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Agro's TV Topic!!!!!

where anime goes to die

Yes, that's right. I'm having a go at all of you.

I actually like anime occasionally too, but not as much as my first love... television! There didn't seem to be a topic for it and I'm always looking for new shows to watch so I thought I'd make a topic for it here. Too many of you seem to be trapped watching shows in languages you don't understand, and I think a lot of SF users are really biased towards standard TV. So I'm gonna make a list of shows that I love, hate, have grown to love, have grown to hate, and everything in-between.

A few times a week, or whenever I feel like it, I'll post a review of a TV show that will include a brief plot summary/premise, cast list, and my thoughts on the show. I will include a Metascore that I obtain from Metacritic as a way of getting a gauge on a show.

It's worth noting that Metacritic will usually only take reviews of the first episode of a season and not the entire season, so Metascores are not always representative of how good a show can be, so they are to be taken with a grain of salt. TV shows have different standard Metascores than video games, too: while a 66 for a video game generally means "terrible", a 66 for a TV show usually means that it shows a lot of promise, and is at least watchable. Anything over 80 for a TV show usually means it's pretty damn awesome.

I watch a lot of TV shows so my list will be long, but here's all mine, new and old, ongoing and finished. Bolded shows are shows whose runs have ended. There's four categories: "recommended", "not recommended", "up in the air/dropped", and "have yet to watch, but planning to at some point". The "up in the air/dropped" category contains shows that I lost interest in, but aren't necessarily bad TV shows. Bad TV is what the "not recommended" column is for. If you have a recommendation for me, have a review that you'd like to submit yourself or feel that a show's place isn't justified, let me know! Please note that a requirement of the show is that it must have finished after 2000 simply because while this does cut off golden oldies like MASH and Knight Rider I don't have that much time on my hands.


  • 30 Rock
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Breaking Bad
  • The Closer
  • Community
  • Damages (season 1)
  • Dexter (seasons 1-4)
  • Downton Abbey [review in this post]
  • Fringe (seasons 1-3)
  • Game of Thrones
  • Girls
  • Glee (season 1)
  • The Good Wife
  • Homeland
  • The IT Crowd
  • Justified
  • The Killing
  • Lost
  • Nurse Jackie
  • Revenge
  • Six Feet Under
  • Smash
  • Switched at Birth
  • True Blood
  • Parks and Recreation
  • Prison Break (seasons 1-2)
  • The Walking Dead
  • Weeds

Not Recommended:

  • Arrow [review]
  • Damages (seasons 2-5)
  • Fringe (seasons 4-onwards)
  • Glee (seasons 2-onwards)
  • Gossip Girl
  • Nikita
  • Prison Break (seasons 3-4)
  • Supernatural

Up In The Air/Dropped:

  • Boardwalk Empire
  • Dexter (seasons 5-onwards)
  • Shameless

Have Yet To Watch, But Planning To At Some Point:

  • Burn Notice
  • Mad Men
  • The Office
  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (??? dunno alphabetical order lolol)
  • Sons of Anarchy
  • The Sopranos
  • The Tudors
  • The Wire

To start the topic off, I'll review one of my favourite shows at the moment, Downton Abbey!

[spoiler=[b]Downton Abbey[/b] (!!!!)]Plot summary/premise: Against all possible odds, the Titanic sinks, and with it, two of Downton Abbey's heirs. Now the future of the residents of Downton--the rich Crawley family and its servants--lies in Downton's distant heir, a middle-class working man, Matthew. Can Matthew learn to live with his new inheritance? Will the Crawley family be so welcoming to an outsider--worse, a working man, with no sense of manners or etiquette?

Cast list: Too many to list, but the most notable cast member is Maggie Smith, who plays Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess of Grantham. She's an old wicked thing in the role, but you'll probably best remember her as Professor McGonagall from the Harry Potter film series.

My thoughts: I must admit, I scoffed at the idea of a British period piece, despite its absurdly high Metascore of 92. I stopped halfway through the pilot episode and didn't come back to it for about four months, but I was sure glad I did. What I was rewarded with was a very soapy, but extremely well-scripted and very well-acted view of these people's lives as they went through the good, the bad, and the horrible. The show's premise sounds a little silly, but it evolves into more as these people get tangled up in their complex relationships and the confines of British nobility. The show is mostly very funny (thought not a comedy), but some very dark things happen over the course of the series. Since it covers a very long span of time--currently, even though there's only been 3 seasons, 8 years have passed in the show--lots of stuff happens and it allows them to move the show along at a very good pace. It's like Gossip Girl, but with so much more class. The music is fantastic as well. I always wet myself a little when I hear the opening theme song. As a YouTube commentor says, you can hear in the music the servant scurrying around and on top, the Crawley family going about their lives as if nothing's happening. There isn't much I can say, other than "watch the whole of the first episode, and you'll be hooked".

Oh, and here's a snippet of one of Maggie Smith's masterfully delivered lines:

And a sample of Downton Abbey's very great music:

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Thanks Agro! I enjoyed your review of Downton Abbey, though I haven't watched it. To be honest, I wouldn't mind your commentary on other shows. But it's probably worth your understanding I have no particular interest in going after new shows right now...

Breaking Bad, , are some of the things I'd like to see more of.

I recommend The Wire, which I think you've heard of, and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Still, I won't whine at ya if you don't watch em, or don't like them. I think you have a more serious and interesting approach to watching TV then I do.

In fact, I particularly recommend The Wire. As far as cops and law and drug stuff goes, I think it may be the most moving and interesting crime show that's been around for a while, from most folks perspectives. Though I have not seen Breaking Bad, which perhaps is favored more. If anything, The Wire is a bit too good - how could every single character on so many sides in a series where corruption and murder are rife be quite so tragic in quite this way? - but w/e.

To be honest, there isn't really any TV show I've seen besides The Wire which I've liked quite as much. Even the 5th season had ONE thing that really pulled me through all the bad or aggravating stuff.

(I've spoiled what it was for those that watched it)

Bubs might be OK, even though Duquan has been introduced to "take his place." Bubs is my favorite character, so I thought that was fucking awesome. I have faith in him :(

EDIT-I guess Kenshin and Berserk have about as much importance for me...? I'd say not quite as much though....

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Oops, I forgot about the Wire. I was 2-3 episodes in when I left it last. Perhaps I'll return to it at some point, but I have to say it had a very slow start, and it didn't help that I knew that I wouldn't see any of the characters after the first season :(:

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Er... right, I just amended the first post. I'll only pick up shows that ended after 2000 so that I don't have to put up with old TV shows :mellow:

The first season of Game of Thrones is very good, second season however is pretty crappy and features several inconsistencies, bad pacing and other things.

What were these, just out of curiousity? I didn't notice any when I was watching it unless you mean teleporting Littlefinger

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Er... right, I just amended the first post. I'll only pick up shows that ended after 2000 so that I don't have to put up with old TV shows :mellow:

Well there was a new, updated series of Knight Rider released after 2000 as well. I should probably watch it sometime.

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Breaking Bad S5 has the highest metascore for a TV show on metacritic with 99/100. Breaking Bad S4 is tied for 3rd with 96/100. I am pleased.

It's quite the achievement :P: It got a little snubbed at the Golden Globes this year, though.

I noticed that you dont have Burn Notice on there

I'll admit that I try to avoid episodic shows (Supernatural, CSI, etc.) in favour of shows with a serialised plot (Lost, Game of Thrones) simply because I like an overarching story, not an episode-by-episode one. Notable exceptions I've made are the Good Wife because it's very very good at juggling a balance of both, and the Closer, simply because Kyra Sedgwick and an amazing writing team make every episode worth it. I'll see if I can watch a few episodes of Burn Notice, though.

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I'll admit that I try to avoid episodic shows (Supernatural, CSI, etc.) in favour of shows with a serialised plot (Lost, Game of Thrones) simply because I like an overarching story, not an episode-by-episode one. Notable exceptions I've made are the Good Wife because it's very very good at juggling a balance of both, and the Closer, simply because Kyra Sedgwick and an amazing writing team make every episode worth it. I'll see if I can watch a few episodes of Burn Notice, though.

I wonder if that explains the abscence of Person of Interest. To be fair on that one, there is usually flashbacks that develop the two main protagonists. So that one may be a mixture of both overarching and episodic too.

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Oops, I forgot about the Wire. I was 2-3 episodes in when I left it last. Perhaps I'll return to it at some point, but I have to say it had a very slow start, and it didn't help that I knew that I wouldn't see any of the characters after the first season :(:

Ya, season 2 does actually have a bit of 'em, but not much. It didn't start slow for me, but that might be because I really slammed into it several eps at once.

The first season of Game of Thrones is very good, second season however is pretty crappy and features several inconsistencies, bad pacing and other things.

I have the same feeling, or somethin close to it. Some of them were pointed out to me by others, but I felt most of the differences - and I'm not just talking new sex scenes (Renly X Loras is great) - were pretty much anywhere from "huh?" to bad.

One thing I liked:

I did like the new interraction - IIRC - between Arya and Jaqen Haar. IIRC, she did not attempt that sort of psychological leverage over him in the books, but I actually thought it was an interesting scene. I don't remember enough about the original version of events though, which, as far as I can remember, were quite different up to that point.

And Burn Notice I enjoyed, having been "subjected" to by a friend in HS (but I actually enjoyed it!). The overall plot didn't seem to go much places, but I thought it was good at using the danger/thriller aspect of the show to make the good folks juggle between the episodic plots and developments in the overall story.

I've heard a phrase like "life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plants." Apparently it has lots of filler time with women in bikinis, but I didn't notice... :(

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I have the same feeling, or somethin close to it. Some of them were pointed out to me by others, but I felt most of the differences - and I'm not just talking new sex scenes (Renly X Loras is great) - were pretty much anywhere from "huh?" to bad.

Really? Ah, well, that's too bad, I guess. I have to say I liked most of the changes; I knew that a lot of scenes wouldn't survive the transition anyway, given budget/time constraints.

One thing I liked:

I did like the new interraction - IIRC - between Arya and Jaqen Haar. IIRC, she did not attempt that sort of psychological leverage over him in the books, but I actually thought it was an interesting scene. I don't remember enough about the original version of events though, which, as far as I can remember, were quite different up to that point.

She most certainly did, actually. It's about the only thing in Arya's storyline that's left unchanged.

Alright, here's a review for the CW's Arrow.

[spoiler=Arrow]Plot summary/premise: Oliver Queen, thought to have been lost at sea, returns to Starling City, have spent the last five years on a seemingly deserted island. But the man who was lost at sea is not the man who returns: Oliver has been transformed on the inside, and on the outside. His father, having actually died at sea, leaves him a list of people who have corrupted the city. Oliver takes it upon himself to don a mask and hood and right his father's wrongdoings; to eliminate Starling City's poisoners.

Cast list: The cast list includes Stephen Amell as the eponymous Green Arrow/Oliver Queen, and a whole slew of supporting actors and actresses, including Katie Cassidy (Nightmare on Elm Street), Colin Donnell (L.A. Noire), David Ramsey (Dexter), Willa Holland (Gossip Girl) and many many others.

My thoughts: I had many great hopes for this show, but they were dashed, one-by-one, as I continued with each episode. The show starts out with a strong first episode, and has enough action to keep you sated, at least for a while. Plus, Stephen Amell is incredible. Not as an actor, but as a gymnast. As I understand it, the man does his own stunts, and--holy shit


okay we get it you have a really really hot body

now put your shirt on, jesus

we get a whole 1-minute montage in the first episode dedicated to watching this man work out. If you're anything like me, you will appreciate this very much.

Unfortunately, that's the extent of Arrow's achievements. A really, really attractive leading man. That face that you see Stephen Amell with? It's his only face. He is, unfortunately, incapable of showing any emotion--and perhaps that's how his character is meant to be! But either way, it makes for a very boring main character. You see, Oliver Queen is basically Bruce Wayne, but with a bow and arrow, and he kills people. But Oliver Queen lacks the same amount of character depth and development that we see in, for example, Christian Bale's portrayal of him. You'd think that as a TV series they would have more time to dedicate to shaping his character, but that isn't the case. Most of the episodes are action-oriented. This should be fine, but so much character is sacrificed for this. All he does is run around and shoot things. Oh, and Oliver Queen kills people, which is kind of disappointing. We're basically watching a glorified serial killer run around on screen and pretend he's doing the right thing.

This is part of a whole slew of Arrow's problems: it just doesn't know what it wants to be. See, it's not like it's a pure-action show. I could deal with that, at least. I enjoyed films like Taken because of its nonstop, high octane action, and very small amount of character development. That's fine. But Arrow tries to fit in character development into its show, and it just fails. The writing is horrible. I mean, really horrible. Half of the lines in the show are dedicated to Oliver's sister and mother telling him that he must "let them in", and nobody seems to understand what the fuck that even means. Sure, Oliver is distant, but he never actually appears outwardly so. He just doesn't talk about his time on the island. Suddenly this is a queue for everyone to start saying "OLIVER YOU MUST OPEN UP TO MEEEEEEE" and it just gets really really painful after they keep at this for 8 episodes. Arrow's script also tends to keep doing this "I'll-leave-you-two-alone" thing which gets really tiring. You know in movies and TV shows, Person A and Person B will have a conversation, and Person C will come in, looking angry at Person A, which Person B picks up on, and decides to leave? That's usually funny, when it's done right. In this show it's done 2-3 times per episode, and there is not a reason for it, besides the writers thinking "we need to get these two characters alone without changing the scene again".

So there's the writing, which is kind of god-awful, and casting, which is also kind of god-awful.

I mean, let's take a look at Arrow's finest.


This is Colin Donnell as Tommy Merlyn. Fine. He's a decent actor, at least.


This is his father. Who looks the same age. But is actually his father.


Then there's this girl, who is somehow meant to be a forensic accountant/private investigator/hacker person all conveniently put into one.

Everything about this show makes me angry. I tried to love this show but the more I tried to love it the more it pushed me away. Just... don't bother. Unless you like watching guys work out. Then you should watch this. Otherwise, you're wasting your time with yet-another CW piece of garbage.

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She most certainly did, actually. It's about the only thing in Arya's storyline that's left unchanged.

loooooool damn. Guess I shouldn't have relied on ask-and-answer for that part.

EDIT-Maybe that underscores my preference for the original. I dunno.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WHY IS SUPERNATURAL ON THE NOT RECCOMENDED LIST ITS SO GOOD until season 6 then its poop but thats what happens when the writer quits because the industry tried to run his show to the ground

i can understand not liking it if you're a heterosexual male because a lot of what the show has going for it is strong, handsome, sensitive guys killing evil things but you know whateves

and why is breaking bad not bolded

this is ridiculous

flips table

basically all i'm watching right now is breaking bad, freaks & geeks, and workaholics. my life has gotten too chill recently and this is what happens

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