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So what's your MU best and worst stat?

Gold Vanguard

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You know the part in were you choose which stat you want your MU to be good and bad in. Which one do you usually choose? Mines is Best:RES Worst:HP. It gives me balance growths all around,

Edited by Gold Vanguard
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Best: Skill, because I have some skill at FE. Not much, but some.

Worst: Defence, because I might as well be a mage in terms of fraility. Why not.

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In all the demo runs I've done, I went +SKL, -SPD. And yet my Avatar was still gaining Speed with every level up. Seeing as the RNG Goddess hasn't yet screwed me over with a build like that, I'll probably stick with it when I get the full game. Haha

Edited by Karaszure
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I'm going to either go with +Speed -HP, or +Speed -Luck. Luck is the worst thing to rely on and a higher skill cap is necessary for skill activations so not gonna drop that. With that said, I'm probably going to sack HP due to the fact that it always caps at 60 and 80 for un-promoted and promoted units respectively, with the only flaw being I have no idea how long it will take to cap HP.

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Based on growths, either + Resistance and - Strength (55% in Magic, Speed and Luck while still remaining relatively tanky towards most attacks) or + Magic and - Skill (60% Magic growth while still having a respectable Strength and Speed growth).

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