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Thanks much, Shadow Stalker X. ;3; May my file watch over us all in Video Game File Heaven.

Also, that My Unit/Inigo convo...HNGH, it is so sweet! Made me tearbend just a little bit.

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Hot-Spring Scramble


This place has such wonderful atmosphere. Even crawling with Risen, it feels so strangely relaxing.

Doesn't it? I can't wait to be done with them so we can get to enjoying the springs.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Say, Robin? What do you suppose that building there is?

Going from the sign, I'd say it's a mixed bath.

Oh? What do they mix it with?

Er, no... It's not the water that's mixed—it's the clientele. A mixed bath is one that men and women can enter together.

What?! S-such a thing exists? Goodness... This place is certainly progressive.
[if Male] Hmm, but that would mean I'd be able to join you and Father!
[if Female] Hmm, but that would mean you and I would be able to join Father!

[if Male] Yes, that's— NO! Absolutely not! Please, PLEASE promise me you won't do that. Your father would fillet me for having told you about it in the first place...
[if Female] Yes, that's— NO! Absolutely not! Please, PLEASE promise me you won't join him. A woman your age should not be taking baths with her father.

...Huh? W-well, all right. If you say so. So...what about that building there?

A souvenir shop, I'd wager. You should go take a look once the fighting's done.

How charming! They have wood carvings that bear my father's face.

They what?! Whoa, they do! But why?!

Judging from what I've heard, we're minor celebrities in these parts. I suppose it's not so strange to see our likenesses being used so.

Still, that's a little...you know...

Indeed. It must be mine, by any means necessary!

What? Wait, what?

My apologies, Robin. As soon as we've cleared the immediate area, I'll be leaving the front for a moment.

To go souvenir shopping?! I'm pretty sure they're not going to leap off the shelves anytime soon!

One cannot take any chances. A greed-addled mob may be on its way to buy out the entire stock as we speak.

Lucina, you're scaring me.

Yes... I, too, am gripped with fear! I must make haste! Hold on, tiny, wooden Father! I'm coming!

L-Lucina, wait! There's a whole pack of Risen that way! ...Uh, I mean, there was. Yeesh, she's even fiercer than usual... Just how badly does she want that thing?


Apologies for my absence, Robin. But the mission was a success! Feast your eyes on the sheer craftsmanship!

That's, um... That's lovely. Hm? Was that not the only thing you bought?

No. This caught my eye, and I couldn't pass it up. Doesn't it take you back?

Wait, is that... That's the same mask you wore when we first met you!

Well, a wood replica, but yes! I fear I left the original in the castle courtyard. It's probably still there.

Ha ha, that does bring back a few memories... Back then, I would never have imagined you were a woman. With that mask on, you were so dashing and manly and cool and collected. Not that you aren't still, of course. Er, well, not manly, exactly, but...you know.

Ha ha. Well, thank you. I'm pleased to hear you saw me that way. To tell the truth, I've been half in a panic ever since I arrived in this time.

Really? Then you've done a remarkable job of hiding it.

Masks are good for that. The moment I first saw my father, it was all I could do not to leap into his arms. That, or break down in tears at having seen him alive again after so many years. I couldn't have gotten through it if not for that mask...


[if Male] No doubt I would still be a wreck now, had I given in back then. And I wouldn't be standing here today with you and him...
[if Female] No doubt I would still be a wreck now had I given in back then. Or perhaps I would have run, unable to hold my emotions in check...

Then I suppose we all owe a great deal of thanks to that mask.

...I may have need of it again before long.


There is no guarantee that I'll be able to return to the future once peace is won. If I'm to live out my days in this era, I can't allow myself to linger at my father's side. It would only raise questions. Cause confusion... No, it's best I lived in shadow.


Shame I'll have to content myself with a replica then, eh? Heh, it seems half ready to splinter in my hands right now. ...I worry it won't long conceal my loneliness.

I don't see any reason why we should lose you to the shadows. I'd wager good money Chrom would tell you the same. He wants you to stay with him.

Yes, he would say that. Of course he would... But I cannot put him in that position. A mysterious woman clinging to the exalt's side, neither his wife nor his daughter? Surely you can imagine what the people would think.


Then the answer is clear.

...I'll fix it. Somehow. I'll think of something. Some way that you can stay with Chrom without arousing any strange suspicion. What better test of a tactician's skill than concocting a plan to convince a nation?

...... Thank you, Robin. For cheering me up. Meeting you is one of the greatest gifts this era has afforded me.


Yes. I truly believe that. Now, shall we rejoin the fray? All this steam is making the mask swell and get soggy. I doubt it can take much more.

Ugh, no kidding! All right, then. Guess we'd better hurry.

Robin. I'm touched that you would craft a strategy for my sake. But there's no need. Even if I cannot return to my own time, and even if I cannot stay with you all, I'll be fine. The time I've shared with all of you and all we've done together will keep me. It's a treasure I will cherish all my life...

[spoiler=Avatar/Lucina (spouse)]First

Beautiful place.

It really is. Though I fear the view is marred by the Risen. We must see them slain and peace restored to this land at once.

You sound especially passionate today. That eager to enjoy the springs, are you?

I won't deny that's a part of it. But earlier, I overheard a couple as they fled.

Oh, the newlyweds?

Yes. This was to be their first trip together. I cannot abide letting their happy memories be sullied by these monsters. I...I know how I would feel in their position. As a fellow newlywed.

Lucina... All right, then. We'd better get to work. Then it'll be our turn to make some happy memories!

Right! Oh, speaking of that couple... I spoke to the husband briefly. He pointed to that building and mentioned a promise to go there with his wife later. What do you suppose it is?

That? Going from the sign, I'd say it's a mixed bath.

Oh? What do they mix it with?

Er, no... It's not the water that's mixed—it's the clientele. A mixed bath is one that men and women can enter together.

What?! Th-they have such a thing here?! I'm terribly sorry, Robin. I had no idea what I was asking!

Ha ha. It's fine. You didn't know.

Though, now that the initial shock is past...do you have any interest in trying one?

What?! N-no, I... I'm not sure we're... I'm not sure I'M ready for that.

...Even with the rest of the army?

Oh...oh, I see. Yes, I suppose it might be fun as a big group... But wait, no! NO! You're not allowed into such a place, Lucina! That's a direct request from your husband. ...Uh, please?

Hmm? W-well, all right. If you feel that strongly about it...


But we ought to do something here, you know? I'd like to have some happy memories of this place. Let's think on it after the combat's done, all right?

Of course, Lucina.


How are you faring over here, Lucina?

Mostly done. At this rate, we'll be finished before supper. Plenty of time for those newlyweds to enjoy their evening.

Excellent! I'm sure they'll appreciate it. As will all the old couples who evacuated with them, I'm sure.

Heh, yes, it did seem as though the average visitor here was...more mature. I think it's sweet, seeing couples who have shared so many years together.

I hope we're still sneaking off on little trips like that when we're old and gray.

Yes... ......

What's wrong?

Do you suppose we'll really be able to stay together that long?

What? Why wouldn't we?

Well, once peace is won, I'll have to try to return to my own time. ...Even if that turns out to be impossible, though, I can't remain by my father's side. But you're his tactician. His chief advisor. I don't see how our paths won't part...


And I've been charged with saving the world above all else. If, Naga forbid, I should ever have to choose between you and that mission... I couldn't allow my heart to turn me from what must be done. What right has a wife to be with her husband when she cannot put him first?

She has every right. That's who she is—who YOU are. When we swore our oaths to one another, what did we promise? That Chrom and I would support you with all our might so you could fulfill your duty.


It's all right, Lucina. No matter what you choose, or where you go, I'll be right there by your side. I promise you again, here and now. I'll stay with you and support you for all my life. And even then! If I'm killed, I'll find a way to come back. Just watch me!

Don't promise such things!

It's the job of a crack tactician to work miracles, isn't it? To do the impossible!

But— ...Pffft, ha ha ha!

Wh-what? What's so funny?

No, it's just... You're just so desperate to cheer me up. It's sweet. I fear I have a tendency to dwell on the negative and imagine the worst. I'm fortunate to have been blessed with such a legendarily optimistic husband.

Heh. You're welcome?

Thank you, Robin. I feel a weight has been lifted from me.

...... Lucina.


I'll do anything it takes to see that your future is a happy one. I just...need you to know that.

Robin, I— Mmmph!


Robin, this is no place for...

I know, and I'm sorry. No... No, I'm not. I needed to share how I felt, and that was the only way. It may not be very befitting a tactician to lose control like that, but I'm a man first.

Just don't let my father see you.

Gah! I didn't even think... Do you think he might have?!

I'm kidding, dear. It was only for a moment. No one saw. ...And I'm glad you did it. I am a woman first, after all. And your way of sharing your feelings was very...effective. Though I may require a repeat performance once the battle's over.

Heh. Umm, sure...I think I can arrange that.

Lovely. Thank you.

*Ahem* I, uh, I'd best be getting back to the battle now. You be careful, okay?

You too. ...... Forgive me, Robin... Until this war is won, I cannot put you above all else. But I hope you understand how precious you are to me. I don't say it nearly enough... But I love you with all my heart. I would consider myself the luckiest woman alive were I able to grow old with you. You're the dearest thing to me in this world, and my greatest reason to save it... My one and only love...

By the way, the secondary ending for TFP3 is the same even if Robin and Lucina are married. I admit, I was hoping for at least a couple lines changed.

Edited by Tsamimi
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Well... time to do this! I've finally beaten the Apotheosis's Secret Battles! I'll put the dialogues here.

Apotheosis (Secret Battles):


"Well, look who it is! You finally made it
to the Outrealm to end all Outrealms!
Congratulations, and welcome
to Castle Apotheosis!
They say destiny guides the universe's
most powerful of heroes here.
Why? So that they can finally face foes
worthy of their formidable skills!
Countless heroes from countless Outrealms
await to challenge you here.
If that does not frighten... Wait. Oops!
I lost my place... Let me start over. *ahem*
Countless heroes from countless Outrealms
await to challenge you here.
Do you consider yourself worthy?
I should warn you...
The foes you will face possess might
beyond that of any human.
If that does not frighten you... then enter.
Enter, and learn the meaning of fear!"

Normal First Battle:
"Are you ready? You look ready.
Shall we start the fight?
Very well, I... Uh... Hmm, what came
next...? Lemme just check my notes...
Ah! Okay, here we go. *ahem*
Ladies and gentlemen... Welcome!

Welcome...to the Feast of the Formidable!

Our challengers have traveled far,

but is their end near?

Or will they survive all five battles and

secure their place among the gods?

Will this castle crown new kings, or will its

stones be coated red with their blood?

Let the first battle...begin!"

*After killing the enemies in less than two turns*

"Wow... You're finished already?!

You trashed those guys in no time flat!

Well, it's official: you've got what it takes.

So it says here I'm authorized to give you

a REAL challenge against special enemies!
...If you're up for it, that is.

But first things first:

Do you want to record this victory and

return to your own world right now?
Or do you want to take your chances

and keep fighting?

It's up to you."

Would you like to quit now?



"All right, sounds like you're in it for the

long haul! Here's the deal:

Castle Apotheosis's five normal battles

are already packed with tough enemies...

But for some warriors, just isn't
enough. They want a special challenge.

They want to go head-to-head with truly

demonic adversaries. Real meanies!

That's what the five secret battles

are for.
The enemies there are enough to make
even the gods soil their pants. Trust me!

So! You want to try your hand at the secret

battles or stick with the normal battles?"

Attempt the secret battles?


Alternate First Battle:


"All right, Let's get you back into the fight.

Your new opponents are masters of combat.

They're like no one you've faced.

Go ahead and prepare while we wait for them to arrive."


"Right, thengo ahead and take a minute
to prepare before the next battle."

*After killing all the enemies*

"That's one secret battle down.

You don't even seem that tired. What

the heck are they feeding you, anyway?! <(Tiki's Tears? :3 jk didn't use any. XP)
If you want, you can quit now and return

to your own world. How about it?"

Would you like to quit now?



Alternate Second Battle:

"All right, then. Let's start the next battle.

You're up against archers next. I hope

you can cook up a sound strategy..."


"Right, thengo ahead and take a minute

to prepare before the next battle."

*After killing all the enemies.*


"Wow! Two secret battles down.

I'm getting chills!

If you want, you

can quit now and return

to your own world.

How about it?"

Would you like to quit now?



Alternate Third Battle:

"All right, then. Let's start the next battle.

You're up against dark mages next.

Get reckless, and you'll be veeery sorry.

Go ahead and prepare while we wait for them to arrive."


"Right, thengo ahead and take a minute
to prepare before the next battle."

*After killing all the enemies.*

"Just in incredible... That's three secret
battles! You really should be proud.
If you want, you
can quit now and return
to your own world?
How about it?"

Would you like to quit now?



Alternate Fourth Battle:
"All right, then. Let's start the next battle.

The next fight has a time limit:

until I count to 10.

Be careful. If time runs out, I'll have to call

a draw and your battles here will end.


"Right, thengo ahead and take a minute
to prepare before the next battle."

*After killing all the enemies in less than 10 turns.*

"Four secret battles! ...I-I can't believe it.

I've never seen your equal.

If you want, you can quit now and return

to your own world. How about it?"

Would you like to quit now?



Alternate Final (Fifth) Battle:
"All right, then. Let's start the final battle!

Your last opponent is...me!

Ha! Didn't see that comin', did ya?!

Well, just try not to thrash me too hard,

okay? Hee hee...

I'll give you until the count of seven.
May the best warrior win!"


"Right, thengo ahead and take a minute
to prepare before the next battle."

*After killing all the enemies in less than 7 turns.*

"Wow. Never thought I'd

see the day..."

Alternate Ending:

"Oof! Well, that's the last of the

secret battles... You've done it!

You have completely conquered

Castle Apotheosis!"

"I can't believe someone actually managed

to survive that gauntlet.

You'd have to be more than just strong,

or clever, or even lucky...

Only true mastery of both tactics and

combat would suffice!

You stand now at the pinnacle of all your

efforts. How does it feel to be the best?

Let all the warriors at the Feast bow

their heads before their true masters!

Here before you stand champions:

true gods and goddesses of combat!

...Here. It isn't much, but you should

have this.

It's a token of my regard for the greatest

warriors any world has known."

"You got a Supreme Emblem."


"Oh, and you probably know this, but...

choosing different opponents for the five

battles can really vary the experience.

Just something to think about if you

should happen to visit here again.
So long!"

That was a fun ride! :3

Edit: Added the missing alternate third battle dialogue. :3

Edited by Linkmstr
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Oh man, I may be late but let me say sorry about your loss Faye :(

I'll take over Gerome/Libra in Future Past 3 since I have it recorded.

And now, let me try to post something before work.


[spoiler=Gregor > Laurent TFP3]

Laurent: Father? I-is that you?

Gregor: Greetings, Laurent! Gregor has returned from dead to save the day.

Laurent: What?! Ahh!

Gregor: Bwa ha ha! Just yanking the chain. Gregor actually come from other world. Not the same as dead Gregor in your world. Sorry for making funny.

Laurent: So you’re not my father…

Gregor: Why so disappointed? Any Gregor is still your father, yes? …This is part where you say yes.

Laurent: Is your world at peace?

Gregor: No, Gregor is fighting war in home world as well. Quite nasty one, actually… Perhaps not yet this nasty, though.

Laurent: Then you needn’t stay here. Go home.

Gregor: Now hold the horses. Gregor did not come this far for nothing!

Laurent: My world will be fine. I promise to protect it at all costs. Now you need to go and do the same.

Gregor: You know, Laurent… you are one very lousy liar.

Laurent: Huh?

Gregor: You are trying to chase Gregor off because you think he will be killed. This is the basic gist of it, yes?

Laurent: ……

Gregor: Well, you can rest easily. Gregor is plenty strong enough to take care of BOTH worlds, no problem. And so is Gregor’s son.

Laurent: Father…

Gregor: What? You do not believe ramblings of dead man?

Laurent: I know you’re not dead. And I do believe that you’re my father. But why are you doing this? Don’t you have people you care about who need you back in your own world?

Gregor: Gregor’s son is most important person in any world! Now stop with griping and get your heinie moving. Gregor wants to see some spells fly. Go heal your friends or something.

Laurent: All right, Father… Thank you!

[spoiler=Lucina > NPC Lucina TFP3]

Lucina: So that’s what would have happened to me if I hadn’t traveled back in time… This is our third visit to this world… If what Father said is true, then the five Gemstones and the Fire Emblem still exist. That’s very fortunate. In my future, one of the Gemstones had been lost forever. There was no way to perform the Awakening or restore Falchion’s power. The only way to stop Grima was to use Naga’s power to go back in time. Thankfully, this world is different. Theirs is the more dire future…and yet, they have the greater hope. If all eight children we saved make it back, the Fire Emblem can be completed. My counterpart here can finish Grima once and for all without leaving her world behind. …I wish I had that choice. I never wished to drag Father into my struggles. I wanted to kill Grima myself. But…what’s done is done. I must deal with the evils at hand. …Just as she is. I hope she finds the brighter future I never could.

I'll try to put up Gerome/Libra when I get off work today.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Well, got them done.


1st convo

Aversa: Well, if it isn't the lips of the goddess herself.

Tiki: ...Aversa?
Why are you staring at me like I'm some sort of monster?

Aversa: Oh, is that how it looks?
I was going for more of a "how dare you always stay so youthful it sickens me" face.
It's not fair! You've lived thousands of years and still look but a maiden.

Tiki: You must see theae things in perspective. I used to look no older than a wee child.
If people who knew me then saw me now, they would be shocked by how I aged.

Aversa: How long ago was this?

Tiki: Umm... About 2,000 years?

Aversa: Argh! See?! You've been young far longer than you deserve!
Our comrades call me a hag behind my back- heck, some to my face!
By the time anyone calls YOU hag, my grandkids' grandkids will be buried.

Tiki: I suppose so... It is beyond my power.

Aversa: So when WILL you be an old hag?

Tiki: Too long from now to be reckoned in years. I never did ask Bantu how old HE was...

Aversa: Must you manakete make us all look so pathetic and small?
I can't even begin to fathom what it's like to have lived two millennia.

Tiki: Huh? No no, I have lived three millenia.
I mean, if we're splitting hairs.

Aversa: Th-Three thousand years?!
... And to think, there's not a single strand of grey in those hairs you speak of...

2nd convo

Aversa: *Sigh* I do wish I was younger.

Tiki: Why are you complaining to me? I am far older than you.
And longevity isn't all it's cracked up to be, I'll have you know.
You have to experience the pain of losing loved ones again and again.

Aversa: But I don't want eternal life. I want eternal youth.

Tiki: You just want to stop yourself from looking any older?

Aversa: Are you trying to imply I look old?

Tiki: Is that not what this entire conversation is about?

Aversa: Ugh, never mind that!
The point is: I want to have a young, firm body, and I want to keep it.
If I only live as long as the next woman I can content myself with that.
As long as I get to go back to how I looked 10 years ago!

Tiki: Uh-huh. Good luck with that.

Aversa: I wonder if drinking your blood would make me younger.

Tiki: Wh-what? No, it won't!

Aversa: Couldn't hurt to try, though, could it?
A lock of hair of phial of tears might do the trick too.

Tiki: Don't even think about it!

Aversa: I know. Maybe if I drink the water from the hot springs where you bathed...

Tiki: Are you trying to scar me for life? ... I have a long life, you know!

Aversa: You can't stop me. It's not as if these are YOUR hot springs.

Tiki: Wll, slake your thrist when I'm not looking... And don't get your hopes up!

Aversa: I'll balk at nothing when my beauth is on the line.

Tiki: ... Naga take me!
Three thousand years of turmoil, and only now do I think I know true horror...


1st convo

Say'ri: Anna! Anyone, is Anna about?!

Anna: Something the matter, Say'ri?

Say'ri: I was just passing by the inns near the baths, and I saw the most splendid thing.
It was a sword in the fashion of my land housed in the most magnificent sheath.
Yet it was no smithy selling it, and I saw no other arms among the baubles for sale.
I ask you, as a merchant, why would that be?

Anna: They were souvenirs, most like. Aimed at tourists visiting the springs.

Say'ri: Tourists? What need have tourists for a blade?

Anna: Precious little, were it real. The edges are dulled to uselessness. They're toys, dear.

Say'ri: A toy? That? But the craftsmanship...

Anna: Is lovely, isn't it? Some people like to collect them as works of art.
Not the wisest investment by my estimation... but to each his own, right?

Say'ri: I see... Hmm.

Anna: Why, were you thinking of buying one?

Say'ri: Wh-what? No! I've no interest in toys.
An ornamental sword is no sword at all to a warrior...

Anna: You'd sound more convincing if you weren't fidgeting and eyeing the road back to town.

Say'ri: I... I was doing nothing of the sort!

Anna: Really now?

Say'ri: Yes, really!

Anna: My mistake, then.
Good thing too. Replica swords are especially popular souvenirs.
If you HAD been interested, you'd have to hurry before they all sold out...
Luckily, that's no concern of yours, hmm?

Say'ri: What? Is that true?!

Anna: ... Not even a little.
They're expensive, as souvenirs go. They'll sit on a store shelf unsold for years.
That is, unless someone like you comes along to snatch one up!

Say'ri: Urgh...
That was devious and unkind, my lady. And thoroughly embarrassing, besides.

Anna: Hee hee... Say'ri you're adorable.

2nd convo
Say'ri: Anna? I, er... About those swords...

Anna: Are you still on about that, dear?

Say'ri: No, I merely... Well, yes, put frankly. There is one I simply must have.

Anna: Even though it's a toy?

Say'ri: It matters not. The graceful arc of it, the subtle color... I've fallen in love!

Anna: Hmm. Far be it for a merchant to discourage anyone's impulse shopping...
But I'd still have to recommend against it.

Say'ri: But why?! I'm well aware it holds no use in combat!

Anna: It's not that.
These tourist traps tend to pawn off faulty goods on unsuspecting customers.
The quality isn't fit for a child's plaything, and the prices are outright criminal.
This sword of yours, how much are they asking for it?

Say'ri: ...It's 1500 gold, if memory serves.

Anna: Scandalous! You could buy a real sword of silver for that sum!

Say'ri: It's expensive, then, you think?

Anna: Egads, woman. As someone well acquainted with a blade, I'd think you'd know better.
Honestly, this is the trouble with princesses. No idea how the real world works at all.

Say'ri: I, um... My apologies.

Anna: It's not your fault, I suppose. Anyway, lead on. Let's pay this shop a little visit.

Say'ri: What, together? You'll come with me?

Anna: Merchant's pride. I can't abide by swindlers and frauds. I'll set them straight.
Then, while they're picking up the pieces of their ego, we'll get you your sword...
At MY price.

Say'ri: Oh, thank you, Anna!
I'm so glad I thought to ask you. In matters of commerce, there is none stronger!

Anna: Heh heh. You can repay me by telling everyone else about what a gem I am.
The better a merchant's reputation, the more they can rake in, after all!


1st convo

Kjelle: Mm... A dip in the springs sounds nice.
I'm not about to lower my guard entirely, but the occasional break is important.

Cynthia: You said it!
Especially for you, Kjelle. Your shoulders must be one big knot by now!

Kjelle: You can tell?

Cynthia: It's not hard to guess!
You practically sleep in that armor. I doubt I could even walk in it, let alone fight!

Kjelle: Indeed. It's like an extension of my body by this point.
And wearing it makes me feel... at ease, somehow.
Growing up, we never knew when the next attack was coming.
We couldn't relax if we weren't armed to the teeth. And even then...

Cynthia: Yeah...

Kjelle: Anyway, I've kept up the habit, even after coming back to this time.
But I won't lie. There are times when it takes its toll on the body...
Which is why I'm all for a nice, long soak. Once the battle's over, we can all hop in.

Cynthia: What did you say? Just now, you...

Kjelle: What, did I say something strange?

Cynthia: Well, no, but yes. It wasn't strange, which is what made it so strange. Er, I mean...
It's just awfully rare to hear you talk about wanting to do anything with the rest of us.

Kjelle: What?! What's that supposed to mean? Am I some kind of sad, lonely outcast to you?!

Cynthia: Not sad and lonely so much as... stern, maybe?
I mean, take the other day, when we were sparring and you knocked me on my rump.
You walked up to me and ust kind of sneered down at me like...
Or something like that, anyway. But you get the general picture.

Kjelle: D-don't be ridiculous. I've never made any such sound, and I don't scowl like that!

Cynthia: Really? Because I thought I pretty much nailed it.

Kjelle: Well, you thought wrong!
... Even I want to spend time with others every once in a while, all right?

Cynthia: Well, color me surprised!

Kjelle: ......
But no... You're right. Maybe it's best if I didn't join you all this time around.

Cynthia: Huh? Wait, what? Why?

Kjelle: Don't worry about it. I'll just wait until you are all done.

Cynthia: Hey, no! Don't do that!
What's wrong? Why the sudden change?

Kjelle: Sorry, I, um... I should get back to the fight.

*Kjelle leaves*

Cynthia: Don't be like that, Kjelle...

2nd convo

Kjelle: She must think I'm a complete freak...
Still, it's best for everyone if I don't join the others. Not when she's around...

*Cynthia enters*

Cynthia: Kjelle!

Kjelle: Cynthia? What is it?

Cynthia: I... I'm really sorry, Kjelle...

Kjelle: Wh-what? Why? What for?

Cynthia: I just remembered... Kjelle, I know what you're doing. Why you're hiding from me.

Kjelle: What? Hiding? I'm not hiding anything. I just prefer to bathe in peace and qui-

Cynthia: That's not true! It's because of me... It is, isn't it?

Kjelle: ......

Cynthia: You're trying to protect me. Again. But it's the scar on your back, isn't it?!

Kjelle: What? That's ridic-

Cynthia: Don't look away from me, Kjelle!
You're worried that I'll feel guilty if I see the scar from when we were kids.
That Risen's dagger should have killed me, but instead it shredded your poor back...

Kjelle: ......
I did what I did because I wanted to. It was my choice, and I'd do it again in a minute.
... But ye, I was hoping you'd forgotten. I didn't want you blaming yourself again.

Cynthia: Does it still hurt?

Kjelle: Not at all. Hasn't for years. So really, let it go, Cynthia.

Cynthia: Good... But still, that's a scar that'll never go away. Your poor skin...
I'm sorry, Kjelle. I... I'm sorry... I'm... *sob*

Kjelle: Cynthia, that was years and years ago! Why are you crying about it now?

Cynthia: B-because! It's just... It's not... *sob*

Kjelle: *Sigh*... You always were a big crybaby.
This is exactly why I didn't want you to remember.
Really, Cynthia, that's all ancient history. Now come one, chin up. Look at me.

Cynthia: B-but!

Kjelle: Still won't believe me? Fine.
There is a way to take the scar off my back if it means that much to you. It isn't easy.

Cynthia: What? There is?! I'll do it! Just tell me what to do!

Kjelle: Become a hero.

Cynthia: Huh?

Kjelle: And I mean a real one. Strong enough to keep me and all the others safe.
Do that, and my scar will stop being a scar and turn into a badge of honor.
Proof that I saved the life of the greatest hero of my generation.

Cynthia: A badge of...

Kjelle: You and I are stronger than a little scar, Cynthia.
We may not be able to erase it, but we can change its meaning.
So if you really feel bad about it, get to work, hero.

Cynthia: Kjelle, I...
I'll do it.
Just watch! I'll be the greatest hero the world's ever known!

Kjelle: Heh heh. Well, it sounds like you've got your work cut out for you then.
It's a long, hard slog to becoming everybody's hero.
How about you start by being mine?

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Well... time to do this! I've finally beaten the Apotheosis's Secret Battles! I'll put the dialogues here.

[long ass script was here]

That was a fun ride! :3

your script confused me a bit, but I realized you did a strikeout to the choices that you did choose.... wow, what DID they feed you...

and Lucina's dialogue to her NPC self in FoD3 was rather.... sad. :(

I'll try to get to Nah's conversations with Lucina and Severa on Hard mode today. Add on Noire's conversation with Lucina and Cynthia too.

edit: Here they are, Nah -> Lucina, Nah -> Severa, Noire -> Lucina, and Noire -> Cynthia.

Nah -> Severa:

Part One:

Ugh, I'm SO ready to be done with this and into the springs already.
Seconded! I've never been in a bath this big before. I'm really excited! But, er...
Hmm? What's wrong, Nah? You're red as a beet.
I've n-never been naked outdoors before... It's a little embarrassing.
Oh, that? Well, yeah, hopefully we won't have any Peeping Toms around.
Peeping who?! I don't want any peeping anyones around! If I found anyone spying on us, I'd be motified!
Well, I'm not usually one to waste my precious time on petty thieves and pervs... But yeah, we're talking about our bodies here. We'd better come up with a plan.
Sooo...any brilliant ideas?
Hmm... Well, any good snare needs bait, right?
What, you mean us? You'd have the two of us go in first? And then what, fight in the nude?! They'd see everything!
Ooh, that's a good point... Hmm. What to do...
We can't fight in the nude, and we can't serve as bait if we're wearing clothes... Aha! I've got it! You'll act as bait, and then the second our little perv shows up, you go all dragon! No need to be embarrassed about showing a few scales, right?
Ooh, I like it! That's genius, Severa!
All right, I think we're on to something here. Let's keep brainstorming and figure out the rest of the plan!
Yes, ma'am!
Part Two:
So about that plan...
Operation Manakete Surprise?
Now that I'm thinking it through, aren't you going to be embarrassed at being seen?
What? I won't be in the springs. I'll be hiding in the shadows, waiting for the perpetrator to arrive. Fully clothed.
Whaaat?! Then I'm going to be the only one not wearing anything? No way! That's not fair at all!
Not fair? This is hardly the time to start being selfish, Nah.
What?! You're the one being selfish! You'll still be wearing clothes!
Honestly, I don't see why we're even worrying about a plan here. A silly Peeping Tom is bound to be far easier prey than the Risen.
Maybe so, but the conditions for victory are completely different. With Risen, you just have to beat them up. With a Peeping Tom, you can't be seen.
Ugh, good point. All he needs to "win" is to get a good look at you. Hmm, seems like us girls are at a huge disadvantage here...
Well, it'll be a difficult battle, and there may be crushing losses...but we have to try!
You're right... You're right, Nah! We'll fight him to the last!
Um, Severa? Remind me who it is we're getting fired up to fight again?
It's...a hypothetical Peeping Tom...who we're not even sure exists...
Am I the only one who suddenly feels like an idiot?
Nooope. No you are not.

Nah -> Lucina:

Part One:

The ground is slippery there, Nah. Make certain you tread carefully.
Right! Thanks, Luci— AAH!
Watch out! Honestly, Nah, that wasn't but three seconds after I warned you...
I'm sorry...
You didn't hurt anything, did you? No scraped knees or bumps?
Nope. I'm fine, thanks to you catching me.
Well, good.
I'm a little surprised, though.
Oh? Startled from the fall, or...?
Sometimes you have a tendency to treat me like a child, Lucina. Usually, if someone told me a wet floor was slipper, I'd yell back, "I know that!"
Y-yes, clearly... I'm sorry, Nah.
No! Don't apologize! I'm glad you're the only person who doesn't make me mad about it.
Oh. Er, I am?
You are. All my life, I've tried really hard to be grown up and self-sufficient. That's why it really stings when people treat me like a child. But for some strange reason, I don't mind when it's you. It's almost the opposite. Like I'm happy for the attention. Happy to know you're looking out for me.
Heh, well, I'm very glad to hear it. Appearances being appearances, I have a bad habit of seeing you as a little sister. If it ever bothers you, feel free to mention it right away, okay?
It doesn't! At all. In fact, I'm really glad to hear you think of me as a little sister. I'm also glad to have figured out why it doesn't bother me!
Part Two:
Hey, sis!
Sis...?! Er, Nah... That's very cute, but could I ask you to drop the nickname?
What? Oh, but you said you thought of me like a sister... Unless you were just saying that to make me feel better?
No! No, I...I truly do feel a sisterly bond with you. But shouting after each other using pet names during combat isn't... Well, let's just say it may invite confusion among the others. Can we stick to using given names instead?
Well, if you say so... Sure, Lucina.
Wonderful. Thank you, Nah.
Oh, I just remembered! I wanted to ask a favor of my favorite new sister.
Oh? What can I do for you?
Once the fighting is done, will you, um... Can we go in the springs together? We never had a chance to do that in the future, you know? I never even got to take a bath with someone else in a regular tub.
Yes, I think that sounds doable. I'd be happy to join you.
Thanks! And, um... If it's not too much trouble, will you comb out my hair?
Ha ha, certainly. It's been a fierce few days of fighting. I think we've all had to forsake some of the luxuries of personal maintenance. But don't you worry. I'll have you smooth and tangle free in no time at all.
You're the best! I can't wait!
A little respite is nice every so often... In fact, in the end, it's these types of quiet, peaceful moments that we're fighting for.
Did you say something, Lucina? We should go. The sooner we liberate these springs, the sooner we get to use them!
Right you are. Let's hurry and put an end to these Risen!

Noire -> Lucina:

Part One:


Bwaa ha ha! WRITHE BEFORE ME! Though death may overlook you, I shall not! The toll for despoiling these springs shall be paid in blood and pain! Now, come! Crash against me and be dashed like waves against the rocky shore!
You're absolutely right, Noire. The people here won't be safe until the RIsen are gone. Let's try to settle this quickly!
Aye, justice is ever swift as it is implacable, and these maggots have been judged! Let them face their rightful sentence at my hand—BLOOD AND THUNDER! ALSO, I HAVE A QUESTION!
Sure, what is it?
...Why does it never seem to faze you when I snap?
Snap? I'm sorry. I didn't realize. I must not have been paying attention.
No, I mean... You didn't notice anything, I don't know, different about me? When I get mad, I'm...a little scary. I speak differently. I'm basically a different person.
...... ...What?
You don't... Wait, you really don't know what I'm talking about?!
You're you, Noire. Who else would you be? I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea what you mean.
...Eeek! It's not natural!
Wha— Noire?! Where are you going? And be careful running! The ground is slick here—you could slip and fall!
Part Two:
Noire, can we talk?
Wh-what about? And why do you look so contrite?
I'm sorry about before. I only caught on after you left that you'd been upset.
Oh. Er, yes, well... It's certainly nothing you need to apologize for. It's no fault of yours that I went berserk... It's kind of a habit. Or...defining trait. I'm the one who should apologize.
Not at all. I should have been more observant. I just assumed you were your usual happy self and everything was fine... I'm afraid I'm terrible at picking up on it when people around me are perturbed.
Er, I...I don't know that "perturbed" really covers it in my case... But you've always been that way. You only see the good in people. Even when they get mad, or make mistakes, you're the first to forgive them...
I am? I...I never thought of myself that way.
Hee hee. Of course not. That's part of what makes it so wonderful. You forgive people unconsciously, without the thought even crossing your mind.
Well, I can't say I've ever noticed... But if I'm doing something that helps you, I'm not about to complain.
You are. Thank you, Lucina. And don't ever change.
My pleasure. And I wouldn't worry about changing. If I'm not even aware of what I'm doing, I'm not likely to stop anytime soon!

Noire -> Cynthia:

Part One:

Ooh, Noire! Perfect, I was just—
IMPRUDENCE! How dare you disturb me in the heat of glorious combat?!
Gah?! Wh-why are you so mad all of a sudden? What did I do this time?
Oh, n-no, you've done nothing wrong, Cynthia. I'm terribly sorry. Force of habit... It's just that you have a habit of pulling the strangest ideas out of thin air. Like the last three times you asked me to be the villain so you could play hero... It seems I've grown a conditioned response where seeing you fills me with rage.
What?! That's a little harsh, don't you think? I...I mean, yes, I suppose it's true I'm always asking you for unusual favors. And sure, most of the time it ends with you getting furious at me... But that doesn't mean it's fair to just skip to the part where you yell at me!
N-no, of course not... I'm sorry, Cynthia. You're right. Forgive me...
Hmph! Anyway, moving on! I wanted to ask you a teensy-weensy favor, Noire.
Oh? D-don't tell me...
Yup! Another round of hero practice!
RAAAGE! How long must you mock me before you are sated, presumptuous maggot?!
Hey, hear me out! It's different this time, I swear!
Really, really! So please, just...just calm down, will you?
*Sigh* All right. I suppose...
Part Two:
So you see, this time the hero doesn't prevail by brute force.
No! She uses a muscle far stronger than her rippling biceps—her brain! Because this time our heroine is an ace detective, ready to crack any case!
I...suppose that is different, yes.
Muscle-bound heroes are totally yesterday. This generation demands so much more! You need sharp senses, keen perception, unparalleled intelligence! Ahh, it's perfect! Just perfect! Doesn't that sound AWESOME?!
So, er...what are you making me do?
I was thinking you'd make a great victim. It's not a murder mystery without a corpse!
I'm sorry?
Outwardly, she seems like the perfect lady, but she's secretly a huge tramp. She's stringing along half the men in town. Plus! She's prone to wild fits of rage! So who killed her? It's hard to say! Between all the jealous men and angry gals, pretty much everyone has a solid motive... Well?! Are you totally hooked? It sounds fascinating, right?!
B... Bluh...
BLOOD AND THUNDERRR! Presumptuous creature! Who are you calling a licentious, libidinous she-beast?!
No one! I never said any of that, actually...
My calm is eroded most thoroughly! This ridiculous farce will not stand, woman-child!
Ooh! A farce! Great idea, Noire. We can set up a stage and play out the whole murder mystery for the others!
SILENCE! Now return to your post, before a very unmysterious murder befalls you!
Eeep! Somebody, help! Noire's yelling at me again!

Cynthia is way too adorable. x3

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The worst possible thing has happened to my Awakening file. ._. I let my young cousin try the game out, and she accidentally saved over my save file. My super far, all-trained-up, 500+ hour save file. She didn't mean to, and while I know it was an honest accident, I am SO FREAKIN AGONIZED AUGHGHGHGH. This means I can't do my claims, because my other files aren't far enough for Future of Despair, and I haven't unlocked the children characters for my Spa of Bonds claims. Sigh...

So, as much as I hate to do this, I must relinquish all of my claims. All of them. All of my Future of Despair claims, AND all my Spa of Bonds claims, are free and up for grabs. I sincerely apologize for not getting to them sooner.

Ouch, sorry for that!


I liked the conversation of Gerome and Ricken, "Gerome: Go get 'em, Father." , that was very cute from Gerome

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The worst possible thing has happened to my Awakening file. ._. I let my young cousin try the game out, and she accidentally saved over my save file. My super far, all-trained-up, 500+ hour save file. She didn't mean to, and while I know it was an honest accident, I am SO FREAKIN AGONIZED AUGHGHGHGH. This means I can't do my claims, because my other files aren't far enough for Future of Despair, and I haven't unlocked the children characters for my Spa of Bonds claims. Sigh...

So, as much as I hate to do this, I must relinquish all of my claims. All of them. All of my Future of Despair claims, AND all my Spa of Bonds claims, are free and up for grabs. I sincerely apologize for not getting to them sooner.

Man, I'm so sorry to hear that. I can relate with you on that, but not for this game. Back when I played Devil May Cry 3, I was playing Vergil's story after having beaten everything on Dante's. Now, Capcom made the game place your selection marker on the last save you saved on before turning off the game, so it is very likely that anyone who isn't paying attention will accidentally replace their file that way.

Well, it just happened to me one day when I was tired and wasn't paying much attention because usually, the save marker is on the right spot in games. Overwrote hours worth of progress that I will never get back. Also, for that reason, I never let little kids play my games anymore unless I'm watching, because I know how it will end.

Either way, just came to give you my regards, Faye. I have nothing I want to claim here, because the one thing I would claim is taken. (Severa/Male MU [married] at Hot Spring Scramble)

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Alternate Final (Fifth) Round:


"All right, then. Let's start the final battle!

Your last opponent is...me!

Ha! Didn't see that comin', did ya?!

Well, just try not to thrash me too hard,

okay? Hee hee...

I'll give you until the count of seven.

May the best warrior win!"

*After killing all the enemies in less than 7 turns.*


"Right, then—go ahead and take a minute

to prepare before the next battle."

Alternate Ending:


"Wow. Never thought I'd

see the day..."

Um... The "Right, then" part should come before the italicized note, right? Just making sure. Thank you for posting all of that. ^^

Edit: Also, where is the "Never thought I'd see the day" line from?

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Um... The "Right, then" part should come before the italicized note, right? Just making sure. Thank you for posting all of that. ^^

Edit: Also, where is the "Never thought I'd see the day" line from?

Ah crap... Uh... I'll fix that part. xD

After you've beaten the alternate route of battles, she says the "Never thought I'd see the day..." line.

Well, it was 2-3 am in the morning so I might've messed up. I'll have to replay the whole thing again in case I messed up on something...

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I'll start with the "Yes" choices for Apotheosis's Secret Battles tomorrow. :3

And add other dialogues that I missed during the third alternate battle.

Edit: Added in the "Yes" choices and finally added in the missing dialogue from the third alternate battle.

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Apotheosis (If you chose "Yes" to quit on Normal and Secret Battles):

(For all battles):

Would you like to quit now?



"Well then, let's call it here. Congrats

on not being utterly destroyed!

Drop by anytime you want to attempt

a challenging fight."

That's really it. :P

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Heh. It was almost guaranteed to be the same, but my perfectionist self wanted to make sure. Thank you~ ^^

edit: Whoa... The RTF editor sucks. >_> If you change too many things in a post, like size or font or bold/italics, it screws up its own tags. It especially hates font sizes + spoilers.

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Heh. It was almost guaranteed to be the same, but my perfectionist self wanted to make sure. Thank you~ ^^

Haha. Same here. I was like practically going through every round for the past few hours.

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edit: Whoa... The RTF editor sucks. >_> If you change too many things in a post, like size or font or bold/italics, it screws up its own tags. It especially hates font sizes + spoilers.

Oh well, I just fixed the whole damn thing. xD

Took me about 20 minutes to fix it, so no biggie. XP

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Claims Lists (Link to DLC page)

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[Note 2: Items not on list have been posted.]

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Conversations:

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Hot-Spring Scramble]Enter Battle Quotes:

Sully - Pikayoshi

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Kellam - Pikayoshi

Panne - Pikayoshi

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Basilio - Pikayoshi

Flavia - Pikayoshi

Yarne - Zeem


Avatar > Severa (spouse) - Zeem

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Brady > Gerome - Ultimafangirl

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Ultimafangirl

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Ultimafangirl

Laurent > Brady - Ultimafangirl

Noire > Kjelle - Ultimafangirl

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 1]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)








[spoiler=Fathers]Chrom - Ultimafangirl

Vaike - Pikayoshi



Libra - Wheels




[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 2]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


[spoiler=Fathers]Virion - Ultimafangirl

Vaike - Tsamimi

Kellam - Tsamimi

Ricken - Tsamimi

Henry - Tsamimi




Ricken - Wheels

Libra - Sangyul


[spoiler=Fathers]Chrom - Pikayoshi


Vaike - Ultimafangirl



[spoiler=Fathers]Frederick - Sangyul

Kellam - Wheels

Ricken - Ultimafangirl




[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 3]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


[spoiler=Mothers]Maribelle - Pikayoshi


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Vaike - Wheels




[spoiler=Fathers]Vaike - Wheels

Lon'qu - Ultimafangirl


Henry - Sangyul




Lon'qu - Zeem



For Apotheosis: if an item is crossed out with no name beside, it has been posted. Also note that this list is a work in progress.


-Secret Battles Round 5: Objective failed (Incomplete after 7 turns)

Before Prep-Screen Script

After Prep-Screen Script

[spoiler=After Each Round]After Round 1 (completed within 2 turns)

'Round 1 Complete' dialogue

Would you like to quit now?

>Yes [same as other rounds.]


Attempt the secret battles?



Face the pegasus knight instead of the monks?

>Yes [same as No]

>No [same as Yes]

After Round 1 (completed in 3 or more turns)

'Round 1 Complete' dialogue

Would you like to quit now?

>Yes [same as other rounds.]


Face the pegasus knight instead of the monks?

>Yes [same as No]

>No [same as Yes]

After Round 2

'Round 2 Complete' dialogue

Would you like to quit now?

>Yes [same as other rounds.]


After Round 3

'Round 3 Complete' dialogue

Would you like to quit now?

>Yes [same as other rounds.]


Face the cavalry instead of the fliers?

>Yes [same as No]

>No [same as Yes]

After Round 4

'Round 4 Complete' dialogue

Would you like to quit now?

>Yes [same as other rounds.]


After Round 5

'Round 5 Complete' dialogue

Secret Battles - Round 1

'Round 1 Complete' dialogue

Would you like to quit now?

>Yes [same as other rounds.]


Secret Battles - Round 2

'Round 2 Complete' dialogue

Would you like to quit now?

>Yes [same as other rounds.]


Secret Battles - Round 3

'Round 3 Complete' dialogue

Would you like to quit now?

>Yes [same as other rounds.]


Secret Battles - Round 4

Objective failed (Incomplete after 10 turns)

'Round 4 Complete' dialogue

Would you like to quit now?

>Yes [same as other rounds.]


Secret Battles - Round 5

Objective failed (Incomplete after 7 turns)

'Round 5 Complete' dialogue

After Battle Script (Normal Route)

Recruit Katarina? >Yes

After Battle Script (Anna Route)

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Let's go!

Apotheosis (Normal Battles):


"Well, look who it is! You finally made it
to the Outrealm to end all Outrealms!
Congratulations, and welcome
to Castle Apotheosis!
They say destiny guides the universe's
most powerful of heroes here.
Why? So that they can finally face foes
worthy of their formidable skills!
Countless heroes from countless Outrealms
await to challenge you here.
If that does not frighten... Wait. Oops!
I lost my place... Let me start over. *ahem*
Countless heroes from countless Outrealms
await to challenge you here.
Do you consider yourself worthy?
I should warn you...
The foes you will face possess might
beyond that of any human.
If that does not frighten you... then enter.
Enter, and learn the meaning of fear!"

Normal First Battle (No choices):
"Are you ready? You look ready.
Shall we start the fight?
Very well, I... Uh... Hmm, what came
next...? Lemme just check my notes...
Ah! Okay, here we go. *ahem*
Ladies and gentlemen... Welcome!

Welcome...to the Feast of the Formidable!

Our challengers have traveled far,

but is their end near?

Or will they survive all five battles and

secure their place among the gods?

Will this castle crown new kings, or will its

stones be coated red with their blood?

Let the first battle...begin!"

*After killing the enemies in more than three turns* (I'm sure Tsamimi already has the script for what happens after three turns or more.)

"Wow... You're finished already?!

You trashed those guys in no time flat!

Well, it's official: you've got what it takes.

So it says here I'm authorized to give you

a REAL challenge against special enemies!
...If you're up for it, that is.

But first things first:

Do you want to record this victory and

return to your own world right now?
Or do you want to take your chances

and keep fighting?

It's up to you."

Would you like to quit now?



"All right, sounds like you're in it for the

long haul! Here's the deal:

Castle Apotheosis's five normal battles

are already packed with tough enemies...

But for some warriors, just isn't
enough. They want a special challenge.

They want to go head-to-head with truly

demonic adversaries. Real meanies!

That's what the five secret battles

are for.
The enemies there are enough to make
even the gods soil their pants. Trust me!

So! You want to try your hand at the secret

battles or stick with the normal battles?"

Attempt the secret battles?


Normal Second Battle (Pegasus Knights or War Monks. Regardless of choice, the scripts are the same. XP):


"Right, then! Let's start the next battle.

Two teams are ready to face you,

and you get to pick.

One is an army of war monks,

and the other consists of pegasus knights.

Which would you rather take on?"

Face the pegasus knights instead of the monks?




"Right, thengo ahead and take a minute
to prepare before the next battle."

*After killing all the enemies.*


"Very impressive. That's two battles now!

I can see you have staying power.

If you want, you can quit now and return

to your own world. What do you think?"

Would you like to quit now?


Normal Third Battle (No choices):


"All right. Let's start the next battle.

You're up against archers next.

Mind your distance.

Go ahead and prepare while we wait

for your opponents to arrive."

*After killing all the enemies*


"Three battles! You're pretty tough.

I admit I underestimated you.

If you want, you can quit now and return

to your own world. What do you think?"

Would you like to quit now?


Normal Fourth Battle (Cavalry or Fliers. Regardless of choice, the scripts are the same. XP):


"All right. Let's start the next battle.

Two teams are ready to face you,

and you get to pick.

One is an army of fliers, and the

other consists of cavalry.

Which would you rather take on?"

Face the cavalry instead of the fliers?




"Right, thengo ahead and take a minute
to prepare before the next battle."

*After killing all the enemies.*


"Four battles! That's incredible!

Only one more to go.

If you want, you can quit now and return

to your own world. What do you think?"

Would you like to quit now?


Normal Final (Fifth) Battle (No choices):


"All right. Let's start the next battle.

You're up against hero-class units next.

Just what you might expect from

a final battle, right?

Go ahead and prepare while we wait

for them to arrive."

*After killing all the enemies.*



You won all five battles!"

Normal Ending:

"That was incredible... You just wiped the

castle floors with every foe you faced.

And you know what that means!

...Hang on. Where are my notes?

Ah, okay! *ahem*

Behold, the victors of the Feast

the mightiest of the mighty!

Let's have a thunderous round of applause

for our new kings and champions!

And here. This is a little gift from me.

I hope you can use it.

It's an Einherjar card: "Katarina,

the Misguided Tactician.""

Recruit Katarina?

(The unit will be added to your

Avatar Logbook regardless.)



(If, yes.)

"Y-you need another tactician?"


"Oh, and before I forget... I'll let you in on

a little secret I noticed in my script here...

There are some extra lines if you defeat

the first round of foes super quickly.

Some stuff about special, supertough

enemies and such. It sounds amazing!

Just something to shoot for next time

you drop by for a visit.

So until then!"

This was... surprisingly a whole lot easier to finish after beating Apotheosis's Secret Battles... I'm so used to using Rally Skills now. xD

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Since they've apparently been unclaimed, I can take care of:

Hot Springs Scramble:

Flavia > Anna

Flavia > Tiki

Emmeryn > Gangrel
Yen'fay > Priam
Aversa > Gangrel
Brady > Gerome

Yarne > Inigo

Laurent > Inigo
Laurent > Brady
Noire > Kjelle

Future of Despair 2

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(I'm sure Tsamimi already has the script for what happens after three turns or more.)

I don't have it, actually. ^^; Thanks again for all of that script. :3

Would you mind checking what happens/if there's dialogue if you take longer than 10 turns for Secret Round 4 and 7 turns for Secret Round 5? I just thought of that last night while falling asleep.

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I don't have it, actually. ^^; Thanks again for all of that script. :3

Would you mind checking what happens/if there's dialogue if you take longer than 10 turns for Secret Round 4 and 7 turns for Secret Round 5? I just thought of that last night while falling asleep.

Ok, I'll check on them as soon as I can.

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Apotheosis (First Battle End Script):

Normal First Battle (End):


"Good work. That's one victory—perhaps

you're worthy of these castle trials after all!

If you want, you can quit here.

You can record your victory if you

return to your own world right now.

Or would you rather take your chances

and stay in the fight?

It's up to you."

Would you like to quit now?


Now to check on Secret Battles 4 and 5 failing scripts. I'm pretty sure they're both the same, but I'll check both anyway. XP

Edit: The dialogue is the same when you're about to start the Normal Second Battle after you picked "No" to not quit.

After Normal First Battle:


"Right, then! Let's start the next battle.

Two teams are ready to face you,

and you get to pick.

One is an army of war monks,

and the other consists of pegasus knights.

Which would you rather take on?"

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