growths and can get 3 sources of hit/evade boost(Odd Biorhythm, Ride Fast and Hot start).

MU and Krom should be towards the top. Frederick(assuming Lunatic as on harder difficulties there's more and stronger enemies/EXP) Anna, Libera and Sairi quite high as well.

The rest is pretty tricky, it depends on when more people get the game relatively how much certain skills(for example Cries),Movement double bonuses might be worth in terms of how it's going to be measured(efficiency,turns,etc. The children characters will be even more difficult to determine due to inherited skills(e.g. Rainbow Cry from MU and [sTR/SPD/DEF] cry from the mother/father) and stats(for example the child of your two strongest units may be in-line with most your other units and lower leveled)

Edited by arvilino
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Avatar would be the top of top tier. Krom and Frederick would be very high up. Then it would be Tiamo and Sumia>>>The rest of the cast. If its a LTC tier list. Anna will be good too I bet.

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It appears that we'll have quite a time piecing together a tier list for the characters in this game.

I agree that it would be incredibly difficult to include the children in any tier list (at least comparing them to the other characters) considering how much their stats, skills and classes depend on who their father is, unless we can establish some sort of average standard for each of them. I also think that class changing (using the Change seal) would also throw a huge monkey wrench into the normal consideration for tier lists considering how it can change the usefulness of characters tremendously at any time after they become widely available. Skirmishes and DLC probably would have to be taken out of the equation because any unit could crush the game (maybe not the final chapter) with enough training there.

Some other people have already tried a different tack and tried to create tier lists for the classes and skills. I think it would be a good idea to determine the comparative usefulness of those first and then apply it to a character list, as it would make our task much easier if we debated the merits of those first instead of having the debates intertwined. The only problem is that those kinds of tier lists only take into account the skill and or class by itself. We would need to keep in mind that some skills and classes work much better together with others. As a simple example, the Bow Slayer skill in and of itself is not really very useful, at least compared to other high level skills, since enemy bow users do not appear to be that common. However, the skill would be much more useful if it could be placed on a flying unit because of their inherent susceptibility to bows.

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MU and Krom should be towards the top. Frederick(assuming Lunatic as on harder difficulties there's more and stronger enemies/EXP) Anna, Libera and Sairi quite high as well.

Swordmaster prepromo better than the Myrmidon you begin with?

On that note, I wonder if the game will give any more excuse for people to produce statements like "why use Klein when Wolt's stats at 20/20 are better?"

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Lunatic is probably something like:

God tier:


Top tier:


Early Prepromotes

High tier:

Staff Users

Other prepromotes

Mid tier:




Low tier:

Everyone else

I'm probably forgetting a few charcaters that manage to distinguish themselves from the rabble, but its slim pickings.

Edited by cheetah7071
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Frederick is like mid tier just because he is exactly that bad during the second half of the game, and he begins to fall behind after the first 10 or so chapters.

Arran is in the exact same situation (in fact he probably is worse off than Fredrick) and he's ranked Upper Mid to High on the FE12 list.

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Frederick is like mid tier just because he is exactly that bad during the second half of the game, and he begins to fall behind after the first 10 or so chapters.

Depends on how you use him, on two of my runs of Lunatic he was MVP(on the credits chapter scroll) almost every chapter up until around chapter 17.

Shouldn't Ronku double on Lunatic more often than the rest?

He does, but his durability is pretty low. On the first chapter you get to use him(chapter 5) he needs a defense potion to avoid being one shot in the case the Barbarians hit him. He also through Pair-up bonuses allows other characters to double more often to the point he's good as a supporting unit(which means less EXP) in Lunatic.

He is pretty useful early on though. However there was a run I did use him long term was where he gained an S-rank support with Velvet and he was still only really slightly better than Sairi because of his supports.

Edited by arvilino
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I made Lissa a Sage, Ronku an assassin then a swordmaster, reclassed Olivia and got her to a swordmaster class, and then used Lucina, MU, and Mark and managed to basically mop the floor with all of my enemies in the final chapter.

Did take a bit of grinding and DLC abuse to get to that point but it proved to me that Mark and MU can and will be utterly broken if you know what you are doing.

(Gimli didnt even see what hit him thanks to the Lethality skill)

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A good chunk of the cast are useless on FE13 Lunatic too apparently, what's your point?

It's more a case with characters that join up early, there's no way all(or a lot) of them will get the necessary EXP to last into the middle and later stages of the game. So you'll generally only pick a few of them(In addition to Krom and MU). In contrast with FE12, due to the Lunatic stat bonuses the later units receive, the later joining units and pre-promotes are almost all good enough to warrant a place in the group.

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