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MarkyJoe1990's Fire Emblem Hack Reviews (Video Series)


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The 'D' in 'Dj-' is usually silent, I believe.

Iron Blue Intention theme.

Yeah, like in Django, but not in this case. Djambo has some sort of... funny background as a name, so saying the "D" in this case is correct. Or at least, it's how I intended it.

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Well, that was something. I personaly am not usualy good enough for rom hack difficulty, so this is a nice way to experience what i could not otherwise. I love the plot on this so far, and i would love it if you could go through the entire hack when it does come out, because it would be far too reset happy to actually be fun for me gameplay wise. For reference, the song for chapter 2 is the song that plays when castle karnak is about to explode and you have to escape in ff5. Also, rya's theme is emperor gestal's theme for ff6. you know, the guy who is the big bad for the first half of the game. I kind of suspect that she's going to turn evil. If it was not alferd's intention to make me think that every time i see her, he might want to change the theme to any of may other regal sounding vidio game themes that dont have that mental association.

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Also, rya's theme is emperor gestal's theme for ff6. you know, the guy who is the big bad for the first half of the game. I kind of suspect that she's going to turn evil. If it was not alferd's intention to make me think that every time i see her, he might want to change the theme to any of may other regal sounding vidio game themes that dont have that mental association.

That's like saying that you expect a Colossus to appear in ch.4 because the map theme is from Shadow of the Colossus.

Just don't make that association, man. I don't even know where most of the midis are from

I'm glad you're liking the hack, anyway. ;o

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That's like saying that you expect a Colossus to appear in ch.4 because the map theme is from Shadow of the Colossus.

Just don't make that association, man. I don't even know where most of the midis are from

I'm glad you're liking the hack, anyway. ;o

Honestly, i mentioned it less because I made the association, and more because i expect other people to make the association and get confused, especially because that tune sounds a bit evil to me. It actually might be reasonable to suppose that this is foreshadowing the same way alvis's theme is in fe4(both themes sound regal yet foreboding). After she got characterized enough to show that this was probably not true, i stopped making the association, but i suspect that it might confuse others in an unintended manner.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i was kinda yelling when you didn't try to get to that house on the far right on your second or so attempt while saying 'but i tried everything".

other then that its perfect, i did it without a guide as well

In my defense, assuming I tried everything is understandable when you don't know that the yellow wall tiles are traversable. I checked just now, even. Pixel by pixel, they look exactly the same, just with a slightly different palette. Either way, it makes no sense from a perspective standpoint to fly over the bottom of a wall. >_<

I suppose I could have noticed it was traversable whenever I selected Schwarz, but... come on. My eyes wouldn't be looking over at the wall.

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That's like saying that you expect a Colossus to appear in ch.4 because the map theme is from Shadow of the Colossus.

Just don't make that association, man. I don't even know where most of the midis are from

I'm glad you're liking the hack, anyway. ;o

As a music guy --

Super iconic music like the Imperial theme from FF6 tends to throw me just because it's so well known. I associate them with moods rather than events.

But, hacks are also fan projects, so it's less of a thing, I suppose. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for the lack of updates on Midnight Sun for those who are interested in my videos. While I only have about 4 chapters left, I think I've finally just... burnt out with Fire Emblem.

I'm gonna find some time in my schedule to finish the rest of Midnight Sun. Once I've completed the hack, I'm done. This probably won't be permanent, but I need time away from the series and it's hacks so I can reassess my attitude and revitalize my appreciation for the series; by staying away from it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Man, I really needed that break. I think I've come back into FE Hack reviewing with a different attitude.

Behold. NEW PARTS!! (Also I forgot to link to Chapter 6, didn't I...?)



Yeah. So just to be clear, I've mellowed out a bit ever since I took that long break, so I'll probably be more positive overall in my videos.

I'm also gonna be separating whole chapters into parts. I feel that if I commit to less footage per video, I'll record and upload more footage overall. Plus I think my commentary will dry up less frequently (though, I always edit those parts out anyway).

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We've got chapter 7 part 2 now, in post-production commentary, but if you want to view the live version, the video provides an annotation link near the start.

Also, I have an outro song whooo~ (it starts at 18:18)


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Glad you're back into the community! I was gonna say it earlier, but then I forgot...


Midnight Sun is pretty much the best hack I've ever played, IMO, mostly because instead of doing what most FE8 hacks do(trying to make it more like FE7), it EMBRACES FE8 mechanics and uses them to make itself better. I'll probably do an LP of it, once the next patch comes out. Because I have lots of other plans for stuff to do until then.

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