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Wii U Games: Any you would like to see made?


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Not a big fan of MMOs, but I'd still play it 'cause pokemon.

Jesus Christ, I'm such a fan-boy.

Not a big fan of MMO's either, mostly because of the painful process of leveling up one character over many hours, but with Pokemon I think it would be a whole new thing. Basically, the same process as a normal Pokemon game, catch Pokemon in grass, go to towns, collect badges, but 3D instead, with thousands of people.

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I doubt it will ever happen, but a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game on the WiiU would be a dream come true.

Main Pokemon games are perfect for handhelds, but I think Mystery Dungeon would work on a console proper.

But then again, so would Luigi's Mansion 2 have.

Also, I don't think there's anything that we agree on.(and from my experience, you're the only person who has said that GX's soundtrack is bad)

I don't like anime shows at all except for a select few, I hate the Beatles, I think OoT is overrated Garbage, The only Final Fantasy game I can stand is Crystal Chronicles, and my favorite game to date is Custom Robo on the Gamecube.

Trust me, no one ever agrees with me on ANYTHING.

this song is amazing.

F-Zero music comparable to Pink Floyd? Have mercy

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definitely FZero

I would like a Metal Gear game but that's pretty doubtful so I won't get my hopes up

Ground Zeroes was announced for PS3 and Xbox 360 only, it's a shame.

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I don't like anime shows at all except for a select few, I hate the Beatles, I think OoT is overrated Garbage, The only Final Fantasy game I can stand is Crystal Chronicles, and my favorite game to date is Custom Robo on the Gamecube.

Trust me, no one ever agrees with me on ANYTHING.

Oh, I wouldn't say that. I kind of agree with you here. I wouldn't call OoT garbage, but I do agree that it's overrated as hell. I also am not interested in any anime shows except for a few. I can also sympathize with you, actually. I don't find many that agree with my preferences either. xP

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I don't like anime shows at all except for a select few, I hate the Beatles, I think OoT is overrated Garbage, The only Final Fantasy game I can stand is Crystal Chronicles, and my favorite game to date is Custom Robo on the Gamecube.

Back vile demon

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I dunno let's go shitty obscure on our 2013 christmas wishlists, I want a faceball remake.

(It's sort of like if pac-man was a FPS)

I'd also like a new starfox game. Better yet, Star Control IV (we can call it III if you want) on the wii U! The gamepad character could control a flagship, or direct a fleet, and the other characters could pilot smaller ships or something. I dunno. But I do think SC is fun enough that the controls might benefit from the Wii-U.

I want pretty much every nintendo game to have the wrecking crew hammer theme in it for whenever things are going well (star in mario, slashing boss in zelda, dumping tons of pikmin on an enemy, etc). I know that's not really a game per se.

For F-Zero fans we don't have to do that to F-Zero.

Also if there is never a sequel to dokapon kingdom made I will consider that a sign that we are moving in the right direction.

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I'd like to see Nintendo actually come up with new series and thin out how often they come up with their spin-offs. For example, New Super Mario Bros. Wii was not needed when they already made Super Mario Galaxy in the first place. One mother-ship title is enough for a generation in my opinion and would make me more excited when its been like a 3-5 year wait for the next installment. So, I am looking forward to the new Smash game (I hope will be more melee-like) and Pikmin. Seeing more RPG titles added would be nice too since Xenoblade was a fairly decent addition.

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I personally would like to see a new star fox. Not a remake of 64, I liked Assault and I wanted them to continue with that, I highly doubt it'll ever happen.

Now that Nintendo knows Kid Icarus is a success with its massively positive reception with Uprising I highly expect a Wii U title. Also the typical 3-D and 2-D Mario's. I almost bet the new Sonic game that Sega has been hinting at will be on the system as well and after the massive successes of Unleashed, Colors and Generations i'm looking forward to it.

More F-Zero would be nice, and as Eryth said something new wouldn't hurt because I mean look at The Last Story and Xenoblade. they were amazing

Also I hope the makers of Muramasa the Demonblade. Vanillaware, make something for the Wii U seeing as I love both Odin Sphere and Muramasa [and its like my favorite Wii game] seeing their beautiful visuals on the Wii U would make me overjoyed

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Wow! Tons of votes for a new Four Swords here. Awesome!

But while I also eagerly await a new game of that series, I would rather see a new Four Swords on the 3DS. That way, anybody would have their own screen. I mean, you can't expect your friends to carry those clunky pads around.

Otherwise, I can't think of much that would sell this system to me. I bought my last three consoles for Fire Emblem with everything else being an afterthought. But I think a turn based strategy game suits the convenience of a handheld a lot more, so I kinda would like the series to stay there... that is, if they change the art direction.

Besides that, I would really be interested in a Castlevania 64 style platformer but that sure as heck ain't gonna happen.

Thought a new Sin & Punishment would be nice. After all, good Railshooter don't exactly grow on trees these days. And I still feel kinda guilty for only buying Successor of the Sky when it was on sale for only 10€. Still, I would really like them to add a proper co-op mode this time around, with a second player having their own character.

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A Mario Paint game would be hilariously awesome.

I would like a Fire Emblem one too; since it's and HD console and all, I kinda don't see it happening. . . but we could get lucky.

Pokemon RPG would be great. Mayne even a real Strategy RPG (I'm looking at you Pokenaga, you oversimplified piece of-).

A real Paper Mario 3 would also be fantastic, using the touch screen to perform moves and whatnot. (And totally not related to stickers. . . guh *shivers)

After that, I think I'd like to see Dragon Quest X localized, even if it means they'll have to figure some way to bring over a subscription-based MMO to the West, where said franchise has little market pull. . . I don't really have any suggestions, other than drop the Sub fees, and go with maybe a GW2 model? Again, I'm useless in anything other than promising that I would buy the game lol

aaaand that's as much as I can think of atm. . . more RPGs in general, is my opinion.

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Why? We had FE on the Gamecube and Wii, why wouldn't IS make one or two for the Wii U? I really want them to make at least two this time because I really don't see why the GBA needs three games and the DS two games while the home consoles only have like one game each. I'd like some balance here, and I really love RD's graphics and animation. They felt so much more lively and are more detailed than the GBA and DS ones, though I do love the GBA sprites too. Why wouldn't I since I'm a major spriter? XD Aaaanyway, RD also had awesome cutscenes with voice acting! I want that again too, though this time, they could make some better choices on English actors. Some of RD's voices were good (namely Shinon, Skrimir, Ranulf, Rolf, and Ike), but the rest were kinda disappointing.

Wow! Tons of votes for a new Four Swords here. Awesome!

But while I also eagerly await a new game of that series, I would rather see a new Four Swords on the 3DS. That way, anybody would have their own screen. I mean, you can't expect your friends to carry those clunky pads around.

True, but it would probably be more expensive to play that way. You'd only need one Wii U console, one copy of the game, and four game pads in the case of a Wii U game, but you'd need four consoles and four game cards in the case of a 3DS game. I'd say having to buy three more 3DSs and four game cards would be more expensive than having to buy three more gamepads and one game.

Yeah, Nintendo obviously wants money, but they also want their stuff to be affordable for as many gamers as possible.

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Fire Emblem 16.

What about Fire Emblem 14 and 15? They kinda have to be made first, y'know....

And I can't really think of any games I would like, I just hope that the Wii U does better than the Wii. I don't even have ten games for the damned thing and I've had it for five years. >_>

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What about Fire Emblem 14 and 15? They kinda have to be made first, y'know....

And I can't really think of any games I would like, I just hope that the Wii U does better than the Wii. I don't even have ten games for the damned thing and I've had it for five years. >_>

Since i'm buying a 3DS for FE13 ( and KI and RE too ), i really hope they release one or two more FEs on the system =p

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And I can't really think of any games I would like, I just hope that the Wii U does better than the Wii. I don't even have ten games for the damned thing and I've had it for five years. >_>

You can't blame the console for you not buying any games for it.

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You can't blame the console for you not buying any games for it.

I can if the console doesn't give me a good reason to buy games for it. See, I'm one of those picky gamers that only get games that I think are good. My Wii collection consists of Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Super Mario Galaxy, Brawl, Xenoblade, Radiant Dawn, Rhythm Heaven Fever, and Animal Crossing: City Folk. Then you look at my collection of DS games, and taking a quick count I have at least 25, all of them I consider to be pretty damned good.

I am aware that there are more good Wii games than just the ones I own, but I've either not been too interested in them or the DS got to my wallet first.

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Why? We had FE on the Gamecube and Wii, why wouldn't IS make one or two for the Wii U? I really want them to make at least two this time because I really don't see why the GBA needs three games and the DS two games while the home consoles only have like one game each. I'd like some balance here, and I really love RD's graphics and animation. They felt so much more lively and are more detailed than the GBA and DS ones, though I do love the GBA sprites too. Why wouldn't I since I'm a major spriter? XD Aaaanyway, RD also had awesome cutscenes with voice acting! I want that again too, though this time, they could make some better choices on English actors. Some of RD's voices were good (namely Shinon, Skrimir, Ranulf, Rolf, and Ike), but the rest were kinda disappointing.

I was merely saying that I would like the series to stay on a handheld. I never claimed that I know what IS actually intends to do. Though, from a former interview, we know that they worked towards getting back to consoles when they were working on the GBA games, so they might have the same goal in mind now.

Anyway, for me it's just very convenient to be able to play Fire Emblem everywhere. And in action games, your performance varies a lot since you might be in a noisy environment or need to pay attention not to miss a train or whatever. A turn based game is a lot more convenient there.

True, but it would probably be more expensive to play that way. You'd only need one Wii U console, one copy of the game, and four game pads in the case of a Wii U game, but you'd need four consoles and four game cards in the case of a 3DS game. I'd say having to buy three more 3DSs and four game cards would be more expensive than having to buy three more gamepads and one game.

Yeah, Nintendo obviously wants money, but they also want their stuff to be affordable for as many gamers as possible.

It might technically cheaper but nobody is going to buy those expensive pads. You are always dependent that your fellow players have one as well, and they are probably more likely to have a 3DS then a Wii U on the virtue of the former being more convenient and cheaper.

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I was merely saying that I would like the series to stay on a handheld. I never claimed that I know what IS actually intends to do. Though, from a former interview, we know that they worked towards getting back to consoles when they were working on the GBA games, so they might have the same goal in mind now.

Anyway, for me it's just very convenient to be able to play Fire Emblem everywhere. And in action games, your performance varies a lot since you might be in a noisy environment or need to pay attention not to miss a train or whatever. A turn based game is a lot more convenient there.

Whoa, I never said FE shouldn't EVER be on a handheld. I want the series to keep bringing out handheld games too so I can have some FE on the go. But I also want more games on the home consoles to balance that out and because I like the 3D and animation more. A Wii U disc can probably hold lots more data than a 3DS game card as well, meaning that a Wii U FE can be longer and have more features and content.

It might technically cheaper but nobody is going to buy those expensive pads. You are always dependent that your fellow players have one as well, and they are probably more likely to have a 3DS then a Wii U on the virtue of the former being more convenient and cheaper.

YOU think nobody will buy them. I would buy more to play a Four Sword game. Also, I doubt a game pad is as expensive as a 3DS. Oh, and for the record, my Wii U was about the same price as my 3DS.

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