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So how many of us are going crazy over the release fiasco involving Fire Emblem: Awakening?


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Make it stahp Plz D:.

The gamestop I preordered it at told me the 13th. Not only is this very disappointing but I preordered the game early with the bundle. I just am frustrated and don't see why a game isn't there on a release day when it was advertised as such. Bad for profits, bad for fans, and bad for nintendo's image. There is no upside to this.

Stuck in limbo for a while longer, looks like this guy won't have time to even play the game. Much less achieve the goal of marrying my Avatar with Tharja (yes I don't care that she stalks me. Its deep love, and if you get this joke good for you).

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Wait, the 13th? Where do you live, the International Space Station?

Southern Cali. I have no idea why they told me the 13th >.>. Maybe in my area there aren't many fire emblem fans.

Also, dat forum name. I also love Ike x Mia :D It is just too bad they only had short support conversations in Radiant Dawn. None to speak of in Path of Radiance ):

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Southern Cali. I have no idea why they told me the 13th >.>. Maybe in my area there aren't many fire emblem fans.

Also, dat forum name. I also love Ike x Mia :D It is just too bad they only had short support conversations in Radiant Dawn. None to speak of in Path of Radiance ):

Yeah, they were my OTP from the Radiant games. IS really dropped the ball on that support. I mean, Ike x Oscar support, really?

Though if there was any unit I thought Ike should have had a support with that he didn't in PoR it would be Jill. They actually share quite a lot of coversations compared to most of the non-main characters.

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Southern Cali. I have no idea why they told me the 13th >.>. Maybe in my area there aren't many fire emblem fans.

Also, dat forum name. I also love Ike x Mia :D It is just too bad they only had short support conversations in Radiant Dawn. None to speak of in Path of Radiance ):

No no no, that is terrible news! I am from so cal. If it comes out on the 13th, I'll have to wait yet another week to get it (I can only pick it up on weekends). Let's hope it'll come out before then *crosses fingers* smile.gif

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No no no, that is terrible news! I am from so cal. If it comes out on the 13th, I'll have to wait yet another week to get it (I can only pick it up on weekends). Let's hope it'll come out before then *crosses fingers* smile.gif

You might be fine. My socal is a little bit more south than LA lol. I really think it may have to do with my general area. Japanese games aren't popular much around here yet shooting games are flying off the shelves.

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Ugh I'm in SoCal too, that kind of worries me. I'm north of LA though so I might be clear, but damn, I don't see any reason for it to be THAT delayed. You weren't the only person to order in your whole town/city were you?

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Seeing as Hawai'i shipping takes about a day more than shipping it across the mainland, I probably won't be getting it till Wednesday at the earliest but no later than Friday.


Aw well, back to Pokémon for a few more days.

I was told Tuesday afternoon, but I'm going down to pick my game up. Not sure what happens if you're on a neighbor island/getting it off of Amazon, though.

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Ugh I'm in SoCal too, that kind of worries me. I'm north of LA though so I might be clear, but damn, I don't see any reason for it to be THAT delayed. You weren't the only person to order in your whole town/city were you?

Hopefully not, it is a suburb and I have heard some of my younger brother's friends who were interested in the game. Not sure if they actually pre ordered though.

Although I will say this, the gamestop near here doesn't really have the greatest of track records with customer support. =/

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Southern Cali. I have no idea why they told me the 13th >.>. Maybe in my area there aren't many fire emblem fans.

Do you know how many others preordered the game in your area? For me, it's only -two- people. Where I live, the city is small.

So, I decided to call them last night with my brother's cellphone, after over twenty minutes of him not being helpful, and the person told me to actually call them before I went to get it, in case their shipment was delayed.


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I cancelled my pre-order and just went for eShop download. Artbook wasn''t worth that much to me. I'd preordered only to avoid the long download time.

Congratulations, you've rewarded Nintendo for either a shipping error on their part or a conspiracy to get you to purchase directly from them.

(note: read this post with both sarcasm and dripping smugness)

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Congratulations, you've rewarded Nintendo for either a shipping error on their part or a conspiracy to get you to purchase directly from them.

(note: read this post with both sarcasm and dripping smugness)

That post literally made me go "pfft" for whatever reason.

Can't say I blame them. If I had a 3DS I probably would too.

...But my 3DS is currently with the shipments, wherever they may be. >> <<

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Same here, hopefully I'll get the game today. If not, any day before Friday.

I so hope that I don't have to wait until Friday to get the game. I won't be able to get the game until the following Monday then if that's the case...

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I so hope that I don't have to wait until Friday to get the game. I won't be able to get the game until the following Monday then if that's the case...

Same here, if I end up getting the game Friday, I won't be able to play it until Sat^^. All because of Fri being one of my long days, where after I get home, I go straight to bed.

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Same here, if I end up getting the game Friday, I won't be able to play it until Sat^^. All because of Fri being one of my long days, where after I get home, I go straight to bed.

Yeah, Fridays are the days that I help my mom babysit my nephew, so chances of me getting a ride up there are very slim. >.< Hence why I barely managed to get a ride set for last Friday if my GameStop had gotten my copy of the game then.

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Congratulations, you've rewarded Nintendo for either a shipping error on their part or a conspiracy to get you to purchase directly from them.

(note: read this post with both sarcasm and dripping smugness)

When it comes down to getting to play FE earlier during a relatively light part of an intense semester, versus not rewarding Nintendo with like $5 more profit, I'm gonna take the former. This game's so much better than the crap they've been doing with this series prior, they earned it.

Edited by CinderSkye
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Just got off the phone with my Gamestop, he says they're getting two shipments, one tomorrow and one Friday. He wasn't sure which one was the bundles and which was just the games, though. And today was my only day off until Sunday, unless I want to be incredibly sleep-deprived...

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-_-||| Sitting here at my college and this person is playing his digital downloaded copy of the game and is basically taunting me with it.

If only I didn't have a 2GB card in my 3DS, I'd be debating the same thing, but instead, I'm sitting by my cell phone waiting for GS to call me. Apparently, I'm one of the nine people who pre-ordered in my town. 23 others came into the GS where I pre-ordered looking for the game yesterday.

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If only I didn't have a 2GB card in my 3DS, I'd be debating the same thing, but instead, I'm sitting by my cell phone waiting for GS to call me. Apparently, I'm one of the nine people who pre-ordered in my town. 23 others came into the GS where I pre-ordered looking for the game yesterday.

Wow. I know that a lot of people have been asking about the game. One person said he didn't pre-order the game, but he wanted to get it yesterday. If I had funds to digitally download it, I would do that to tide me over until I got the physical copy, but since that's not the case, I guess we're playing the waiting game.

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