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Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem

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Word of Mod: Wind Waker is an amazing game and anybody else talking about Wind Waker at all after this is contributing to a (edit: shitty) derail so stop ok.

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Does anyone have an idea of when the game will come out? A guess?

A guess? Not this year. Considering they didn't show a second of footage...not even concept footage...it's not far along at all. Hopefully we'll see more at E3 (and to think I was considering not attending Nintendo's presser this year).

When they announced this game, I was thrilled. I've recently played Devil Survivor on the 3DS. It was fun for a while, but I lost interest about 3/4 of the way through and never finished it. Good story, good characters, but too repetitive. So, my second thought is that I wonder if this means no true Fire Emblem game on the Wii U. Because that would suck.

My guess is that the game will likely take the turn-based gameplay and demon fusing component of the Shim Megami Tensei games and throw the Fire Emblem characters into it, as I came away with the impression that Atlus is calling the shots here. Maybe they keep the perma-death element, but I can't imagine they will. Combat in these games is REALLY hard.

I was kind of hoping for a Fire Emblem / Warriors crossover, as that makes more sense to me, but oh well.

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Try saying this about Ocarina of Time and just watch how many nostalgia biased addicts jump you. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.

I've had that in real life. It's not so bad. (Well, I said it was overrated/overrepresented, not "not good at all").

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I guess it makes a bit of sense since both series are going through a bit of a renaissance and trying to expand their fanbase. They can ride the recent sure in popularity from Awakening and the new SMT. Pokemon Conquest is still weirder.

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I'm not entirely sure how the universes can mesh well, but I'm hoping that gameplay-wise, we'll have some of Shin Megami Tensei's mons-style creatures recruitable in armies, and branching story paths based on character alignment. The latter in particular would be a great twist on the normal Fire Emblem formula (See the SMT spinoff Devil Survivor games, or the Langrisser series, for more ideas on how that'd work.)

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Iv never heard of shin megami tensei what is it exactly?

A Series of dark jrpg's by the company Atlus, famous for its more modern style settings, an alignment system and its stories often questioning the very morality of everything with alternate paths, demons to get to join you and fuse into stronger things [kinda pokemon like in some ways] and such.

This is just a short little thing though, I'd look it up yourself for more clarity

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Try saying this about Ocarina of Time and just watch how many nostalgia biased addicts jump you. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Oh, yes, believe me, I know. I used to be a member of the biggest Zelda site on the net and OoT fags were everywhere. That game is so overrated it's laughable. OoT isn't a bad game though, I still really like it. It's just not as good as everyone makes it out to be. Imo, Skyward Sword is the best Zelda.

But anyway, I wonder if this crossover is going to be a fighting game, a la Soul Calibur, or an adventure like Pokemon Conquest.

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^MegaTen predates Pokemon by nearly a decade though

^^Like I said a few pages ago

"Brutally hard and dark jRPGs where after the apocalypse you press gang demons (in the pre-Christan Greek sense) into your gang, smash them together into different demons and use them to kill your friends over ideological difference."

Said demons include everything from obscure Shinto gods, REALLY obscure forest spirits that the translation team had to look through dozens of encyclopedias to find even after they knew what country it was from to a giant green penis in a chariot (It's a Buddist demon that attempted to prevent Gautama Buddha from reaching enlightenment by sending personifications of material desire, boredom and lust to distract him)

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lol, the few SMT and FE fans are probably on the verge of exploding with excitement and yet most of the comments I've seen are like "what's SMT?" or "wtf why a crossover with SMT? so random" XD

I'd personally like to see another true FE game first (either with Awakening as a base or on the WiiU) but if this comes out quickly I'll live, I just don't have to wait ages for this to come out only to have it get old quickly/be disappointing or something then again I don't have a WiiU or the money for it so maybe it's better if this would come out later... gah I really think they should have went with a title on the 3DS since so many people are going to have it now with FE13 coming out -_-

EDIT: btw my guess about the game is that it's a fighting game, I can't see it being much else, they'd have to put a ton of effort into it IMO... they also showed a ton of main characters from the FE games IIRC (can't remember haven't watched it in a while) so it'd be hard to not only connect all the FE characters together but then connect them with all the SMT characters ><

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I laughed when my friend linked me a tumblr page with the logos and I thought it was just some dumb collection of pictures of a theoretical crossover. And then I saw the trailer. My brain cannot process this ;_; Now I wonder, is this going to be cheap "OH GOD WHY" difficulty of SMT that becomes a slog to finish, or is it going to be more like Fire Emblem's difficulty that requires zero grind? I hope it's the latter...

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Oh. My, God. So hyped for this! Like everyone, I didn't see this coming (who would!?), but I'm very much interested in this. I played both Devil Survivor games and I loved both of them. Also played Strange Journey, and while I didn't like it as much as the DS games, it was still really enjoyable.

I have no idea how they are going to make this work though. The story, gameplay, visuals are all so very different that it's hard to know what to expect. I mean, Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney I can kinda come into, but this? That being said, I very much look forward to it though.

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I get the feeling there are going to be a lot of Fire Emblem fans playing SMT games for the first time.

I get the feeling there are going to be a lot of SMT fans playing Fire Emblem games for the first time.

No matter how this game ends up, and I'm betting it'll be amazing, it will be good for both series.

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It seems like a strange crossover. At first I was like really?? Of the crossovers I pictured, Link, Zelda, and Tales characters would be chosen over modern looking people....oh well I don't care as long as Fire Emblem is involved. I'm kinda new to the Shin Megami Tensei franchise as I've only played the Persona games. I love both franchises so I have no doubt this will be an awesome game.

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I get the feeling there are going to be a lot of Fire Emblem fans playing SMT games for the first time.

I get the feeling there are going to be a lot of SMT fans playing Fire Emblem games for the first time.

No matter how this game ends up, and I'm betting it'll be amazing, it will be good for both series.

My thought exactly. ^^

Now I need to go get Devil Survivor... as my first Shin Megami Tensei game...

I heard of the series before. Never played it, though.

Well, now I have a good reason to.

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