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Best Movie of the Year?


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Well Avengers led to Thor led to me reading the entire 40 something years worth of Thor comics and spending way too much money on Thor stuff so

And I haven't done that for any other movie

For me personally it wins

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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Django Unchained has yet to hit my theater so i cannot make a judgment until i see that one. (Ive been looking forward to new Tarantino for some time.)

Avengers, Wreck-It Ralph, Prometheus, Dark Knight Rises, The Hobbit...those are the ones getting my vote so far.

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Prometheus. Other good movies were The Hunger Games, The Hobbit, Avengers Assemble, and The Dark Knight Rises.

To be honest, while these movies were all good, I don't really count any of them as great.

I didn't see much this year, but Wreck-It Ralph would get my vote. I found The Dark Knight Rises and Thor rather disappointing, though I did like Avengers more than I thought I would.

Thor was a 2011 movie.

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As someone who doesn't go to the movies very often, Lincoln gets my vote.

Ooh, I still need to go see that.

On another note, seriously? Did no-one else see Chronicle back in Feburary?

It is on Netflix now, you have no excuse to not watch it. I personally found it amazing.

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Ooh, I still need to go see that.

On another note, seriously? Did no-one else see Chronicle back in Feburary?

It is on Netflix now, you have no excuse to not watch it. I personally found it amazing.

Crap, I forgot about that movie. Probably my second favorite film of 2012.

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Ooh, I still need to go see that.

On another note, seriously? Did no-one else see Chronicle back in Feburary?

It is on Netflix now, you have no excuse to not watch it. I personally found it amazing.

I saw that. It was good but not fantastic. Just..good.

Wow. You guys were impressed with Hunger Games? I uhh really want what it is youre having cuz that movie was like "yeah...ok...cool...moving on." At least for me.

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I really, really enjoyed the Avengers. The whole movie was pretty invigorating and snappy paced that the length of the movie just zoomed by.

Second favourite is probably ParaNorman. I hope it wins best animated movies come awards season, but there were a lot of quality animated films this year such as Brave, The Pirates: Band of Misfits, Frankenweenie, The Secret World of Arrietty (would this count despite coming out in 2010 in Japan...?), Wreck-It Ralph, and Rise of the Guardians.

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Avengers, I don't think it's movie of the year for me. Yes, it had lots of action, super-hero awesomness, but it wasn't anything that really moved me. Dark Knight Rises, was good, but it felt like such a drop from the Dark Knight. It tried to overcomplicate the situation, it didn't feel like it was about the detective anymore, it went a few steps too big and ended up being like all the other super hero movies, just action and drama. Still, I liked it better than the Avengers. I was impressed with Skyfall, although it certainly wasn't a classic Bond movie, it was still pretty good. It was very emotional and dark, a really nice touch. The Hobbit, to me, was the best film I've seen this year. It's no LOTR, but it was definitely a great movie, I fell in love with Middle-Earth again.

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The Hunger Games is overrated as a series. It just gets more ridiculous with each book, although not quite to Eragon levels, and the film didn't really do anything for me.

If I wanted to read about teenagers killing each other I'll stick to Battle Royale, thanks

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I almost forgot about the Hunger Games, aka, "next Twilight". It wasn't too bad, but it certainly didn't live up to the hype. It was frankly disappointing, and if I wanted to see young teens die, I'd play Fire Emblem 6.

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I really, really enjoyed the Avengers. The whole movie was pretty invigorating and snappy paced that the length of the movie just zoomed by.

Second favourite is probably ParaNorman. I hope it wins best animated movies come awards season, but there were a lot of quality animated films this year such as Brave, The Pirates: Band of Misfits, Frankenweenie, The Secret World of Arrietty (would this count despite coming out in 2010 in Japan...?), Wreck-It Ralph, and Rise of the Guardians.

Oh my gawds i loved ParaNorman. Frankenweenie was good too. (but ParaNorman whooped its ass.) Secret World of Arrietty is a wonderful movie. Pirates! was good fun. Rise of the Guardians is one i didnt see. And i didnt really want to. It seemed kinda meh.

The Hunger Games is overrated as a series. It just gets more ridiculous with each book, although not quite to Eragon levels, and the film didn't really do anything for me.

If I wanted to read about teenagers killing each other I'll stick to Battle Royale, thanks

You are my spirit animal. And the Inheritance Cycle is a large amount of ass with wings. Im really glad the rest of that series was not adapted for screen. (and yes. I found the Hunger Games way too overrated and Battle Royale with fluff. The movie wasnt bad but it wasnt good enough to get me interested in the book series.)

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