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What are you smoking?


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Stop comparing science to religion. Science is based on evidence (things that can be observed in the real world). Religions require faith. You can't come to science expecting things to be based of of your god, because guess what there is no evidence for your god. If you want to believe it thats fine, but don't go thinking that science has to cradle your beliefs. If you actually belief that evolution is wrong, that's fine, but you can't bring creationism as a way to substitute it, or as an argument because creationism is based on faith. What you would need to do is make your own theory accounting for all of the data acquired. It must also be falsifiable (i.e. it must have things that can be tested and must have predictions on the outcome of these tests).

Also, just an fyi, an ever expanding universe increases entropy.

Then that is not scientific and therefore, those people you speak of are not scientists. A good scientist never ignores data that conflicts his theory. In fact a good scientist improves his theory to accommodate for the data that is in conflict. How do you think we went from the greeks to the Copernican model of the solar system to what we have today? You think that if people had ignored data, Kepler would have been able to derive his laws? No, had he done what you said he would have simply ignored the discrepancies in the data acquired by Tycho Brahe. Why do we have Uranus as a planet now as opposed to just ignoring it because it didn't fit in with the model of the solar system before it was discovered? There are many theories that have gone through these process. What are you smoking?


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I'm not smoking anything because I like being able to breathe.

It's funny to see smoker pals try and stick through a game of basketball. Like goddamn, you'd think they had cinder blocks tied to their feet.

I know, right? I've always hated smoke, ever since I was a kid. Why would you do that to yourself?

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I kinda wanna pick up smoking just so I can say "Fuck this, I'm taking a smoke break." :E

Don't do it, it's not worth the withdrawal or your lungs.

Well my great grand-dad he died of cancer,

from smoking too many cigarettes.

But I must confess that he did quite profess

to being the coolest motherfucker I ever met.

Thats 'cause smoking makes you cool,

and smoking makes you rule.

So just light up a smoke and you'll never go broke

and you'll be the most popular kid in school.

The coolest kid in school.

Well I've traveled millions of Marlboro miles,

but I haven't gotten anywhere.

And I've made a million dollars in Camel cash,

but I'm still just broke as when I started.

But that's okay because smoking makes you cool,

and smoking makes you rule.

So just light up a smoke and you'll never go broke

and you'll be the most popular kid in school-

but only if you smoke Parliament.

Edited by Makaze
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that's funny because i play 8 games every other day and still average 10-5 while outhustling trainers

And some truly monstrous one-armed guy out there might be able to beat me in a boxing match.

Doesn't change he'd beat me more if he had two arms.

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That whole thread is pointless anyway because everybody is missing out the most basic thing:

If evolution is real then how come Ash still has a pikachu

Atheists: 0

Pallet Town: 1

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Does anybody know to what extent vaporizers actually bypass all the harmful effects of smoke inhalation, off the top of their heads? Purely for my scientific curiosity as I am not just a square I am a square square, a cube if you will

Edited by Rehab
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And some truly monstrous one-armed guy out there might be able to beat me in a boxing match.

Doesn't change he'd beat me more if he had two arms.

don't even know what that means or the relevance of that statement to the discussion

Does anybody know to what extent vaporizers actually bypass all the harmful effects of smoke inhalation, off the top of their heads? Purely for my scientific curiosity as I am not just a square I am a square square, a cube if you will

my friends that i would smoke with just said that it purifies the smoke more, for a super and cleaner high. don't know about bypassing harm done to your lungs, because smoke is still smoke

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