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Tales of Symphonia Mafia Ver. 1.0


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I may get kicked off at any moment, so:

1. Potential LYLO? Does that mean we're not in MYLO, and so there is a third party?

2. My guess for announcer is j00, assuming it's not anyone named in the announcement.

3. If there is an SK, they're not really living up to their role.

4. Mancer is scum going hard for the mislynch, knowing he may not have had to deal with the fallout, and even if he does, the ML is worth it.

Vote: MancerNecro

He really should've been lynched D1 like in my first two games. :newyears:

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Also Prims I want you to fullclaim right now.

Why shouldn't I just wait for massclaim?

My role isn't particularly great aside from trying to game who the SK is.

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4. Mancer is scum going hard for the mislynch, knowing he may not have had to deal with the fallout, and even if he does, the ML is worth it.

Vote: MancerNecro

He really should've been lynched D1 like in my first two games. :newyears:

Pray, do tell how that's the case.

Yes, I admit, I was wrong when I thought that Bluedoom was scum. But given what Bluedoom has been doing and the way he has been acting, I had legitimately thought that he is scum.

Mislynches happen a lot in mafia games when town players, most likely the newer ones act in scummy ways. So, if a mislynch happens, the one who's trying to push on the mislynch most is scummy?

I don't see your logic and it feels like you're just trying to start on an easy wagon lynch.

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I don't mind a mass claim, but if I do claim, scum will definitely go for my life.

All I can say is that I might have been the one who helped town not lose yet.

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Knew something felt off about your play.

##Vote Prims

Hi I'm the town!fullcop. I copped Obviam last night but for some reason got redirected to Prims. I can't ask scorri if she targeted Obviam anymore which sucks ;_; because I think Obviam is a nexus (since there's no reason for mafia to redirect someone to their buddy, well unless they thought I was a protective role which is always possible). But yeah I got Prims as mafia!Roleblocker and he's some little girl with an axe (lol of course Shinori made Prims a little girl again). So yeah Prims is lying because if anything why would he give me the wrong character. And yeah I can make a case for scum!Prims but I really don't feel it's necessary.

So yeah what else should we discuss?

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This set-up is absolutely retarded. Town gets a dreamer (I'm assuming Shin was EM dreamer alongside census taker based on his role name but Shinori never confirmed or denied this), watcher and now a fullcop? I wish people would stop thinking this sort of balance is okay. "oh hurr durr I can just throw around investigators everywhere and my game will turn out fine"

Anyway, Strawman is SK. There was no kill N1 because I roleblocked him. We have more reason to think this, but yeah, fuck if I'm putting more than the bare minimum effort into getting somebody else lynched right now.

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Helios, you're 100% sure you're FullCop?

I find it hard to believe that Shinori would give town a FullCop. Alignment or Role Cop, I might believe, but FullCop seems too powerful.

If you're sure and Prims flips scum, I'm going to suspect you of bussing your teammate for town credit and trying to make town think you're town.

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Are you sure you're not an insane cop?

It would explain why both of your results so far are wrong.

Do you really think I'd be an insane cop in a game with 5 antitown players

Yeah I doubt I'm wrong about this

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Mancer is scum planning to fakeclaim Bodyguard. Just look at that obvious breadcrumb.

We actually did roleblock the SK last night (I'm p sure at least) but there's no way I'm telling you guys who it was now. :smug:

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If Marth had been around to claim then we probably would be in an impossible-to-win-barring-ridiculous-luck situation today with zero scum dead.

Think about that for a moment.

Please ban Shinori from hosting @queue hosts.

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@Mancer: Why is it hard to believe we'd have a fullcop if there's FIVE ANTITOWN PLAYERS in the game. If I was scum I'd probably be a rolecop anyway because a fullcop would be pointless, and an alliance checker in this game sounds like it'd be pretty weak. Anyway I'm Rodyle if that helps any (Idk anything about the Tales games).

@Prims: GG bro

Also one of JB, CR, and Mancer confirmed for scum thanks Prims

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Yeah god damn I wish Marth would have just claimed watcher instead of being all pessimistic saying "oh if I claim I'll still get mislynched ;__________:" I'll have to talk to him about this shizz post game though I am sorry for riding him so hard it was probably because he was the only other person talking 80% of the time through half of D2 but hey it's all good hopefully.

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I have a feeling that JB, CR and I are most likely town.

Even with the tone of voice that Prims had used, I doubt he'd actually surrender his scum team to town.

He's trying to make use of the fact that he had defended JB and CR in thread before to implicate them, and possibly using the fact that I had defended CR to implicate me.

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