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OK, so if you didn't get any Ignis procs (and it sounds like you weren't relying on crits since you're bringing up bad luck), what tomes did you use? I used magic attacks to give myself chances at a Dual Attack, but the magic attacks themselves were doing about two hit points of damage each thanks to Dragonskin.

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Finally finished Lunatic/Classic a few days ago. I still hate chapters 24 and 25. Those risens are so strong. Stronger than human enemies (duh). Well, I unlocked Lunatic+... Any strategic advise on Lunatic+? Because right now, I'm still scared after trying it out on Lunatic+/Casual.

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Rallies, Candy, Galeforce, a Dancer and a bum rush ended the reign of a god in two turns.

Same here. Tried many different tactics until I tried this one, and it worked perfectly. If you don't kill him at the same turn, it gets really hard, specially with the reinforcements with Physic that make your life a hell.

Finished my playthrough just now, probably won't do Lunatic+ but enjoyed lunatic mode a lot. Really made the game challenging :)

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Guys, I saw some stuff about Tiki's paralogue and I don't think it's been posted yet but there's an incredibly stupid way to completely trivialise that chapter.

The enemies only attack people in Tiki's axis, so if you have a formation like


1 o T o 2

3 o o o 4

o 5 6 7 o

Only 1, 2, and 6 are actually in any danger of being targeted. Also, mages won't use their tomes at 2-range iirc unless it means hitting Tiki. Basically, the brain-dead ai makes this chapter a fucking breeze as long as you have at least 3 OP people.

Edited by Polaris
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Sorry for posting twice the same question, I asked this in another thread and I was recommended to see if anyone in this thread had a better idea to answer my question.

For lunatic mode and/or street pass which would be the optimal way to go? Maximizing potential stats or getting skills ie galeforce on many characters? Currently been grinding out all my parent characters and have only Chrom x Olivia married. I've been looking at the DLC such as "The Strongest One's Name" and wondering which path would be the most optimal to completing it. At the moment for stats I've been looking at doing some weird ones such as Lon'qu with Panne to get a Taguel with Beaststone+ with some great stats, Nowi with Kellam to get some crazy defense (and also to pass it down to Morgan), and other ones shown below.


Having a hard time deciding honestly. My main purpose is probably to build a team that can actually do the DLC on lunatic. I'm really worried how hard that one DLC is going to be to get the ultimate emblem. If you've seen the picture of them they have stats like 80/50/65/64/65/59/55, and "if the first wave of enemies are defeated within 2 turns, you can restart the map with an alternate set of stronger enemies. Beating all 5 alternative rounds nets you an Ultimate emblem." In this case what do you think would be best? Optimal Skills or Optimal Stats? Or if there is a balanced way around this what would that be? My avatar is a male with asset speed and flaw luk.

I know there probably no absolute "optimal" way to build your team, but I just want some input on what would be a efficient way to setup my team to take on the DLC on lunatic.

Edited by Rerona
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Ugh, I just did Paralogue 19 on my Lunatic/Classic file that came out today through SpotPass... DAAAAAAAAAMN! WHAT THE HELL! Ugh, I died like 4 times... Those risens... Risens... spawning... everywhere... Even at maxed out stats, it was torture... ;_;

Should've thought/planned better, just lure them in instead of charging in. Lifetaker is a great skill to have most of the time but it only works during my turn and so is Galeforce. Brave Weapons were VERY useful considering most Risens were like 60-80 HP... Anyhoo, I'm finally glad that's over...

Although the fight against Walhart and Chrom was too easy even though his stats were maxed and he had Pavise, Rightful King, Aegis, Conquest, and Luna (I think). Chrom used Aether and Walhart's Pavise never activated so Chrom defeated him without getting any damage, surprisingly. Too bad when you recruit Walhart, you don't keep his skills, except Conquest, and maxed stats... Again, I'm glad that's over... ;_;

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Having a hard time deciding honestly. My main purpose is probably to build a team that can actually do the DLC on lunatic. I'm really worried how hard that one DLC is going to be to get the ultimate emblem. If you've seen the picture of them they have stats like 80/50/65/64/65/59/55, and "if the first wave of enemies are defeated within 2 turns, you can restart the map with an alternate set of stronger enemies. Beating all 5 alternative rounds nets you an Ultimate emblem." In this case what do you think would be best? Optimal Skills or Optimal Stats? Or if there is a balanced way around this what would that be? My avatar is a male with asset speed and flaw luk.

I know there probably no absolute "optimal" way to build your team, but I just want some input on what would be a efficient way to setup my team to take on the DLC on lunatic.

It's the same on all difficulties, the only difference is grinding will be (slightly) harder on Lunatic mode

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Okay thanks for clearing that up for me. That puts my mind at ease, I don't mind grinding. On that note, would you say that more stats or wider skills is more optimal in difficult/impossible fights? lol

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It depends on the skill. Let's compare Galeforce, which gives you a whole extra chance to attack, with a few extra points of Str, against enemies that take half damage anyway. I'd say Galeforce would typically win, but it's up to you to decide in a given situation.

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I hated doing Paralogue 19. I actually had to do the Tiki defense method in order to complete it. Avatar kept getting killed by Dark Knights.

Tiki has a defense method? And it works on Lunatic Mode? o.O

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Is there a consensus on what the best Asset/Flaw is? I did +Def/-Lck on my first Lunatic Classic run, and it let MU contribute more in the Ch 1 ~ 4 area since he caught up to Frederick's Def quick, but by the end he wasn't capping anything nor doubling much and it made his growths too balanced for my tastes in the late game.

I usually go Tactician > Merc > Hero > Grandmaster so I can pick up Armsthrift, Sol, and Ignis then if enough of the game is left I'd probably go Sorceror, but is there a better class progression? I was thinking +Mag/-Something since Nosferatu is pretty great, but he won't have a great Tome rank or Mag stat after spending time as a Merc.

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It depends on the skill. Let's compare Galeforce, which gives you a whole extra chance to attack, with a few extra points of Str, against enemies that take half damage anyway. I'd say Galeforce would typically win, but it's up to you to decide in a given situation.

Ah well in the specific case of nah with comparing more defense to galeforce. What I'm mainly wondering is whether or not Nah with galeforce can even kill people to proc galeforce to make it worth it in lunatic or against the last dlc, since she's a tank and probably won't have the speed to hit twice or the damage to ORKO.

Is there a consensus on what the best Asset/Flaw is? I did +Def/-Lck on my first Lunatic Classic run, and it let MU contribute more in the Ch 1 ~ 4 area since he caught up to Frederick's Def quick, but by the end he wasn't capping anything nor doubling much and it made his growths too balanced for my tastes in the late game.

I usually go Tactician > Merc > Hero > Grandmaster so I can pick up Armsthrift, Sol, and Ignis then if enough of the game is left I'd probably go Sorceror, but is there a better class progression? I was thinking +Mag/-Something since Nosferatu is pretty great, but he won't have a great Tome rank or Mag stat after spending time as a Merc.

Would "Vantage"+"Astra"+"Ignis"+"LimitBreaker/Armsthift" + "Tomefaire" be better? this way if your not full health from the last fight and they attack you, you can attack first to heal.

Edited by Rerona
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I think he's talking about how you defend Tiki in Paralogue 17. Surrounding her on all sides and every tile is my guess.

But he mentioned "Dark Knights" which were in Paralogue 19. In Tiki's paralogue, there were only Dark Fliers and Falcon Knights...

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From Chapter 15 onwards, if I were to give Henry 2 Speedwings and pair him up with a Swordmaster, would he be able to catch up? That would bring him up to 21 speed after promotion, incase you're not sure. It seems like a tank would be really beneficial since my MU still has 9 more levels to go before he can reclass to a Sorcerer while gaining Rally Spectrum.

Also, while this may seem off-topic at first, but a Sorcerer Gerome with Astra, Tomefaire, Vengeance, Anethema, and Limit Break should work fine for postgame right? The reason WHY I'm asking this here is because this is the exact same file I'm using for my postgame, so if MUxCherche is going to suck then no way in hell am I sticking to it. I do need a pairing though soon since I want to be able to have a child with Rally Spectrum by Chapter 19.

Probably asking too many questions on this thread and I apologize, I'll make sure I post something informative once I figure out methods to beat chapters that people find hard past 1-5.

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From Chapter 15 onwards, if I were to give Henry 2 Speedwings and pair him up with a Swordmaster, would he be able to catch up? That would bring him up to 21 speed after promotion, incase you're not sure. It seems like a tank would be really beneficial since my MU still has 9 more levels to go before he can reclass to a Sorcerer while gaining Rally Spectrum.

Also, while this may seem off-topic at first, but a Sorcerer Gerome with Astra, Tomefaire, Vengeance, Anethema, and Limit Break should work fine for postgame right? The reason WHY I'm asking this here is because this is the exact same file I'm using for my postgame, so if MUxCherche is going to suck then no way in hell am I sticking to it. I do need a pairing though soon since I want to be able to have a child with Rally Spectrum by Chapter 19.

Probably asking too many questions on this thread and I apologize, I'll make sure I post something informative once I figure out methods to beat chapters that people find hard past 1-5.

surprisingly, Cherche does not have a negative magic modifier, i'm honestly surprised

still though, you could probably pair Avatar with someone more suited towards magic for a Sorceror build

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