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Should I get into Sword Arts Online?

Gold Vanguard

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So far I only watched the first episode and was amazed by it. It has so much potential to be a great anime. So for everyone that had seen the anime, how is it? It the entire series good or is it just overrated crap? Also how's the Light Novel?

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It's well... you really have to decide for yourself.

The fanbase... makes it sound better than it is. However, if you don't mind the Mary Sue elements (I didn't) it'll be a great way to kill some time.

It's a "Defend your waifu" story basically after the background of the story is thoroughly established.

I see the Light Novel, the same way as the anime. Just take it as it is and decide for yourself.

The writing is HORRIBLE on Chapter 16.5. But that's what makes it utterly hilarious.

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Light Novel > Anime. You can watch the anime if you want, but tbh you're gonna end up being disappointed because of how great the potential is. If you read the light novels make sure to try and read it in order, since there's a lot of side stories that tell stories about what happened before the two year time skip (which IMO are 8709867 times more interesting than the actual "plot").

Also seconding what Shadowofchaos said about the glory that is Chapter 16.5

Edited by Helios
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Also seconding what Shadowofchaos said about the glory that is Chapter 16.5





If I say any more, I might get banned.

Also, the anime basically has plot inconsistencies that you're like "Huh!?" about unless you've read the light novel that covers all its bases.

Though the light novel jumps around a lot on the two Aincrad volumes. You have to assemble them in chronological order in your head with the Light Novel, but the anime does it for you.

So there's a pro and a con there for you.

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It has so much potential to be a great anime.

And that's the best I was ever able to say about the series.

First few episodes are really good. Then it gets worse and worse and worse until you're just laughing at how damn terrible it is. I consider it the worst anime I've ever seen.

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Then it gets worse and worse and worse until you're just laughing at how damn terrible it is.

Tangerine has asked me if I had watch the last episode yet. To this day, I have not. And I'm still scared, despite the fact that I've read the Light Novel.

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I'd say you have to watch it first in order to judge it by yourself. There are so many opinions about it that it's hard to say "it sucks" or "it's good". I found the premise very cool, but then it just disappointed me. The fact that Kirito is a God Sue doesn't help.

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It's good, and I'd recommend it, but it's nothing too special.

Could definitely have been much better than it was, which makes the actual results disappointing, but it's good nonetheless.

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The anime got a bit slow in the middle, and I wasn't too happy with the ending, but it's still a pretty solid watch overall. Can't say I have much experience with the light novels except for chapter 16.5, though. :U

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And that's the best I was ever able to say about the series.

First few episodes are really good. Then it gets worse and worse and worse until you're just laughing at how damn terrible it is. I consider it the worst anime I've ever seen.




[2:05:05 AM] shinori8: THERE

[2:05:06 AM] shinori8: TO

[2:05:16 AM] shinori8: http://z.mfcdn.net/store/manga/8656/01-009.0/compressed/b002.jpg

[2:05:17 AM] shinori8: THERE


[2:05:25 AM] shinori8: TO POINT FUCKING B

[2:05:26 AM | Edited 2:05:31 AM] Manix: okay i have whipped cream, everyone go home

[2:05:30 AM] shinori8: IN THE MATTER OF LIKE 2 PAGES

[2:05:32 AM] shinori8: HOW THE FUCK

[2:05:35 AM] S. Kim: Magic

[2:05:43 AM] shinori8: They time skipped

[2:05:45 AM] shinori8: a damn kid

[2:05:49 AM] shinori8: the kid growing up

[2:05:51 AM] shinori8: and the kids death

[2:05:55 AM] shinori8: HOW IN THE WORLD


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I can't tell if you're serious, but...

Their "daugher" is an AI they found that started calling them Mama and Papa.

Completely serious. I didn't watch the anime.



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As someone who has just finished watching the first season and begun watching the second, it's definitely an above average anime for the most part. The problem is that the first episode is done so well that it can be a bit disappointing to find that the rest of the series plays it very safe rather than pushing for better quality. I honestly think that the overall concept of SAO in the first season is probably has the best "trapped in a game" plot that I have ever seen. They really cover all the basics with a brilliant flourish that leaves so much room for development.

The main problem is that the majority of the story consists of meandering side stories that don't contribute much to the main plotline. For that matter, there is no real plotline, and even by the last episode nothing ever really comes together. It just kind of congeals into a conclusion. I'm going to be honest and say that while I thought the very, very last segment that roles into the credits of the first season was very brilliant, that the rest of the episode and everything leading up to it felt nothing like it was heading towards anything. If I had watched it and found out that it was the season finale I'd have been pretty pissed.

I can give a more in-depth analysis, but thus far I think my thoughts are pretty clear: It's good, but pretty staid and by the numbers.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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1357779573[/url]' post='2243161']

Light Novel > Anime. You can watch the anime if you want, but tbh you're gonna end up being disappointed because of how great the potential is. If you read the light novels make sure to try and read it in order, since there's a lot of side stories that tell stories about what happened before the two year time skip (which IMO are 8709867 times more interesting than the actual "plot").

Also seconding what Shadowofchaos said about the glory that is Chapter 16.5

What's so bad about Chapter 16.5?!

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If I say any more, I might get banned.

Just saw this after reading Gold Vanguard's post.

Is this ACTUALLY in the light novel? What the hell. 2lewd >___>

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