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Building a new Music playlist, need suggestions


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I approve of this

Also uh

Most of my music is probably too angry for you since I listen to primarily metal so idk

Though Sonata Arctica and Kamelot should be pretty good for even non-metal fans

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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-not depressingly slow

-not country or rap/r&b

-not in persona games

-no screaming

-skilled singer

I don't see your point.

Geez, does everyone on this site expect me to think like they do? Stop being condescending and just say what the hell you mean


Oops, now I'm out of recommendations

Oh, you meant one of YOUR posts. Yeah, I'm too dumb to do much reading. My mistake.

Edit 2: No sarcasm

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-not depressingly slow

-not country or rap/r&b

-not in persona games

-no screaming

-skilled singer

I don't see your point.

Geez, does everyone on this site expect me to think like they do? Stop being condescending and just say what the hell you mean <<

I wasn't even trying to be...

But ok...

Anyway if Underoath is screaming then that means I can't recommend it =< I had posted saying that if no screaming then that rules out my music, but after Elie pressed me I gave recommendations of maybe the only bands I have that aren't huge on screaming =3

Oh you found it okay

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I'm on this I sweer!

Mom flew into town so I'm a bit off schedule. That and my ex's Bf essentially lives with us now so things are a bit awkward.

Working down the line:

Lux, 9/10 will add.

Rehab, not digging that Chiptunes but that Mystery Skulls and Shook remix takes the cake. ElectroFunk is my big thing recently. Also Arctic Monkeys, I've got most of their stuff since they performed at a local Houston College and I happened to buy their stuff when I was there. I'll lurk some more of that when I get home.

April, I'm not usually an Adam Lambert fan but I did enjoy that one, though I couldn't view the dead. Was it a mix/mashup?

Free, that Secret Whisper I couldn't get into but Circa had me by the first minute. I suggest you listen to Guthrie Govan's "Erotic Cakes" album. It's very similar in type and if you like Circa you'd like him.

Royal 'G, I was unsure until the horns came in, I kinda dig that subtle funk, though I had to listen to it twice to really catch and appreciate it.

Integ, I came buckets.

Darros, Lumi, etc. I'm at work I'll get to them when I can.

Keep that funk comin!

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Free, that Secret Whisper I couldn't get into but Circa had me by the first minute. I suggest you listen to Guthrie Govan's "Erotic Cakes" album. It's very similar in type and if you like Circa you'd like him.

Oh I wasn't thinking you'd like any of them so I guess that's great then x3

Erotic....... Cakes?

Heehee but sure I'll check him out~

Second time in two days I forgot my blue =o Or was that earlier today?... I forget

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Darros, your post hurt me deep, but that Rythym Heaven set at the end was pretty good.

Raven, that's good LP. I haven't listened to them since around when Hybrid Theory came out (god I'm old)

Lumi, I like that one, granted it is a bit heavy.

JoeKerr, a liiiitle bit heavy for me :/

Helios, that's a really interesting beat behind the vocals. In not sure if I really dig the song itself but i played it back 4x so it must be catching on.

Taking on Aere--> next.

Also when I said I wanted a skilled lyricist, what I meant was that if the song does feature vocals, at least suggest one that sounds good "as if it were an instrument alongside of the music". I honestly don't care if the song features vocals or not, is what I was getting at.


Aere. Approved

Doga, someone was waaay to happy with their Moog...I couldn't really enjoy that.


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[spoiler=One glorious batch of nsfw and pretty much not safe for human contact either]

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