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1358832112[/url]' post='2256584']

There's been at least one hate thread dedicated to every character by now. And all those ****ing Nono/Nowi topics, argh. Let's just say, the board is like a glittering black diamond of racism, misogyny, pedophilia, and horrendous grammar. I don't recommend ever going there if you have the option.

Okay, I may be exaggerating slightly, but it really is pretty bad. When I discovered Serenes' forums, it was like a breath of fresh air.

Agreed i been a member of gfaqs for many years, and most attempts to post there just leads to being flamed or trolled. On the plus side answer sections can be very helpful, sometimes can't help posting answers either. But mostly i just read threads, rarely ever post there anymore.

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Why Nintendo didn't give Europe the demo is beyond me

Europe's release is still three months away, whereas the US demo's launch was less than three weeks from the launch date of the full version. There's still plenty of time for us to get a demo, and we probably won't see it until a similarly close amount of time before the full release (bearing in mind, we're still missing a hard, exact date of European release)

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There's been at least one hate thread dedicated to every character by now. And all those ****ing Nono/Nowi topics, argh. Let's just say, the board is like a glittering black diamond of racism, misogyny, pedophilia, and horrendous grammar. I don't recommend ever going there if you have the option.

Okay, I may be exaggerating slightly, but it really is pretty bad. When I discovered Serenes' forums, it was like a breath of fresh air.

To be fair, literally every hate thread on Gamefaqs, especially the one's with Nowi, are either started, inundated or constantly bumped by trolls to make it seem a bigger issue than it is. I've met a few genuinely nice people on the board.

Edited by Onestep
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I like that the Intermission was left out. On the one hand, it does remove some of the suspense that might catapult more people to purchase the game "just to find out why *spoiler* happened"; on the other hand, the chapters they did include are strong enough to elicit the same fervour towards purchase. It gives us all something new to experience when we get the real game and are able to, on our first day, play with mad fever to find out why (as opposed to it being in the demo and everyone racing to the spoilers charts in our impatience, haha).

Europe not getting the demo has more to do with NoA and NoE being separate entities. Whether Europe will get a demo at all (and I see why not because it is already made) is entirely up to the marketing team of Nintendo of Europe who, very possibly, will have different priorities and/or resources. I know that from Japan to America the game goes from Japanese to English, but what changes, if any, does NoE affect on localised games? Do you get extra languages or features to justify such delays? I've never figured it out.

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Europe not getting the demo has more to do with NoA and NoE being separate entities. Whether Europe will get a demo at all (and I see why not because it is already made) is entirely up to the marketing team of Nintendo of Europe who, very possibly, will have different priorities and/or resources. I know that from Japan to America the game goes from Japanese to English, but what changes, if any, does NoE affect on localised games? Do you get extra languages or features to justify such delays? I've never figured it out.

As compared to NoA? I think they translate the game into English, French, German, and some others. Somebody who's actually from Europe will probably tell you better.

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I like that the Intermission was left out. On the one hand, it does remove some of the suspense that might catapult more people to purchase the game "just to find out why *spoiler* happened"; on the other hand, the chapters they did include are strong enough to elicit the same fervour towards purchase. It gives us all something new to experience when we get the real game and are able to, on our first day, play with mad fever to find out why (as opposed to it being in the demo and everyone racing to the spoilers charts in our impatience, haha).

Europe not getting the demo has more to do with NoA and NoE being separate entities. Whether Europe will get a demo at all (and I see why not because it is already made) is entirely up to the marketing team of Nintendo of Europe who, very possibly, will have different priorities and/or resources. I know that from Japan to America the game goes from Japanese to English, but what changes, if any, does NoE affect on localised games? Do you get extra languages or features to justify such delays? I've never figured it out.

Typically they will take the American version of the game and translate into French, German as well. But alot of european countries can read and speak english. so it's honestly pretty annoying all of us have to wait for two language options we won't ever use. But that's just how it is i guess, can't do much about it. I'd import the american version if it wasn't region locked...

Now if they will retranslate the japanese to english again for europe i don't know, i haven't actually heard of any game that has different english translations depending on it being europe or america. The only difference in general is the front art for the gamecases and the additions of two more languages. There has been a few cases where games got different names when released here. For example the latest Advance wars for ds comes to mind.

Edited by Deshiva
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There are also quite alot of games that have a different script. Shadow Dragon jumps to mind, where some of the names are completely different. As far as I am aware, some translations are also Japanese -> German, Japanese -> French and so on, while communicating with the other teams about name changes etc., but this does not seem to be the normal procedure. There has also been a trend to translate the games into more than the mentioned 3 languages for Europe; for example, Sacred Stones as well as FE 7 had Spanish and Italian language options. Also, some bugs created during the process of the American localisation may be fixed or do not even occur, depending on how the game was localised; e.g. the save file bug in Radiant Dawn or that wyvernrider skill bug (?) in Sacred Stones. That's usually it though.

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There are also quite alot of games that have a different script. Shadow Dragon jumps to mind, where some of the names are completely different. As far as I am aware, some translations are also Japanese -> German, Japanese -> French and so on, while communicating with the other teams about name changes etc., but this does not seem to be the normal procedure. There has also been a trend to translate the games into more than the mentioned 3 languages for Europe; for example, Sacred Stones as well as FE 7 had Spanish and Italian language options. Also, some bugs created during the process of the American localisation may be fixed or do not even occur, depending on how the game was localised; e.g. the save file bug in Radiant Dawn or that wyvernrider skill bug (?) in Sacred Stones. That's usually it though.

You probably have more knowledge on the localisation proccess than me by the sound of it, it's sorta rare to see it have italian or spanish as well but happens indeed.

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Interesting, interesting. So, in essence, you usually end up waiting for extra languages. Do they voice?

Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Kid Icarus was in English only, while Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn had German voices, for example.

Edit: Added quote so people don't have to turn the page. :p

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Also, the builds for the EU and NA version are sometimes completely different. This is why we're still waiting on Persona 4 Arena on our end, because the European build of the game just wasn't working properly until recently.

EDIT: Also for Fire Emblem, at least FE7, I'd say the translation went from Japanese -> English -> Other languages. There's actually a whole textbox in Spanish in the English language choice, which fits perfectly into the English translation around it.

And don't feel sorry for Europe, Australia has it worse XD We're solely english speaking, and STILL get our Fire Emblem games later than everyone else

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Interesting, interesting. So, in essence, you usually end up waiting for extra languages. Do they voice?

Only in the rarest cases. Radiant Dawn got really lucky in that regard. (But just like the English one, the grunts weren't dubbed. So there is still quite a vocal dissonance.)

Heck, even text translations aren't always happening. For example the whole Megaman Zero wasn't translated in anything but English. And the 3DS release of Tales of the Abyss is also entirely in English.

Edited by BrightBow
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Also, the builds for the EU and NA version are sometimes completely different. This is why we're still waiting on Persona 4 Arena on our end, because the European build of the game just wasn't working properly until recently.

EDIT: Also for Fire Emblem, at least FE7, I'd say the translation went from Japanese -> English -> Other languages. There's actually a whole textbox in Spanish in the English language choice, which fits perfectly into the English translation around it.

And don't feel sorry for Europe, Australia has it worse XD We're solely english speaking, and STILL get our Fire Emblem games later than everyone else

Heh true, us europeans got it bad but australians got it worse. Didn't you like somewhat recently get a pg 18 ish rating? so actually mature games can be released at all? Honestly beyond that whole mature rating not exisiting prior to that change, there is nothing i can think of that makes sense when it comes to the late release dates for australians.

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Heh true, us europeans got it bad but australians got it worse. Didn't you like somewhat recently get a pg 18 ish rating? so actually mature games can be released at all? Honestly beyond that whole mature rating not exisiting prior to that change, there is nothing i can think of that makes sense when it comes to the late release dates for australians.

"Parental Guidance 18" sounds hilarious and uniquely Australian lawmaker.

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Yep, just 3 weeks ago, we finally got R18+ rating (US...M? I thin that's it) and the first R18+ classified game was also a Nintendo one XD But yeah,m before R18, we only had MA15+ (Mature Audience) and games had to be censored to be released if they were to go under MA15+, Left 4 Dead 2 being a prime example, where all blood was removed, fire was invisible, and zombies disappeared after you killed them. Or if you didn't censor the game, it'd be banned, like Mortal Kombat, and there's a massive fine if you're caught importing the game.

You think PG18 is funny, the original release of Final Fantasy VII? Rated G8+ (Our lowest rating, for General Audience). Yep, if you were 8, you could go ahead crossdressing through a red light district, busting into brothels and chasing a friend around a sex dungeon legally! Oh, or Dead or Alive Dimensions, that got a G at release too XD

One of the reasons though why Australia gets screwed over some is our extremely high costs to actually classify games. Apparently it's prohibitively high, and smaller companies will start to lose money if they release too many games, which is why bigger companies like Ubisoft or Square Enix take over for smaller entities like Atlus and publish their games here, as they've got the money to do it.

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It is kinda hilarious to see zombies flailing about as they're burnt to death by invisible fire before disappearing because they're dead though XD

Basically, we had a guy who thought gamers were more of a threat to him and to society than gangs were, in charge of whether or not we got an R18 game rating. He also passed laws banning talking about an election unless you provided your full name and postcode until the public went "This is ridiculous!"`

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So I cave in, downloaded the Demo, and ended up with a testament of my wild luck streak.

My first level up in Awakening: a Perfect one.

My luck in this game isn't in the appropriate places. I get a lot of nearly perfect levels and nice items on those sparkly tiles, and then I have to restart because of getting crit by a 1-5 percent rate. It seems almost like the chance to critical is calculated before the chance to hit when it comes to the enemy's chance of getting a critical. On top of that, I think my units have only gotten a total of ONE critical hit on the few times I've played the demo. xD

I guess if I want my units to get criticals I've gotta go down a difficulty. I've noticed that the bandits randomly have +critical skills and all of the enemies have 5+ luck. So unfair. xP

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Sounds like what happens when you have arm-chair psychologists win the debate on whether or not video games are responsible for human atrocities. Politicians love to attribute all the ills of society to a form of entertainment to obscure a real issue of government ineptitude. Case in point: In the 70s and 80s, before video games, Dungeons and Dragons took the rap for all manner of deviant, unchristian behaviour. Entire thing was so ridiculous it bordered on Blood Libel bad! (Sacrificing babies to the devil... sheesh.) Of course, the problem is that people buy into it fully and give power to these kook policymakers.

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One of the reasons though why Australia gets screwed over some is our extremely high costs to actually classify games. Apparently it's prohibitively high, and smaller companies will start to lose money if they release too many games, which is why bigger companies like Ubisoft or Square Enix take over for smaller entities like Atlus and publish their games here, as they've got the money to do it.

And this is why we pay ridiculously high prices for games here and have to wait longer than most other countries if we even get them anyway.

sort-of back on topic: what do you reckon awakening will be rated here? M?

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Oh, I guess looking at Australia's rating system, it's a bit different here. Judging by the looks of it, then yeah, I'd probably say this game would get an M rating over there. I think that's as close as you can get to T for Teen in the States or Pegi 12 in Europe, anyway.

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