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Pokemon X and Y


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Maybe the ability to be a third type could shake things up. Like I dunno, Fire/Fighting/Flying, for example. "Bird" type should definitely be introduced, alongside Flying type. Not all Pokemon with wings are Flying type, and not all Flying types have wings.

Maybe not in Gen 6, but in the future...

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Third types could quickly screw over a lot of types that have a high amount of resists and few SEs. I don't understand why Bird should be a distinct type from Flying; yes, not all Birds fly and not all Flying-types are Birds, but there is significant overlap. We only have two morphological/genealogical types, Dragon and Bug; Dragon is established as a super-type, and Bugs were originally established as an underdog type that was meant to be weak. Normally morphology/genealogy goes to breeding groups.

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Most of the steel types already are machine types though ... Voltorb and Porygon are the only non-steel machines I can think of. Similarly, a lot of the machine digimon are named by calling them Metal + <Champion Family Name>.

I think I would like to see a few more abilities which aren't themselves new types, but - like Levitate, Flash Fire, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Storm Drain, Sap Sipper, Lightningrod and Motor Drive - alter type effectiveness.


Straightforward: Raises attack and defenses 20%. Takes double damage from poison attacks. Stat boost drops if poisoned.

Expertise: Halves damage from fighting and rock type attacks. Confusion lasts half as long.

Heat Aura: Halves damage from electric and water type attacks. Contact moves have a 20% chance to flinch.

Mist Aura: Gains a 20% evasion chance against all attacks that are not psychic or grass. Stat changes are halved. No effect under the Sun.

What I would also want( to see is abilities that affect Physical and Special moves.

For ewample, a ghost would evades physical moves more easily, but would be hit more effectively by Special moves. That's an ability I imagined for a Ghost/Psy Pokemon, by the way.

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My predictions for the starters are:







I would really like to see the multiple region mechanic from Gold/Silver returned, maybe back to Kanto or something, because the one thing this game is seriously missing is nostalgia.

I think a Steel/Water type or a Flying/Dark type would be cool.

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As it turns out, someone on /r/ found some potential info regarding the Pokemon in the game...not sure how legit it is, though. It comes in the form of a picture and some partially translated information. Check it.


I'm not too good at Japanese but here goes nothing



Type Kusa(Grass) Aku(Dark) (If real, YAY)



Type Honoo(Fire) Esper(Psychic) (Again, I predicted this)



Type Mizu(Water) Kakutou(Fighting) (Same)


Atoruee (A-to-ru-ay-ay)/Finches Form X (Female?)

Atorunoo/Fincho Form Y (Male?)

Zeruneasu/Xerneas Grass and ???

Iberutaru/Yveltal Dark and ???

I'm a little dubious as to the legitimacy of this since I'm never correct on typing beforehand and I got all 3 correct but this is what it says.

I'm not sure as to the legitimacy of this, but I hope to GOD it's real. Grass/Dark, Fire/Psychic, and Water/Fighting starters are what everyone predicted, practically, so I hope this person wasn't wrong.

Edited by Karaszure
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We need more Eeveelutions. One for every type. It must be done.

As much as I'd like that, I've resigned myself to the fact that it probably isn't happening.

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I don't want any more Eeveelutions until they finally stop trolling Flareon.

"Fire's a special type. We gave you an amazing physical attack stat and a great special stat. And crappy defenses and speed."

"We split up Special. Your defenses still are inadequate and now your offense is even weaker."

"Here, have the worst of the 'I can absorb my own type' abilities."

"There's a battlefield control move that benefits slow pokemon. You're not really slow enough to be great at it though."

"We made this awesome physical fire move. You can't have it."

"Almost every other Eevee gets some usable coverage moves now. Not you though. Lol."

"We created Hidden Abilities. Although Technician would be amazing, you can't have it. Have Guts instead. But you're immune to burn anyway."

Edited by CinderSkye
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