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Well, +def avatar it is, and ill keep in mind to use nosferatu and panne (not together xD), so i need to decide how many more units to use. I was thinking use the mostly earlier on ones.

Also, water trick?

And then, i need to figure out which flaw.

Edited by MasterKeeper
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chrom/avatar can walk on the water in the prologue, allowing avatar to snipe all of the enemies with thunder and get overleveled, resulting in him/her snowballing and making the game way easier.

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If you're completely against +Def avatar, you can still beat the game. I beat it with -Def, no dark magic, and no water trick, you just have to only use Fred for the first couple chapters. If you're going +Def, then I used a -Lck.

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And then, i need to figure out which flaw.

A Luck flaw goes well with a Def asset. You're prone to earlygame crits no matter what, and Luck is neither a particularly important stat otherwise, nor are the cap/growth penalties associated with it all that damaging. +Def/-Luk only gives you very slight penalties to Str, Mag and Luk (-1 as far as caps are concerned - I believe that translates to a mere -5% growth).

Some people also like a Skill flaw, although that does reduce the overall Def bonus from the Def asset a little. This one doesn't affect your Mag, though, so there's that.

Obviously, you do not want to pick HP, Spd or Res as a flaw.

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A Luck flaw goes well with a Def asset. You're prone to earlygame crits no matter what, and Luck is neither a particularly important stat otherwise, nor are the cap/growth penalties associated with it all that damaging. +Def/-Luk only gives you very slight penalties to Str, Mag and Luk (-1 as far as caps are concerned - I believe that translates to a mere -5% growth).

Some people also like a Skill flaw, although that does reduce the overall Def bonus from the Def asset a little. This one doesn't affect your Mag, though, so there's that.

Obviously, you do not want to pick HP, Spd or Res as a flaw.

Res is actually not a bad flaw for early game because the prologue is the only one with mages, and you can get around that with the water trick to overlevel your character. After C4, the flaw doesn't even matter because you can grind it out.

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OK, think i should go with+Def -Lck. I think my team will work itself out as i go along, if Lunatic is anything like Hard mode, which, its probably 100x harder, but.....

So far, this is who I'm using, though:





Maybe Cordelia, maybe Marrablle..

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After C4, the flaw doesn't even matter because you can grind it out.

Well, if that's how you roll, no flaw really matters all that much aside from caps. Not everyone grinds, though, and magic later on hurts like hell.

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I almost overwrote my main file when i started it up 0_o

And ill be using the Japanese voices for this run, because for sone reason, they were already set to it....

Well, my avatar went and crit'ed. Yay.

Im only the text cutscenes, not.... The actual cutscenes....

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i've heard people (iirc paperblade?) swear by +HP instead of +def

i have yet to try it for myself but the explanation was along the lines of "+5 HP is more of a durability boost than +2 def early, and even if it doesn't snowball as fast it makes earlygame a lot more bearable and lategame you should have acceptable def and res anyway making hp a lot more valuable"

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Well, at first, i was going to do a chapter a day, so i dont go completely insane, but, what the hell, chapter 1 time!

Chapter 1 wasnt too hard, but Chapter 2 is hard, because of stupid miriel.

Edited by MasterKeeper
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I know this isn't Lunatic but I'm currently doing a "Ranked" Hard run.


Only D tier and E tier weapons. (0 cost weapons are free though)

Lowest leveled units deployed

Low turns

No Pair Up

And stuff like that.

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He is free to use in every chapter. But he can't master seal till after chapter 13 (Forced promotion).

I have to add some other stuff to that list,which are:

No deaths

Every non-children unit recruited

Donnel will be benched(he will literally destroy my team because of how this run is, he will still be recruited)

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i've heard people (iirc paperblade?) swear by +HP instead of +def

Yeah, I can imagine that. It makes a lot of sense, really.

A HP Asset raises your HP from 19 to 24, which is huge at the beginning of the game. It pretty much ensures that even the more brutish enemies will only 3HKO you at worst, as those 5 HP are there no matter what, whereas Def can only start to make a real difference if you either have lots of it, or have lots of HP to begin with. A +2 Def bonus is effectively worthless if you're 2HKO'd regardless.

While a Def Asset is probably preferable in the lategame, a HP Asset should serve to make the earlygame much less prone to RNG screwage.

(This also explains why a HP flaw utterly destroys your Avatar. 16 HP gets you 2HKO'd by pretty much everything ever, even with a Def Asset.)

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HP as compared to Def falls off at whatever point a +Def Avatar would no longer be taking damage from most non-Luna physical attacks, which I think happens somewhere around Ch5-7 or so. Since that's an easier part of the game than Ch1-3, it may still be a good idea.

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He is free to use in every chapter. But he can't master seal till after chapter 13 (Forced promotion).

I'd feel like it would fit for a "forced promotion" when he gets married right at the end of Chapter 11.

Considering he gets the title of Exalt at that time in the Japanese version as opposed to the end of the game in the localization.

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A +2 Def bonus is effectively worthless if you're 2HKO'd regardless.

That's not quite true. Using the growth rates from the site (which short-sell +Def Avatar in this comparison due to the HP growth being a bit lower than the actual value), a Lv. 8 Avatar has 24.6 HP and 11.15 Def on average, and you're likely pairing him up with Stahl or something to boost Def further. With a Thunder tome, you won't get 2HKOed at full health unless two Barbarians attack on the same enemy phase (which isn't happening if you bait the AI well). Since the site's HP growths are too low, it may be the case that even a Barbarian duo can't take out an average Lv. 8 Avatar.

Also note that after taking n attacks, your remaining HP is going to be n*(Def - <enemy_Atk)) + HP, and that a point of Def can save you many points of HP across multiple enemy phases; Lissa isn't always going to be in position to safely heal the Avatar.

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the idea is that while HP doesn't provide longterm snowballing durability quite as quickly (or at all; i haven't tried), the initial +5 HP will actually help you more than the +2 def (+2 defense is only an effective +4 hp if physical hitters double you, +2 if they don't or +0 for mages) - from a quick prologue run i did (i never continued because i did't have the patience for lunatic earlygame at the time), it was the difference from being ORKOd (2HKOd) and 2RKOd (3HKOd) which is huge

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