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Building a new Music playlist, need suggestions


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(i'll be generous and put some variety because 311 is amazing)

(this is the chick from sixpence none the richer; she did one solo album and it was pretty damn good)

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(sometimes radio music is really fucking good)


(this album is extremely good)

[08:48] Integrity Nightmarre how many amazing songs should I link for elieson

[08:48] Nightmarre 50

[08:48] Integrity Nightmarre that is too many :(

[08:49] Integrity please choose a number that is within my constraints

[08:49] Nightmarre 10

[08:49] Integrity 10 is possible

[08:49] Integrity thank you

[08:50] Nightmarre It is all I can do for a fellow hard man

[08:50] Nightmarre Seeking to enharden himself

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd call Pendulum more electronica/drums n' bass than Droppers of the Base, specifically, though I guess at some point their brand of sound manipulation gets difficult to differentiate. I guess I think of Pendulum and Glitch Mob, seen below, as using distortion responsibly, where it seems to me like U.S. dubstep just tries to get the ugliest sound it can.

I really don't have much of a developed critical eye for most of this stuff though, to be fair.

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of Montreal

Andrew Jackson Jihad

Bomb the Music Industry!

Mumford & Sons

Arcade Fire

Lot of variety there. I would give you individual songs, but each band changes sounds within each album.

Edited by Makaze
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