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High school is killing me...

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I'm so dang busy...

Research projects... essays... tests... labs... preparing for the SAT... being behind and having to catch up... I hate it.

And, of course, Awakening just has to come out when I'm busy and have little time to play it. *sigh* (<- Going to play it anyway.)

I hate high school... and I'm dying from it. (I guess I'll be pulling an all-nighter...)

All this for what? A good life? Yes, but why does it have to be so hard...?! Oh, the world and its competition... It's an interesting world to live in. [And a stressful one... a very, very stressful one. Fortunately, games like Fire Emblem make life easier... Wait, that's not true. Playing Fire Emblem on Lunatic (or its equivalent) can be very stressful at times too... Well, I guess that's a different kind of stress... Whatever, I'll be getting back to work...]

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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Why high school? That's simple, though often misunderstood. There's great value in knowing things. In and of itself. Language? Uniformity and specificity (especially in definitions of words) is a serious way to combat misunderstanding through language and I've been reaping the rewards these things offer, while others are not. Other languages? Well obviously because not everyone you meet will speak whatever you natively speak. So what you gonna do, stare at each using retarded signals? Mathematics or rather calculus because it's simply the language with which we describe the world that is (around) us.

And because of all the other things that high school diploma implies. Like being able to deliver the stuff you're supposed to do on time. Seems like it doesn't matter? Well apparently there's people who have problems with even that. A high school deiploma is basically a piece of paper that says to someone - anyone - that you have a loosely defined skill set. Which tend to be important things for organizations that employ people to do work. And that's basically what you're doing; proving to future emplyers you've got a certain skillset. And having these skills would allow you to perform better and achieve a higher rank.

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Why high school? That's simple, though often misunderstood. There's great value in knowing things. In and of itself. Language? Uniformity and specificity (especially in definitions of words) is a serious way to combat misunderstanding through language and I've been reaping the rewards these things offer, while others are not. Other languages? Well obviously because not everyone you meet will speak whatever you natively speak. So what you gonna do, stare at each using retarded signals? Mathematics or rather calculus because it's simply the language with which we describe the world that is (around) us.

And because of all the other things that high school diploma implies. Like being able to deliver the stuff you're supposed to do on time. Seems like it doesn't matter? Well apparently there's people who have problems with even that. A high school deiploma is basically a piece of paper that says to someone - anyone - that you have a loosely defined skill set. Which tend to be important things for organizations that employ people to do work. And that's basically what you're doing; proving to future emplyers you've got a certain skillset. And having these skills would allow you to perform better and achieve a higher rank.

I understand that high school's important, but... really, who uses Calculus past college? Okay, physicists, astrophysicist, other physicists, more physicists, and pretty much all physicists. (I'm sure there are more, but I can't name any...) The typical (note how I emphasized the word) job won't require that particular subject. (Yet, here I am, taking AP Calculus...)

Oh, and misunderstandings is not too much of a problem! I know English, Russian, Korean, and some Japanese! (That covers a lot of countries. Well, the former two, that is.) I can travel in most of Europe, North America, and all of the former USSR with those languages... with either little or no miscommunications. :P

And more important than a high school diploma is a bachelor's degree... I'm working my way towards it.

But you're right. It's all important. (I never said it wasn't.) That "why" was more of a rhetorical question... :)

Oh, andwhen I was reading the "skills" part, I couldn't help but think, "My, that sounds a lot like Fire Emblem." :)

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I understand that high school's important, but... really, who uses Calculus past college? Okay, physicists, astrophysicist, other physicists, more physicists, and pretty much all physicists. (I'm sure there are more, but I can't name any...) The typical (note how I emphasized the word) job won't require that particular subject. (Yet, here I am, taking AP Calculus...)

Oh, and misunderstandings is not too much of a problem! I know English, Russian, Korean, and some Japanese! (That covers a lot of countries. Well, the former two, that is.) I can travel in most of Europe, North America, and all of the former USSR with those languages... with either little or no miscommunications. :P

And more important than a high school diploma is a bachelor's degree... I'm working my way towards it.

But you're right. It's all important. (I never said it wasn't.) That "why" was more of a rhetorical question... :)

Oh, andwhen I was reading the "skills" part, I couldn't help but think, "My, that sounds a lot like Fire Emblem." :)

how about everyone who does academica? Hell even laws in socio/psychology are expressed in mathematical notation. Other than that being capable of taking multiple integrals is just useful. Yes. You could try to argue that, because you don't need calculus for most modernday jobs it is not necessary. And that would be sort of true if there was no other reason for schools to teach you the things you learn. I had hoped I had implied it strongly enough in the first attempt but apparently not so I'll just state it outright. There is value in having knowledge beyond what is supposedly necessary for work. Because knowledge is the tool we use to understand our world. (why else you think we bother teaching kids so much calculus even these days?)

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how about everyone who does academica? Hell even laws in socio/psychology are expressed in mathematical notation. Other than that being capable of taking multiple integrals is just useful. Yes. You could try to argue that, because you don't need calculus for most modernday jobs it is not necessary. And that would be sort of true if there was no other reason for schools to teach you the things you learn. I had hoped I had implied it strongly enough in the first attempt but apparently not so I'll just state it outright. There is value in having knowledge beyond what is supposedly necessary for work. Because knowledge is the tool we use to understand our world. (why else you think we bother teaching kids so much calculus even these days?)

Okay, now I understand even better. I agree. Knowledge is very important. I was just being... annoyed. (The world has such high standards now... 100 years ago, we wouldn't have had to study all this stuff... Wait, *gasp*, 100 years ago, there wasn't Fire Emblem or all that other technology! As complicated as it is, I like the world today.) Well, I guess I could just look at the bright side - I don't have to take calculus in college. :) Anything past calculus-level difficulty is only needed if you're going major in that particular subject... which I'm not going to do. Math isn't my "thing." (I like it better than writing, though...

Anyway, yeah... Thanks. ( I'm just trying to stay alive during junior year. Hopefully, it'll be better next year, when college applications and all that stuff are over...)

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high school is easy dude, what the fuck

That's a matter of opinion, I suppose.

It also depends on how much you're doing... (I'm taking 3 AP classes... which isn't too much, but, eh, it's still hard. Oh, AND three languages: English, Russian, and Japanese.) Japanese is the only one I'm doing voluntarily. (The other two are sort of, well, forced.)

Of course, if you do next to nothing, it's easy. (Or if you're super smart.)

But if you're actually trying to make the most out of those four years, then that's a totally different matter.

Like I said, it's a matter of opinion. Some find it hard; others don't.

(It all just depends...)

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I was smoking pot everyday and passing stuff by studying 1 hour before the test my junior year. Yay Texas public education.

Although college is quite different. I don't smoke anymore and actually enjoy learning stuff and going to class.

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I was smoking pot everyday and passing stuff by studying 1 hour before the test my junior year. Yay Texas public education.

Although college is quite different. I don't smoke anymore and actually enjoy learning stuff and going to class.

Wow, I have friends from Texas, but they never mentioned anything like that. Actually... they did. Is it really that bad?

(Wow again, college must've been a life-changing experience for you. From smoking pot to not smoking pot. From detesting studying to enjoying it. That's great.)

nobody in high school is cool

high schools pointless

life is pointless

...depression? Or do you really think that everything is pointless?

Everything has a purpose. Well, fine, maybe not everything, but I don't think high school is pointless... or life, at that.

I can see what you're saying, though... You're born, you live, you die. No biggie. There's nothing to it. I guess, you have to enjoy what you're given. Griping about what you don't have, what you're not doing, or the purpose of life doesn't help at all... I didn't say you were griping, by the way. :)

Edit: @Joe Kerr

That's supposed to be fun? #_# (Ugh, case studies and bio lab reports... please don't remind me. I have to do those things now, and I'm not even in college. Or were you talking about high school?)

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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There is value in having knowledge beyond what is supposedly necessary for work. Because knowledge is the tool we use to understand our world. (why else you think we bother teaching kids so much calculus even these days?)

Besides that, studying is also exercise for the brain. Similar to how we exercise the body with physical activities to make it function better, we exercise the brain by studying. A brain that has had no exercise is nowhere near as good as one that has had good exercise throughout the years. Those many years of affair with your desk are going be of use to you for the rest of your life.

Of course, some of this stuff sounds like it could be lessened and still be just as effective, but...yeah.

Edited by Nightmare
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Besides that, studying is also exercise for the brain. Similar to how we exercise the body with physical activities to make it function better, we exercise the brain by studying. A brain that has had no exercise is nowhere near as good as one that has had good exercise throughout the years. Those many years of affair with your desk are going be of use to you for the rest of your life.

Of course, some of this stuff sounds like it could be lessened and still be just as effective, but...yeah.

That's what Brain Age is for... or not. :) (<- Besides, who would want Brain Age Concentration when the superior Fire Emblem Awakening is coming out a few days before it?)

*sigh* And yes, it could be lessened, but it's not... The "laws" of today's world dictates that the more you know, the better you'll do. Get a Ph.D., and you're well-esteemed. That's the way things usually work... (Usually, not always.) And it's only going to get worse... the more humans discover, the more people will have to learn. Well, maybe at one point in the future, humans will develop a machine that, once you stick it on your head, gives you all the information you'll ever need to know! :) (<- Not happening.)

Edit: @Namine

Well, I'm taking three in one year. Last year, I took AP Chem. Next year, I'll be taking AP Psychology, AP Biology, AP Physics, maybe AP Government, and possibly AP Macro/Micro economics... I'm very busy. (Not as busy as some, perhaps, but busy nevertheless.)

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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[17:54] <@Nightmarre> necktie I thought you were at elementary school

[17:54] <@necktie> um

[17:54] <@necktie> no?

[17:54] <@necktie> im in college?

[17:55] * Raven (muhedsrana@zpcz-694-64-05-262.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net) has joined #serenes_forest

[17:55] <@Big_Boss> but you're only 14

[17:56] <@Nightmarre> Yeah dude wtf

[17:57] <@Nightmarre> *in

[17:57] <Blues003> he must be a genius.

[17:57] <@Big_Boss> you must be a genius to be josé ironcock

[17:59] <Blues003> ergh, ballista maps.

[17:59] <@necktie> fifteen, and i skipped a few grades

[18:00] <Blues003> well what course are you taking ?

[18:01] <@necktie> the course of Being Really Smart and Handsome

[18:02] <Blues003> that sounds like a good one

[18:02] <@necktie> i ace everything

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Well, maybe at one point in the future, humans will develop a machine that, once you stick it on your head, gives you all the information you'll ever need to know! :) (<- Not happening..)

That machine sounds depressing. If I ever get a say in it, I'd be against it.

Edited by Nightmare
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With nothing but respect for the benefits of taking challenging classes early and the people who take them on successfully, people can get a bit much into fetishizing academic rigor, I get you. Even so, I'll have to ask you to trust me when I say it doesn't exactly feel much better to be pressured to not take AP/challenging courses, easy ride in high school or no. It feels a lot better to even just survive something resembling actual adversity than to sandbag long enough to forget if you were actually smart in the first place.

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[17:54] <@Nightmarre> necktie I thought you were at elementary school

[17:54] <@necktie> um

[17:54] <@necktie> no?

[17:54] <@necktie> im in college?

[17:55] * Raven (muhedsrana@zpcz-694-64-05-262.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net) has joined #serenes_forest

[17:55] <@Big_Boss> but you're only 14

[17:56] <@Nightmarre> Yeah dude wtf

[17:57] <@Nightmarre> *in

[17:57] <Blues003> he must be a genius.

[17:57] <@Big_Boss> you must be a genius to be josé ironcock

[17:59] <Blues003> ergh, ballista maps.

[17:59] <@necktie> fifteen, and i skipped a few grades

[18:00] <Blues003> well what course are you taking ?

[18:01] <@necktie> the course of Being Really Smart and Handsome

[18:02] <Blues003> that sounds like a good one

[18:02] <@necktie> i ace everything

Haha, niiiiiiiiice. :)

If only everybody was a genius... Wait, no, that wouldn't be good... Chaos, death, and havoc would rule the earth! Or would they? Eh, I don't know. :)

A bit of humor is always appreciated (depending on the situation, that is). So... much appreciated. (That was meant to be humor, right? XD)

Edit: @Nightmare

Agreed. That would be depressing... and scary. *shivers* What if everybody knew everything? Too many complications...


Well, most choices has its pros and cons, ups and downs. Nothing's perfect. (Except for Fire Emblem. #_#)

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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Wow, I have friends from Texas, but they never mentioned anything like that. Actually... they did. Is it really that bad?

(Wow again, college must've been a life-changing experience for you. From smoking pot to not smoking pot. From detesting studying to enjoying it. That's great.)


All four of our high schools failed to meet federal standards, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Hell we smoked up in the bathrooms, on the soccer field, and in the parking lot. I'm glad the pot phase is behind me now though. There's also stuff like, oh idk a teacher getting stabbed to death. Why was the teacher stabbed? Oh pretty much just for the hell of it, "The situation was not gang related or racially motivated, nor was it associated with any other incident. All reports suggest that it was a random act by an individual student."

OP your high school could be a lot worse, and college will be a lot better.

Edited by redturtle806
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All four of our high schools failed to meet federal standards, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Hell we smoked up in the bathrooms, on the soccer field, and in the parking lot. I'm glad the pot phase is behind me now though. There's also stuff like, oh idk a teacher getting stabbed to death. Why was the teacher stabbed? Oh pretty much just for the hell of it, "The situation was not gang related or racially motivated, nor was it associated with any other incident. All reports suggest that it was a random act by an individual student."

OP your high school could be a lot worse, and college will be a lot better.

Glad to hear that. :)

I'm happy I don't have to see anything like a teacher being stabbed to death. :( That's sad, just really, really sad.)

I wonder what goes on in a person's head when he commits such crimes... (<- Psychology has always interested me, as does almost every other science.)

And, phew, I'm not surprised that they fail to meet federal standards... not when there's murder. Wow... Maryland is so much more peaceful... at least that's what it seems like...

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Edit: @Joe Kerr

That's supposed to be fun? #_# (Ugh, case studies and bio lab reports... please don't remind me. I have to do those things now, and I'm not even in college. Or were you talking about high school?)

I was being sarcastic, I have to do those now also.

Woooooooooooo someone else knows how i feel.

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Wow, I have friends from Texas, but they never mentioned anything like that. Actually... they did. Is it really that bad?

It depends on where you live. I live in Texas and our high school's not that bad at all.

Also that stabbing thing is kind of disconcerting though, since we played John Tyler in playoffs just in November.

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