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does it hurt


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It doesn't actually hurt in most cases, if you go under conscious sedation as most people do. Afterwards you'll likely be really drugged or have some sort of amnesia. Afterwards your mouth will be kind of sensitive and you'll need to eat a lot of soft food. Also the swelling is terrible.

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Yeah, they stitch it shut. It's important to not have the stitches removed until it heals ((so no picking at them!)) otherwise you'll get a Dry Socket which apparently hurts like a bitch. I wouldn't know, I never had one when mine were removed. My mom worked at the clinic where I got them removed at the time so she was helping me out afterwards.

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It doesn't actually hurt in most cases, if you go under conscious sedation as most people do. Afterwards you'll likely be really drugged or have some sort of amnesia. Afterwards your mouth will be kind of sensitive and you'll need to eat a lot of soft food. Also the swelling is terrible.

Pretty much this. It'll take a while before you fully recover, but then it'll be all over, and you won't have to worry about it again.

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From all the times I've heard that it hurts... you know, it's one thing I've dreaded for the past few years. Basically, the time I discovered my top Wisdom Teeth began to poke out, and have remained as-is for that long. Seriously, they seem to have stopped right there. And no sign of the bottom ones showing up has happened either.

Kinda makes me wish for them to remain as-is, that way I can avoid the whole ordeal altogether. Unless having the teeth just slightly poking out is harmful in some way. But last time I had my teeth checked, no issue came up regarding them. Something did came up, but had nothing to do with the Wisdom Teeth anyway.

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They can ache pretty bad once the anesthetic wears off even if you're all doped up on Vicodin, but it varies from person to person; a friend of mine was on her feet disregarding painkillers and talking to people later in the day after she got hers out, while I hated the world for about a week after mine came out and didn't want to do anything but sleep because of the painkillers.

Also annoying, can't drink anything from a straw until the holes have healed up, because dry socket.

also being anesthetized is terrifying

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I got mine taken out under GA, because apparently 4 teeth is the maximum for conscious sedation and I had 6 to remove...no, they weren't all wisdom teeth, go away.

Liquid food for the rest of the day, and soft food for the next couple days, I think. But compared to major surgery, it's really no big deal.

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My experiences with removed wisdom teeth vary. The first that got pulled were stitched up horribly by the surgeon doing the procedure and it hurt like hell and I could barely move my jaws for a fucking week. All the rest I was eating solids like two days after and it rally wasn't that big a deal. You're sedated during the procedure so you won't feel pain but will feel the pressure of the knife.

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I think I made a dumb topic in ftff when I had all mine out at once. I had a surprisingly amazing experience with anesthesia, I got the works- one minute I was wide awake, lying down in the operation room and doing some counting, then the next I was still wide awake, but I was in a different room and had a lot of gauze in my mouth. I can't remember if I had somebody drive me home or not, so I think there's a vague possibility I might have driven myself home afterwards? Which is a bad idea, even if I did it alright. I felt so fine the moment after, in fact, the staff had to remind me I was waking up from sedatives, and they had me wait a little longer than I would've liked just sitting around, with me going "I'm fine! I can walk, see?" I was being maybe kind of a huge knucklehead there, I think, and was probably pretty lucky.

when I got home though?

I remember having a ton of gauze in my mouth, and taking as much pain medication as I was allowed every instance I could. Even with that, not just eating hurt, moving almost anything in my mouth hurt. If you ever start plan to get both out at once, I'd spend some time figuring out what you can eat while moving your mouth as little as possible.

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I went under GA and all I remember is counting numbers, and then waking up later without any sense of time or pain or common sense. I wasn't in pain because they give you all the painkillers to deal with the pain, but I was an incompetent mess for a couple days. So you really just need to set aside time for when the drugs make you useless. Just listen to the care instructions from your doctor and surgeon.

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I got mine out in the summer of 2009. I was drugged up on valium and didn't feel a thing. They had me on steroids after the surgery so I didn't swell up too much. I wasn't in too much pain, although I did take a few pain meds the first day. Just be sure to follow the post-surgery instructions religiously.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got both my top ones off it didn't hurt just bleed a lot but friends told me that it hurts like hell for the bottom ones

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The operation doesn't hurt, but it can get sore afterwards, sometimes for weeks. You can get dry sockets which are further more annoying and painful, and if you're unlucky like me your mouth will get swollen enough that you can't swallow the vicodin.

Not that the scrips given ever take the edge off anyways though. ;__;

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I'm one of the lucky people who's wisdom teeth grew without any problems, so I've never needed them taken out. I have my premolars taken out though but that's probably nowhere near as painful. If it helps having my premolars taken out wasn't particularly painful, and I was fully conscious when they were taken out, so I'm sure being anesthetized will make it bearable at the very least.

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Wisdom teeth are usually a bit more unpleasant than regular extractions, unfortunately, because they disturb the bone and gums more. (I have the reference frame of having had wisdom teeth and canines taken out at different times.)

Like everyone has said, the surgery doesn't hurt because of the anesthesia, it's the recovery period afterward that kinda sucks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Honestly it was the worst experience of my life so far. I'm afraid of needles and I have a low pain tolerance so it was terrible. Going in it took all my energy just to keep my body from convulsing. It was my first time going under and having an IV. Just my luck that interns were observing my operation so I had the doctor, his nurse, and three gorgeous interns watching as I shook the entire chair. My shirt was almost soaked through from perspiration. The feeling of the medicine taking effect was one of the weirdest. I could feel the fluid going up my arm. Then I was out. The actual experience itself wasn't bad. The recovery afterwards is where the pain comes in.

On the way home I was a loopy mess. My mother ended up yelling at me to just shut up because I told the same story about the "pretty nurses" a total of ten times. I couldn't remember anything that I previously said. She said I would laugh about nothing and stare off into space.

Your cheeks swell and bruise in some cases. My mouth wouldn't stop bleeding and I would have to change gauze all the time. All I did was just lie around and mope about the pain. There was no joy in eating or drinking for awhile afterwards. It was all just a pain to go through. If you think I'm a whiner, you are definitely right, because I only had one wisdom tooth. :P

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Oh my gosh, I'm so glad I never heard any horror stories like these. ;-; Now I'm hoping my other two wisdom teeth NEVER EVER EVER appear.

Mine grew in two years ago or so. I only had two wisdom teeth grow, I think they were the top ones (yup, I'm that forgetful; can't even remember if my wisdom teeth were top or bottom). They grew fine, no complications whatsoever. Heck, the day I got them removed I was in and out of the dentist office in 20 minutes. They just, like, popped out. And then in went the gauze. (No stitches. I honestly didn't know it was possible to get the holes stitched up until just now.) Terrible memory, I can't remember much about the following days except that I had Boost for supper the evening after the procedure. Normal, boring days. My jaw hurt a bit for a day or two, but I say that was just from clenching on the gauze.

My experience was uneventful, thankfully. Anywho... My gosh I can't imagine going under. ._. Just had to post a good experience to offset the horror stories.

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