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Depends on how it affects your ability to work. Does it interfere with everyday tasks, or does it just sort of crop up once in awhile with little things?</typicalpsychbook>

Personally, I find it a bit troublesome. I honestly will not work on something unless I feel like 1)I could do it mostly correctly, 2)I'm absolutely forced to, and I have no other alternatives. It proves to yield better results most of the time, but the time it takes up is really too inefficient to be considered a positive. Depends on you, though.

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If you're beating yourself up because you're not perfect, then it's a bad thing. You shouldn't be bringing yourself down because you didn't live up to whatever standards you had. There's nothing wrong with aiming for the best, as long as you're willing to accept that you may not be the best right now!

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If you're beating yourself up because you're not perfect, then it's a bad thing. You shouldn't be bringing yourself down because you didn't live up to whatever standards you had. There's nothing wrong with aiming for the best, as long as you're willing to accept that you may not be the best right now!

I don't think that's necessarily great either though. Firstly because we have to define what right now is and how long it lasts. Because if right now is too short a time then you will be overcome with failure filled emotions. And if right now is too long you'll just become complacent. And if right now is the perfect amount of time? Well chances are you won't be the best. I agree you need to accept yourself, but not a temporary version of yourself in hopes of a better self.

Did that level me up in idiocy?

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What are you looking to perfect?

Why do you want to perfect it?

When (how soon) do you want to perfect it, or when are you scheduled to? When did you start?

Who? (left pretty open)

How have you tried to do it?

How would you define its perfection? (Or very-goodism)

Are you looking for a more absolute kind of perfection, or perfection in a very individual sense (i.e., regardless of surrounding imperfections or whatever)?

Well hmm. Besides those questions, I'd say that (say, when working on a particular piece of work)

"You can't change the future, don't waste your life trying."

I feel somewhat confident I have, but that's in the past.

(Typed without the slightest bit of humor.)

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I don't think that's necessarily great either though. Firstly because we have to define what right now is and how long it lasts. Because if right now is too short a time then you will be overcome with failure filled emotions. And if right now is too long you'll just become complacent. And if right now is the perfect amount of time? Well chances are you won't be the best. I agree you need to accept yourself, but not a temporary version of yourself in hopes of a better self.

Did that level me up in idiocy?

Since when was establishing a baseline, a goal, and a conditional that you're not going to hate yourself if you do your best and fall short anyway a bad thing? If you don't know where you stand, you won't know how far you need to go before you reach your goal.

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I feel somewhat confident I have, but that's in the past.

(Typed without the slightest bit of humor.)

Well as a geologist, I have a very pessimistic broad view of "the future."

Anyways keep telling yourself you made a significant change on humanity by slaving your life away for people who couldn't give two shits about you.

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Dude, I think you might be projecting a little bit. "I think I have changed the future [presumably for the better] in some way, through my effort" is a pretty open-ended statement.

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Since when was establishing a baseline, a goal, and a conditional that you're not going to hate yourself if you do your best and fall short anyway a bad thing? If you don't know where you stand, you won't know how far you need to go before you reach your goal.

A goal is different from perfectionism. Achieving something versus making something perfect or being perfect at something are very different. However it's a similar concept and the same argument could be applied just toned down a little.

One thing about that though is that people like myself aren't goal oriented at all. I hate goals and shit like that. But my dad and my sister are two of the most goal oriented people I've ever met.

(It's funny though because I could be goal oriented, my dad always told me I was when I was little, but I have an authority problem so if he set up some goal for me I didn't really give a fuck and usually didn't achieve it. So it's possibly in my strange psyche that I was originally goal oriented but my authority problem has overridden that part of me. Also possible, my dad just thought his son was just like him and couldn't believe anything else at the time.)That was fucking confusing and it doesn't even really matter.

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A goal is different from perfectionism. Achieving something versus making something perfect or being perfect at something are very different. However it's a similar concept and the same argument could be applied just toned down a little.

One thing about that though is that people like myself aren't goal oriented at all. I hate goals and shit like that. But my dad and my sister are two of the most goal oriented people I've ever met.

(It's funny though because I could be goal oriented, my dad always told me I was when I was little, but I have an authority problem so if he set up some goal for me I didn't really give a fuck and usually didn't achieve it. So it's possibly in my strange psyche that I was originally goal oriented but my authority problem has overridden that part of me. Also possible, my dad just thought his son was just like him and couldn't believe anything else at the time.)That was fucking confusing and it doesn't even really matter.

I'd say they're similar, to the point where that analogy stands. The start is where you are now, the goal is being perfect. If you can aim for the goal without berating yourself because you haven't/can't reach it, then perfectionism isn't a problem. If you're telling yourself that you're a loser because you're nowhere near that goal, then it becomes a problem.

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Perfectionism would be a terrible way to spend your life imo. Happiness is what its all about.

"You can't change the future, don't waste your life trying."

Indeed... Because the future is made from the present. It does not exist without our actions.

I'd say I like perfectionism, for it makes us strive to become better and better, and I just find this thought beautiful overall. I'm not a perfectionist, but I always try to improve. Actually, I'd say it's one of the things responsible for humanity's evolution.

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