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3DS games?


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So I got a 3ds for Christmas, right. And the only game I asked for was Mario Kart 7 cause thats all I could think of off the top of my head.

But are there any good or recommended games y'all enjoy for the 3ds so that I don't have 1 game to play until Awakening comes out? Thanks!

Was thinking about Mario Tennis, but thats pretty much the same genre as Mario Kart so I'm trying to branch out some lol.

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My absolute favorite game for the 3DS would definitely be Kid Icarus Uprising.

The game has great action with for Nintendo unusual professional voice acting. The game has plenty of levels and is insane enough to keep them varied. And the game's multi-player and weapon variety makes the game last a lot longer.

The only complaint I've seen against this game were the supposedly lackluster controls but personally I can't understand them. At all. I think they are pure perfection, on top of being highly customizable.

My only complaints would instead be that your ability to store your weapons is too limited and the game's difficulty system.

The game's difficulty gets higher if you bet more hearts before the star of the level in exchange for better rewards. It's a pretty good and clever system in theory, allowing you to customize from zero-effort to omg-hard but it means that once you start the level you have to play through the whole thing or you loose everything you invested.

This lack of flexibility would be acceptable for a console game but for an handheld it's rather problematic too say the least. We are talking about stages that can take up to 30 minutes or so.

Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance is also highly recommendable. Mind you, I got a bit too cocky because of the low difficulty of the DS and GBA games and started the game on Proud. Not necessary a good idea. This game is pretty hard.

Flowmotion is also lots of fun and the game consists of huge areas so that you can take properly advantage of your ability to jump from wall to wall at high speed. The downsides is that fighting normal enemies feels even less intuitive then usual, since you have to slow down to fight them.

Conveniently you can download a demo from the shop. Sadly, it doesn't let you access the menus. But it does allow you to use flowmotion for a bit and beat up the game's first real boss so it's all good.

Otherwise, Starfox 64 and Ocarina of Time 3D are what you would expect.

I was downright amazed that almost all of Oot's little quirks were still intact. Oot 3D also contains Master Quest, which is also different from it's original incarnation by mirroring dungeons and doubling damage. But you sadly have to play through the original game to get it.

As for Starfox 64, I would probably enjoy it a lot more when the game could shut up about asking me about the Gyro controls at every damn opportunity. Also, for some reason they have you set the difficulty after the opening narration. I can't count the number of times were I accidental confirmed the game's easy difficulty. Which game does that? The original most certainly did not.

Oh, and they have Link's Awakening on the E-Shop. Liberation Maiden was also pretty nice, if short.

Edited by BrightBow
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Kid Icarus is hands down the most enjoyable game on the 3DS, but if you're playing solely for hours to stall until February, then Tales of the Abyss is likely the better shot considering the sheer length of it. So it's a matter of quantity over quality.

But I have 7 3DS games so I'll make a little tier list



Tis Mariorific!:

3D Land

Mario Kart 7

Still Amazing:

Ocarina of Time


Tales of the Abyss

Street Fighter 4


Paper Mario

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Btw, in case you are looking for fighting games, I would remove "Super Street Fighter IV" and "Dead or Alive Dimensions" from the consideration. Because as far as I am concerned, both have absolutely broken online play.

Street Fighter allows players online to abuse the touch screen controls to spam charge moves. You know, those moves that are balanced by the fact that they are unspammable.

Dead Or Alive's online is harassed by an completely broken point distribution system and the fact that everyone uses Ryu Hayabusa, who has a stance that pretty much starts a rock-scissor-paper game in which your opponent gets to see what you choose before having to make a move himself. Besides, neither game has a very active online community anymore.

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I have to say, I'm not all that exited about Tales of the Abyss.

I think that the pacing is absolutly terrible. You have seen pretty much everything on the map relatively early. The rest of the game is spent jumping from town to town and from cutscene to cutscene and only sometimes they let you actually visit dungeons or fight something. But chances are, you have already been in those earlier.

For me, the game was a very enjoyable ride throughout until I got a ship and was sent to a town that was never visited before, so I spent like an hour going from harbor to harbor with the main character continuously pestering me to go to my destination but not telling me where it actually is. Afterwards, pretty much everything was pretty boring and tedious with a few moments of pure awesomeness here and there.

Naturally the game has tons of the usual skits. But they were not dubbed (the dub is otherwise absolutely excellent, mind you.) so they are very uncomfortable to read, since the text doesn't behave like a normal dialogue and just keeps going. It's painfully apparent that they intended to have spoken dialogue there. To make matters worse, the game has more of them then ever. Sometimes you get like three or so in a row after a story event.

Oh, and tons of skills and other stuff can only be obtained in short time frames and they are all pretty random. Getting them is not intuitive at all. It's like the game expects you to visit any reachable place and speak to any NPC after every single story event.

Also, the original game had the ability to play co-op in fights but they simply removed this ability here entirely. Or to just use a guide, which is very impractical for a handheld and a very annoying design choice in general.

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I own a grand total of two 3DS games. Sonic Generations 3DS and Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy (a remake of Ace Combat 2). All I can say is: Don't knock them until you've tried them.

I plan for Awakening to be my third 3DS title.

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I'm such a big MGS fan, so I'd have to recommend Metal Gear Solid 3D. The others said here are great too, definitely worth checking out, but to me, MGS3D is my favourite 3DS game I have so far. Most people say the PS2 or the HD remake is better, but I like it on my 3DS, I can sneak around guards and destroy nuclear tanks on the go. If you play games for story, then Metal Gear is definitely the way to go. I admit I cried at the end.

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If you like musical games, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy and Rhythm Thief are both excellent games. Rhythm Thief is criminally underrated and hardly anyone has heard of it. And then, some of my friends have been enjoying Harvest Moon: A Tale of Two Towns but I'm not sure of the quality myself. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward has a serious bug that deletes saves but it might be fixed, or you can take steps to avoid triggering the bug, and it's a pretty sweet mystery puzzle-logic game by the makers of 999.

Other than that I will parrot Kid Icarus and Paper Mario as being quality non-port games. OoT3D and Star Fox 64 are great, but what did you expect when the originals were so good to begin with?

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Are you insane

All of those games are shatscum except for Paper Mario and you put it at the bottom

Wh-what the

Mofack I don't care about that overrated trash

But I do know for a fact that Paper Mario games are always amazing

Okaaaay... so what is this?

Why do you just come in here to insult these games and by extension the people who like them? Couldn't you give something like a reasoning for your dislike?

By themselves, those statements are worthless, no matter how insisting you call them a "fact".

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I've played 47 minutes of Tales of the Abyss and I don't plan to touch the cartridge again. I don't care if it gets good, I'm sick to death of JRPGs and their ridiculously slow starts. Too many frustrating moments with a really awfully written script so far. "it must have something to do with your kidnapping!" says one character. "you still don't remember anything, do you?" OOOH EXPOSITION AND BRING UP MYSTERIOUS DARK PAST IN CONVERSATION FOR NO REASON AT ALL. I like the skits; they're great supplementary material. Not voice acted? Fine by me. But you can't even spam A to speed read the conversation. You literally have to wait there while you imagine that the character is talking, rather than just reading the text and getting a move on. Not a good start. Don't want to even bother.

Zero Escape is pretty great, although yeah, you need to be careful of that bug that will kill your save. If you can skirt around it (not that hard) the game is really quite great, though if you played 999 you may find the story a tad lacking.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is... okay. It's only slightly enjoyable but the worst part is that the game doesn't have any new arrangements of songs for you to play. You'd be better off keeping your money and tapping your fingers to Final Fantasy MP3s.

That's really all I've played. Now that I look at it, the 3DS has a really shitty bunch of games for it at the moment.

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Are you insane

All of those games are shatscum except for Paper Mario and you put it at the bottom

I'm not done playing Paper Mario, until I do, I'm not sure where to put it, thus why it said "pending".

Also cry moar.

Edited by Esaka
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Wh-what the

Mofack I don't care about that overrated trash

But I do know for a fact that Paper Mario games are always amazing

I think I might have said this elsewhere, but I thought the 3DS Paper Mario took out way more than it added. It's okay, and I guess it's one of the best titles on the 3DS right now (because there's nothing on the 3DS), but I don't think it's amazing even when not looked at compared to the rest of the series.

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Okaaaay... so what is this?

Why do you just come in here to insult these games and by extension the people who like them? Couldn't you give something like a reasoning for your dislike?

By themselves, those statements are worthless, no matter how insisting you call them a "fact".


You're too serious dude

I was just wondering why he would put a Paper Mario game at the bottom of his tier list, and he responded in the post above this one.

EDIT: 2 posts above this one.

I'm not a man-child, I realize this thread isn't made for picking out a random game that was mentioned and going on about why I don't like it.

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