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Where Did "Level Up!" Come From?


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I tried looking around, but nowhere seems to have anything close to an answer. "Level Up!" is almost certainly the result of sloppy translation in some early RPG that caught on with other translators, but what was the first game (or other piece of media or something, but I'm assuming it's a game, hence where this post is going) in which the phrase appeared? Anyone know?

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I'm fairly certain the concept of character levels first appeared in Dungeons and Dragons, and was adapted into games derived from D&D. I'm not sure where you got the idea that "level up" is the result of a sloppy translation since it makes perfect sense.

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@Elieson: Yeah I'm pretty sure it's some "geeky" show, but I dunno; I've never seen it.

@Sabin: Maybe it's just me, but "I have leveled up" just doesn't sound right like "I have increased in level" or "I have raised my level" does, probably due to the dangling preposition.

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@Sabin: Maybe it's just me, but "I have leveled up" just doesn't sound right like "I have increased in level" or "I have raised my level" does, probably due to the dangling preposition.

But it's also far more succinct.

I guess they could've said "Level increased!", but eh.

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"Leveling Up" has been around since the tabletop days of RPGs. The term itself probably did some from a translation quirk, similar to '1UP' for gaining extra lives in platforming games. By this point these terms have just become so standard in the gaming industry that there's no need to change them to something grammatically correct, since everyone knows what they mean. From what little I've seen of the CN show, it seems to be inspired by various MMO games like World of Warcraft, Ragnarok etc. rather than one in particular.

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The term itself probably did some from a translation quirk, similar to '1UP' for gaining extra lives in platforming games.

1up is definitely not a translation quirk considering it first appeared in American pinball games and was later adopted by Super Mario Bros.

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"The difference between our abilities is so great, it's like I'm on a whole other level"

"You have to be careful, at that level of play"

"Get on my level"

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We will turn it from buildings to bread. "Leavened Up!"

Leavened tiers:

God tier: (max out gamebreak, form ascension to demigod, etc)


Some other stuff:

Peasant bread



Sorta squarish whole wheat loaf


White Wonderbread (with those balloons as the logo would be a good example)



Egh all I got for now

Well, uh, if there really is something complex interrelation whatever, maybe it relates to levels going up in number (usually) as you beat video games, also. Game gets harder, game level goes up, you get stronger, your level goes up.

Well assuming people have just been talking about character levels and such atm.

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