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Best/Worst in the Series Round 178


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Best: Sothe (fe10)

I don't like him as a character in fe10, but as a unit he's pretty good.

Worst: Cath (fe6)

Only recruitable character that I usually end up killing. She's annoying to recruit, steals your stuff and both Chad and Astohl are better then her.

Dm: Rickard is pretty bad too, but he's safe for being an amusing character in his gaiden stage.

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Best: Pahn. Honorable mentions to Lifis, Colm, and FE10 Sothe.

Worst: Cath. For what it takes to recruit her, and how she performs afterward, you're just better off killing her at first sight. :evil:

Dishonorable mention to Daisy...even if she's :wub:

*gets shot*

Nominate Best/Worst armor outfit.

Edited by BLS
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Best: Pahn

Worst: Cath

I'm not counting RD Sothe, because his awesomeness has little to do with thieving and more with his ability to barehandily knock Micaiah into negative hitpoints with one single hit.

Anyway, Pahn is the best thief in the game where thieving just so happens to be more useful then ever. Beyond that, he also has a PCC of five, tons of useful skills, no less then 5 movements stars and a high weapon rank. He also receives a support from the resident dancer. He also supports her and others back. Oh, and he just so happens to carrier a powerful brave weapon with 60 use that gives it's wearer the charisma skill on top of having a huge crit bonus which alone would boast his crit to 100% on his second strike. The list of things that make him awesome is pretty damn long.

On the other end of the spectrum, we have Cath. She comes way to late, is a total pain to recruit and is mercilessly overshadowed by her competition. The lockpicks you can steal from her during the first two meetings are more useful then anything that she provides during her whole stay with the army.

Edited by BrightBow
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Best: FE10 Sothe. For a required unit, he's actually okay. Not TOO bad, although his use diminishes over time.

Honorable Mention to: FE7's Legault, FE9's Volke

Worst: FE6 Cath. She's basically FE9 Sothe, except worse in some aspects. You already have Chad (and Astol) as a thief, so not really too good.

Dishonorable mentions towards: FE9's Sothe, FE6's Chad, Dickard Rickard in FE1, 11, 3, and 12.

Edited by Diortem
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Best: As I haven't played Awakening yet, I'll go with Legault. His bases made him instantly useful; his promotion didn't care about his Strength.

Worst: FE12!Rickard. Horrible bases, worse join time (if you get him, you already have Julian, who beats him out), and a pain in the neck to level. At least his FE11 incarnation didn't rely on Julian to survive in order to be recruited.

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Best: Colm from FE8.

Honorable Mentions: FE9/10 Sothe (primarily because of blossom in FE9 and general usefulness in FE10), Matthew from FE7, Dew from FE4 and Julian from FE11

Worst: Rickard(FE11). Though he did manage to get lines (most the characters in that game don't) he seemed to only be there to show that Juilan headed a thieves' guild. He was also kind of useless since I already had Julian.

Dishonorable Mentions: Every generic thief ever

Nominating Best/Worst Death Quote (Map Boss edition)

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