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What's your favourite colour?


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If you dislike turquoise:

You dislike change. Yes yes yes

You may be stuck emotionally or creatively. Not sure what that is meaning

You may have shut off your feelings. Umm...... in what sense?

You may dislike sharing your innermost feelings and thoughts. I dunno, sometimes...

You may be uncomfortable showing compassion and empathy. Not that much

The energy of turquoise may not stimulate enough passion, physical energy and excitement in you. Maybe physical energy?

Organization and order drive you up the wall. In some cases.... Like I don't entirely like the thought/idea of it but I'm uncomfortable with change so I just settle with it x3

How do you get the "Dislike color" page?

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If you dislike turquoise:

You dislike change.

You may be stuck emotionally or creatively.

You may have shut off your feelings.

You may dislike sharing your innermost feelings and thoughts.

You may be uncomfortable showing compassion and empathy.

The energy of turquoise may not stimulate enough passion, physical energy and excitement in you.

Organization and order drive you up the wall.

If you dislike pink:

You may crave more excitement and action in your life.

Pink may be just too sickly sweet for you or too girly and feminine.

You are not the compassionate and nurturing type.


Edited by Gloom
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Black and red seem to be like 40% right about me (together). I don't dislike any colours and kind of love all colours (but black is above all, and red kind of after that), so maybe I'm just an amalgam of every colour in that site place.

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With a personality color green you are a practical, down-to-earth person with a love of nature.


You are stable and well balanced or are striving for balance - in seeking this balance, you can at times become unsettled and anxious.

Sounds about right.

Having a personality color green means you are kind, generous and compassionate -


good to have around during a crisis as you remain calm and take control of the situation until it is resolved.


You are caring and nurturing to others - however you must be careful not to neglect your own needs while giving to others.

I guess?

You are intelligent and love to learn - you are quick to understand new concepts.

To an extent, sure.

With a personality color green you have a great need to love and to be loved and you tend to wear your heart on your sleeve- you are an open book who doesn't hide his/her feelings.

Totally accurate.

You have a need to belong - greens are the joiners of social groups -

That's true.

you are at home in any social situation as you are gracious and well-mannered, knowing just the right things to say and do.

That's less than true.

You are a good citizen and like to be involved in community groups.

oh god, you're hilarious

You have high moral standards and doing the right thing is important to you.


You like to be accepted, appreciated and admired for the good you do in the community as well as in your family life.

It'd be nice, but I don't really DO much for the 'community.'

You are a loyal friend and a faithful partner, gentle but not passionate. It is difficult for you to feel great passion as your need is for balance and peace, not action.

Loyal and faithful, sure, but lack of passion? That's a new one.

You are strong-willed and do not like to be told what to do by others. You do like to win arguments and do not concede defeat easily.


You can have a tendency to gossip, which is connected to your need to belong.


You love food and find it hard to lose weight.


You are not a risk-taker and not action orientated, rather more of an observer. You love to sit in a café and watch the world go by.

Mm... 50/50.

You are business orientated and love to work in your own business. Money is important to you but you are generous.

I suppose.

Detail bores you. You process information quickly and prefer to develop an idea, organize a plan and then delegate the rest to someone else. Ideas flow quite easily but you are not good at executing them.

You accumulate possessions but they are usually of high quality and high price.

You make an excellent counselor, psychologist, social worker as you are a good listener and can view others problems with empathy, clarity and a balanced analysis, seeing both sides while showing respect and caring.

The ability to put yourself in the shoes of others is one of your true talents, but you need to be careful you don't become so involved in others lives that you become a martyr.

You have to be careful not to become complacent and self-righteous, forgetting about your own dreams and goals.

All accurate, particularly the first.

Greens are generally frank, community-minded people, fairly sociable but preferring peace at any price. You can be too self-effacing, modest and patient, and run the risk of being exploited by others. You may appear to be innocent and naïve but you are actually quite streetwise and astute - you read others well, but often keep it to yourself.

Hm... yeah, I'd say that's accurate.

A negative side to the green personality is a tendency towards envy and jealousy.

That came out of nowhere.


Having a personality color indigo as your favorite color means you are honest, compassionate and understanding. Integrity is extremely important to you.

That's correct, but...

You need structure in your life - organization is important to you and you can be quite inflexible when it comes to order in your life.

With a personality color indigo you love rituals and traditions. You look to the past when planning for the future.

You are conscientious and reliable - a good person to have around in a crisis.

You may have a great need to acquire qualifications.

Being a personality color indigo indicates you are hungry for the meaning of life.


You may sometimes be moody and introspective.


You operate beyond the normal senses of taste, sight, hearing etc.

... Huh?

You love law and order - justice is important to you - you'll defend people's rights until the end.

... Yeah, that's very accurate.

You love creating drama in your life.

Very much so.

You may be up in the clouds one minute and down in the dumps the next - you have trouble living in the now as your mind is always on the future.

Oh god yes.

You have an addictive personality and may be a workaholic or addicted to other things.

Heading towards a caffeine addiction...

You may not trust very easily.

... Yeah, that's true.

You may be a show-off - as a dramatist, performing and showing-off comes naturally to you.

Very much so; I'm an actor.

You are intuitive and perceptive, relying on intuition rather than gut feeling - you can see beyond the normal senses.

I guess?

Service to humanity is one of your strengths and essential to your wellbeing.


You are impartial and fair, defending the rights of others to the end.

Yes, that sounds right.

You can be quite the dramatist, making a mountain out of a molehill, when you are stressed.


You can be narrow-minded, intolerant and prejudiced when living from a negative perspective.

you just said i was impartial

You can become fanatical and obsessive at times. Addiction of some sort is also a problem for you - this may be addiction to work, exerise, food or other substances.

No, not really.

Green was about 80% right, indigo maybe 65%, and they misspelt exercise.

added bonus

If you dislike pink:

You have unresolved emotional problems from your childhood with either your mother or father.

hahahahahaha what the fuck

Edited by Furetchen
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It's probably a little psychoanalysis mixed in to a lot of bullshit. tl;dr from above, indigo literally tells me I'm terribly prejudiced, as well as believing firmly in equality. I predict a 60% average from these, at best.

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Look at my name. It tells everything. I believe I got all qualities of the lover and hater for this fav colour we are speaking of!

And black ummm perhaps 50% I suppose. Orange to 30% lol

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Well, I think the more you like the colour the more the profile will suit you? Like for me, I'm practically an embodiment of the purple profile.

hi did you miss the part where i would be happy if literally everything i owned were purple

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Nope I didn't. I like you for liking purple though!~

But he was also saying in his post that purple is hardly that accurate about him =b


why can you literally not accept that this test isn't spot-on accurate

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