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Ahhh, I said I'd provide more details today, but sadly I got totally distracted with stuff >___<

In the meantime, could everyone who's interested in submitting stuff from the demo send me a PM with their desired wiki username? Thanks!


I'm looking for anything that people might find interesting. So stuff like event tile dialogue and death quotes are totally fine (I usually list them for other games anyway).

Since everyone is doing gameplay stuff, I volunteer for art book material. I can scan the pictures/pages as needed when I get the book.

Which book is this? Knights of Iris or the limited edition character artbook?

Edited by VincentASM
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Hmm. I think I'll work on compiling some of the event tile dialogue (the ones for lone characters at least), and when I get to it in the story, the AvatarxSay'ri supports, though as I said earlier, I put it together in a topic here on the board and let someone else put it onto the wiki.

On a related note, I believe I'll take charge of compiling the localized names of anything new that comes up in the game that'll be moved to the main site, just as I did for the demo (with everyone's help, of course).

Edited by Shadow Stalker X
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Might not need the artbook scanned, seemed to be snippets of the Knights of Iris one which I've scanned all the concept art from. (Except the FMV storyboard section but I'll get around to that one day XD)


I haven't had the time to crop it or anything, but I should be able to after the weekend/maybe later tonight

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Might not need the artbook scanned, seemed to be snippets of the Knights of Iris one which I've scanned all the concept art from. (Except the FMV storyboard section but I'll get around to that one day XD)


I haven't had the time to crop it or anything, but I should be able to after the weekend/maybe later tonight


What class is that one (upper one)? Trickster?

Edited by pyromatic
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Which book is this? Knights of Iris or the limited edition character artbook?

Sorry for not making this clear. I meant the limited edition art book that comes as a bonus for pre-ordering the game.

Might not need the artbook scanned, seemed to be snippets of the Knights of Iris one which I've scanned all the concept art from. (Except the FMV storyboard section but I'll get around to that one day XD)

But since this is already done by Wheels, I guess there is no need for me to do that anymore.

I guess I can contribute to the support library since it is comprehensive.

As for interesting things, I will be on the look out for level ups when using different weapons(for the same level up, using different weapons will affect how your stats will/will not increase). It seems like something like this was implemented into FE12 and I want to confirm if this is done again in this game.

Edited by MagicLugh
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Was able to crop and upload a few concept arts for the wiki, will do some more later

EDIT: Took me all night, but...the whole of the character concept art (Except Tharja, Say'ri, Azure and Cynthia cause I seemed to have forgotten to scan those pages XD) and the unit concept art is now uploaded to the Wiki! Otherarrow helped me out with catergorising and sorting the galleries, as I was doing it wrong XD

Edited by Wheels
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Thinking about it, I could probably help with support transcribing, and maybe the support building events on the even tiles, finding their questions and answers.

I also want to record the game audio - possibly for battle quotes if you want but I wanted to do it for the confession quotes for the MU S supports. And play them when you click on the confession images on the site. I recorded Lissa's I AM NOT DELICATE! to make sure it works.

Oh, and I was wondering how the supports were going to be organized on the site, cause there's quite a bit to transcribe there. I mean, assuming supports are similar to the Japanese version...

[spoiler=Long Support Rant Counting]


Avatar, can S support with 47 characters (There's 4 character birthdays in each month which is how I remember, taking out Marks/Morgans). Of the 47 characters, it's split between male and female, and although most conversations were similar between genders, Krom, Ronku, Anna, Sairi, Tiki, Basilio, Flavia, the children and the spotpass characters have significantly different conversations based on gender. This also assume the three voices for each gender now share the same script. (96+0=96)

Chrom and Sumia

Chrom and Sumia are unique for their S supports. Krom gets Sully, Sumia, Maribelle and Olivia. Sumia gets Chrom, Fred, Gaia and Henry. (7+96 = 103)

The Marriage Grid - Parent version

Everyone outside of Chrom, Sumia, Anna, Tiki and spotpassers. 12 males x 10 females. (120+103=223)

Friendship - Parent version

14 Male/Male convos, 10 Female/Female convos. (24+223=247)

The Marriage Grid - Child Version

7 Males by 7 Females (minus one since Mark/Morgan can't support his opposite gender version(48+247=295)

Friendship Grid - Child Version

8 Male/Male, 8 Female/Female (16+295=311)

Siblings and Friendship - Other Version

Other conversations: BasilioxFlavia, Tikix(Anna,Sairi, Lucy, Nn)

Sibling conversations: Krom and Liz are one. Lucina shares a set of similar supports for her possible siblings, (counted as one) and Mark/Morgan(F) has a set to share with her siblings (also counted as one). For reference LucyxMark/Morgan(M) gets Lucina's sibling support, not Mark(f).


Parent Child Supports

The cross generation supports that aren't TikixLucina, TikixNn.

13 conversations with the characters original parent (Mark(M/F) counts as one)

13 very similar conversations with the other parent, specific to each child. (26+319=345)

Grand total of 345 supports maybe less if you cut down on the Male/Female Avatar differences that are fairly unique,and for about 3-4 levels for each support it's over 1000 conversations. Even more if you count parentxchild variations.

It might be easier to get the conversations on the forums first then put them in the wiki, cause its gonna be a PAIN to organize. I don't know a lot about wiki editing, but I think the support conversation pages should be set up before the game is released or else it'll get really messy trying to upload them. I'll help where I can though.

Edited by pichupal
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Thinking about it, I could probably help with support transcribing, and maybe the support building events on the even tiles, finding their questions and answers.

I also want to record the game audio - possibly for battle quotes if you want but I wanted to do it for the confession quotes for the MU S supports. And play them when you click on the confession images on the site. I recorded Lissa's I AM NOT DELICATE! to make sure it works.

Oh, and I was wondering how the supports were going to be organized on the site, cause there's quite a bit to transcribe there. I mean, assuming supports are similar to the Japanese version...

[spoiler=Long Support Rant Counting]


Avatar, can S support with 47 characters (There's 4 character birthdays in each month which is how I remember, taking out Marks/Morgans). Of the 47 characters, it's split between male and female, and although most conversations were similar between genders, Krom, Ronku, Anna, Sairi, Tiki, Basilio, Flavia, the children and the spotpass characters have significantly different conversations based on gender. This also assume the three voices for each gender now share the same script. (96+0=96)

Chrom and Sumia

Chrom and Sumia are unique for their S supports. Krom gets Sully, Sumia, Maribelle and Olivia. Sumia gets Chrom, Fred, Gaia and Henry. (7+96 = 103)

The Marriage Grid - Parent version

Everyone outside of Chrom, Sumia, Anna, Tiki and spotpassers. 12 males x 10 females. (120+103=223)

Friendship - Parent version

14 Male/Male convos, 10 Female/Female convos. (24+223=247)

The Marriage Grid - Child Version

7 Males by 7 Females (minus one since Mark/Morgan can't support his opposite gender version(48+247=295)

Friendship Grid - Child Version

8 Male/Male, 8 Female/Female (16+295=311)

Siblings and Friendship - Other Version

Other conversations: BasilioxFlavia, Tikix(Anna,Sairi, Lucy, Nn)

Sibling conversations: Krom and Liz are one. Lucina shares a set of similar supports for her possible siblings, (counted as one) and Mark/Morgan(F) has a set to share with her siblings (also counted as one). For reference LucyxMark/Morgan(M) gets Lucina's sibling support, not Mark(f).


Parent Child Supports

The cross generation supports that aren't TikixLucina, TikixNn.

13 conversations with the characters original parent (Mark(M/F) counts as one)

13 very similar conversations with the other parent, specific to each child. (26+319=345)

Grand total of 345 supports maybe less if you cut down on the Male/Female Avatar differences that are fairly unique,and for about 3-4 levels for each support it's over 1000 conversations. Even more if you count parentxchild variations.

It might be easier to get the conversations on the forums first then put them in the wiki, cause its gonna be a PAIN to organize. I don't know a lot about wiki editing, but I think the support conversation pages should be set up before the game is released or else it'll get really messy trying to upload them. I'll help where I can though.

I agree, it would probably be easier to just compile the supports here. Although whether or not it should go in the already existent Supports thread is to be decided. But I still second this.

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I agree, it would probably be easier to just compile the supports here. Although whether or not it should go in the already existent Supports thread is to be decided. But I still second this.

I also agree that all of the supports should be compiled here on the boards, since it'll be easier to organize, though I think it should be placed in its own topic separate from the Japanese support thread.

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Well, I was gonna go for Henry/FAvatar along with Henry(father)/Morgan and Morgan/Avatar, Nn/Donny(father), Nn/Nowi, and Nowi/Donny.

I'll do more, but baby steps. I get more done if I do small bits at a time. :>

I figure I'd do gen 1 supports grouped in with their convos with the kids.

Only two pairs, and look at all that @.@

Can we make a special thread only certain users could post in? Or would it work just like the japanese support thread? Either is fine with me.

So, just so I don't confuse myself:








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About half the Weapon concept arts for the wiki are up in the uploads, about 1/4 attached to pages, someone nice is cleaning those ones up for me (As I have XP version of Paint, and that's it XD) as a lot of them are going to be the Page image.

I so tireeed T_T

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Maybe a thread for people to claim what supports they want to work on, and a separate thread for just the supports? That might be a bit easier to keep track of which supports are being worked on.

I had figured it out to 542 total character combinations, which includes parent-child/lover differences in MU's case with the second gen, and sibling/non-sibling differences for the second gen. But, that does NOT factor in the generic parent supports nor generic sibling supports nor MU's gender-similar supports. (I made my horrid chart before I found out about the similarities~...)

So many people willing to help! Hurray! I would love to be able to help, and since I have nothing but time I could help with...almost anything text related. I'm clueless about formatting and wiki-editing, but if you say editing it is fairly easy, then... That is, of course, if there aren't too many people already lined up. ^^; I'm a bit late to this party...

Is there going to be a sort of a claims list somewhere so people don't work on the same thing accidentally?

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I'm up for making a thread to help manage all the supports. I'll try to list all of the conversations for people to request in the topic wooo... 300+ support pairs to manage!

I'll start compiling the LONG list, and I'll making the claiming thread now if only to remove the clutter from this thread :) - might change the claiming thread into the actual support thread when the time comes...

I personally want to do Basilio and Flavia's supports, particularly cause Basilio didn't get much love in the translation thread.

I'm also interested in the GregorxTharjaxNoire family, cause in the Japanese one Gregor talks about his family. I also want TharjaxNowi's support too.

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I'm up for claiming different supports too, though I don't have much planned past like, three so far (FeMU/Stahl, Chrom/Sully and Cherche/Lon'qu) and then any family supports that come off those

Once a separate english support thread/claim thread is up I'll post up more supports I plan on getting

EDIT: If I would have scrolled down like 2 inches I would have noticed it was already up GO ME

Edited by Saria
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I like to clean up character art, so I could help with that?


I'm almost finished posting the concept art to the Wiki, but depending on what you choose to do!

Character Concept Art: Almost all uploaded, and on each character's page (Cynthia, Say'ri, Azure, Tharja and Aversa I forgot to scan XD)

Class Concept Art: Complete, uploaded to the respective class page (Except Sorcerer and Pegasus Knight, as they were without art)

Weapon Concept Art: Uploading the last now, half are attached to pages, half are just in the Newest Photos section right now

From what I understand, once you clean her up, you click on the 'Upload a new version of this' button on the image page under the image (Example: http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/File:Superior_Sword.jpg in the file history section) and then upload the cleaned up version. It'll replace all instances of my non-cleaned up image with your cleaned up image.

There's a lot of images, so don't work on it in a big lump, or you'll just burn yourself out. Do whatever you feel cool with!

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Progress report on the artworks, all class concepts, weapon concepts and all but 5 character's concepts are uploaded. Also uploaded are some images from the event scene collection, mostly the ones featuring characters, as I don't know most of the locations they'rs showing.

Wednesday my time, I'll have some more scanning time, and will scan up the potraits in the profile section, Cynthia (her leg is borked on the Wiki image, so I'm going to attempt to help fix it), confession scenes and storyboard concepts in that order

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