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Question about Ike


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Ah, okay. Thanks.

What's wrong, Ike? Too BA to stay in your own world?

And he also has the option to take Soren or Ranulf with him. Which cemented my believe that Ike was gay in FE9/10.

But an FEA DLC has a self proclaimed descendant of Ike wielding Ragnell.

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And he also has the option to take Soren or Ranulf with him. Which cemented my believe that Ike was gay in FE9/10.

Uh, how does deciding to take a friend along on his trip make him gay? That's totally stupid.

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He needed to get away from Aimee because the rumors about them spread around everywhere and it was getting to be too ridiculous~

And hey, opinions are opinions Anacybele. Nayr's just as free to believe that Ike is gay as you are to believe that Ike and Elincia belong together forever. You really need to stop being so protective of Ike's possible heterosexuality.

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And hey, opinions are opinions Anacybele. Nayr's just as free to believe that Ike is gay as you are to believe that Ike and Elincia belong together forever. You really need to stop being so protective of Ike's possible heterosexuality.

I wasn't saying that in defense of Ike being heterosexual. I was saying that to imply that people need to come up with better reasons for Ike possibly being gay. That's all.

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1360194462[/url]' post='2275578']

I wasn't saying that in defense of Ike being heterosexual. I was saying that to imply that people need to come up with better reasons for Ike possibly being gay. That's all.

I don't know, but up until awakening it had one of the best foundations for it, two soulmates travelling together and sharing an incredibly close bond for such a long time taking the next step certainly seems more logical than ike staying in tellius or elincia abdicating her throne when her ending states she has ruled incredibly well to be recognized as a golden age.

Now, before you say that elincia could also have left after ruling for some decades or whatever, do you think she would put IKE above her country if she did not even put LUCIA above her country, the person she shares the deepest bond with? Milk siblings, raised as sisters, bff's and still letting her hang to save crimea?

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I don't know, but up until awakening it had one of the best foundations for it, two soulmates travelling together and sharing an incredibly close bond for such a long time taking the next step certainly seems more logical than ike staying in tellius or elincia abdicating her throne when her ending states she has ruled incredibly well to be recognized as a golden age.

Now, before you say that elincia could also have left after ruling for some decades or whatever, do you think she would put IKE above her country if she did not even put LUCIA above her country, the person she shares the deepest bond with? Milk siblings, raised as sisters, bff's and still letting her hang to save crimea?

Who said that ike ended up with elincia?

In RD it looks more like she ends up with geoffry(and I think they even have a shared ending)

Just because Ike doesn't end up with any of the girls in RD doesn't make him gay,who knows what he did after he left tellius,he may have met someone else entirely who he fell i love with(obviously it doesn't exclude the possibility of him being gay or bi,but simply assuming he is because a buddy traveled along with him is kinda unreasonable)

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Who said that ike ended up with elincia?

In RD it looks more like she ends up with geoffry(and I think they even have a shared ending)

Just because Ike doesn't end up with any of the girls in RD doesn't make him gay,who knows what he did after he left tellius,he may have met someone else entirely who he fell i love with(obviously it doesn't exclude the possibility of him being gay or bi,but simply assuming he is because a buddy traveled along with him is kinda unreasonable)

Some of us will love you for this.

ElinciaXGeoffrey seems to be the way it goes.

Also, speculation is kind of a bad idea and encourages bad things so I'm just going to say one thing.

"Why is it a big deal to some people?"

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Who said that ike ended up with elincia?

In RD it looks more like she ends up with geoffry(and I think they even have a shared ending)

Just because Ike doesn't end up with any of the girls in RD doesn't make him gay,who knows what he did after he left tellius,he may have met someone else entirely who he fell i love with(obviously it doesn't exclude the possibility of him being gay or bi,but simply assuming he is because a buddy traveled along with him is kinda unreasonable)

To answer your first question, take a look at the person who posted before me.

You're right about Geoffrey and Elincia, they share an ending.

I wasn't stating that Ike was gay, I was saying that it was more logical for Ike to be gay than IkeXElincia happening. As for myself, I care not for who he shags or not as long as it's reasonable [pretty much excluding entire tellius]

Some of us will love you for this.

ElinciaXGeoffrey seems to be the way it goes.

Also, speculation is kind of a bad idea and encourages bad things so I'm just going to say one thing.

"Why is it a big deal to some people?"

You should ask all these things to anacybele.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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Um, excuse me, but this has never been about the probability of IkexElincia. I was merely stating that Ike being close friends with Soren and Ranulf and choosing to invite one or both of them on a trip with him does NOT make any of them gay. And that is all.

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Um, excuse me, but this has never been about the probability of IkexElincia. I was merely stating that Ike being close friends with Soren and Ranulf and choosing to invite one or both of them on a trip with him does NOT make any of them gay. And that is all.

Unfortunately, according to the majority of SF guys can't be close friends without it implying they are gay. It's just the way it is and you and I just have to get used to it to avoid stupid arguments.

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I'm surprised anyone can fall in love with Ike with how boring he is.

He kinda looks like the big and gruff yet gentle teddy bear type, I can see it especially from Soren's perspective

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Unfortunately, according to the majority of SF guys can't be close friends without it implying they are gay. It's just the way it is and you and I just have to get used to it to avoid stupid arguments.

Yeah, I guess so, Narga. I'm glad to see you haven't changed a bit since we met a long time ago. :)

I'll try to avoid these arguments.

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Unfortunately, according to the majority of SF guys can't be close friends without it implying they are gay. It's just the way it is and you and I just have to get used to it to avoid stupid arguments.

You spelled "the internet" wrong, Narga. You also forgot the clause that siblings can't be close without being incestuous.

I expect more out of you.

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You spelled "the internet" wrong, Narga. You also forgot the clause that siblings can't be close without being incestuous.

I expect more out of you.

You're right. I apologize.

Wow, us mods are doing great for on-topic posts in this thread.

Um, yeah, question is answered so I don't see any reason to post more in this thread. I'll leave it open because I dislike arbitrarily closing threads, but no promises it'll stay that way.

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Hell, it would be great to have a lord of an FE game be homosexual. The only character we have that's gay is Heather. Legault's speculated to be bisexual, but that's not confirmed.

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IDK if Japan's ready for that, to say nothing of what NOA would think. Heck, even in Awakening, when a random Hubba Tester result comes up like that, they feel the need to crack a joke about it or imply that a homosexual relationship is somehow less real/"correct".

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Hell, it would be great to have a lord of an FE game be homosexual. The only character we have that's gay is Heather. Legault's speculated to be bisexual, but that's not confirmed.

FE14 new class: Gaylord.

How have I not thought of that before?

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It's pretty confirmed that Ike is not gay. He might be bi, but not gay.

Where is this confirmation? He seems pretty apathetic toward woman in general. If anything, Ike fell in love with "being a warrior" a long time ago.

Hell, it would be great to have a lord of an FE game be homosexual. The only character we have that's gay is Heather. Legault's speculated to be bisexual, but that's not confirmed.

What are the leads that Legault is bi? I'm curious.

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