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DLC Conversation/Script Thread


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Ok, here are almost all of mine for Harvest Scramble; Now I gotta do F Morgan/Nah on my male file next. Enjoy!

Male Morgan/Owain

Morgan: Hngh...

Owain: Wha---Morgan! What are you doing on the ground? Are you all right?!

Morgan: Urgh...nngh...Huh? Ugh, ow!

Owain: What's wrong? Is it your head? Are you hurt? Was it...the Risen?!

Morgan: It was...the festival decorations. I saw them, and something started to come back to me.

Owain: You remembered something?!

Morgan: It felt like I was about to, but then my head started to ache...Everything went hazy, and I collapsed...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you worried.

Owain: So you blacked out just before you could remember? Interesting...

Morgan: Seems that way...

Owain: Yes, yes...This gives rise to a new hypothesis.

Morgan: It does?

Owain: Indeed it does, Morgan...Why, your memories have clearly been sealed away with some kind of evil curse!

Morgan: Meaning...what, exactly?

Owain: Meaning you didn't lose your memories. They were deliberately sealed away! And whatever fiend did it cursed you to fall unconscious if that seal was threatened!

Morgan: What?! But how can you be sure?

Owain: I can't. That's why it's still a hypothesis. But it's a credible one, is it not?!

Morgan: I...guess? Normally, I'd dismiss this as another of your crazy delusional fantasies. But you make a pretty solid argument...Still, who would want to do that?

Owain: Who indeed, and by what diabolical design? We must figure that out next, faithful friend!

Owain/Male Morgan

Owain: How are you feeling, Morgan? Manage to pin down any of those memories?

Morgan: Not one...

Owain: For shame. Headache still getting the way then?

Morgan: Yes. I wonder what's causing it...

Owain: It's got to be a curse. I'm sure of it!

Morgan: But who would go to all that trouble?

Owain: The Grimleal! You've been marked as prey by the dark priesthood!

Morgan: You...really think so?

Owain: I know so. Just as I know there's some shocking secret locked in those memories! Some world-shattering revelation they don't want coming to light...

Morgan: What? Why would I know anything like---

Owain: Fight it, Morgan! You must be strong! Resist their wicked magic! Tap into the power sleeping within your rarefied bloodline to break free!

Morgan: A-all right! Here goes...Hnnngh...Come on, me! Remember! Break free of...the curse...if, you know, there is one...like Owain is saying...Nnngh...Rrrraaaaagh!...Ahh!

Owain: What is it? Did you remember something?! Have you had a breakthrough?!

Morgan: Yes! I remembered...I remembered...I remembered that I forgot to eat breakfast this morning! That explains the headaches and the light-headedness!

Owain: ...Huh? Then what was all that about the festival decorations triggering your memory?!

Morgan: Oh, right! Yesterday, Mother lent me a book chronicling Ylisse's history. It had an illustration of an old festival that looked just like this one!

Owain: What?! So that's it? Case closed? No curse? No grand conspiracy?

Morgan: Oh, what a relief! It was driving me crazy! ...I should probably eat something now. Oh, sorry. Were you saying something?

Owain: Ugh...Forget it. Our ultimate showdown with the Grimleal will have to wait.

Morgan: What's the rule on these custard trifles? Okay to eat for lunch, or---? Owain? Owain, are you still listening?


Anna: Heh, looks like fruit is still the big seller at this festival. Nice to know some things haven't changed over the ages.

Tiki: Oh, hello, Anna. What are you doing?

Anna: Ah, Tiki! I was just taking a little look around the plaza.

Tiki: It sounded as if you were speaking to yourself.

Anna: Oops, was I? I didn't even realize. I suppose the sights have me feeling rather nostalgic. I'm all aflutter here.

Tiki: Oh? Then you've been here before?

Anna: Who, me? Nope, can't say as I have!

Tiki: But that's...You just said it was a nostalgic sight, did you not?

Anna: Ahh, yes. That. You see, my family has this looong tradition of writing each other letters. We tell each other all about the places and sights and exotic products we come across.

Tiki: How long is "looong"?

Anna: Let's just say "surprisingly." So it's entirely possible one of us has been here to see this. It just wasn't me.

Tiki: Hmm...I see.

Anna: I can remember reading about some of your exploits too, way back in the day.

Tiki: Back in the day? That was two millennia ago!

Anna: Give or take. You've likely met some of my ancestors. Actually, I'd bet on it.

Tiki: Hmm. Now that you mention it...I do seem to remember coming across a few women who bore a similar air...

Anna: Did you, now? Well, if they looked like me, that's a near guarantee! Strong family resemblance and all that.

Tiki: Oh, I'm sure.

Anna: Heh, that's kind of wild to think of, huh? A connection over the generations!

Tiki: Mmm, its a rather lovely thought.


Tiki: Anna, might I have a moment? I wanted to follow up on something you mentioned.

Anna: More about the log my family keeps?

Tiki: Yes. Any written record of reasonable detail stretching that far back would be massive.

Anna: Tell me about it! It was a real pain to get through the whole thing when I was little. But reading that shared history is how the kids in my family grow up. Always has been. Which is why all that information is still stuck in our heads now. We all know it.

Tiki: That's rather remarkable, really.

Anna: It had a lengthy chapter on this world's history. Its culture and traditions. I could tell you all about King Marth's life the same as I could talk about yours, Tiki. In sober detail...Almost if I were there to see it.

Tiki: I have to say, Anna, speaking with you is very...well, very nostalgic, I suppose. To borrow your term.

Anna: Oh?

Tiki: It feels almost as if I'm speaking with an old friend. One I haven't seen in ages.

Anna: Funny thing about that family history. As I read it, the passages flowed into my mind. It's different from learned knowledge. It's as if they became my own memories.

Tiki: What?

Anna: So the first time I saw you, I felt it too, on an instinctive level. Like I'd finally run into you again after thousands of years.

Tiki: But that's...It's as if our two souls have lived on, or been reincarnated, or...Somehow we've met and parted and met again, bound together across time.

Anna: Yes! That's the perfect way to describe it! It sounds like something plucked straight from a fairy tale, but it's how I really feel. And you feel the same?

Tiki: I do. Honestly, I feel a lot of things right now, Anna. Above all, profoundly happy.

Anna: You said it! I'm really glad we got to speak like this.

Tiki: Absolutely. And I look forward to many more conversations to come.

Anna: You can bank on it!


Panne: Cordelia! Make ready to face me!

Cordelia: Panne! What in the world are you trying to---?! Aah! Hngh!

Panne: Hmph. Not bad. Your reflexes are...adequate.

Cordelia: What in blazes are you doing attacking me out of the blue like that?!

Panne: For many moons now, I have longed to challenge you to a duel. A duel to the death!

Cordelia: Good grief, why? Did I do something to offend you? Because if I did, I'm---

Panne: No. No insult has been given. I heard tell that in this army of great warriors, you are the greatest of all. Since then, I have burned with the need to know---how mighty are the man-spawn? How powerful is their greatest warrior? Is she a match for the last of the taguel?

Cordelia: Now, listen---taguel, human, or whatever else we may be, right now we're allies! The threat we face is far too great for us to be fighting amongst ourselves. I absolutely refuse to duel you, be it to the death or otherwise. We have more important things to worry about.

Panne: What can be more important than the honor of our respective races? We must duel and determine once and for all which is the mightier species!

Cordelia: Look, I'm not interested in being humanity's representative in your little...whatever. This place is crawling with Risen, and I have work to do, even if you don't! *Cordelia leaves*

Panne: Wait! Cordelia! I am not done! Bah. You can run, man-spawn, but you cannot hide! I am the last of the taguel...and I will see this through!


Panne: Cordelia! At last I have found you!

Cordelia: Panne, I already told you, I'm not going to fight you. We're in the middle of a battle, and we have monsters to slay...

Panne: Then I will make it quick. Ready your weapon, human. The man-spawn must know the might of the taguel at last!

Cordelia: *Sigh* Okay, Panne. This has gone far enough. We need to talk. This isn't about proving which species is the strongest, and you know it.

Panne: You dare refute my motives? I fight for the honor of the taguel!

Cordelia: Is that really true? Is this really about the honor of your people? I think it's a little more personal than that.

Panne: Wh-what do you mean?

Cordelia: Remember when you used to say you'd never trust humans? Well, things have changed, haven't they? You've found friends among us.

Panne: ...This may be true. But it has no bearing on our quarrel.

Cordelia: Ah, but it does. As you've grown closer to us, you've lost that fire. You were filled with hate and anger over the loss of your people. That passion, painful though it was, drove you. It made you who you are. But as you learn to trust humankind, the flame is flickering out. And you fear that when it finally dies, your identity dies with it.

Panne: ...!

Cordelia: But you're wrong to be afraid. You have something else now. Something better. Something that will make you stronger than you ever were alone. You have friends.

Panne: ......

Cordelia: We can't replace your lost people, nor would we want to. But soon you'll get to know us even better. You'll learn to trust us even more. And when you do, you'll realize that...we're your people now.

Panne: ......You truly think so?

Cordelia: I know so. And it will be humanity's privilege to welcome you.

Panne: Thank you, Cordelia. You must forgive me...

Cordelia: There's nothing to forgive. Now about that duel. If it's not to the death, I might just consider it...Frankly, I'm as curious as you are to find out who's the strongest!

Panne: Hah! I doubt that!

Cordelia: Oh yeah? Try me!


Say'ri: Lady Tiki! Lady Tiki, are you here?

Tiki: Hm? What's the matter, Say'ri?

Say'ri: I've come before you this day to speak with you on a matter of personal importance.

Tiki: Say'ri, you're always so stiff. Please, just forget about it already, would you?

Say'ri: Forget...about what, precisely?

Tiki: About apologizing.

Say'ri: I'm sorry? Er, I mean I don't understand. With all due respect, I've said nothing yet...

Tiki: No, but you were about to. Say'ri, I've been alive for three thousand years. I just know. You came to apologize for awakening me, yes?

Say'ri: That's---But how...? Truly, the Voice is wise beyond the ken of humankind! You've saved me the need for any preamble then. Please for give my hasty, selfish act---

Tiki: I've already told you it's fine. Just forget about it. Really.

Say'ri: Lady Tiki, with all due respect, I cannot! Out of necessity or no, I've flung you from your lofty slumber into the throes of war. It is by my hand, and no other, that you now stand in a position of mortal peril! My regret cannot go unvoiced! Please let me offer what meager apology I may!

Tiki: *Sigh* Raise your head, Say'ri. Please? Yes, I'd retired to a position of uninvolved security in my sleep. I merely observed. I intended to never again play a hand in the affairs of others...I thought that was best for everyone.

Say'ri: And I violated that choice, ran contrary to my lady's wisdom!

Tiki: Well, yes. Perhaps you did. My legend was meant to fade, as legends do. To scatter like sand in the wind.

Say'ri: I'd intended to offer you my life, body, and soul in recompense once the war ended...But I cannot imagine such a scanty offering would serve you any use.

Tiki: Nor bring me any joy, certainly.

Say'ri: So all I've left to offer is my humble regret. I ask only that you allow me, at the very least, to continue to voice this apology...



Tiki: Say'ri, you've made one grave mistake.

Say'ri: L-Lady Tiki? I...Yes, I know.

Tiki: The choice I described before, to sequester myself away. That was how I felt then. Back when we first met. But that is not how I feel now.

Say'ri: Oh? Then...might I ask your mind now?

Tiki: I'm thankful to you, Say'ri.

Say'ri: Th-thankful?!...To me, my lady? Pray, what could you mean?

Tiki: Yes, to you. Without your intervention, I'd never have met all these wonderful people. And you've made me see that I am still relevant. That I can still be of use. Even to those resigned to live out their days in hermitage, warm company is a blessing...It was you who reminded me of that, Say'ri.

Say'ri: My lady...I have no words.

Tiki: It seems even an old fossil like me can still serve as a brick in building a new future. To do any less would be a grievous waste. I would be no more than a forgotten stone. And a callous slight to all those who've died for their causes in three millennia's wars.

Say'ri: My lady's noble words are so resplendent, I fear I am scarcely fit to hear them...There was a time I considered...I thought, if it meant living a life of shame, better to...But no. I swear here and now I shall cast aside all such thoughts in the future.

Tiki: See that you do. If a decrepit old granny like me has yet to give up, you can't either. I can think of no greater waste than for one so young as yourself to squander her life. Your future stands before you still, decades ripe with endless possibilities. I implore you, Say'ri. Live, and live well!

Say'ri: I will, my lady, to the best of my ability. Your words are a treasure I shall cherish.


Lucina: Wow! The decorations are so beautiful. Have a look at that stand, Tiki!

Tiki: It is indeed lovely. Most times, I've been on the other end of these events. The sentiment is nice, but having feasts dedicated to you isn't quite the same.

Lucina: Then you're unaccustomed to actually attending?

Tiki: Yes. It's...it's a very strange feeling.

Lucina: Oh?

Tiki: Having been alive three thousand years, new experiences are hard to come by. Yet I feel my time with you all has been one discovery after another. I realize now that there's still a whole world out there I haven't seen. I've so much left to learn. About the world, and about you.

Lucina: Perhaps so.

Tiki: Now, what is this?

Lucina: Oh. That's a mask. People wear them to certain kinds of costumed dances. Would you care to try one on?

Tiki: A costume, you say? Hmm...To humans, I would think simply being a manakete is enough of a curiosity.

Lucina: Perhaps. Though still, that lacks a certain...fun, I suppose.

Tiki: Fun?

Lucina: Yes! Festivals are there to be enjoyed. Getting into the spirit of things is key. Hmm. There must be something we could put together just for you...

Tiki: ...Lucina, tell me you're not planning to parade me around dressed in a silly outfit.

Lucina: Perfect! That's it! Why don't you try dressing up as you did when you were a child?

Tiki: Er...Why, exactly?

Lucina: I remember an old scroll noting that as a child, your visage healed the masses. Seeing you as an adorable child warmed their hearts and eased their sorrows.

Tiki: Honestly, the dreck these scribes come up with...

Lucina: Even now, people speak of it! The wonder of seeing a charming girl suddenly transform into a godly dragon!

Tiki: I wonder if I'll ever understand the tastes of humans...


Tiki: ......

Lucina: ......

Tiki: ......

Lucina: Tiki, I...I don't really know what to, uh...I'm sorry...

Tiki: Yes, well, that's quite enough dress-up for now. Or ever.

Lucina: I was so focused on faithfully re-creating the outfit you wore in the past, I...I suppose I failed to anticipate how silly children's clothes would look on an adult.

Tiki: Silly? I think that was a far cry from just silly, Lucina. Did you never stop to wonder how I would even fit into clothes that small?

Lucina: I'm so, so sorry...Although it WAS you who decided to force your way into them anyway...

Tiki: What was that?

Lucina: N-nothing! I said nothing...

Tiki: Good. Honestly, three millennia alive, and I've never been so humiliated.

Lucina: I was just...You've lived in such a different world than us all this time. Even now that you're travelling with us, you seem so distant at times...I'd hoped to help close that distance, but I fear I've done the opposite. For that, I'm truly sorry, Tiki.

Tiki:......You're wrong about that.

Lucina: Come again?

Tiki: Yes, the result was...less than ideal. But the fact that you were trying to treat me like a peer, as your equal...You didn't put me on a pedestal or treat me differently than the others. The costume was embarrassing, yes, but on the contrary, I feel...happy.

Lucina: You...Really?

Tiki: I do. It's...quite liberating. Thank you for that, Lucina. I've forgotten how wonderful human friendships can be, fleeting as they are. I shall endeavor to do what I can to grow closer to the others. And I hope you'll continue to introduce me to new firsts, good and bad alike.

Lucina: Of course, Tiki! It would be my pleasure!

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^Hahaha, oh Stahl, you poor guy... Generic, hungry guy...

That's the stuff I'd expect from Kellam, NOT Stahl. Incidentally, I also got Stahl's quote since he had the honor of having my female avatar for his wife. Or something.

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Claims Lists:

Summer Scramble

Enter Battle Quotes:





Gaius > Avatar (spouse)

If these are still available, I can help with them, I already bought the Scramble pack, and my unit is married to Gaius (btw I didn't know that the conversations change if they are married). And I always use Gerome and Yarne in my team :P

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Is Harvest of Bonds Before-Battle Conversation already claimed (the one before preparations menu)?

If not, I am interested to give it a shot.

It's already done. Thanks for offering, though.

If these are still available, I can help with them, I already bought the Scramble pack, and my unit is married to Gaius (btw I didn't know that the conversations change if they are married). And I always use Gerome and Yarne in my team :P

They're available. I'll add them to the list later today...

...along with everyone else's claims on this page. Have to leave to go grocery shopping RIGHT now. xD...

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Does Noire and Nah's conversations with Morgan change if they're sibblings?

edit: Also guess I'll take Avatar > Severa (child) since that hasn't been taken yet.

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Does Noire and Nah's conversations with Morgan change if they're sibblings?

edit: Also guess I'll take Avatar > Severa (child) since that hasn't been taken yet.

Doesn't look like it. Though it does make the conversations more... familiar, I guess?

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Does Noire and Nah's conversations with Morgan change if they're sibblings?

edit: Also guess I'll take Avatar > Severa (child) since that hasn't been taken yet.

pretty sure it doesn't, given the Lucina/Cynthia conversation is the same even if they're siblings (although the "stop trying to play the big sister" part made me think it was unique)

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Ok, here is Female Morgan and Nah. They aren't sisters in my file (but both ARE manaketes) so I guess someone who married Nowi could compare their convo to this one. Anywho, enjoy! That makes all of my Harvest Scramble convos!

Nah/Female Morgan

Morgan: Ooh, Nah! Do you have a minute?

Nah: Sure, Morgan. What do you need?

Morgan: As part of my research as a tactician, I'm gathering intel on everyone. So! I'll need to know your age. I've been wondering about it for a while, actually.

Nah: And, er...just what do you plan to do with this information once you have it?

Morgan: Well, put it to use when formulating strategies, I guess. Data on each soldier's temperament, skills, and condition are crucial for planning. Age is an important one of those factors.

Nah: I...suppose that makes sense. But we've made it this far without knowing, right? No need to fix what isn't broken!

Morgan: That won't do at all! We could fight and win a hundred battles and still lose the next! War is an unpredictable thing, Nah!

Nah: Hrmm...True, but still...

Morgan: So! Let's hear it. Give me a number.

Nah: Well, I'd say I'm about the same age as you, Morgan.

Morgan: Hmm, I see. But you look awfully young for someone my age...Not that I'm all that grown up yet either, mind you...

Nah: Actually...I'd rather not talk about this.

Morgan: What? Why not? There may come a time when we really need to know your exact age, Nah. Like, what if you got separated and we needed to ask around about you? What are we supposed to say? "Have you seen a girl who's I-don't-know years old"?

Nah: Ugh, now your being silly. I told you, I'm the same age as you! And if you told somebody that, it'd make it HARDER to find me, not easier!

Morgan: Hmm...I suppose you've got me there. It'd be simpler to just ask if they've seen a girl who looks around 10 or---

Nah: ARGH. I am NOT going to run off and get separated! This conversation is absurd!

Morgan: Er, sorry. Of course you won't. It's just your so small, sometimes I forget...

Nah: Ugh, that's it! Now I'm REALLY never telling you, you...You JERK! Waaaaaaaah! *disappears*

Morgan: Nah, wait! Don't run off or you'll get...separated...*sigh*

Female Morgan/Nah

Morgan: Ah ha! I've been looking everywhere for you.

Nah: ...Leave me alone.

Morgan: Why is this such an issue for you? It was just one simple question. I'm not trying to pry into your business out of idle curiosity either, you know. This is part of a tactician's job. I'm doing this to help everyone. You included!

Nah: ...A likely story.

Morgan: Oh, come on! I promise!

Nah: ...All right, fine. But you have to SWEAR you won't tell anyone else.

Morgan: Done! You have my solemn word.

Nah: I'm just a hair past...*whisper, whisper*

Morgan: So then you really are just about my age!

Nah: Yes! But I'm a manakete, so I grow slower. I mean, we've been over this before. We live far, far longer than humans, but that means we don't look our age at all...

(Uh, Nah, you better get your eyes checked cuz my Morgan is a manakete just like you; in fact, you're both halflings to be precise... :facepalm: )

Morgan: And this slower growth---does it apply to your mental age as well as your body? I mean, are you psychologically younger than a human of the same age?

Nah: Rrrgh...Yes. That's why I didn't want to say anything...

Morgan: Why not?

Nah: Because I don't want to be patronized! My mother always looked like a young girl, and in some ways she still was, mentally. So I heard no one ever treated her as an equal. She was always just a kid to them!

Morgan: I don't know about other people, but I'd never patronize you, Nah! You're still young, sure, yet you're already fighting alongside adults, aren't you? That's an amazing accomplishment! Besides, I think you're awfully mature for someone around your age.

Nah: ...What was that? What you said just now---can you repeat it?

Morgan: I said your mature, Nah. Most kids your age spend their days running around playing in the mud! You're way more grown up than that.

Nah: I'm grown up...Mature! I think that's the first time anyone's ever said that to me.

Morgan: Really, your age is only an issue when you make it one. So stop worrying about it! Honestly, you could stand to be LESS mature! Relax and enjoy your childhood!

Nah: Wow...So you're saying I'm actually too mature?

Morgan: Just a bit!

Nah: Heh. Thanks, Morgan. I feel a lot better hearing that. Phew...That's been weighing on me forever. I feel kind of exhausted now. In a good way.

Morgan: Oh? Is it nap time, already? Well, don't you worry! Auntie Morgan can tuck you in and read you a---

Nah: MORGAN! Stop patronizing me!

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From the localisation thread, Nowi and Tharja's conversation was censored on the EU version (It's about her hair instead) Would you like me to get this convo?

EDIT: Oh, and I'll take Avatar > Severa (Child) too, just realised that one was there XD

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From the localisation thread, Nowi and Tharja's conversation was censored on the EU version (It's about her hair instead) Would you like me to get this convo?

Wow, this is the first bit of censorship I've seen in Awakening outside of the whole Cousins thing. Interesting.

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Ok, here is Female Morgan and Nah. They aren't sisters in my file (but both ARE manaketes) so I guess someone who married Nowi could compare their convo to this one. Anywho, enjoy! That makes all of my Harvest Scramble convos!

I was disappointed by how that conversation doesn't seem to acknowledge Morgan as a Manakete if she's Tiki's daughter. I guess there's still a chance that there's some variation if she's Nowi's though.

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From the localisation thread, Nowi and Tharja's conversation was censored on the EU version (It's about her hair instead) Would you like me to get this convo?

You know, just to end some arguments I've been seeing, can someone check the japanese version real quick?

I know it's pretty stupid, but just checking XD

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You know, just to end some arguments I've been seeing, can someone check the japanese version real quick?

I know it's pretty stupid, but just checking XD

Is it what I think it is? (Basically, is it about whether the JP dialogue is closer to the US dialogue, or the EU dialogue?)

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I don't understand what you are asking. I want someone to check the Nowi/Tharja summer scamble conversation in the japanese version.

Despite the fact it would be odd for NoE to use everything else from the NoA version. (Unless it doesn't?)

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Okay, decided to get the EU convo just for comparison's sake anyways XD

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble (EU)]

Nowi & Tharja



Tharja, it's so nice and shiny.




Didn't you hear me? I said it's so nice and shiny!


And what does that mean, exactly? ...DO I even want to hear this?


You know! Your hair! It's so sleek and shiny and stylish!


Gods. Is that your idea of a compliment? One moment I'm dealing with a simpering innocent, and the next... *sigh*


Sooo...can I comb it? Oh please, say I can...


Why are you even asking ME, anyway? There must be others with more exciting hair than me.


Oh, no. I've checked out EVERYBODY in the whooole army, and you know what? You've got the best hair of them all. ...Trust me.


What an honour. Perhaps you should check again to be safe? Now go on. Run along.


FINE! If you're gonna be like that, I will! CHROM! HEY, CHROM! Tharja wants to know what you think about h-


WHAT?! Grr... Pipe down, or I'll hex you into next week!


But you just TOLD me to-


I changed my mind. No more asking anyone about my hair, you hear?


Boo. Well, if I can't comb it, can you at least tell me what it's like to touch?


What is this all about? Why do you want to know?


Well I heard some of the men talking about your hair... And they said they bet it was as sleek and soft to the touch as silk. That sounds pretty nice to me! So I decided I had to see for myself.


Grrr... When I find out who these men are who've been talking about me... Well, let's just say there are about to be some new toads hopping around camp...



...Hm? Did I just doze off in the middle of a battle? Curious. I must be even more tired than I thought. Still, it was a wonderful dream... Fancy Avatar showing up! Hee hee. Ooh, the fun we had...


Morning, sleepyhead! That was quite a snooze you had there!


What do you mean, quite a snooze? Why in the world didn't you wake me up? We're in the middle of a battle!


Hee hee! Because you look like you needed the sleep, silly! ...Aaaand it seemed like a good opportunity to touch your lovely hair.


Y-you WHAT?!

And you know what? I was right. Your hair is really special. The way it feels! So sleek and smooth and-


Are you out of your tiny mind?! I hope you enjoyed it...because you're about the receive the hexing of your life!


Eeeek! No, don't! I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry! I really am! You just looked so tired lately, I didn't want to wake you! I was worried, you know? But I stood watch over you the whole time, honest! I...I thought I was helping... *sob*


...Urgh. How am I supposed to stay angry with that face? All right, all right... Fine. I accept your apology.


*Sniff* R-really...? Oh, yay! 'Cause you know what- you look sooo much better now! You were all super-pale before, and-


Enough! Ever heard the expression 'quit while you're ahead'? Anyway, no more touching people's hair while they're asleep. Understood?


You mean I should only touch it while they're awake? Gotcha!


Grr... That's it. You ARE getting hexed!

Apologies for slowness on the SB stuff, I've really not been well these last couple of days

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ALL RIGHT here is, like, half of my claimed Harvest of Bonds conversations. This is the last week of school, AH MY GOD, so hopefully by this Thursday I can have the rest of my claimed quotes (Deaths Embrace, Five Anna Firefight, Death's Labyrinth) and my Bonds conversations. Sorry it's taking so long. "OTL Without further ado, here are the first half of the Harvest convos:


Part 1

Virion: Finally, a quiet moment to myself to forget my cares and soothe my soul…

Frederick: Virion, what in the world are you doing?!

Virion: Why, I’m sipping tea, of course. What of it?

Frederick: In the middle of a battlefield? This is neither the time nor the place, sir!

Virion: Oh, shush now. We nobles bear many a heavy burden, you know. This delightful ritual of civilization gives me strength to fulfill my arduous duties! Indeed, you look a bit frayed yourself. Why not have a seat and join me?

Frederick: Er, well, I WAS feeling somewhat parched… I suppose one small cup couldn’t hurt. *sniff* Ah… An herbal mix, yes? From the plantations of Ferox, if I’m not mistaken. …I consider myself something of a tea connoisseur, if I may be so bold.

Virion: Truly amazing. Inspiring, even!

Frederick: …Beg pardon?

Virion: I was just thinking about what an abundantly gifted knight you are.

Frederick: Why, thank you.

Virion: Such breeding—to be able to indentify the source of a tea with a single sniff! I’m flabbergasted! Wonder-struck! Overcome with joy!

Frederick: Er, yes. Well, I’m not sure it’s quite that big a deal, but—

Virion: That settles it. I must have you as my own! House Virion demands the very best. And you, sir, will make a superb addition to my retinue of vassals!

Frederick: …Are you headhunting me, sir?

Virion: Well, yes, I suppose I am. Metaphorically, of course, hah! One day, when this war is over, my domains will prosper again… And when they do, you WILL serve me—at double your current pay!

Frederick: A most generous offer, sir, but you ask the impossible. I’m afraid I must refuse.

Virion: Refuse?! But why?

Frederick: For generations, my family has served the royal family of Ylisse exclusively.

Virion: Exclusively?

Frederick: Exclusively.

Virion: To hear it twice stings my very soul… But the past is past, and you must consider your future! Still, I see you shall not be easily persuaded… Very well then. We shall speak more of this later. But rest assured, I shall not give up so easily! When it comes to wooing, my title of Virion the Tenacious is well earned! –leaves-

Frederick: Woo me as you may. I can assure you my answer will remain unchanged…

Part 2

Virion: Frederick! There you are. We have unfinished business to discuss.

Frederick: V-Virion! You caught me off guard. What could possibly be so pressing?

Virion: Don’t play coy with me! You know what I want. You. As my vassal. If you refuse, you may as well just take this sword and cut me down…

Frederick: Isn’t that a bit…extreme?

Virion: I insist! Go on, lop off my head. I’ve no use for it if I cannot have you.

Frederick: *sigh* I appreciuate your fervor, Virion. But as I said before, my family has served House Ylisse for generations unbroken.

Virion: Yes, yes. I believe “exclusively” was the word you used. But exclusivity is a fleeting thing, my friend! Generations change! New allegiances are formed! Surely my impassioned plea is enough to move your heart to switch sides! So come, what do you say? Serve me, or strike me down where I stand!

Frederick: …Very well, Virion. If you insist, then I suppose you leave me no choice.

Virion: Ha-HAH! I KNEW you would come around and agree to be my vassal!

Frederick: Are you ready?

Virion: Erm, w-wait… What’s going on, exactly? Careful with that thing—it’s quite sharp!

Frederick: Hi-YAAH!


Risen: -appears- *gurgle*-disappears-

(sound of somebody collapsing)

Frederick: You can stop cowering now. It’s dead. A close call, though, wasn’t it?

Virion: -comes back- An interloper… How mischievous of you not to tell me.

Frederick: When in service of my lord, I believe actions speak louder than words. But as I said before, I’m afraid I cannot serve you. I am promised to another.

Virion: Nothing will change your mind?

Frederick: Nothing.

Virion: *shrug* Very well. I suppose even Virion the Tenacious cannot woo them all. But I hope we can remain friends? Perhaps share tea again?

Frederick: Now, that I can do. Tea is one passion of mine that knows no bounderies!


Part 1

Donnel: Dancin’ donkeys, but this fair ain’t somethin’ else!

Stahl: Donny? What are you doing standing there, mouth agape?

Donnel: I was just thinkin’ how grand and colorful everythin’ looks! I mean, we had our own fairs back in the village, but they weren’t nothin’ like this! Let’s hurry up and finish whuppin’ these Risen so we’s can have some fun!

Stahl: Are fairs really that exciting? I haven’t been to many, honestly.

Donnel: That so? Now, that there’s a cryin’ shame, if you don’t mind me sayin’. Why, a good fair’s just about the best darn thing in the whole wide world! You couldn’t drag me away from a fair with a pair of shire horses!

Stahl: Hah! I bet I know why, too. The REAL reason you like fairs…

Donnel: Wh-what do ya mean?

Stahl: They offer…opportunities, shall we say? To the dapper young village lad? What better place to meet a young maid, dance a jig…and mayhap more? The promise of love and romance—therein lies the charm. Am I right?

Donnel: Gosh, n-no! I ain’t never thought anythin’ like that! Not one bit!

Stahl: Are you sure?

Donnel: Er…well, maybe a mite. I mean, a lot of guys and gals go in for the dancin’… But I wasn’t never much one for it. Had me two left feet, they used to tell me. Wasn’t that I was clumsy or nothin’, though. It’s just…there was this one time… See, there was this paint pail and apiglet…and sweet Betty from down the lane… Well, let’s just say it was mighty embarrassin’. Put me off dancin’ for good!

Stahl: Oh ho! A young man with a checkered past! Tell me more!

Donnel: N-no way! I already done told ya more’n ya need to know! ‘Sides, I’m tired’a talkin’ ‘bout me. How’s about you?

Stahl: How’s about me what?

Donnel: Ya know! Girls! I wager you got lots of fine lady memories.

Stahl: Who, me? Oh, ha ha, no, I—

Donnel: I mean, a fella as good lookin’ and charmin’ and everythin’ as you? I bet YOUR past ain’t embarrassin’ at all! I wanna hear all about it!

Stahl: O-oh, would you look at the time? Sorry, Donny—gotta run! –leaves-

Donnel: Hey, Stahl! Wait up! Dang. Now why’d he run off like that? I bet he’s got some great yarns to spin…

Part 2

Donnel: Stahl!

Stahl: Wah! D-Donny?!

Donnel: Ah-hah! Gotcha cornered now! You’re gonna tell me a story or else!

Stahl: Look, Donny. I don’t have any stories.

Donnel: Now, you listen here. Ain’t no use pretendin’ ya got nothin’ to say. I reckon you got a barrel full of stories from your youth, and I wanna hear one!

Stahl: *sigh* Fine, fine. As long as you promise to leave me alone after.

Donnel: I swear it on my uncles prize sow, rest her precious soul!

Stahl: Er, right. Anyway, this is a story from years ago, when I was still a lad. A friend took me alone to what would be the only fair I saw as a boy… I had a crush back then, and I was hoping to see her at this fair. We knew there’d be a dance floor, with girls looking for partners…

Donnel: See, I knew it! So? Did ya dance with her? Did ya fall in love?

Stahl: No. As we walked toward the town, my friend told me about a girl he fancied…

Donnel: …Oh. Don’t tell me—

Stahl: Yes. It was the very same girl whom I had long adored from afar! I was deeply conflicted. But he was a fine friend, one I didn’t want to lose. So, in the end, I did nothing. I stayed silent the whole night. He danced with the girl of my dreams, and I…never went to another fair.

Donnel: Gosh, Stahl. That was awfully kind of ya. You sure are selfless! I can’t believe that girl ended up with your friend and not you!

Stahl: Kind? I don’t know. Maybe I just lacked the courage to be frank.

Donnel: Well, never you mind! When this fight’s over, we’re gonna make things right. I’ll put on a wig, you put on a blindfold, and the two of us’ll dance instead! You can pretend I was your girl and get the regret right outta your system. Shoot. It’s a fair, after all, right?! It’ll be fun!

Stahl: Er, Donny…I appreciate the thought, but I really don’t think that’ll be necessary…


Part 1

Kellam: Um, Donnel?

Donnel: Hey there, Kellam! What can I do ya for?

Kellam: Well, there’s something I’ve been wondering about for ages… I tried to resist, but…I just can’t keep it to myself any longer.

Donnel: Well, ya know I’ll help if I can! What’s ticklin’ yer curiosity?

Kellam: All right, I’ll just come out and ask: Why do you wear a pot on your head?

Donnel: Huh? THAT’S yer question? Err… A-ain’t it obvious? You wear a big helmet when yer fightin’, right? Well…I wear a pot for the same reason—to keep my noggin in one piece!

Kellam: Well, yes, I’d guessed that much. But what I mean is, why a pot? Why not…you know, an actual helmet? If it’s a question of coin, I’m sure Chrom would be happy to help…

Donnel: B-boy, you sure ya don’t wanna talk about somethin’ else? Anyway, no, it ain’t about money. I been wearin’ this thing since I was on all fours! I’ve grown mighty attached to it, ya know? Heck, I’d feel naked without it…

Kellam: I see. So in other words, it’s kind of like a good-luck charm, huh?

Donnel: Er, yeah! That’s EXACTLY what it’s like! A good-luck charm! Well, glad we cleared that up. Now if you’ll pardon me—Whoa, Kellam! Over yonder! It’s some kinda monster! Sorry. I better run off and warn the others! –leaves-

Kellam: Huh? But…I don’t see any monster? …What’s gotten into him? Hmm… This all came about when we started talking about his pot… Maybe he’s hiding something under that thing…? Something shameful that he doesn’t want anyone else to know! Well, if there’s anyone who can sneak up on him to yank it off and have a look… Okay, easy does it. Eaaasy does it…


Donnel: -on the right side of the screen facing away from the left- Phew! Dodged an arrow back there. Good thing I skedaddled when I did…

Kellam: -appears- (Perfect. He hasn’t noticed me yet. Almost there… Allllmooost…) And…NOW!

Part 2

Kellam: S-Sorry, Donnel…

Donnel: I should hope so! Dancin’ donleys, of all the mean tricks to pull…

Kellam: I thought you might be hiding something, but I never imagined THAT! I mean, your hair! It’s like, it’s like… Gods, I don’t know WHAT it was like!

Donnel: *sigh* Like a drunk musk ox ambled on up there and kicked the bucket?

Kellam: W-Well, that wasn’t exactly what I had in mind… Although…now that you mention it… *snort*

Donnel: ……

Kellam: Ah, sorry! That…wasn’t laughter, honest! J-just something caught in my nose!

Donnel: *sigh* Ma always said I had hair messier than a slop trough. I done tried everythin’—water, bacon grease, my ma’s special ointments… As ya can see, nothin’s been able to tame it.

Kellam: …Still, does it really matter so much? It’s distinctive, I’ll grant you that, but—

Donnel: Oh, it matters all right! Shoot, this army’s just full’a lords and ladies, knights and princes… I’m surrounded by highborn types with their lustrous, flowin’ locks… My curly mop stands out like a hedgehog in a pile o’ marshmallows!

Kellam: Maybe. But if it were me, I’d be happy to stand out. It’s good to be noticed! I don’t look like anything special at all, and that’s why no one ever sees me… But then, I’m not the one with an ox on my head, right? So what do I know… Anyway, I promise I won’t tell anyone about your hair. It’ll be our secret.

Donnel: Truly? Shucks, Kellam, that’s a relief! I owe ya one! …But I reckon you’ve gotta tell me one of yer secrets now too. That way we’ll both owe each other, and everythin’ll be all fair and square!

Kellam: Wha--?! B-but I don’t have any embarrassing secrets!

Donnel: Oh, I don’t buy that for a cotton-pickin’ minute! Go on, Kellam. Dish me yer dirt!

Kellam: Er…maybe we should get back to fighting those Risen…


Maribelle > Olivia

Part 1

Maribelle: Ah, Olivia. I was hoping to run into you. There is something we need to discuss.

Olivia: Uh-oh… I mean, um, really? What is it?

Maribelle: It concerns your table manners—specifically, the way you use your fork. You brandish it like a battle axe. It is most uncouth. I’ve also noticed that you arrange your cutlery in quite the wrong order.

Olivia: Um, do I? To be honest, I didn’t know there was an order. Hah…

Maribelle: Then there is a matter of the manner in which you left your seat yesterday evening. The racket when you scraped your chair across the floor was most unladylike!

Olivia: I-I can explain that one! Somebody asked me to dance, so I was in a hurry, and—

Maribelle: *sigh* I suppose there’s nothing else for it. We simply cannot have you sullying this army’s reputation any longer. I will shoulder the burden of instructing you in the etiquette of the noblewoman. Though the task be daunting—nay, immense—I shall make you my responsibility!

Olivia: Gosh, Maribelle… Are my manners really that bad? I mean, Ia ppreciate the offer to teach me about forks and plates and things… But I’m so busy with dance practice, I don’t have a lot of spare time…

Maribelle: Why, my dear girl—our lessons will complement your training perfectly! Manners are about moving with grace and style, after all. Is this not the very essence of dance?

Olivia: Hmm… I never thought of it like that before. But now you mention it, I suppose it does make a little sense…

Maribelle: “A little sense”?! It makes perfect sense, darling! In any case, I shan’t take no for an answer. You WILL be my pupil! Do I make myself clear?

Olivia: Er…yes, ma’am. Crystal clear…

Part 2

Maribelle: No, no, NO!

Olivia: Argh! I’m sorry!

Maribelle: How many times do I have to tell you? If you do it like that, it will end up splashing all over the place! I’ve never met anyone so utterly hopeless at pouring a simple cup of tea! Surely you must have performed at any number of society functions? How did you manage not to pick up even the rudiments of civilized behavior?

Olivia: Well, whenever I went to a fancy party, Basilio always came with me… He made sure I never got myself into trouble…

Maribelle: Hmph! I might have known that indulgent fool of a man was behind this!

Olivia: B-but without him to help me, I could never have focused on my dancing! A young girl gets an awful a lot of attention at those rich people’s parties. And not all of it is the welcome kind, if you know what I mean…

Maribelle: …Yes. I can well imagine. Some of those old lords can be a terible handful. But that’s hardly a concern any longer, is it? Now that you’re a Shepherd, you are safe from such unwanted advances.

Olivia: …That’s true. I DO feel safe here.

Maribelle: Good. Then stop worrying, and start focusing on your lessons!

Olivia: O-okay…

Maribelle: “Okay”?! Good heavens, girl! The correct answer is “Yes, milady”!

Olivia: Y-Yes, milady!


Part 1

Gregor: *sigh* Trouble, trouble… Gregor’s brow is the forrowed.

Ricken: Hey, Gregor. What’s the matter?

Gregor: Ah, is Ricken! Gregor would like word with his little friend. Tell me—people who come to fair were all taken to the safe refuge, yes?

Ricken: Yep! Everyone was evacuated, no problem. All nice and orderly, too.

Gregor: Nice and orderly, you say…but Gregor is afraid to be reporting otherwise!

Ricken: Uh, why? What happened?

Gregor: Crazy lady being ushered to safe place was drinking mead before fair begin! She drink so much she weaving and bobbing like ship in big storm, yes? But worst thing is—she grasp Gregor’s hand…and…beg Gregor to marry her!

Ricken: Whoa! She proposed to you?! Nice one! You’re a real lady killer, Gregor!

Gregor: Nice one?! Oy, this is no laughing matter, pipsqueak!

Ricken: I’m not laughing! I’m seriously impressed! One look at you and she wanted to wed you? Man, grown-ups have it good!

Gregor: Ho ho. Well, ‘tis true. Gregor can charm spikes off of cactus, but… …No, no, NO! This is not a good thing! Woman so drunk, eyes were crossed!

Ricken: Hah! So you’re saying she couldn’t even see you properly? What happened next? Did you say yes?

Gregor: Gregor is saying NO, of course! But drunk lady very, very persistent. She say she come back later for answer, after Gregor have time to think about it.

Ricken: Oh boy…

Gregor: Oy, is like getting proposal from hellish underworld demon vixen.

Ricken: Sounds hard to refuse! Maybe you should just pack up and move to this Outrealm?

Gregor: There you go again with the bad joking about a very, VERY serious matter. Anyway, Gregor is stuck in big pickle, and you cannot be helping ou—Wait! Gregor is having storm of brain! Ricken, you CAN be helping Gregor!

Ricken: Uh-oh. This sounds ominous…

Part 2

Ricken: Ugh, Gregor! I’m gonna get you for this, I swear!

Gregor: HA HA HA! Gregor is so sorry…*chuckle* Very…*snort*…sorry…

Ricken: I can’t believe you made me wear a dress and pretend I was your girlfriend! I feel like some kind of performing monkey or something! This is even worse than being treated like a kid!

Gregor: Ho ho! But, Ricken, long, blond wig is suiting you perfectly. Is good, no?

Ricken: NO!

Gregor: Ah, you look so beautiful as a lady. *sigh* It bring tear to Gregor’s eye. It must be good to wear dress so well. Why you not happy like Gregor?

Ricken: It’s not good AT ALL! I don’t see the humor in any of this, frankly!

Gregor: Oy, why Ricken is getting cute lady smallclothes in twist? What better time to let long hair down than at fair, eh? Ha ha! *sniff* Ah, but seriously. Gregor is thanking you for help. You save the bacon.

Ricken: Yes, well. I hope you ARE grateful.

Gregor: Of course, it help you make such pretty girl. Even high-pitch voice fools other lady. Thanks to you, Gregor safely refuse offer from terrifying drunken woman! Ricken’s dainty gestures like highborn lady make Gregor’s heart go aflutter!

Ricken: All right, all right! That’s enough teasing already!

Gregor: Teasing? No, no! Gregor making heartfelt compliment! …Oh, okay. Sorry. Gregor actually teasing. But now taking it all back.

Ricken: You sure? All that stuff about looking pretty and having a high-pitch voice, too?

Gregor: Yes, yes. All silly joke. Gregor not mean any of it.

Ricken: Well, good. I’m glad to hear it. I suppose I might forgive you then…

Gregor: Ah! You did dainty gesture again! Just like real noble lady! Ha ha!

Ricken: GREGOR!


Part 1

Libra: O great gods above, grant us your mercy…

Gaius: Crivens, Libra, you sure are one for prayers, eh?

Libra: Hello, Gaius. Would you care to join me?

Gaius: I’m no believer. You know that. Besides, I’ve got nothin’ to beg for.

Libra: But through prayer, we can ask mercy of the gods and cleanse our souls.

Gaius: Heh. I bet it’ll take more than a few knee bends and “oh gods” to cleanse this soul…

Libra: Well, knowing—and regretting—past sins is the first step toward redemption.

Gaius: ……

Libra: Come now. One little prayer to lighten the burden on your soul.

Gaius: …All right, Padre. What have I got to lose, right?

Libra: Nothing but your guilt!

Gaius: ……Hold on. What are you doin’ staring at me with that silly grin on your face?

Libra: My apologies… I was just thinking how dazzling you look kneeling there!

Gaius: Dazzling? Me? You sure you haven’t been dipping into the holy mead?

Libra: No, no. My head is as clear as a bell. To repent your past deeds, you have chosen to fight for everlasting peace… How can I fail to be dazzled by such purity of motive and nobility of heart?

Gaius: I don’t get it, Padre. You get a kick outta reformed criminals trying to make good?

Libra: No, this is a compliment from the heart! I mean it in the best way possible.

Gaius: Well, you sure got a strange way of expressing yourself…

Libra: To commit mistakes, but then strive to correct errors of the past… I doubt there is anything that brings a mortal closer to the divine and holy.

Gaius: Look, I appreciate the compliments, but you’ve got this all wrong. There’s not much in the way of atoning or repenting going on here… The truth is I just really don’t regret my past, okay?

Libra: Hmm, I wonder…

Part 2

Libra: So, Gaius, are you telling me you DON’T regret your past misdeeds?

Gaius: Look at it this way: what’s my main role here in Chrom’s army? Opening locked doors and cracking sealed treasure chests, that’s what. And how is that different from the old days? Not one bit, that’s how.

Libra: Yes, I suppose so, but…

Gaius: And not only that. I spend a lot of my time sneakin’ into enemy camps… I’m a spy, a saboteur, a guerilla…even an assassin sometimes. Now, does that sound like someone who’s trying to atone for a criminal past?

Libra: But tell me. Why do you do those things?

Gaisu: Because I’m good at them, and it ups the odds of us survivin’ the next battle. No matter how dirty the job, if it saves one more life on our side, I’ll do it.

Libra: That sounds…logical. On the face of it. But—

Gaius: But even if the cause is just, the deed is still wrong? Is that your theory? Well, so be it. Someone’s gotta do the dirty jobs, and it might as well be me.

Libra: Gaius, I fear there may be some misunderstanding. I do not blame you for your deeds, now or in the past. That’s not my point.

Gaius: So what’s the third degree?

Libra: As you yourself seem to recognize, your actions are hardly worthy of praise. On the contrary, your…”special” skills may earn you the distrust of your allies. Your duties are dangerous, dirty, and bring you little personal reward. Yet even so, despite this, you persist in them. THAT is why I ask—why?

Gaius: It takes more than pretty words and noble purpose to build a better future. Someone’s gotta dig the latrines and haul out the rubbish. If it’s not me, it’s gonna be someone else. And why not me, right? Then you fair-haired do-gooders can concentrate on saving the world. And you can do it without having to fret about getting your hands dirty.

Libra: But, Gaius…

Gaius: That’s the right tool for the job, Padre. That’s all I am. –leaves-

Libra: ……Ah, Gaius. Chrom’s army served by many a righteous, noble knight…but I would say you might just be the most upright and noble of them all… May the gods protect you!

...hahah, that Gregor/Ricken conversation. xD What's funny is that I had Gregor married to Panne, and Panne and Ricken share a Japanese voice actress. So it's hilarious to me that Gregor has Ricken pretend he's his girlfriend.

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