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[spoiler=Severa > Outrealm Severa]

Severa: *Sigh* What are we doing meddling in this stupid world? We haven't even saved our own yet. Now here I am stuck in a world just like the one I've left behind. No one came to save US, did they? *sigh* ...Ack! Is that...me?! Oh no! I've got to hide!

*Severa leaves*

Outrealm Severa: *Huff, huff* The Risen just... keep coming... But I can't give up. I have to hold out... just a little longer...

*Outrealm Severa leaves*

Severa: ...She's gone. Gawds, look at her. Her hair is messed up, her skin is all blotchy... Ugh, and don't even get me started on her clothes. But those wounds... She's just like me before I jumped back in time. ...No. She's fighting even harder. Why am I picking on her when she clearly deserves our help? I was in bad shape, but not that bad. Her whole world really is on its last legs... Well, hold on, Severa. I've got your back! You can worry about your hair and clothes once the world is safe. ...And you'd better. I have a reputation to uphold, you know. Especially since I may never get to return to my own time to uphold it...

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Oh my gooooooosh... FoD3 ending is such a good story ending... Cryiiiiiiing...

I agree. The only thing i didn't like was that almost nobody mentioned Morgan and neither of them got any resolution. It was nice to see Chrom and the Avatar at the end, but I was so disappointed when Morgan never showed up at all, either with the children after being reformed or silently watching them from afar...I know it may not have made sense, since they had both Morgans in the DLC, but still..... :/

Edited by Silver Lightning
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DUUUUDE... It's a game over in FoD3 if Lucina dies. Duuuuuuude...

Here, have the depressing deathquotes:


No... I was so...close... Just a step away...from saving...our world... Nngh... Father... My friends... Forgive me...


I wish...I could have lived to see...what peace was...like...


Be at peace, Minerva... At last...the pain and suffering...will...


D-did I fight well, Mother? Please tell me...I...

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I agree. The only thing i didn't like was that almost nobody mentioned Morgan and neither of them got any resolution. It was nice to see Chrom and the Avatar at the end, but I was so disappointed when Morgan never showed up at all, either with the children after being reformed or silently watching them from afar...I know it may not have made sense, since they had both Morgans in the DLC, but still..... :/

(yay... I register just to answer this question... le sigh....)

Well... if you think about it, you are given the option of offing both Morgans. Plus, you don't have to play Furture Past 1 or 2 to get the good ending in 3 (as far as I am concern.) Plus, if nothing else, the Morgans, in the end if you let them live, will get "punished" by Grima at the end. Assuming that the Outrealm warriors are responsible for giving the Future Past timeline a chance to survive, I'm pretty sure dead is the punishment for the Morgans. Not to mention... they were in hoods and shady, therefore the other children would have not known it was Morgan leading the Risens.

As for the two Morgans being in the same timeline, they can just off that Robin had twins.... and both are called Morgans... and only one was able to make it through the time portal.

Edited by Linkaro
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I'm gonna get transcribing on my FoD3 scripts asap now! This can be a placeholder or something, I guess.

Oh crap, there are choices in Apotheosis... I wonder if anyone is adventurous enough to get the text from each choice each round... Um, that is, unless it's the same thing each round, which would save a lot of time and effort.

There are choices? You mean AFTER we start the battle?

I could probably transcribe from soc's video, but yeah, this will be after I do FoD3's.

Also, I don't know about the other children and their mothers, but it seems they didn't change much for Avatar/Lucina parent-child dialogue from the Japanese one? Do correct me if I'm wrong though.

Edited by Shirley
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Oh gosh... If 1-3 children are defeated...the dialogue between Lucina and Grima is so heartwrenching. ;-; ...I'm a sucker for sad stuff, sue me. HOLY CRAP, THIS DLC CHAPTER...

You know...if you think about it too much...when your MaMU is married to Lucina... It's so horribly sad... The "if we met in another time and place, we might have been friends" thing fits perfect there and it's...so... UGH... I'm going to start crying again...

edit: PFFF... Owain/Laurent convo in Hot-Spring Scramble. Silly. FOR SCIENCE!

There are choices? You mean AFTER we start the battle?

I checked a video, and there's a choice after the first round. I assume it's about whether or not you want to continue/quit. I...didn't check the other rounds, though... -facepalm-

Edited by Tsamimi
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Wait, where did they say "if we met in another time and place, we might have been friends" thing? I don't remember seeing that...

Speaking of which, since I've only completed this DLC as Chrom's wife so far, are there any differences in the script? Because somewhere in the ending, Grima mentions to Lucina (in my game) that the body it was in belonged to the woman who loved yet killed Chrom, or something (I don't remember the actual line), and I was wondering if this line still exists if the Avatar is not married to Chrom.....gosh there was so much dialogue, I hardly remember if there were other potential changes or not....

Edited by Silver Lightning
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It's not in the dialogue. I simply meant that that saying fits the situation. :P And let's see...hmm, nope. I could have sworn there was something about 'love'... Is that the "all children survive" ending? That might be where I saw it...as a male Avatar. Edited by Tsamimi
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[spoiler=Laurent x Frederick]

Frederick: Laurent? How it pleases me to see you safe!

Laurent: F-Father? No, this is far too implausible...

Frederick: I come from another world, son. I am not the same man as the father you knew. Nonetheless, I wish to keep you safe for as long as I am permitted to remain here. Will you grant me that favor?

Laurent: Another world? ...Father, I appreciate the thought. But my Ylisse will soon fall beneath the veil of darkness. It is over. I am far too grateful to see you again to put your life in danger. So please, return whence you came.

Frederick: But, son, I cannot-

Laurent: I insist!

Frederick: So stubborn and serious. I hardly need wonder who you take after...

Laurent: Huh?

Frederick: I know you are a kind lad, Laurent- a friend who puts others first. Sometimes you put them too far ahead of yourself and get hurt in the process. And that is partly my fault- for not being there to share your burdens. But you have suffered enough. I want you to live in happiness now.

Laurent: Father, I...

Frederick: It's all right, Laurent. There is no shame in letting your father do his job.

Laurent: But you might... You'll...

Frederick: I will not. I may have brought you sadness by dying once, but never again! I swear to defend you to the last! I shall finish the other Frederick's job for him!

Laurent: ..... All right, then. I accept your help. I suppose I always have wanted to take the battlefield at your side.

Frederick: Together we shall do just that, Laurent. You and I shall restore hope to Ylisse!

Laurent: Right! Come, Father!

[spoiler=Gerome x Virion]

Virion: Gerome? Where are you, lad? I do hope he survived that brutal attack from before. You'd think he would have the grace to show himself and allay his father's fears. Hm? What's that coming this way? A bird? A lance? *Gasp* a wy-wy-wy-
(Minerva roars)
Virion: Ow! Minerva?!

Gerome: Father?! What insanity is this?

Virion: Gerome! Y-you are alive!

Gerome: What are you doing here? I thought you were dead.

Virion: I would love nothing more that to elaborate, but kindly... Ow! Kindly bid Minerva release me! I cannot talk while she is b-biting my face!

Gerome: Down, Minerva.

Virion: Whew. My thanks, boy. I must say, it relieves me to see my fears were groundless.

Gerome: Forget your fears, man, and explain how it is you stand before me.

Virion: Such cheek! I am your father, you know. ...Very well. The reason I stand before you now is... I hail from another world. Wisely, I chose to come to your aid and secure my place in this world's sagas. After all, your world's Virion died before he could truly leave his mark.

Gerome: Another world? Hmph. Hard to believe, but not out of the realm of possibility, given what I've seen.

Virion: I sense no affection in your words. Did your father in this world mistreat you in some way?

Gerome: In the worst way.

Virion: What?!

Gerome: The dastard was everything to me. If he wasn't teaching me the ways of war, he was drilling me on courtly behavior. He made me who I am, and I loved him. ...And then he died. He hurt me in the worst way imaginable!

Virion: ......

Gerome: He and Mother and Minerva left after swearing they would return. They swore it! But only Minerva came home, covered in wounds... My father was the most wretched liar I have ever known.

Virion: No wonder you greeted me so callously. Forgive me, Gerome. Even the great Virion cannot predict his own demise. Your father had every intention of keeping his promise. I know it. Unfortunately, he and destiny did not see eye to eye. In his final moments, I am quite certain he was thinking only of his promise to you.

Gerome: ......

Virion: And while it may be too late, I am here to uphold that promise on his behalf. Fight with me, Gerome. Let me help you win a happy future for yourself and Minerva. I am a younger man than your father. I think you will find my odds are better.

Gerome: ...... All right, Father. Thank you. I'm sorry I called you a dastard and a liar. I can be poor at expressing what I truly feel sometimes...

Virion: Now, now. You've no need to apologize.

Gerome: I don't?

Virion: Not now, anyway. Let us win the day first- then you can wax sentimental. Promise me you will share your true feelings with me after this battle. And in turn, I promise to survive the battle and return. Only this time... I WILL keep my promise.

Gerome: Father... All right. I promise.

[spoiler=Gerome x Stahl]

Stahl: Gerome? Are you all right? Gods, look at you- you're covered in wounds!

Gerome: Father? Do my eyes deceive me?

Stahl: Your eyes are fine. But I'm not the Stahl you know. I came here from another world to help you for as long as I can.

Gerome: Another world?

Stahl: That's right. I could be whisked back out of here at any moment. We need to finish this fight now! Follow me, and I'll-

Gerome: Why didn't you come sooner?

Stahl: Beg your pardon?

Gerome: If you had this kind of power, why didn't you come sooner? Do you have any idea what we've been through? What we've lost?

Stahl: Huh? Gerome, I... *sigh* I'm sorry.

Gerome: With your help, we could have saved so many lives. We might have been spared the worst of our troubles. You could have saved Mother's life... and maybe even your own! Instead, you show up now, after nearly all is lost... All I can feel now is regret!

Stahl: I know... You're right. I should have come sooner. I would have, if I knew how. You needed me. You deserved better of your father.

Gerome: ......

Stahl: But better late than never. I can still save at least one life- yours. For me, that's reason enough to fight. Will you let me? I swear I'll protect you and Minerva with every bone in my body. Let me at least try to make up for all the times I've failed you.

Gerome: I... A-all right... Thank you. I'm sorry I got so worked up. None of this is really your fault... It's that damned fell dragon's.

Stahl: I know you were just upset.

Gerome: Will you help me defeat Grima, Father?

Stahl: Of course I will!

Edited by 春閣下
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Yeah, I saved all the children....maybe I'lll go back and do it just to get the quote; I KNOW it was there, just wondering if the same context is with Avatars who are not Chrom's wife...and I sadly can't use my male file to check that yet since not many of the parents or kids are trained well....

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Speaking of which, since I've only completed this DLC as Chrom's wife so far, are there any differences in the script? Because somewhere in the ending, Grima mentions to Lucina (in my game) that the body it was in belonged to the woman who loved yet killed Chrom, or something (I don't remember the actual line), and I was wondering if this line still exists if the Avatar is not married to Chrom.....gosh there was so much dialogue, I hardly remember if there were other potential changes or not....

I'm married with Gaius and Grima say the same (Damn you Grima! I love my husband!!) , and actually... Grima say the same about "love Chrom" even if the Avatar is male xD!! I saw the photo in tumblr:


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[spoiler=Pre-Battle Script]Naga:

Well met, Outrealm Warriors.


Naga. So this must be about that alternate future again...


Indeed. Thanks to you, the eight children you assisted managed to reach Ylisstol. Meanwhile, three more took the Emblem and the final Gemstone to the princess. But their time, too, grows short. They and the princess are soon fated to die at the fell dragon's hands. If the princess is lost, nothing can save their world from its demise. Please... You must intervene before it is too late.


Don't worry. We'll save them all.


Thank you. Then I will send you now to the brink—the moment in time before the world falls. Again I offer the same counsel. The world you are about to visit bears a great resemblance to your own. You may encounter people you know or people you love... If you do, fight by their sides. It will give them great courage and strength.


I understand.


This will likely be your final battle in their world. Now that my Voice there has been silenced, I cannot bind your worlds together for long. Still, I believe you will find the faint light of hope sleeping within the fell dragon. I believe you will work a miracle greater than any despair he can sow. Now go, warriors. Let destiny once again be reshaped by your hands!

[spoiler=After Prep-screen Script]Lucina:

I'm so glad you're all safe!


It's good to see you too. Here you go—one Gemstone, and one Fire Emblem! I hope you're happy. These were NOT easy to get.


Severa, would it hurt you to just hand them over without being condescending?


I can hand them over any way I like! You're the one being obnovious.


Heh. You haven't changed a bit. That comes as a relief. I cannot thank you enough for retrieving these.


Keep them close. We need to be ready to start the rite the moment we have all the Gemstones.


I know.


How are things here in Ylisstol? Are the people safe?


Well, we've managed to keep casualties to a minimum, but... ......


What's wrong, Lucina?


I...I'm so sorry... I failed her. I failed Lady Tiki...




Has something happened to the Voice?


The enemy snuck into the castle. Lady Tiki took a blow for me and fell... It's my fault... I should have been paying closer attention...


You're not to blame, Lucina. We should all be grateful you survived.


Poor Lucina... I'm sorry we weren't here for you.


It's all right. I need to pull myself together... Lady Tiki said we must have faith. Those were her last words—to believe that mankind still had hope. She said to believe that you would all come back. And now three of you stand here before me. The others are safe too. I just know it.


I believe it too. Once they have returned safely, we'll need to depart for Mount Prism at once. There you can perform the Awakening.


No doubt the mount is already teeming with Risen. If we come to blows, run to the altar as fast as you can. We'll hold off the Risen.

Let's see how those dastards like it once the Awakening is complete. We'll destroy them and Grima alike and restore peace to the world!
Thank you... All of you.
...Doesn't that sound like a darling little scheme?
Who are you?!
I am the wings of despair and the breath of ruin. I am the fell dragon, Grima. How good to see you again, child of Naga. When was it again we last met? Ah yes. I believe it was when I butchered the divine dragon's Voice.
That was you?
Indeed. I was hoping to end your life, but I rid myself of a pest all the same. Soon I will send this world into its final death throes. But energy has been drawn away from the Dragon's Table since your little...theft. Even incomplete, that Gemstone and Emblem possess considerable power. I am afraid I must take them back now.
You can try.
Or you could just give them to me. They're worthless to you. It's not like you'll be seeing the other Gemstones anytime soon.
I hope you're not implying our friends are dead.
I do not "imply." I have sent the strongest of my Grimleal to dispatch your comrades. They are almost certainly dead by now.
"Almost certainly" doesn't sound very certain to me. Perhaps it's the corpse of your little servant you should be concerned about.
Yeah. Our friends are no wimps! They've outwitted death more times than you can imagine. You think you can scare us with baby threats like that?
If they were dead, you would have proof. You don't. Ergo, they are not dead. Really, your bluffing begs for practice.
...... Then you refuse to return what you have taken?
We refuse.
Very well. I was hoping not to have to flex any...muscle... GRRRAGH!
Eeeyaaargh! Nngh... *huff, huff* Is...is everyone all right?
With the next blow, I will kill you. The Gemstone and the Emblem. NOW.
Still you resist me? Very well. Die, if you wish.
Nngh... You'll have to go through ME!
Severa, what are you—?
What stupidity is this?
Lucina, I'll stop her attacks... even if it kills me. Now RUN! While you've still got the chance!
No! Severa, I can't...
You have to, you idiot! If you die, we all die! The world will come to an end!
I know, but...
Mother said her greatest pride as a pegasus knight was defending the exalted family. I may not be a pegasus knight, but I can still share in their duty. I can still protect you!
Impertinent little brat. What could you ever hope to protect? You're less than a shadow of your mother. If I could break her, then I'll have no trouble breaking you.
You do not give the lady nearly enough credit.
Severa deduced this would be our best chance and acted swiftly. And she will not stand alone. You will have to go through me as well. Can you defeat us both before Lucina escapes? Or are you all sardonic quips?
Laurent, you fool! We don't BOTH have to die...
What, you think this is some noble gesture? I'm simply following the wisest course. A shield twice as thick services twice as well.
Uh-huh. It's a noble gesture. But still...thanks.
Certainly. Your life is worth the effort, Severa.
Yeah, I know. Heh heh...
...... I'm staying too.
By Laurent's logic, a shield thrice as thick would be an improvement. But I can make it four times as strong.
Gerome, no! We cannot lose you and Minerva too.
Minerva wishes to fight for Lucina. She told me as much before. And more importantly, she insists we meet our destinies together. If death is to come for us, it must take us both.
...All right, then.
Forgive us, Lucina, but we must leave the hardest task to you. Find the rest of our friends, and put this wyrm out of its misery.
No... You don't have to do this!
There's no time to debate it. Go, Lucina! ...GO!
Agh... This cannot be happening! Must I abandon my friends and run like a dog? Is that the price of saving the world? Too many have died already... Please, someone grant me the power to change this!
Ha ha ha! Isn't this precious? What will it be, child of Naga? Will you buy a few more minutes of life by watching your friends get butchered? Or will you stay behind and render their sacrifice meaningless? I must say I shall enjoy this either way!
Don't you see? Humanity is finished. You have no future. Your mother and father are dead. And now, the exalted line... ENDS...WITH...YOU!
???: (Chrom's voice)
...Not quite!
What...? Falchion is glowing... I...I know that voice!
Stay strong! We're here to help! Not one of you needs to die today!
I-impossible... He's dead! I buried him myself! There's now way he could be here. This future has already been set in stone!
That's not true, Lucina! Anything can change! And I'm going to prove it to you right here and now!
Is everyone ready? This will be our final battle here. We have to make certain everyone pulls through!
H-how did they get here?
What matters is that they appear to be on our side.
It could be a trap. Stay vigilant.
But that's...my father! It doesn't make any sense!
I see Naga has played her last card. Summoning help from another world? Pfft! She should realize by now that she has already lost. There's no going back. Instead she wastes my time with petty tricks! [teleports] ...But it makes no difference. A mountain of maggots is crushed as easily as one. If it's a reunion you seek, my soldiers shall welcome you on my behalf. You will soon be begging for a quick death I was willing to give you!
Risen! Damn...
How I've missed fighting with you, Chrom. Come—stand at my side like you used to! Nothing would pleasure me more than stabbing you in the back a second time! Heh heh heh... Mwaaa ha ha HA HA HA HA!

....... That was a crap load of stuff to type up. I just realized when Grima tells Lucina this:


Don't you see? Humanity is finished. You have no future. Your mother and father are dead. And now, the exalted line... ENDS...WITH...YOU!

....it's kinda ironic when Avatar is her mother... >_> I mean I guess it could make sense too...? Her "mother" is gone because Grima replaced her, but still......

Anyway, I'll get the post-battle script and my parent-child claim after. xD

Edited by Shirley
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Oh, ok. I guess either the writers were lazy or it really just meant that all Avatars love Chrom, just not in the same way. But for me at least, it was fun to see Grima validate it.

And yeah, it does make sense that Grima says her mother is dead in a sense even if her mother is the Avatar, since she is at the very least not in control; you do find out later that s/he does have a little awareness left though, much like Lyon being possessed by the Demon King did...

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I just realized when Grima tells Lucina this:


Don't you see? Humanity is finished. You have no future. Your mother and father are dead. And now, the exalted line... ENDS...WITH...YOU!

....it's kinda ironic when Avatar is her mother... >_> I mean I guess it could make sense too...? Her "mother" is gone because Grima replaced her, but still......

Anyway, I'll get the post-battle script and my parent-child claim after. xD

And by that same token, having the avatar as her mother makes the scene where Grima tells Lucina "Your mother and father... are dead, tiny one" even more serious.

Also, yahoo! I did it! I won! And I get to see Gerome...


. Which is funny since no one can recognize him.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Oh, ok. I guess either the writers were lazy or it really just meant that all Avatars love Chrom, just not in the same way. But for me at least, it was fun to see Grima validate it.

And yeah, it does make sense that Grima says her mother is dead in a sense even if her mother is the Avatar, since she is at the very least not in control; you do find out later that s/he does have a little awareness left though, much like Lyon being possessed by the Demon King did...

Or it means male Avatar x Chrom is canon.

Yeah, I had to... think about it again after reading/transcribing that. I guess it does make it a bit more serious, as Levant said. Though I haven't gotten to the end yet. >_> I have to... uh...somehow rush through while getting all the parent-children conversations done too. Mostly for the ending.

edit: whoa, since Morgan is under control of Grima... so Grima took control of the Avatar's kid? so, if Morgan (M) is Chrom's child, that means Grima technically took control of Naga's child too lol... would it not? >_> and someone mentioned the concept of twins. whoa. my game file is gonna sound so crack-ish to me now. Chrom has three kids.

Edited by Shirley
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I like how they weren't afraid to use the word "love" to describe the love between friends. ...But people are so immature about it. >_>;


Claims Lists (Link to DLC page)

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[Note 2: Items not on list have been posted.]

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Conversations:

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Hot-Spring Scramble]Enter Battle Quotes:

Sully - Pikayoshi

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Kellam - Pikayoshi

Panne - Pikayoshi

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Basilio - Pikayoshi

Flavia - Pikayoshi

Yarne - Zeem


Avatar > Lucina - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (spouse) - Faye

Avatar > Owain - Faye

Avatar > Inigo - Faye

Avatar > Severa - Faye

Avatar > Severa (spouse) - Zeem

Anna > Say'ri - Faye

Flavia > Anna - Faye

Flavia > Tiki - Faye

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Emmeryn > Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay > Priam - Faye

Aversa > Tiki - Faye

Aversa > Gangrel - Faye

Brady > Gerome - Faye

Cynthia > Kjelle - Faye

Severa > Lucina - Faye

Morgan (M) > Inigo - Faye

Morgan (M) > Brady - Faye

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Faye

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Faye

Laurent > Brady - Faye

Noire > Lucina - Faye

Noire > Kjelle - Faye

Noire > Cynthia - Faye

Nah > Lucina - Faye

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

Nah > Severa - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 1]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye


Vaike - Faye




Ricken - Faye

Libra - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Ultimafangirl

Frederick - Faye

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Stahl - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Wheels


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Henry - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 2]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Virion - Ultimafangirl

Vaike - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Henry - Wheels

Donnel - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Frederick - Wheels

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Ricken - Wheels

Libra - Sangyul

Henry - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Pikayoshi

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Faye

Donnel - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Sangyul

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Libra - Faye

Henry - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 3]Misc. Script


Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Lucina - Ace Tactician

[spoiler=Mothers]Sully - Ultimafangirl

Sumia - Wheels

Maribelle - Pikayoshi


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Ace Tactician

Libra - Tsamimi

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Ultimafangirl


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Ultimafangirl

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Libra - Faye

Henry - Sangyul

Donnel - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Naui

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Wheels

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Zeem

Ricken - Faye

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Ultimafangirl

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Post-Battle Script:

-If all children survive - Shirley


-Before Prep-Screen - Shirley

-After Prep-Screen

-Between Rounds

-After Battle (Route 1)

-After Battle (Route 2)

Edited by Tsamimi
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Yeah, I had to... think about it again after reading/transcribing that. I guess it does make it a bit more serious, as Levant said. Though I haven't gotten to the end yet. >_> I have to... uh...somehow rush through while getting all the parent-children conversations done too. Mostly for the ending.

Either way, playing defence all day ain't gonna work. The reinforcements supposedly come ad infinitum (again). And mind the fliers - they in particular seem to be after the kids, from what I've seen.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Either way, playing defence all day ain't gonna work. The reinforcements supposedly come ad infinitum (again). And mind the fliers - they in particular seem to be after the kids, from what I've seen.

Not quite all day, maybe just clear out the beginning, but I'll see what I can accomplish... I could probably get things done in 2-3 turns at most though I probably could have gotten to Grima in 2. Oh weeeeell, I don't even know if I can get Chrom to kill that thing in one. And I also figured about the reinforcements, judging from those sigils...

Anyway, now to Severa -> Gaius:


Huh? D-Daddy? I must be seeing things... Are you a ghost?


Nope. I'm no ghost.


But...this doesn't make any sense. My father is dead!


I came here from another world to lend you my strength. Didn't you notice all the soldiers that showed up out of nowhere?


...For all I know, this is some elaborate trap.


Naturally suspicious, huh? I guess you take after me. That's all right, though. I don't need you to believe me. I'll have to leave this world soon anyway. But will you at least let me give you this?


This is...candy.


Yup. I brought it from my world as a gift in case I ran into you here. You know, something to remember me by.


This candy... It's not just smoke and air. It's real... It smells sweet. ...It reminds me of how you used to smell when you picked me up...or held my hand. You're r-real, aren't you...? Oh, Daddy... *sniff*


Slow down, kiddo. What happened to being naturally suspicious? Heh. I guess I'm not the only one who judges a book by its candy.


Daddy, I missed you so much! I'm sorry I didn't believe you!


Well, turn the waterfalls off. I can't fight for you if I get all emotional. ...Or if you're bear-hugging me like that.


You only want Mother to hug you. I see how it is.


Don't start.


Hee hee. I'm sorry, Daddy. Thank you so much for coming to help me.


It's worth it just to see you smile.


It's good to see your face too.


...Well, we've got a battle to finish. Any fool who tries to hurt you is gonna have to go through me!

...Awww, how sweet, Gaius.... smelling like candy even when you get older, huh? <3

I'll get my last claim, post-battle script, asap though!!

Edited by Shirley
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Either way, playing defence all day ain't gonna work. The reinforcements supposedly come ad infinitum (again). And mind the fliers - they in particular seem to be after the kids, from what I've seen.

Lol, yeah those fliers are nasty buggers. I had a situation where NPC Laurent boxed himself near the map corner in a position where a Griffon knight flies in on the exact corner and attacks him. I try to get rid of it, but I find that I can only reach it with a longbow since NPC Lucina and ruin squares are in the way. Thankfully, Laurent had wind magic and Renewal to heal off damage, but I facepalmed anyways... :facepalm:

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The ending if 1-3 children don't survive. *sigh*

*Huff, huff* Is it over?

Nngh... Gyaaahhh... HOW?! This is not YOUR WORLD... YOU SHOULD NOT be able TO DRAW UPON this kind OF POWER! ...Just wait. I am NOT FINISHED with YOU YET. No matter HOW YOU STRUGGLE, I WILL see you DESROYED! ...Now DIEEEEEEE!

...Ahh! ...... Huh? Why isn't he attacking?



...You have to...get away from me...

Wh-what are you talking about?

...There's...no time... ..I don't want...to kill you... ...I can't bear...to watch you... ...die again...

No. That voice... It can't be... Whoa!

>Chrom and the others are warped away

Father? ...Father! Where did he go?


You mean...you're the one who...

...Yes... I sent him back to his own world...before I could do him harm...

But...Grima would never let the exalt leave here alive!

...... ...No... He would not... ...Please...you must listen... ...I have been dealt a grievous blow... ...and must...sleep... ...That is your only chance... ...You must complete the Awakening... ...before my slumber ends...

Why are you telling me this?

...Because I must be destroyed... ...and you are the only hope of it...

What? But...

...I murdered your father... ...just as I murdered legions of Ylisseans... ...I snuffed out the very Voice of the divine dragon... ...and I just finished killing the friends you sent for the Gemstones...


...Don't you hate me? ...I'm the cause of all of this... ...If it weren't for me, you would never have had to take up the sword... ...You and your loved ones would be living in peace... ...I am to blame for everything... ...You must destroy me, Lucina...

You needn't tell me how much I hate you... I...LOATHE you... But... If you were really Grima, why would you seek your own demise? And why does your voice now seem so...so painfully familiar? You're a human, aren't you—a person, like us? Grima is using you to—

...I am Grima! There is nothing human about me!


...I have always been the fell dragon... ...since the day I was born... ...I wish that I were human! That I could have lived a normal life with you! ...But I'm not, and I can't...

...... Is there no way for me to... I mean... Can I save you if I defeat Grima?

...No. As I said, Grima and I are one... ...I can speak my mind like this because we are weakened... ...but that does not mean my mind is free... ...Put aside your sympathy and finish me...

There must be another way!

...Why won't you listen to me? I— Nngh...

What's happening?

CHILD OF NAGA... I will feast ON YOUR BONES before this is THROUGH...


...Rrgh! *Huff, huff* ...You see? ...Grima is my true nature... ...We cannot be separated...


...And now I must say farewell... ...Take care, Lucina... ...I look forward to the day that I die on your blade... ...May that day...come soon...

>Grima warps away

...... As you wish, Grima. I will show you no mercy the next time we meet. I swear upon my life that I will defeat you once and for all. And then I will find a way to send you to whatever world you sent my father... Perhaps he can find a way to set the good part of you free...

>scene change

Welcome home, warriors. Hm? The fell dragon returned you here... Is everything all right?

Yes...though there were a few surprises in the end...

You have done well. Thanks to you, Grima will soon enter a brief sleep... All that remains is for Lucina's friends to deliver the rest of the Gemstones. Then she can use them and the Fire Emblem to restore light to the world. You have altered their destinies. I cannot thank you enough for helping me see this task through.

But some of the children, they...they didn't make it. I failed them...

You must not punish yourself. They all would have died had you not intervened. Even if you had saved only one, that one life would have justified your journey. If anyone has failed, it is me. You and my other believers look to me for help, yet I am powerless to give it. All I can do is watch with regret...


...But those are my troubles, not yours. Let us hope the other children reach Lucina soon so she can perform the Awakening. That will give her a chance of defeating the fell dragon once and for all. I believe their world will be saved.

So do I. ...... Listen, about the fell dragon...


...No, it's nothing. Never mind.

Perhaps it is best you not trouble yourself with Grima's secrets. If you are ready, I will send you back to the land whence you came. May the light you have brought their world soon fill yours as well...

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I like how they weren't afraid to use the word "love" to describe the love between friends. ...But people are so immature about it. >_>;

Yeah, I liked that too, because friendship is a type of Love : ]

Btw, is fine to post some of Wheels claims? Looks that she is still resting from her surgery, I can help her with Lucina-Sumia, Severa-Stahl and Owain-Frederick

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Yeah, I liked that too, because friendship is a type of Love : ]

Btw, is fine to post some of Wheels claims? Looks that she is still resting from her surgery, I can help her with Lucina-Sumia, Severa-Stahl and Owain-Frederick

I was thinking of doing Sumia > Lucina, but if you insist...

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no lie i started tearing and choking up while recording this

[spoiler=Avatar and Lucina, Future Past 3]Lucina

Mother? Are you... But that doesn't make any sense!


Lucina, are you hurt? Oh, my poor baby...






There is no way my mother could be here. Grima sent you. You're an illusion! Some...despicable servant! I will not be fooled!


I...suppose you would think that. And I only have myself to blame for failing to protect you in this world.


What do you mean, "this world"?


I come from another world, Lucina. I'm not the same woman as the Robin you know.




I know it's incredible, and you don't have to believe me. But no matter what you say, I WILL protect you. I want you to change your destiny and find happiness. And as your mother, I will do absolutely whatever it takes to make that happen. Anything and everything!


Mother, I'm... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry! It is you, isn't it? No servant of Grima's would ever speak such words... Oh, Mother... *sniff* Ahh... *sob*


You believe me now?


Yes! Just don't let go.


I won't. I am so sorry I left you to face all of this on your own. You deserved better of your mother.


Just seeing you here now is more than enough. I miss the strength in your arms, the wisdom in your voice...your guiding hands. I have missed your warmth during these long years...more than you can know. You have brought me happiness just by being here.




Well...I wish I could stay like this forever and share stories with you... But there's a battle to be won.


Yes, there is.


Will you help us?


Of course. That's why I am here.


Thank you, Mother. May I look at you once last time? I will miss you terribly once you leave again. But the smile on your face now will sustain me in the years to come.

And here is my last claim, Lucina and her father Chrom:


Lucina: Father?! Is that you?

Chrom: Lucina! Are you all right?

Lucina: Father! Oh, Father, I don't care if you're a ghost...I'm so glad to see you! Please stay with me. Please...

Chrom: I'm no ghost, Lucina. But neither am I your real father.

Lucina: What?

Chrom: I come from an alternate world. An "Outrealm", if you like. I'm not the same man as the Chrom who lived in this world.

Lucina: I...think I understand. But it is still wonderful to see your face.

Chrom: Thank you, Lucina.

Lucina: Whatever world you hail from, you are still my father. That powerful voice, the kindness in your eyes...Those strong arms that taught me how to wield a sword...You have burned brightly in my memory since the moment I lost you. I never dreamed I would be able to see you again, to speak to you like this...Where do I even begin? There's...there's so much to s-say...Oh Father! *sob*

Chrom: Forgive me, Lucina. You never would have had to take up the sword if I had lived. I should have been stronger for you. I know it's too little, too late...but I hope you will accept my apology.

Lucina: You did nothing wrong. I am the one who must apologize for dragging you into this hell. If I were stronger, my world would be safe and my people would not suffer.

Chrom: You have fought valiantly. And most importantly, you never gave up. Ylisse owes you everything. Now here you are on the verge of saving the world! I came here to do it with you. Let me fight with you and see your task through!

Lucina: Wha---? N-no, please don't.

Chrom: ....Why not?

Lucina: I am so sorry...You don't know how happy I am to hear those words. And you have already saved us just by coming here. But I beg you, please stand down before I have to watch you get hurt again! You fought to protect me once before, and it ended badly. I never saw you again...I cannot bear to relive that pain.

Chrom: I understand. But my past failures are exactly why I must insist on staying. I swear to you, Lucina. I WILL protect you. As your father, I have no greater duty.

Lucina: But how do I know you won't---

Chrom: You know because I jut swore it. You will not shed tears over me a second time.

Lucina: Ah.........All right. But remember---you swore it!

Chrom: You have my word.

Lucina: Thank you, Father. Let us finish this task, then. And when it is over, may Naga see you safely back to your own world. May she bring you and your daughter there nothing but joy.

That was...so touching. Not much else to say....

And I adored her convo with F Avatar! I was tearing up too! It was beautiful! And so very, very heartwarming! :wub:

Wait, where did they say "if we met in another time and place, we might have been friends" thing? I don't remember seeing that...

Speaking of which, since I've only completed this DLC as Chrom's wife so far, are there any differences in the script? Because somewhere in the ending, Grima mentions to Lucina (in my game) that the body it was in belonged to the woman who loved yet killed Chrom, or something (I don't remember the actual line), and I was wondering if this line still exists if the Avatar is not married to Chrom.....gosh there was so much dialogue, I hardly remember if there were other potential changes or not....

I really liked those convos between Female Avatar and Chrom with Lucina. The ending dialogue is just...*sniff*

I have my last claims recorded, I'll try to post them when I can.

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[spoiler=Frederick > Gerome]

Frederick: "Gerome! Thank the gods you're safe."
Gerome: "What? F-Father? That's impossible!"
Frederick: "Yes. It is true that the Frederick of this world passed away long ago. However, I have come here from another world. Ergo, I am not the same man as your father."
Gerome: "Another world? But how can that be..."
Frederick: "Gerome, you did a marvelous thing back there. Shielding milord Chrom's daughter from the fell dragon's blows took courage. You have the heart of a true knight."
Gerome: "Yes, well... both my parents were knights. Perhaps nature intended for me to be this way."
Frederick: "Don't be so humble. From one knight to another: I admire you. No doubt the Frederick of this world would have been equally proud. However, as a father... I cannot praise such actions wholeheartedly..."
Gerome: "And why not? My life exists to protect my liege. I give it without reservation. Were you or my Mother any different?"
Frederick: "A father wants his son to live in happiness, not die with honor. Does being a knight disqualify me from such sentiment?"
Gerome: "I could say the same!"
Frederick: "What do you mean?"
Gerome: "When I lost you and Mother, I knew you died with honor. But I wanted you to live! To me, you were a father first and foremost!"
Frederick: "I... I know. Forgive me, Gerome... But at least you understand how I feel now. Knight or no knight, you must endeavor to keep living. You only get to die to save your liege once... But by living, you could do even greater good."
Gerome: "I understand..."
Frederick: "You won't have to struggle alone. I have come here to help you. Not as knight--but as a father. I intend to keep you safe. No more talk of giving your life when you don't have to."
Gerome: "...All right. But I am still a knight. I will strive to keep living, but not by using you as a shield. We will fight side by side. Agreed?"
Frederick: "Agreed!"
Gerome: "...Thank you."

And that's it for my claims

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