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Favorite Let's Plays?


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Mageknight404's Advance Wars: Days of Ruin LP, Shadow Dragon LP, and Pokemon White LP

Seph1212's Minecraft LP, and his Blazing Sword LP.

Shadowofchaos725's Fire Emblem Awakening LP

notice a trend?

pcull44444's Metroid: Zero Mission LP

Arieta1117's Witch's House LP

takarifreak's Final Fantasy IV: Complete Collection LP

Yeah, that's about it. They all make some pretty good stuff. Especially Trent and Ray.

Edited by Diortem
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I had low standards before trawling on LPArchive for way too long. Now a couple of old standbys are being phased out because I can no longer stand them. Like, at all.

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I found them only useful if I wanted to experience a game that I didn't really want to spend the money for like the halo games. Just wanted to see where the story went.

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(read it Trent)

no ; ~ ;

I had low standards before trawling on LPArchive for way too long. Now a couple of old standbys are being phased out because I can no longer stand them. Like, at all.

but you still love meeeee riiiiight, Furet? Q u Q

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+ TheDarkId, because he is actually the wittiest dude ever. Perfect person to cover the Drakengard LP... Appropriately titled "Drakengard: What the Fuck...? What the Fuck?!"


And his Drakengard 2 was almost as good.

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Deceased Crab. As I hit around twin corridor and chamber of extinction major exploration, La Mulana was awesome enough that I wanted to make progress, and hard enough (in terms of puzzles and making progress) that I wanted a guide. There were no written guides. The best resource I found were some maps and item databases that helped me figure out what progress I had made and what I could do with roms. However, Deceased Crab had a complete let's play and I used it to figure out some tough stuff that I had an inkling of. Oh, and if I had used it more rigorously, I might have ended up with a level 3 shield when doing hell. So, I'm thankful he exists as a LP'er.

I think there was one other Mulana LPer at the time, and the main reason I selected DC over him is that DC had about half as many videos (something like 40 or 50 vs around 70 or 80???). That's what I remember anyway.

His voice is not particularly good and I simply cannot remember a single thing he said that was particularly amusing, but I don't really care about that, I was skimming the vids anyway.

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So I just started watching Rondie's FE9 LP, and they are GREAT! my favorite kind of let's plays are the ones where it's two or more people playing the game (or one playing and the other watching). They sort of remind me of when me and my brother(s) play video games.smile.gif my God, those guys are hilarious. A+

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my favorite kind of let's plays are the ones where it's two or more people playing the game (or one playing and the other watching).


These guys are for you.

They haven't finished their L.A. Noire LP, but it's already my favorite LP ever.

Something else you should check out,


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oh my god, two best friends are the BEST. they will never fail to make me fall out of my chair laughing. biggrin.gif

yeah, when it comes to humor i laugh at the dumbest things, i'm pretty easily entertained, heheh.

This made me really happy :D

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