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Localized Names

Elinor Cross

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So no we just need names for Mariabell, Guire, Tiamo, Riviera, Henri, Basilio, Gangrel, Inverse, Valhalt, Paris and the children characters minus Lucina and Morgan

My guesses: Marble, Gil, Hartsimble, Libyerra, Hinrey, Vass'lo, Gangrene, Vis'á-vis, Fauhardt, and Geneva.

[spoiler=Alright, fine.]I've always been partial to Maribelle over Mariabell, but I don't really care one way or another for the rest. Most of them seem alright as they are. Guire could become Guile since he's a thief, though, and that'd be cool. Paris is definitely staying the same, though.

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My guesses: Marble, Gil, Hartsimble, Libyerra, Hinrey, Vass'lo, Gangrene, Vis'á-vis, Fauhardt, and Geneva.

[spoiler=Alright, fine.]I've always been partial to Maribelle over Mariabell, but I don't really care one way or another for the rest. Most of them seem alright as they are. Guire could become Guile since he's a thief, though, and that'd be cool. Paris is definitely staying the same, though.

Don't forget about the Legacy characters such as Serlis, Leaf, Nanna, etc.

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Man, ten bucks they named Gangrel Grendel, and that's why they changed the first bosses name.

I'm honestly iffy on them keeping Paris, I'd kinda expect them to rename him for the european version, at least. Am I the only one struck odd by a guy being named after a city? (Not that I mind, but localization is lol sometimes.)

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I'm honestly iffy on them keeping Paris, I'd kinda expect them to rename him for the european version, at least. Am I the only one struck odd by a guy being named after a city? (Not that I mind, but localization is lol sometimes.)

to be fair it's likely from this paris but yeah, I can see them changing it.

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Am I the only one struck odd by a guy being named after a city? (Not that I mind, but localization is lol sometimes.)

There's been quite a few people named after places. Shinon was Chinon in Japan, which is a region in France known for its wine. Petrine herself was called Prague.

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Considering Cherche looks like a Japanese fetish-take on a French maid, I think her new name fits. Personally I don't see why everyone is so up in arms over anything. Fire Emblem has a long history of significantly altering character's names from the Japanese releases to the English versions. Look up some of the names from PoR or RD and you'll see what I mean (I'm sure some of you already know this, I'm not trying to sound patronizing). Here are a few of my favorite changes:

Aran was originally Brad

Soren was Senerio

Bastian was Ulysses

Titania was Tiamat

Astrid was Stella

Ilyana was Elaice

Rhys was Kilroy

Stefan was S?nbaruk

So yeah, some of the names changes will throw us for a loop, but at least we can take comfort in this not being a new change in NoA's naming schemes.

Don't forget Mia was also Wayu.

Nn's name is supposed to be borderline incomprehensible but they can't leave it as is, maybe Un?

Jerome, Serena and Cynthia are fine the way they are

They might change Laurent to Lawrence, Bredy to Brady, Chambray to Cambric and Degel to Desiree or summat

Don't know what they'll do with Eudes, Azur and Noir

Mariabell will probably stay the same

Very likely her name will go something along the lines of Mariabelle.

Jelanda... jela...jelan.........Angela, yeah that's itEDIT: I wonder who'll get this reference first?

Valkyrie Profile

Jelanda gets earliest joining time out of any other Einjhar and that her being a tomboy makes her all that much more interesting. Especially the resturant scene really got to me. xD

In a few months, no one will care, no matter how much whining there is. Jagen and Ogma and Caeda/Shiida are seeing use over their fan names that had like 2 decades of "tradition," shit like this is nothing.


I would like Mariabel to Marmelade Mirabelle.

I'd prefer Mariabelle as it fits well with her Japanese name. =3

What about Serlis? Although honestly, I like Serlis, so it wouldn't be that bad.

You know, this is starting to make think about what the names would be for the Japan-only characters.


And Serlis is what it SHOULD be.

Celice doesn't make any sense.

It matches perfectly along with his fathers name.

For all my yelling, I sort of hope Ares actually becomes Aless.


Because he certainly is no god.

they might swap it to Leif to match Sigurd's Nordic theme.

It will be Leif. =3

I'm thinking that Sigurd might become Siegfried, Finn might drop an N, Katarina might become Catalina, and these could happen as well. Possibly.

Sigurd. Possibly.

Catalina also could become Katalina.

New Trailer means new localized names. Overall at least Grego and Olivia kept their names relatively the same so I'm happy. Richt and Nono got decent localized names.

Sariya...what the heck is Tharja?

Really?! =o

What is their localized names?

And for Sariya. Tharja..what the hell?

It should go something along the lines like Saria or Salia. x.x

Think "Sariya", except with a "Th".

The first think that comes to mind when I saw that was "Frejya".

"Th" sound variations are also a legit sound for サ

Think "Thunder" for サンダー


Holy Kingdom of Iris -> Halidom of Ylisse: I can dig it, but I wonder how many people will have to look up the word Halidom.

Grego -> Gregor: I kind of expected this to happen, overall not a huge change.

Olivia: Stayed the same and I alright with that, it's a good name.

Nono -> Nomi: Interesting name change that's for sure, this one kind of hit me out of nowhere.

Richt -> Ricken: Like Grego I expected something along these lines and I like it.

Sariya -> Tharja: This one was one I also did not expect, I believe the "h" is silent though so I think it would be pronounced more like Tar-i-ya (don't quote me on that though). Overall I like this one as well.

No-No changed to Nomi. P....E....R....F....E....C....T! Because she is at that! Personality-wise! =3

Sariya to Tharja. Didn't expect this. Wooah.

Well, I'm guessing they're trying to go with the katakana name. If you say it via the kana, it's a completely legit spelling/transcription into English.

I did. It's not a word you use everyday.

Japan did always name our characters English wise to use for Katakana. So I guess that Tharja would fit for her being the master of Thunder "Sanda" Japanese pronounciation-wise.

It's completely legit.

Japanese katakana S sounds can be used for Th sounds. Like I said, it's COMPLETELY legit.

One of the things that Japan don't use. Yeah.

It should make sense to call her that.

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I'm honestly iffy on them keeping Paris, I'd kinda expect them to rename him for the european version, at least. Am I the only one struck odd by a guy being named after a city? (Not that I mind, but localization is lol sometimes.)

Well we have people named Georgia and nobody cares about that.

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I'm pretty sure "Garrick" is Grendel's EU name. Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this.

Well, the European Nintendo Direct showed his name as Grendel, and then the NA one did too, despite having previously shown it as Garrick, causing confusion

But! in the 20min gameplay posted recently, his name is Garrick in the US review copies

Also, Gimle=Grima

capital of Ylisse=Ylissetol

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According to items obtained during the demo, Leaf = Leif, Celice = Seliph and Fin = Finn.

[9:38 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): Celice = Seliph

[9:38 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): I like that


no more Serlis shitstorms

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Here's a full list of the items collected by everyone for convienience.

Person: Maribelle

Skills: Outdoor Fighter

Solidarity (Magic Square)

Glass Sword

Glass Bow

Superior Axe

Eirika's Sword


Finn's Lance (?)

Above is a list of thing that have been found (Finn's Lance still needs verification) that Vincent needs to move to the list.

Below is a list of items that still need to be found.

Wooden Twig

Glass Lance

Stun Lance

Titania's Redaxe

Loose Bow

Final Flame

Shoulder Massage

Only 7 more to go.

Edited by Shadow Stalker X
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