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Connecticut Elementary School Shooting


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Do they know what the motive of the murderer was?

He was killing his family. He killed his dad and went to the school to kill his mom. He went to TWO class rooms and shot everyone he saw, even the kids. So far 20 kids have died and 8 adults.

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This is quite a tragedy for everyone who lost a family member in this. My condolences to all those people.

It's concerning that this happened on my home state, so I just hope this doesn't give anyone else ideas.

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This...when I saw this on the news, I cried. 26 victims, 20 of them innocent children...children! What that gunman did is absolutely dispicable. I don't care if he had mental problems or whatever, the fact of the matter is that he commited mass murder. Why has the U.S had so many of these shootings the past few years? I know the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but still, why??

Nonetheless, my heart goes out to the victims and their families as well as the whole community itself. What a tragedy...

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Yes, I read about it. It is extremely sad, especially that the majority of victims were children.

Another strike against that second amendment. How many more such scenarios need to happen before something is changed?

Edited by Raven
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315 million. That's what the population is estimated to be in the United States. I can't believe any one of those people would do something horrible like this. Apparently I was wrong.. Sorry for any of you affected by this.

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Supposedly the shooter had mental health issues. This leads to a whole dilemma of "how did someone who was not of sound mind get a gun?" I don't want to use this tragedy as a jumpstart for "MORE MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENTS" or "BETTER GUN CONTROL" but these things need to happen.

Nonetheless it's horrible that this had to happen to anyone. It's doubly horrible it happened to children.

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I was watching the breaking news story on CNN with mom after I got home from school. We saw President Obama speak, even he was crying from the event. It's just terrible that someone would go out and do that, shoot their own mother, and the added deaths of children just make everything worse.

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Supposedly the shooter had mental health issues. This leads to a whole dilemma of "how did someone who was not of sound mind get a gun?" I don't want to use this tragedy as a jumpstart for "MORE MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENTS" or "BETTER GUN CONTROL" but these things need to happen.

"I'm don't want to use this tragedy as a jumpstart for "better gun control and mental health treatments", which is why I just did so."

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He was killing his family. He killed his dad and went to the school to kill his mom. He went to TWO class rooms and shot everyone he saw, even the kids. So far 20 kids have died and 8 adults.

There was a little misinformation floating around earlier; some new facts have been brought to light over the day. The shooter, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, first shot and killed his mother in their Newtown, CT home at about 9 AM. His mother, Nancy Lanza, was a kindergarten teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary School. He then drove her car to the school and shot several children, teachers, and himself. According to an article I'm linking below, he shot an entire room of children at close range before moving on to another. As this was happening, he was confronted by the principal and a school psychologist in the hallway, who were both killed. So far, 20 children have been declared dead; 18 at the school, and two who were still alive and taken to a local hospital. Currently, 28 people (including Adam and Nancy Lanza) are dead.

His father, Peter Lanza, is still alive and lives in Stamford, CT, about an hour away. He didn't know his family was involved until he came home at 1:30 PM and was met by reporters. This is an account from the woman who broke the news to him.

If anyone wants to read more, this article is really detailed and was updated through the day. There are several powerful pictures of the crime scene -- this one really hurt me.


Edited by Paulina
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Another strike against that second amendment. How many more such scenarios need to happen before something is changed?


So you use this horrible horrible event to continue your crusade on the second amendment. Give me a break

Even if the second amendment wasn't there do you think for a second this bastard wouldn't have gotten a weapon by any other means? Stand down.

My Prayers are with the parents and relatives to those who died in this horrible shooting.

Edited by Jediwaki Kuno
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Yes, I read about it. It is extremely sad, especially that the majority of victims were children.

Another strike against that second amendment. How many more such scenarios need to happen before something is changed?

When you hear about drunk driver fatalities do you also wonder when the 21st amendment will be repealed?

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Well, I got a warning for my post to Raven about getting off of his soap-box but I'm going to throw out a general warning.

There are children dead. 20 children. We're talking 6 year olds. How many of you remember being 6? None? These kids didn't even get to enjoy life. At all.

So don't start using their deaths as a prop to even mention gun safety. It's despicable and we shouldn't forget that a bigger factor is due to the culture of violence that most Americans grow up in. Guns are only a tool to do these things. A catalyst.

Look at Israel. Do you understand how many 18~21 year olds bring home their weapon? There's an article floating around here that says 60% but I can guarantee that it's a lot higher. And yet, our crime rate is much lower, despite mandatory military service and growing up in a country that has something going on every three/four years on average.

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Well, I got a warning for my post to Raven about getting off of his soap-box but I'm going to throw out a general warning.

There are children dead. 20 children. We're talking 6 year olds. How many of you remember being 6? None? These kids didn't even get to enjoy life. At all.

So don't start using their deaths as a prop to even mention gun safety. It's despicable and we shouldn't forget that a bigger factor is due to the culture of violence that most Americans grow up in. Guns are only a tool to do these things. A catalyst.

It's not despicable to see a tragedy and want to prevent such a thing occuring again in the future, and I'll thank you to stop throwing around insults.

Even though Americans supposedly grow up in a culture of violence, we don't see similar crimes occuring in other countries with the same culture. The United Kingdom watches the same movies and plays the same video games as the United States. But these kinds of tragedies are still far less common over here, even accounting for the gap in population. Or, to take a nation that has a similar problem to the United States, consider China. On the same day, there was an attack at an elementary school in China: but because guns are heavily restricted in China, the attacker used a knife. And fortunately, there were no deaths. So yes, there is evidence to suggest that the liberal gun laws in America do contribute to it's high rate of shootings, even if there are other factors involved.

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It's not despicable to see a tragedy and want to prevent such a thing occuring again in the future, and I'll thank you to stop throwing around insults.

Even though Americans supposedly grow up in a culture of violence, we don't see similar crimes occuring in other countries with the same culture. The United Kingdom watches the same movies and plays the same video games as the United States. But these kinds of tragedies are still far less common over here, even accounting for the gap in population. Or, to take a nation that has a similar problem to the United States, consider China. On the same day, there was an attack at an elementary school in China: but because guns are heavily restricted in China, the attacker used a knife. And fortunately, there were no deaths. So yes, there is evidence to suggest that the liberal gun laws in America do contribute to it's high rate of shootings, even if there are other factors involved.

Maybe but you don't think that it's completely disrespectful for the day of a mass murder for "regular people" to use this atrocity to preach to others for or against gun control? Not a bit? Shame.

The point is that this massacre happened and people should stop enjoying their chance to spout their own belief at the expense of 27.5 (I count the shooter as half) lives. End of story.

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