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Sariya's Appeal


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I like how one of the prevailing arguments used by people who don't like Sariya against people who DO is: she has teh bewbs. It's as if you're just trying to write off her fans as horny fanboys, so their arguments don't really matter.

I can't speak for everyone else, but that's not why I like her. I'm just going to post what I did before to explain why I think she's a great character.

I like Sariya. I've expressed the opinion elsewhere and I stand by it. But I can still recognise that she's not exactly the traditionally perfect mother or wife by most standards. But I do get an element of caring from her supports, something that suggests that despite her seeming selfishness and nonconcern towards most others, she'd never purposefully do anything to hurt those she cares about and feels guilty when she realises her own mistakes have hurt those she cares for.

Other people may not recognise that, or may not think it's satisfactory. And that's fine. Life's varied, and so are people. What makes one person happy or satisified might not do the same for another. Just my two cents.

I also think that are lot of people are attracted to her devotion. And why not? It's an attractive trait for some people. You don't hear me complaining that people are attracted to Olivia being shy, Sully being a tomboy or Tiamo being a perfectionist.

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If she really is a good character, then it's all the more depressing that her presentation undersells her as if she really does exists simply to appeal to "horny fanboys".

Edited by BrightBow
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To be fair everyone in FE is meant to appeal to certain people. It is inescapable.

That doesn't mean they can't be cool/awesome/interesting characters and FE13 seems to have done a decent job at making them relatable and junk like that.

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If she really is a good character, then it's all the more depressing that her presentation undersells her as if she really only does exists to appeal to "horny fanboys".

It's not like she's the only character dressed somewhat revealingly. Shall we talk about Olivia? Or Serge's back? Though we've talked at length about them anyway in a different thread, so I'm pretty sure I know what your opinion on any fanservice in characters is.

It's not positive.

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Don't forget about Nono.

I could never forget about Nono. Though I suppose I'm going to have to start calling her Nowi soon. And Sariya Tharja. It'll make it easier to play the game if I'm already adapted to their localised names.

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Well to me, a good character is one that can evoke an emotional reaction. So for me, Sariya is a good character. She's just not one I can like, or forgive for her actions, and no doubt that mostly stems from my personal experience with a guardian that's influenced the way your personality is with negative treatment, whether intentionally or not. I still can't find their actions excusable, so it was pretty likely I was never going to excuse Sariya for it, especially with a weaker explanation than I got from my previous guardian.

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I think she's kinda cute. Her obsession is rather fun to watch, and while I agree her outfit is quite revealing, this FE is particularly fanservice-ish. Tharja has bewbs, sure, but Olivia has a butt shot in her artwork and Nowi is lolicon bait. I'd hardly say Tharja is the only culprit in that regard.

Her actions as a mother in the AU weren't good, and she almost went that way too in the present, but at least she can make up for them. I can't forgive AU Tharja, really, but I can forgive Present Tharja, since she apologizes to Noire before she goes too far (which I guess is the point of an alternate timeline).

And I'll be honest: I'm probably the only one in the face of the Earth who doesn't see much appeal on Tiamo.

Edited by Jave
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For me, her "devotion" comes across more as "stalking" and "unhealthy obsession", so I don't want that.

I see I see. Well, lettuce talk about stalkers then. You can either prove them right and get them out in the open, or you could prove them wrong and they'll stop following you. Oh, you aren't alone Jave.

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I personally am not really sold on any of the ladies I have read about thus far romance-wise, even if I like the characters outside of that. They read too much like a collection of pretty basic Dating Sim personality types, and the confession images really don't help with that. I don't particularly expect my opinion to change upon seeing the localizations, since that's the way FE's been leaning for a while. Am pairing my MU with Ricken because cradle-robber-romance by a lady to a boy is one of the rare exceptions to my distaste. (Cougar Lord, goooooooo!)

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It's not like she's the only character dressed somewhat revealingly. Shall we talk about Olivia? Or Serge's back? Though we've talked at length about them anyway in a different thread, so I'm pretty sure I know what your opinion on any fanservice in characters is.

It's not positive.

The problem isn't even the fanservice (well, yes... I do feel insulted that IS assumed that I really am just a horny fanboy but that's another story.) but the logical consequences of it in regards to her character and how it undermines whatever effort the writers put into her.

If I choose to believe in her, I also have to believe that she is is willingly wearing this outfit.

Honestly, it hurts just looking at those heels. There is no way that this can be comfortable, let alone practical.

What reason could she possibly have to torture herself like this? How could her appearance make any sense?

The writers probably intend her to be dark, mysterious and dangerous or something like that.

But to me she couldn't be any less believable and silly if she was wearing a big red clown nose.

Edited by BrightBow
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The whole mother thing I ignore because that was sorta an alternative timeline.

Just because it doesn't happen doesn't make it okay =|

Honestly, it hurts just looking at those heels. There is no way that this can be comfortable, let alone practical.

What reason could she possibly have to torture herself like this? How could her appearance make any sense?

Presumably to look nice? That's why people wear them in real life. Her heels are probably the least concerning aspect of her outfit...

Edited by Liquid Snake
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The problem isn't even the fanservice (well, yes... I do feel insulted that IS assumed that I really am just a horny fanboy but that's another story.) but the logical consequences of it in regards to her character and how it undermines whatever effort the writers put into her.

If I choose to believe in her, I also have to believe that she is is willingly wearing this outfit.

Honestly, it hurts just looking at those heels. There is no way that this can be comfortable, let alone practical.

What reason could she possibly have to torture herself like this? How could her appearance make any sense?

The writers probably intend her to be dark, mysterious and dangerous or something like that.

But to me she couldn't be any less believable and silly to me if she was wearing a big red clown nose.

Pretty much agreed. I give Olivia a bit of a pass in that regards because she's a dancer, though she'd make a lot more sense with a Tethys personality (given her attire) than how she is.

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Presumably to look nice? That's why people wear them in real life. Her heels are probably the least concerning aspect of her outfit...

I was addressing her outfit as a whole. I merely mean, that the heels look particular painful to me.

Anyway, Sariya isn't quite in the same situation then those people. She is in a environment where death is a very likely possibility, especially when on the battlefield. She would need to be foolish enough to think that her appearance is more important then her survival (and given the outfit we are talking about, WAY more important then her survival.) That would make her incredible stupid.


But I just read her profile on this site and apparently on of her important traits is: "Has the nicest body in the army" and that she has a crush on the Mary Sue.

If this is important enough to warrant mentioning then does that mean that she is not supposed to be taken seriously anyway and that she is merely a comic relief character? Then she might actually be supposed to be that stupid, so technically her outfit doesn't undermine the writing as a result.

Edited by BrightBow
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Tharja's appearance is fine, compare to Sonia from Blazing Sword it's nothing. For her behavior,

it's because she has been learning curses since her birth, so it's the only way she knows to express herself,

i think.

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I would wager than she's a worse mother than Sonia actually. One's neglectful and ends up trying to kill her daughter, the other tortures their's since birth. At least Nino isn't crazy.

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Dunno, some people like Yandere. Plus Noire makes a really cute daughter.

But like most people, I'm going for Tiamo.

Going to Tiamo as well. I'm glad she's a popular choice.

As for Sariya, it's really just the fact that she has a revealing outfit and because people might like someone so clingy. I was jokingly going to go for her, but the fact that she abuses her own daughter made me reconsider. It makes me reluctant to even look up her supports for both her and Noire because I feel I would be doing a terrible thing to those men.

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I was addressing her outfit as a whole. I merely mean, that the heels look particular painful to me.

Anyway, Sariya isn't quite in the same situation then those people. She is in a environment where death is a very likely possibility, especially when on the battlefield. She would need to be foolish enough to think that her appearance is more important then her survival (and given the outfit we are talking about, WAY more important then her survival.) That would make her incredible stupid.


But I just read her profile on this site and apparently on of her important traits is: "Has the nicest body in the army" and that she has a crush on the Mary Sue.

If this is important enough to warrant mentioning then does that mean that she is not supposed to be taken seriously anyway and that she is merely a comic relief character? Then she might actually be supposed to be that stupid, so technically her outfit doesn't undermine the writing as a result.

I think she is supposed to be mentally unsound. Basically a stark contrast to say Miriel, considering their approaches to magic, which is sort of represented in both their characterization and design.

Edited by arvilino
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