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Shattered Honour Chapter Six


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"Well, I have rooming here, but if you're interested in joining... Jack will be at the inn. He's trying to find the rest of our men and bring them back here. Talk to him. I would not be surprised if he said yes." Irene walks Cole to the door. "Also, you're far too trusting. Never let the one who proposed the game do the dealing." She grinned at him and walked back inside.

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"I guess we can call it a lesson then. I am not known for my skills in the game anyway; would've lost even if the gods above dealt us evenly. The game was worth the time though."

Cole turns to enter the door, tossing his hand up to signal his goodbye to Irene, and peers around the bustling crowd to find her partner from the barracks. If that was the same Jack, he'd be sure to be enjoying the finest mead all night.

"Ahh!" Cole muttered. "There e' is."

He walks confidently towards Jack, approaching him from behind, and slams his hand on the empty chair next to him. His strong, honest eyes meet Jack's glassy stare.

" "Captain" Jack, I presume? Irene sent me to you, a defeated man in cards, but a wiser man of your ways. Tell me, could you use a bow's arm on your force? I grow tired of tending to mere errands to earn my daily bread, and assume your respect comes with a full pocket."

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Jack turned away from Tordel and looked at the other man. "Ah, yes. I'm Captain Jack. Irene sent you, eh? Suppose adding another man can't hurt. Pay's dependent on the missions we get, but every man that comes back gets a fair share of the reward. If you're willing, you're in. You're free to stay with us in the building where you met Irene. I'm just trying to round up the rest of the men now."

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"No unholy errand to run to prove my worth in a way unrelated to battle? I like your style. Count me in, I'll keep myself outta' trouble."

Cole gives Jack a once over, confident that he earned respect for good reason, and calmly paces from table to door a few times before making his way out the door to walk back to the barracks on his own.

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By about 1:30 in the night, you've all retired to the barracks. About half an hour ago, you heard the diplomats from Dracia arrive.

"... no way to get the legion back!" calls out a strong, male, only slightly accented voice.

There's a rich, almost musical laugh that you recognise as Kathanna's. She doubled back on the road to the Stronghold to meet up with the Dracian party; apparently, she found them. "I trust Aldous' men as much as I trust any royalist. He's a man of honour, no mistaking that."

"Does all of Tascara approve of this alliance?" asks a hesitant male voice. Kathanna snorts.

"As much as all of Dracia does. Which is to say, 'enough'. ... Here, Kaylen, you ever been drunk before?"

"I'm fifteen, miss."

"So... yeah?"

The first man chuckles. "He's not one of your fen children, Katha-"

The voices fade with the footsteps.

And twenty minutes later you hear a scream in the alleyway outside, as a man shouts "You're nicked, pal! I'll rip out yer fuckin' eyes!"

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Irene sat bolt upright. Grabbing her weapons, she ran over to Jack. "Get up. We need to find out what's going on out there." A little groggy, Jack sits up and grabs his equipment. Quickly getting ready, he told Irene, "Go see what's going on. When you see, come back and get us." He then started to wake everyone else up while Irene ran outside quickly but quietly.

Edited by scorri
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Outside, Ramsey is attempting to overpower a small, pale man with curly brown hair, who is desperately fighting back. There's a commotion inside the central keep that you can hear even from out here.

The man lashes out and smacks Ramsey in the face, and for his troubles Ramsey breaks one of his arms. The small man screams, and Ramsey starts relentlessly pummelling him.

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Literally unphased by the scream, Jordan slept until he was bothered by Jack, "Mmmmm, five more minutes, I don't want to bake anymore..." Jordan's groggy response ended as he rolled off the bed. "What! What's going on what who where?" Hitting the floor had caused him to sit up rather drastically. "Jack, it's, like, not even sunrise yet... Why are you getting us up?"

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Ramsey grabs the man by the face and throws him aside, before putting the boot in. Twice.

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Realizing she wasn't going to get an easy answer, Irene grabs the man that Ramsey was beating up. "What. Is. Going. On?" Waiting for an answer, she yells, "Jack, get your butt out here, now!" Hearing Irene, Jack gestures to the door. "Now do you see, Jordan? Get everyone else up, I'm going out there."

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"Can't say I was talking to you. I was mostly trying to get an answer from Ramsey here. So, Ramsey. What's going on?" Jack walks out to see the commotion and hears the noise coming from the central courtyard. "Dammit. Irene, give that man to me, go find out what's going on over there." Irene reluctantly hands over the man and nods. "Ramsey, tell Jack what's going on." She runs in the shadows to find out what else is going on.

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"Nothing but trouble never anything but trouble even in the dead of fucking night..." Jordan mumbled angrily as he began kicking the bed frames of everyone sleeping there. "Good ol' Captain Jack's ordered us all up, some shit happening outside! Better wake up and find out."

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"This ... pustule opened up Lord Randel with a knife." To your amazement, there's tears in his eyes. "Nobody could stop 'im. He blended in fine with the Othidian crowd, but I don't think he was with 'em... Aldous tried to kill the bastard, same as the rest, but nobody was fast enough. Nobody except me."

There's torches blazing in the distance. "Scan the streets in pairs!" roars a voice Jack dimly recollects as Hewen's. "Try to take him alive, but don't hesitate to take off a limb or two."

Dogs are barking in the distance.

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Jack swears. With the hand that isn't holding onto the murderer, he solidly punches the man straight in the face. "Where do we take him? Good job beating him. You've done the best you could. Now we need to find out where to go from here."

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Two exhausted-looking house guards, swords in one hand and torches in the other, run at you. "Is that him?" one bellows. The other, female, sheathes her sword. "Good collar, Ramsey. Now how many limbs d'you figure we can break before this rat starts squealin'?"

"Do these ones know what's going on?" asked the first.

"Well, this one's a captain..." The woman sighs. "Ramsey, break his legs, then bundle him into a cart or something. I'm taking this lot back to the castle."

Ramsey nods.

"Your posturing makes me sick, northerners-" starts the killer, before realising his mistake.

"Oho!" says the female guard. "So it's a southern Tascaran, is it? Very interesting... very interesting indeed. Sami, go tell Hewen what's up. You, captain, you'd best come with me."

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Jack blinked and then nodded. As he started to walk away with the guard, he noticed Irene in the shadows. Making a slight gesture to her, he continued following the guard. Irene noticed the the signal and nodded. She followed in the shadows as best she could.

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The keep is in grave silence, as you walk into the main chamber which so recently held audience to a new group of diplomats. The killer starts laughing, madly, as the blood where Randel presumably fell comes into sight.

On this, all eyes in the hall focus on you and the prisoner. The guard, who you discovered along the journey had the name of Hazel, clouted him across the back of the head and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, stepping forward before Merry and throwing the man down before her.

Miriam Randel has not left this meeting the same woman she was this past morning. Her finely-made blue tunic and earth-coloured leggings are both soaked with blood. Her hair is ruffled and out of place. Her body is still as she sits on a tall stair, leading up to the throne of Garwyn, but her hands shake like those of an alcoholic. She is pale as a sheet, but her eyes are dead.

She shudders. "Flay him, then castrate him, then crucify him. I cannot look upon this... creature."

Two guards grab the killer by the legs and sweep them from under him, so his head slams into the stairs. Even concussed, the killer still has time to laugh madly, and Miriam shivers.

"It was the south, m'lady," says Hazel, bitterly. "Not Othidia, not Bahar."

Miriam looks up at Hazel, not wanting to believe her words. "Does this mean civil war?"

"I pray not."

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Miriam shuffles closer, but a nearby maid tentatively tugs on her shoulder. "M'lady, maybe you should change into something clean."

The knight allows herself to be pulled up, and with a backward glance allows Felix to accompany her.

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Jack nods to Miriam as she walks away. Turning to Irene, he shrugs helplessly. "I don't know what to do here. Why are we even here?" Irene shrugs. "They'll probably want us to investigate why this happened. Or something."

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Once the pair were alone again, Felix awkwardly - yet eagerly - attempted to comfort Merry. His mother always told him talking about problems and solutions made everything better, so he did his absolute hardest to coax her into talking.

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