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When you play a game do you aim for 100% completion?

Gold Vanguard


35 members have voted

  1. 1. 100% a game?

    • Yes, I want all of what I payed for.
    • No, I only play for fun.
    • Tries but quits half way.

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Generally no on achievements, but I'll usually go for all the sidequests possible. On some grindy games this can drive me down a wall, but I usually force myself. I'm not usually too up on "collect all the doodads" hunts, but actual, formal challenges are nice. (That is unless the game is Brütal Legends or Sly Cooper and all of the doodads are totally fucking metal both as cool things unto themselves, cool things to look for, and give more cool things as rewards) (screw the feathers and flags and nonsense in Assasin's Creed)

I'm pretty sure I've gotten a game that had a % completion stat to 100 at some point, but I can't remember which.

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I try for what I'm capable of doing. If there is stuff that is exclusive, I do multiple playthroughs. If there are some things that prove too hard for me to accomplish, I don't bother after failing enough times. It always varies depending on what it is.

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I will first do a first guideless walkthrough. If I love the game I will restart it and attempt to get everything. Not that many games get that treatment from me though. Last game I did that for was Tales of Xillia 2. In most rpgs you can only get everything starting from second playthrough

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Well, I've used to do that. But I've made too many bad experiences with that kind of thing in the last few years so I became more critical in that regard. Two games in particular changed my mind on that.

One is Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, where the whole sidequest system is essentially based around asking you for a certain item without giving any idea on where to find it. Essentially, the only thing you could do, was to kill every single enemy on the massive monster list over and over and over and hope that they drop the required item... or of course, it might be hidden behind a breakable wall or even a breakable roof. You don't know that. You can't even tell by what kind of item your looking for. That's a game where Zombies will randomly drop Ice Cream or something like that. It could really be any monster. There is no direction whatsoever.

I mean, I can get a certain amount of enjoyment out of actively searching for stuff like the Skultulas in Ocarina of Time, especially since the game will conveniently tell you which areas don't contain any Skultulas anymore and they make loud noises when you are nearby but simply making you kill enemies over and over is just no fun. It's like doing assembly line work.

Then I played the Mega Man Zero collection and since I actually got to play the X series since I originally played Zero on the GBA, it made me realize that finding and collecting an upgrade is a lot more satisfying then finding an upgrade and then spending an hour killing the same four guys over and over until I have enough random drops in order to actually use it.

What made those two games special, is that they are all really short. Spending an hour or so doing repetitive tasks in a game that otherwise only takes two hours to complete kinda makes you realize that the game was just manipulating you to make you think that you got more out of it then what you actually got. Especially after playing Zero again, which is exactly like X but with grinding.

Bottom line: I'm still okay with playing for 100% if it involves quests like killing a specific group of ogres in a cave in the southwest forest to retrieve a certain amulet or something like that.

But when it's about simply being told to go and kill zombies until a random number makes them decide to drop a slice of strawberry cake? No, thanks.

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Oh god achievements never.

That said, I like to take game to 100% for the tasks and bonus sidequests/content/whathaveyou. It's just that achievements are so tedious to get sometimes. I doubt I'll ever get all the Sonic Generations achievements. I can get like 3 as soon as I beat that stupid Vector mission. You know which one.

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It depends on how much I like the game personally, how many of my friends are into it, and how big the bragging rights for 100% completion are. Pokemon, being one of my personal favorites, I often do take the time to battle every trainer, complete all the bonus/ optional areas and catch 'em all. I'll pick up a game again months later if I hear about a special Pokemon giveaway. Most games on the other hand I simply play for the story, doing my best to get the 'good' ending if a game has multiple endings. However, if I really found myself immersed in the gameplay I will sometimes take the time and effort to 100% complete it. I really enjoyed Sacred Stones as an example, and I managed to completely clear the Creature Campaign, unlock Lyon, and get all my units to the max level.

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Every time with every game. I typically give up quickly on difficult achievements/trophies, but sometimes I'll hunker down and keep trying/grinding until I get all of them (Dynasty Warriors 7 for example. Took me almost 2 years of on and off playing to get 1000/1000 gs, but I was damn proud of myself when I did it.). I think that when I get a game, it's my obligation to see/doo everything the developers intended.

When it comes to Fire Emblem, I aim to complete the game with no lost units. This has led to many a restart and much frustration, but I love it.

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Most games have achievements/trophies for that and there's no point in doing them anyway. Usually it's collect this or do that which involves lots of monotony most of the time.

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It depends a lot on the game. Achievements/Trophies aren't a necessity for me, but I usually go and try to make the most out of a game I like before I move on. Also, if the game has, for me, a lot of replayability. For example, I stopped playing Final Fantasy XIII the moment I got through the story, but I still play Resident Evil 4 and the Uncharted series (especially multiplayer) every now and then for fun.

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Brütal Legend has cheevos for ramping over a plus-size woolly mammoth with tusks made of metal, and for riding a boar/motorcycle hybrid across the land and into a cursed sea

I would've preferred they made those into actual side missions, but you better believe I'm adding shit like that to the trophy room

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is no better way to add replay value to a game then by challenging yourself to complete all of its challenges. In particular, I always ALWAYS get 100% on any Kirby game I play.

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I try to get as many Trophies/Achievments as possible, but I'm not some gaming master and most games tend to have 'that one trophy' that requires a really hard mode completion or something so I'm usually the quitter.

I've only done a Platinum on MGS:3 Snake Eater HD and that one is ridiculously easy to do as it is completed fastest all on Very Easy with a slight bit of save-scumming. Oh and Festival of Blood, but that's even easier. Only game that I've tried to complete everything on without the online-profile-adornments incentive is Smash Bros. Melee. All dem trophies you can catch and then pose 'n' stuff. Still ain't close to done with that yet.

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It happens a few times if the objectives don't take too much time or aren't complete horseshit. The last game I got a 100% on was Hotline Miami, in less than 15 hours total. I once 100%'d Super Mario 64 in a single sitting in front of a friend in about 6 hours.

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