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Jim Carrey finally made perfect sense to me when I learned (IIRC) that he had like serious clinical depression. Nobody who can act that gonzo could be anything but deeply pained and confused inside

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Jim Carrey finally made perfect sense to me when I learned (IIRC) that he had like serious clinical depression. Nobody who can act that gonzo could be anything but deeply pained and confused inside

Jim Carrey made sense to me when I watched Holy Motors and there were some appearances of iconography such as dogs, masks, monkeys, houses and cars that better explained him to me.

EDIT-His driver wore a mask getting out of the car, he just put on disguises for each "act."

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Literally every actor I know, counting myself, is better than Jim Carrey, and none of them will be nearly as successful. Carrey did decently in the Truman Show as 'only somewhat of a (largely sympathetic) prat', and is a total fuckup in everything else he's ever touched. I would rather die of gangrene of the testes than act alongside him.

Well maybe I was wrong. Maybe Jim Carey is like Tom Cruise but people care more.

I dunno if he's allowed to edit in the section that he isn't moderating...

Wait so what section does integ mod? I always thought it would of been general.

Hah, I was just being an ass, I think Arnold belongs on the list.

I honestly dunno the answer. I'll note, though, that I generally like movies with more than one outshining actor, and I'm not sure where Arnold Schwarz has appeared with, say, the other actors on this list. But it doesn't matter that much.

Bruce Willis might be in a similar situation, I'm not sure. I haven't seen a lot of his good movies.

That was a point I sort of alluded to earlier. The best actors are the ones in the best movies and they can share the screen. It's like a ballhog on a sports team.

I recently saw a 2002(I think) Bruce Willis move, Tears of the sun. Left me so disappointed. NO ONE was acting well in that movie.

Nnnnnot really? I mean, that certainly helped, but he was already super famous because of Conan and Terminator. Hell, you even even used one of his commonly used nicknames: Governator. That's telling of how famous his role as The Terminator is.

But I don't see how any of that is relevant to how he belongs in We're watching your movie just for you tier anyway.

(He belongs in We're watching your movie just for you tier, by the way)

Ok, I agree with that, he became famous due to his acting roles.(Which, you could argue he got for his bodybuilding and not acting skills, but that's neither here nor there) But to me he's almost bigger than the screen. So there's that, and then the fact I haven't seen many of his movies. Put those two together and it makes sense that I decided not to rate him.

That being said, I posted this on a forum and not on my refridgerator for a reason. I wanted to discuss actors, so now that I have input from people who've seen more Arnold than me. So I'll rank him sooner than later and probably put him lower than that tier.

Because of that...ya, pretty much.

However, the extraneous stuff is important because if a bunch of people are watching a movie for non-film reasons (oh he has an interesting off-stage life, or onstage non-commercial film life), then that's relevant to the tier to some extent.

But that doesn't really make him a better actor does it? It just makes him a more polarizing figure. So being an awesome person =/= being an awesome actor. But I do agree about your point in a different context. I watched Four Brothers this past weekend this whole weekend and liked Andre 3000's character more just because he was played by Andre 3000.

Jim Carrey finally made perfect sense to me when I learned (IIRC) that he had like serious clinical depression. Nobody who can act that gonzo could be anything but deeply pained and confused inside

You could be right. But, I never like stereotyping people based on any condition. Especially mental.

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I recently saw a 2002(I think) Bruce Willis move, Tears of the sun. Left me so disappointed. NO ONE was acting well in that movie.

Agh goddamnit Fenrir you are too good.

But that doesn't really make him a better actor does it? It just makes him a more polarizing figure. So being an awesome person =/= being an awesome actor. But I do agree about your point in a different context. I watched Four Brothers this past weekend this whole weekend and liked Andre 3000's character more just because he was played by Andre 3000.

Ah, no. I was taking favoritism as acceptable in this kinda thing XD But I see what you're saying, I think.

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Heehee nah eclipse moderates the General forums. Integ moderates the Fire Emblem forums.

I see. Thanks for the enlightenment.

Ah, no. I was taking favoritism as acceptable in this kinda thing XD But I see what you're saying, I think.

I understand your point of view. We'll have to make an "ASLDFKSJDFLKJG LOVE U, ACTOR X" tier list. I'm glad you can see what I'm getting at. It's hard enough communicating these types of loose concepts in real life.

Agh goddamnit Fenrir you are too good.

This, however, did confuse me.

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Wait so what section does integ mod? I always thought it would of been general.

I'm outspokenly scornful of a third of the General forums, and I never visit most of the rest. :P

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I'm outspokenly scornful of a third of the General forums, and I never visit most of the rest. :P

I believe this is impossible - I counted 17 General forums.

However, if you count subforums as fully joined with general, it's a total of 6 (i.e., subforums make a whole together with the more general forum). And if you count each subforum as half a forum, you get 12.

Sometimes I think I live on whim alone.

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Will Smith was my favorite actor of the 90's. It's a shame what he became.


He the main guy on army of darkness, the sidekick of burn notice, and had a awesome camo in megas xlr.

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Ok, I agree with that, he became famous due to his acting roles.(Which, you could argue he got for his bodybuilding and not acting skills, but that's neither here nor there) But to me he's almost bigger than the screen. So there's that, and then the fact I haven't seen many of his movies. Put those two together and it makes sense that I decided not to rate him.

That being said, I posted this on a forum and not on my refridgerator for a reason. I wanted to discuss actors, so now that I have input from people who've seen more Arnold than me. So I'll rank him sooner than later and probably put him lower than that tier.

Possibly. After all, he did get most of his roles because he's huge and he's got huge guts.

You should totally watch Conan the Barbarian, Terminator (1st one), Predator (also 1st one) and Commando so you can know how Arnold Arnold really is. Give or take a T2.

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EDIT: How did you guys not let me know I left Gary Oldman off? I just realized today. Did put him and Arnold in though.

Also, what do you guys think of the whole top tier. I know somebody mentioned they didn't like where Matt Damon was earlier.

I'm outspokenly scornful of a third of the General forums, and I never visit most of the rest. :P

I see hahah

And Soul is luckier for it.

this is so true lol

No Christopher Lee, Brian Blessed, Alan Rickman, Jeremy Irons etc.? Dafuq

I should put Christopher Lee on. Fucking mind blowing fact about him I just found out was that he was born in 1922. I knew he was old. Just not THAT old.

I don't really know the other guys you listed.

Will Smith was my favorite actor of the 90's. It's a shame what he became.


He the main guy on army of darkness, the sidekick of burn notice, and had a awesome camo in megas xlr.

Will Smtih has some good movies past 2000. Now he's mostly shit though. Men in black 3 was OK, but probably just because I liked the first 2. Also his movie coming out this summer looks so terrible.

I don't really know him besides his role in burn notice. good actor, though.

Possibly. After all, he did get most of his roles because he's huge and he's got huge guts.

You should totally watch Conan the Barbarian, Terminator (1st one), Predator (also 1st one) and Commando so you can know how Arnold Arnold really is. Give or take a T2.

If any of them are on netflix instant I'm sure I'll get around to it. Otherwise I'll just have to try and make some time for it.

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I should put Christopher Lee on. Fucking mind blowing fact about him I just found out was that he was born in 1922. I knew he was old. Just not THAT old.

And despite that has released 3 symphonic metal albums. Crazy ass 90 y/o motherfucker

I don't really know the other guys you listed.

Alan Rickman - Hans Gruber/Snape/

Jeremy Irons - Scar/Simon Gruber.

and then the other guy is BRIAN BLESSED

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I've been looking for that gif, I give you my sincere thanks from one mike to another

No probs, although unfortunately I couldn't find the one with a crudely drawn cock shopped in

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